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Chapter Thirty-Seven: East Pavilion Discussion (1)

Entering the East Pavilion, several bachelors of the Chongzheng Palace Hall had already taken their seats and were whispering among themselves.

Dazai Cai Bian leaned over and whispered something. Situ He Zhizhong next to him nodded repeatedly and chuckled occasionally.

Zuo Pushe Zhang Shuye and Sikou Chang Anmin seemed to be arguing about something, their faces were red. But everyone knew that the two of them talked and discussed things the same way.

Zongze, the censor of Zuodu, sat there quietly, like a statue of a god in the main hall, calm but powerful.

Several bachelors from the Chui Gong Hall filed in. They first greeted the five grand bachelors respectfully, and then found their seats and sat down.

Li Fu, the Minister of Personnel, and Liu Zhengfu, the Minister of Rites, rushed to the East Pavilion first and sat together talking in low voices.

The two of them had happy faces and looked very relaxed.

Liu Kai, the Minister of the Ministry of War, Xu Ji from the Du Branch, and Zhang Zai, the Yin of Kaifeng Prefecture, were talking to each other one after another.

Xu Ji and Zhang Zai seemed to be arguing about something. Zhang Zai straightened his neck, as if he was a little angry. Xu Ji had a smile on his face, neither angry nor surprised. Liu Kai occasionally made a sound and said a few words of peace in the middle.

Su Mai, the censor of the right capital, and Zhong Chengfan, the general secretary of the Zhongshu Province, were talking to each other purely. They both had extraordinary bearings, held their heads high, and had a very good command of their temperament.

Tan Shiji, the secretary and provincial servant, was sitting on the side, whispering to Yu Wenxuzhong, the secretary and provincial servant, Zuo Sanqi, the regular servant.

Looking around, Cao Duo found that he was the latest to arrive - he went to the Shengci Palace to pay homage to the Empress Dowager Zhu. His eyes quickly intertwined with Cai Bian and Zhang Shuye, and they understood each other.

"My lords, I'm really sorry that I came down late and kept you waiting for a long time."

Everyone here has more seniority than him, Cao Duo said humbly.

"Cao Shangshu doesn't have to be like this. The meeting time hasn't come yet, but I was impatient and came a little early." The host of the meeting, Dazai Cai Bian, replied with a smile.

After signaling Cao Duo to sit down, Cai Bian looked around at the crowd, and then said slowly: "There are also two bachelors of Chui Gong Palace, Zeng Maoming, the Yin of Beiping, and Sun Xuanming, the chief of Xuanfu envoy in Shanbei, who are absent as usual. The rest of the gentlemen are here. Okay, let’s start the discussion.”

Seeing that no one had any objections, Cai Bian continued to speak. He faced Yu Wenxuzhong, raised his hands and asked: "Chang Shi Yuwen Zuo, is there any holy edict?"

"As far as I'm concerned, Dazai, I'm just attending the East Pavilion meeting as a secretary to serve as an official," Yu Wenxuzhong quickly replied.


"That being the case, let's start with the first agenda item." Cai Bian said politely.

"After the official family returned to Beijing the day before yesterday, they talked to me, Botong Gong and Xi Gu Gong about some things in Chongzheng Hall. The first thing among them was that the bachelors of Chongzheng Hall and the bachelors of Chuigong Hall needed to make some adjustments and additions. "

When Cai Bian said this, everyone in the hall remained silent and had different expressions, but at first glance, they all seemed cautious and nervous.

By now, both the government and the opposition have figured out the government's political thinking. The three provinces and one Yuan, plus the Secretariat and the Xuanhui Yuan, may seem to have high positions of power, but in fact they are just the power agencies to implement decisions.

Whose decisions are implemented? Officials and cabinets.

It is natural for the officials to make decisions on major military and state matters. At the same time, the officials authorize the cabinet to make decisions on some major national affairs. As long as the officials do not veto the decisions made by the cabinet, the three provinces must abide by them.

The status of Chongzhengdian bachelors and Chuigongdian bachelors who can participate in this kind of decision-making is increasingly valued. Those who are both ministers and have the title of Chuigongdian bachelor can join the cabinet and participate in the decision-making of major matters; those who have not been given the title can It's just a matter of obedience.

In particular, the official family also handed over the candidates for deputy county/ministerial and county/ministerial officials to Dongge for negotiation, so this authority was even heavier.

Now the officials have proposed to fine-tune the quota of bachelors in Chongzhengdian Palace and Chuigongdian Palace. The stakes are very important, and everyone is weighing the pros and cons in their minds.

However, everyone can only make secret calculations in their hearts - because bachelors and bachelors are directly appointed by the officials, and Dazai Cai Bian can't get involved.

"The meaning of the official family is that the Shangshu Province is the political secretary, the Zhongshu Province is the constitutional secretary, and the subordinate provinces are the ministers. The heads of the three provinces should join the cabinet and perform the responsibilities of the bachelor. The Shangshu Province is responsible for governing the country's affairs and has great powers and responsibilities, so there are many

A bachelor is also a matter of course. Previously, the officials had their own considerations when they removed the rank of bachelor from the Privy Council envoys."

"After he inspected the place, he found that there was still something wrong with the separation of military and political affairs. The original words of the officials were that military and political affairs are integrated and cannot be separated. How can they be separated? Since they cannot be separated, there is no need to create another stage.

So what the officials mean is that the Privy Council envoys will continue to confer the title of Bachelor of Chongzhengdian University."

Having said this, Cai Bian glanced this way.

Zongze sat upright and said with emotion and anger: "The officials came to talk to me early in the morning. When the Privy Council envoys are added to the Chongzheng Hall, one of the ministers will withdraw. I just want to do more things for the country and the king.

, Titles and the like don’t matter. I don’t care whether you are a bachelor of Chongzheng Palace or a bachelor of Chuigong Palace.”

Cai Bian immediately added: "Zong Zuozhen is a noble and upright man! He is indeed a role model for us."

After a few words of praise, Cai Bian continued: "In addition, the Military Counselor of the Privy Council and the Marquis of Yu, the military commander, should also be supplemented with the title of bachelor of Chuigong Palace. In addition, the official family means local, and they should also be supplemented.

A few bachelors from Chui Gong Hall."

Hearing this, Su Mai spoke.

"Dazai, if we follow the government's wishes and add a few more bachelors from the Chui Gong Palace to the local government, it will be a long journey and it will be difficult to get to Kaifeng in time. I am afraid that even more people will be absent from the cabinet meeting."

Cai Bian leaned back slightly on his chair, glanced to the left, and gave Sikou Chang Anmin the opportunity to answer the question.

"I also raised this issue in front of the emperor. Officials said that local bachelors can not only exchange letters and official documents to express their opinions, but also return to Beijing once a year to report on their work, and then they can attend the Dongge Conference. The actual situation in the local area

, which is completely different from what the central officials saw in the documents. At the decision-making meeting to discuss military and state affairs, local representatives need to speak out."

After listening to Chang Anmin's words, Su Mai stopped talking.

Seeing that no one had any objections, Cai Bian continued.

"As for how many Chuigongdian bachelors will be added to the local government, officials said that they need to think about it before making a decision. However, the quota is five Chongzhengdian bachelors, and fifteen to seventeen Chuigongdian bachelors. This is a rule, and it should not be


Cao Duo calculated in his mind that the number of five bachelors in Chongzheng Hall would not increase or decrease.

There are fifteen to seventeen bachelors in Chui Gong Hall. Currently, there are Fan Chunchun, Li Fu, Xu Ji, Liu Zhengfu, Liu Kai, Zhang Zai, Su Mai, Tan Shiji and nine of himself, plus the two eldest grandsons Moli and Moli who are not in Beijing.

Zeng Baohua is the eleventh.

Li Kui, the envoy of the Privy Council, replenished his position as a bachelor of the Chongzheng Palace, and Zongze, the imperial censor of Zuodu, was demoted to a bachelor of the Chui Gong Palace, which makes the number twelve. The officials said that they would add the Military Counselor and the Dian Jundu Yuhou to the list, making the number fourteen.

This means that there can only be at most three additional bachelors from the Chui Gong Hall in the local area.

Which three? Everyone began to make calculations in their minds. Kaifeng Prefecture and Peking Prefecture have both added the Bachelor of Chui Gongdian. Beidu and Tokyo have it, and Xidu and Nandu should not be without it. This means that Xi'an Prefecture and Jiangning Prefecture may have Add the Bachelor of Gongdian Hall.

Represent local voices, southeast, northwest, all should be taken into consideration.

Cai Bian continued: "No one has any objection to the first agenda item."

The quota of bachelors and bachelors is an arbitrary power of the monarchy. Who dares to have an opinion?

"Since there are no objections, let's start the second agenda. The officials inspected several counties in the southeast, and then went up the river to inspect some prefectures and counties in the four counties of Huaixi, Jiangxi, Hunan and Hubei. Many problems were discovered. The first issue is that the Chief Secretary, the General Inspectorate and the Military Preparation Department are responsible for their own affairs, which has advantages and disadvantages."

Cai Bian briefly explained the pros and cons summarized by Zhao Si, and then said: "What the officials want to do is to add one more person to each county to take charge of the three divisions of government, government, and army? This is a serious matter, and the officials are hesitant. Undecided, I want everyone to discuss it."

After he finished speaking, he looked around at the crowd and said, "Let's all talk. It's still the old rule to speak freely and express your opinions."
This chapter has been completed!
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