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Chapter 40: East Pavilion Discussion (4)

The most important matter was finally agreed upon, and several ministers, including Cai Bian, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Mida, who was working on the administration at the side, quickly took advantage of this gap to order the history clerks to come in and serve tea to the elders.

The aroma of tea suddenly filled the meeting hall.

"Well, this is the aroma of Luzhou Lu'an tea. I heard that the officials gave this tea the name Liu'an Guapian? This tea has no roots or buds, and is made from a single leaf. It has a refreshing fragrance, fresh and mellow taste, and is indeed

Good tea.”

Cai Bian opened his mouth and started chatting about tea.

Su Mai is a tea lover, and he became energetic when he started talking about this. He immediately talked endlessly. Others also thought it was an interesting conversation to relieve their tense mood and thoughts.

When Su Mai finished speaking, Uncle Zhang answered loudly.

"This year's spring tea harvest will be great. Tea bricks from Siqi, Jiqu, Hexi, Longyou, Shuofang, Dingxiang and other border counties as well as the Western Regions can be satisfied. At the same time, a large number of tea bricks are exported to Goryeo, Dongbo, Champa, Tianzhu, and Dashi

, Western Qin and Yanzhou. However, the Judicial Investigation Bureau has reported that there are people with evil intentions in each tea farm one after another, intending to steal tea seeds and transplant them to other places. Most of them are behind the scenes of Korean, Eastern Japanese and Tianzhu merchants. We must be on guard."

Su Mai was stunned by these words. He swallowed back all the concluding words he was about to say. Topic terminator, can we still chat happily?

Cai Bian smiled secretly and resumed control of the venue.

"Okay, let's all take a break and move on to the next agenda."

Before he finished speaking, Fan Chunchun spoke immediately.

"Dazai, everyone, I have a topic and I rashly inserted it into the agenda. I'm sorry!" Fan Chunchuan raised his hand and turned around politely to everyone.

He, Zhongcheng, the general secretary of the Zhongshu Province, is equivalent to the secretary-general of the Zhongshu Province.

The Zhongshu Provincial Council unanimously approved the law. According to the procedure, the draft was first reviewed by him and the Zhongshushe people from the General Affairs Department. After it was approved, it was discussed at the Zhongshu Provincial Council meeting according to the schedule and passed by consensus.


The scheduling is also arranged by the general affairs department led by him. He is also responsible for the qualification examination of the Jiayi doctor and the general secretary of Zhongshu Province, the establishment and examination of officials such as Zhongshu Sheren, Lingshi, and secretary office, and documents

He has the right and responsibility to negotiate with the Shangshu Province, the Menxia Province, the Privy Council, the Xuanhui Yuan and other departments to urge them to implement the laws as soon as possible.

The real powerful figures in the Zhongshu Province are not comparable to the nearly ten Right Counselors who hold high positions but have no real power. Even the nominal second-ranking figure in the Zhongshu Province is not comparable to the Zuo Counselor.

Some people compare Tongshi Zhongcheng to the second-ranking figure in Zhongshu Province after Situ.

Coupled with Fan Chunchen's status as the fourth son of Duke Fan Wenzheng, when he speaks, everyone must listen attentively.

"This issue was also triggered by the discussion just now about adding general consuls to each county. The provinces under the command are divided into the Procuratorate and the Dali Temple. Among them, the Dali Temple is the place where the law is judged. The law should be upheld fairly and impartially, so Dali

The five chief ministers of the temple are personally appointed by the officials, and the young ministers are appointed by the subordinate provinces. They maintain their neutrality and impartiality. I can understand and have no objection."

"The Metropolitan Procuratorate is divided into left and right censors. The left is the procuratorate censor, who performs procuratorial and judicial duties; the right is the supervisory censor, who performs supervisory and prosecutorial duties. When it comes to the prosecutor's office in each county, it is divided into the prosecutor's office and the supervisory office. The prosecutor's office sends it to

Prefectures and counties are composed of procuratorate bureaus and procuratorate offices. The supervisory offices are stationed in various prefectures and counties in turn to perform the duties of supervision and prosecution in the name of the Supervisory Censor's Office."

Fan Chunchuan spoke in a leisurely manner. He first briefly explained the responsibilities of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and then changed the subject.

"I have read the "Guanzhi Yaodian" and the "Menxia Province Ducha Huidian" and feel that the procuratorate censor and the supervisory censor do the same thing. They are both responsible for detecting lawlessness and correcting mistakes. It is just that

The former comprehensively inspects the law, while the latter specializes in supervising officials. The responsibilities are the same, so why not combine them into one and no longer separate the duties. This can not only save the establishment and salary, but also simplify the administration and make it more pragmatic."

After Fan Chunchu finished speaking, everyone looked at each other in shock.

What on earth does this old master mean? Could it be that he just opposed the establishment of an additional county chief, and after being rejected, he felt resentful and deliberately made things difficult here?

However, everyone just had a second thought and did not take it seriously. Everyone believed that Mr. Fan’s character would never be so petty. In other words, this issue was really an impromptu idea of ​​Mr. Fan.

But how can we deal with such an issue that has not been discussed in advance? Besides, the Metropolitan Procuratorate has the duty to supervise all officials, so how can we rush to point fingers?

Especially Cai Bian, he was complaining in his heart. He had just understood an agenda discussion that was not pre-arranged and was temporarily added by officials, and you inserted another one.

How can I lead and control this meeting?

Just when everyone didn't know how to answer, Zongze spoke.

"Fan Jigong, I am the censor of Zuodu, in charge of the Procuratorate. I would like to answer a question or two for you."

Everyone couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and together with Fan Chunchun, they listened quietly.

"Fan Jigong is right. The censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, regardless of supervision or prosecution, is responsible for the duties of prosecutors and judicial officers. They inspect the implementation of the law, detect illegal and evil things, and then submit the case for public prosecution and hand it over to Dali Temple for judgment and punishment. It's just that

The detailed process must be explained to Fan Jigong by this junior."

"When ordinary people break the law, the police and other departments will investigate and deal with it. The prosecutor only needs to supervise whether the case is in compliance with the procedures and whether the evidence is conclusive. When the police department clarifies the case and hands it over, the prosecutor will conduct a preliminary review and find that it is indeed illegal.

Then file a lawsuit with the court; if there are still flaws and loopholes, return the file and ask the police and other departments to continue investigating and enrich the evidence."

"This is the process of people's prosecution. It is also illegal for officials to engage in corruption, bribery, dereliction of duty, and abuse of power. But if people break the law, the police department will investigate and deal with it in the early stage, collect evidence, and establish the case. When officials break the law, who is responsible for it in the early stage?

Investigate and handle? It is impossible to ask the prosecutor to investigate and handle directly, because he has pre-trial responsibilities and needs to be fair and impartial."

"It is very inappropriate to pre-examine the cases you investigate and then decide whether to prosecute them! So when the officials designed the official system of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, they specially added the Supervision Office and the Supervision Censor. Each county has a local Supervision Office, and the center has a central

The Office of Supervision is responsible for supervising local and central officials. Once clues are found, they will immediately investigate and collect evidence. Once the evidence is confirmed, it will be reported to the Procuratorate or the Metropolitan Procuratorate for review, and the officer will be removed from his official position, and then handed over to the Procurator-General for prosecution.


"Fan Jigong, Dazai, colleagues, this is the specific process of the Procuratorial and Supervisory Departments of our Metropolitan Procuratorate. Therefore, after our censors join the post, we will first serve as supervisory censors. After three to five years of hard work and qualifications, we can then

Can be transferred to prosecutor censor..."

Everyone listened very carefully to Zongze's talk. When he finished speaking, everyone's eyes involuntarily turned to Fan Chunchun's face, wondering if he had any other opinions.

Fan Chunchun was silent for a while, and finally said: "It sounds complete and complete, but it is too complicated and goes against the meaning of simple administration and pragmatism. We don't know the difference yet, how can the people know?"

"Fan Jigong, the common people don't need to know these official systems and operations, and it's useless if they do. If they have demands or grievances, they can just go to Qinmin Hall or Fengxianfang. The officials, ministers, and ministers have repeatedly emphasized that Qinmintang and Fengxianfang

There were flaws in the constitution, leaving the people with no way to complain, and the local magistrates, county magistrates, and the central censor and censor all vetoed it."

"One vote veto, the meaning of this word coined by the officials is known to everyone. No matter how good other political achievements are, no matter how many reasons for difficulties are given, they will not work, and they must be removed from office and seize the rank. In addition, the officials also urged the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to discuss and pass

The "Laws on Complaints for the People's Constitution and the Constitution" have been passed. Anyone who prevents people from going to the counties, prefectures and counties to appeal to the people's halls and constitution houses will have their titles removed, and those with official ranks will be removed from their posts and seize their rank. They will then be treated as guilty as common people.

Those who are serious will be strangled, while those who are light will be flown five thousand miles."

Now the territory of the Song Dynasty has more than doubled, and the exile distance has also increased.

A thousand miles? Not out of the county. Three thousand miles? Not out of the Central Plains. So we have to start at five thousand miles. Luzon in the south, Boni Island, Heishui River in the north, and Beihai are all good choices for the place of exile.


Therefore, exile became a real torture, and some criminals would rather be hanged than be exiled.

"Fan Jigong only needs to maintain the two windows of people's sentiments, Qinmin Hall and Fengxianfang, so that the internal operations of the government can be smooth, so that any injustice must be redressed, and any evil must be punished, so that the natural place can be cleared up, and the people can live and work in peace and contentment."

There was silence in the meeting hall.

Fan Chunchun looked at Zongze and didn't speak for a long time.

This may be the difference between the old school and the new school officials.

Although the old-school officials in the DPRK, including moderate conservatives and moderate reformists, support the changes, they are deeply influenced by their previous ideas and cannot truly integrate into the New Deal.

The new-style officials refer specifically to officials who took the national examination and were trained in training classes, including senior officials like Zongze, as well as officials who were later promoted by the officials. They were deeply influenced by the "new trend of thought" and have since

From his thoughts to his words and deeds, he fully agreed with the New Deal. At the same time, he consciously shouldered the mission - to transform the old Song Dynasty and build a new Song Dynasty.

This sense of mission makes them active in thinking and daring to venture into things.

Seeing the deadlock at the venue, Cai Bian spoke out.

"Zong Zuozhen answered Fan Jigong's question very well. Since there is no more discussion, let's move on to the next agenda."
This chapter has been completed!
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