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Chapter 49 The General Assembly of Gewuyuan

The bird boat left the Xishui Gate of the outer city and turned into Jinming Pool, where a specially opened waterway leads directly to Qionglin Garden.

There are two universities here, Chengjun and Biyong, Hongwen and Gewu academies (many research institutes under the Gewu Academy are located elsewhere, but the main institute is in Qionglinyuan), Hanlin Academy, Lantai Library, and Guzong

College, Huatuo Medical College and many other colleges.

This has become a new cultural and educational center in Kaifeng City, so Kaifeng Prefecture has opened a number of land and water passages to ensure convenient transportation.

Yue Zhuoqun and Luo Peisi came to Qionglinyuan to participate in the Second Song Dynasty hosted by Gewuyuan, Biyong University Joint Secretary Province, Shangshu Provincial Ministry of Rites, Academic Affairs Ministry and Industry Ministry, and sponsored by major factories, chambers of commerce and banks.

Science and Technology Conference.

In the past three years, Yue Zhuoqun, in cooperation with the Institute of Science and Technology, Chengdu University and Biyong University, has translated many books on philosophy, physics, mathematics and medicine from ancient Greece, Egypt, Persia, Dashi and other countries, while taking advantage of his knowledge of both China and the West.

, helped Gewuyuan formulate many new academic terms.

As an outstanding contributor, Yue Zhuoqun received a VIP invitation card to the conference.

After landing at the waterway pier in the north of Qionglin Garden, staff from the Institute of Science and Technology were waiting. They gathered under a large banner - the banner read in bold black characters: "Reception Counter of the Second Science and Technology Conference of the Song Dynasty"


Yue Zhuoqun took out the VIP invitation card, and he and Luo Peisi were immediately invited to a two-seater high-end carriage by the secretary of the Gewuyuan, while their entourage got into another eight-seater ordinary carriage.

""Science and Technology Conference"? Is it so grand?"

"Science and technology, taken together, are science and technology. This is a new term proposed by the officials of the Song Dynasty. Science was previously the subject of imperial examinations in the mouth of the people of the Song Dynasty. However, the officials of the Song Dynasty redefined it as 'reflecting nature, society and human thinking, etc.

"A divided knowledge system of objective laws', in other words, is 'the knowledge that can understand the essence of things through the analysis and research of phenomena'."

Yue Zhuoqun said, "The officials of the Song Dynasty divided science into natural sciences that study and analyze the nature of nature, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, geography, etc.; social sciences that study society and people, such as philosophy, economics, history, literature, law, etc.

Law, politics, language, as well as the nascent social, journalism and other knowledge."

Luo Peisi felt a little dizzy, "So many new terms? Did you help translate them all?"

"No, no, I only translated part of the definition. Many of them were defined by the officials of the Song Dynasty. He was really a genius with profound knowledge. Some of them were extracted from previous books and redefined by researchers from the Institute of Science and Technology."

"Oh, that's it. What does the word technology mean?"

"The Song people have had the word technology for a long time. It was mentioned in a very early history book*. It refers to skills and spells. It's a very magical term, isn't it? The current definition of technology by the Song people is 'to solve the problem'

The methods and principles of the problem', or 'the method of using existing things to change the functions and performance of existing things, or to form new things'."

"Science and technology together are science and technology. The two are closely related. Science solves theoretical problems, and technology solves practical problems; scientific research and reveals the essence of phenomena and the relationship between phenomena, and technology uses these scientific results to solve practical problems. Then Song Guoguan

He made a very interesting definition, 'Technology is the most important productivity'."

"Oh my god, my head is going to explode. There are so many new terms. I didn't understand them just now. Now what are you talking about productivity? What do you mean?"

Luo Peisi said he had a headache.

"Productivity is the ability to transform nature and create all material wealth. You should know that the Greek word material is a deformation of the Greek words mother and creator. The word material in the language of the Song Dynasty was formulated by the officials."

After listening to Yue Zhuoqun's explanation, Luo Peisi couldn't help but shake his head, "The Song people are really pitiful, they actually have to understand and memorize so many new terms."

"No, Luo, on the contrary, I envy them."

Yue Zhuoqun quickly waved his hand.

"The constant emergence of nouns means that new things are constantly being created. This shows that the Song Dynasty is constantly innovating. Can you see this prosperous atmosphere? In our motherland, Byzantium is in turmoil and is in turmoil; Rome is in turmoil.

It was as lifeless as a cemetery. In other places, Frankland, Germany, Western Saracen, Castile, Aragon, Bohemia, and Moravia, there were flames of war everywhere."

Having said this, Yue Zhuoqun stared at Luo Peisi, who was sitting across from him, and said solemnly: "In the three years of the Song Dynasty, I learned the most important thing, that is, true civilization is to learn from the strengths of others, learn from the past and adopt the new. Only by constantly maintaining tolerance

Only by innovation and innovation can we continue to shine brightly.”

Luo Peisi opened his mouth, and finally said helplessly: "Although I think you are right, it is of no use to us Byzantium. Its most important mission now is to survive."

Hearing this, Yue Zhuoqun, who had been very excited just now, felt that all his strength had been drained away from his body, and he could only sit helplessly on the chair, dejected.

Su Xie, the envoy of Gewuyuan, came to greet Yue Zhuoqun in person.

"Mr. Yue, Su is being disrespectful, rude, rude." Su Xie sang a rude song first and said politely.

"This is Mr. Luo, a distinguished guest, a distinguished guest who can't even be invited. Mr. Luo, please take a look. This conference is actually just a gathering and exchange of colleagues in the same industry. Don't be restrained. Don't be restrained.


"Envoy Su Yuan, where is Xu Siye?" Yue Zhuoqun said a few polite words and asked about another good friend, Zuo Siye Xu Lin of Biyong University.

"Brother Xu went to greet other people. There are so many people here today, so I didn't greet them well. I asked Mr. Yue and Mr. Luo to pay attention."

As soon as he said a few words, someone came to invite Su Xie, saying that Master Zuopushe and Duke Zhang had arrived together with several ministers.

Su Xie did not dare to neglect, so he could only apologize a few words and left in a hurry.

Yue Zhuoqun took Luo Peisi to watch casually.

This is the public place of Qionglin Garden, the Chongli Assembly Hall, which is very spacious. Various colleges and universities hold large-scale activities here.

Entering the lobby on the left, the research results of the research institutes affiliated to the Gewu Institute and the colleges of Biyong University are displayed here.

When you walk in, you will see the display areas of several major crop research institutes.

Agriculture is the foundation of the country, and this is clearly reflected. The Gewuyuan is directly affiliated with seven major crop research institutes: Southeast, Central Plains, Northwest, Southwest, Central South, Northeast, and Nanhai. Each institute also has several branches.

The seven major institutes are seven exhibition areas, with a dazzling array of achievements on display. Thousands of people are divided into different flows, flowing slowly.

The exhibition area includes high-yielding rice, drought-resistant wheat, cold-resistant rice, and localized varieties of the three treasures of Wonderland - corn, sweet potato, and potato (potato); there are seven sand-fixing treasures: sea buckthorn, Elaeagnus euphratica, Haloxylon ammodendron, flower stick, caragana, and camel.

Thorns; there are Song export flagship products - improved varieties of cotton, mulberry, tea and emerging products; there are various improved fruit varieties; there are improved varieties of cattle, sheep and horses...

In this magnificent lobby, I heard a few cows braying, horses neighing and sheep bleating from time to time, which was indeed a bit strange. However, the crowds of people wandering around did not take it seriously. Instead, they enthusiastically gathered around those that were optimized by cross-breeding with overseas breeds.

Cattle, sheep, or horse breeds that are mixed and optimized from multiple regional species, point and point, making these cattle, sheep, and horses very embarrassed.

* "Historical Records·Biography of Huozhi": "People who are skilled in medical prescriptions and food preparations are extremely capable of Jiao Shen, and they are called Chong Nian.
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