Turn off the lights
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Chapter Fifty-second

After walking out of the Penal Department Prison, he met Wang Zhen and Ming Zhaoxia, and walking on the street, Zhao Si suddenly realized that he seemed to have been busy all morning. Looking at the time, he saw that it was already half past time.

Walking on the streets of Kaifeng City, you can clearly feel that this prosperous city has just woken up from its deep sleep.

This behemoth seemed to have spent too much energy in the absurdity and noise last night. Just two or three hours of sleep could not fully wake it up.

Like Eleven Brother Zhao Ji who had just woken up not long ago, he was still in a state of confusion and confusion.

The people pouring night incense and harvesting the crops have already finished their work and left the city through the city gates with their carts. Even the woodcutters outside the city who came to sell firewood also pushed their carts one after another from the west.

Liangmen left the city.

At this time, the city of Kaifeng is in a mysterious state that seems quiet but not quiet, and seems noisy but not noisy.

The streets, alleys, teahouses, hotels, and tiled shops all seem to be being washed and dressed. Only after a period of tidying up will they become radiant and energetic again.

At dusk, someone gave an order, and countless soldiers and civilians came out of their respective shelters, gathered hundreds of people, and poured into the shops and buildings.

At that time, Kaifeng City was completely alive.

At that time, the prosperity of the world recorded in the history books during the prosperous days of the Han and Tang Dynasties would be less than half of it. The energetic Kaifeng people would indulge themselves until late at night, and then fall asleep until they were exhausted, preparing for the prosperity of the next day.

The hustle and bustle restores energy.

This is the city of Kaifeng in the Song Dynasty. People here thought that the peaceful and prosperous life would never end.

Zhao Si sighed and was about to rush to the palace.

A man stopped in front, bowed his hands and said, "Your Highness King Jian, my master has invited you!"

Yes, it seems that my reputation is getting better and better, and I am getting more requests.

Changqing Tower is located next to the east wall of Jinglingdong Palace.

The late emperor of the Zhen Temple customized the "Promote the Genealogy, Suizu Xuanyuan", taking Huangdi Xuanyuan as the ancestor of the Zhao surname, and then began to build the Jingling Palace to worship the Xuanyuan family.

It took a full four years to complete, with a total of 1,320 couplets, and its magnificence is rare in the world.

The highest standards of Ancestral Temple etiquette are used when offering sacrifices.

Renmiao suffered a fire during the reign of the late Emperor Tiansheng, and was immediately repaired, and then divided into the East and West Palaces.

Changqing Tower can be built next to Jinglingdong Palace, which shows its prominence.

Like other famous buildings, when you enter, you will see a splendid building with colorful brocades and flowers. After entering, there is a restaurant on the left for eating and drinking, and a tile restaurant on the right for listening to music and having fun.

The restaurant on the left is already full of people. The impatient people came here early to prepare for lunch.

The right side is sparse and deserted. Its most prosperous season is when the lights go down at night, which is still early.

On the right hand side, standing lazily on the railing on the second floor, were a dozen or so singers who had freshened up and came out to practice kungfu. They recognized the famous Little Jian King in Tokyo at a glance.

"Thirteenth Prince, are you finally willing to come find your sister?" A singer in her twenties joked.

In the eyes of these women, King Jian, King Duan, King Shen, Wang Duwei, Zhang Xianggong, Zeng Xianggong, Da Su Xu, and Xiao Su Xu were no longer powerful ministers of the clan. They were all benefactors without discrimination.

Laughing, playing, and having sex all the time.

No matter how noble a person is, he cannot be serious when it comes to situations like this. Even if he is serious, he is a false seriousness that is despised by others.

Zhao Si smiled faintly and replied duplicitously: "Thirteenth Lang is thinking about his sister all the time."

These are all romantic debts incurred by my predecessor, Zhao Si, and I, Zhao Si, will not repay them.

"Then you come to support my sister tonight." The singer said with surprise and joy.

"I have something to do tonight, I'll see my sister again in a few days." Zhao seemed to be dubious as he replied, his eyes quietly glancing at Ming Zhaoxia beside him.

Another singer next to her said: "Sister, do you think the sun rises from the west? He is still the same hard-hearted Thirteenth Man."

The singer who spoke first had a look of grief on her face, "Thirteenth Lang, after you were fascinated by the Jinyu slave, you didn't even look at the slave family and the others."

Zhao Si looked at Ming Zhaoxia next to him and laughed, "I really have something to do, so I don't dare to take it lightly. Besides, I am not good at poetry, calligraphy and painting, and I am very good at string, bamboo and orchestral music. It is really boring."

, I’m afraid that my sisters will dislike me.”

"Don't be afraid if you are boring. Thirteenth Lang's infatuated gold and jade slaves are famous in Kaifeng city. If I can invite you to sit upstairs, the slave family will become famous in Tokyo and rank among the leaders."

The other singers and prostitutes all laughed.

There was a young and beautiful prostitute, wearing a garden full of spring hairpins, leaning against the railing, assuming a maverick and outstanding posture, and looked askance at Zhao Si.

"Thirteenth Master, you have so much salary, so much land, and you make a lot of money every day. Even if you have so much money, you can't have children. Why not spend it? You don't have to be so stingy!"

There was silence in the building.

Zhao Si smiled in his heart. He was another young lady who had received a few compliments from powerful officials. She didn't know how high the world was and thought she was a white lotus in troubled times.

Ming Zhaoxia, who was following Zhao Si, had a cold expression on her face and held the hilt of the sword with her right hand. Gao Shixuan's eyes flashed, as if he was visually measuring the distance and angle.

The faces of the singers and prostitutes who were leaning on the railing turned ugly.

Especially the singer who was the first to tease Zhao Si, she walked up to the prostitute with a black face and angrily, slapped her so hard that her head tilted to the side, and her beautiful hairpins flew out.


"You are a thief and a despicable brat. You think you have won the favors and rewards from King Shen, King Duan, and Captain Wang, but you don't know how much you are worth! Who in Kaifeng City doesn't know that the Thirteenth Lang is the most generous?

A righteous one."

"His salary was used to save tens of thousands of hungry people outside the city. If Thirteenth Lang hadn't reported it to the Ming officials and spent his own money to distribute food, medicine and other supplies to the hungry people in the name of the People's Benefit Bureau, they would have gone there long ago.

It’s dead clean in the winter wind and snow.”

"You little prodigal, you dare to dispatch the Thirteenth Prince here. If word of your recklessness spreads, believe it or not, after you go out, the people of Kaifeng City will spit at you and drown you alive!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Changqing Building erupted into thunderous applause, as if a famous star sang a unique libretto in the hall. Even the waiters who were busy cleaning up on the left floor, and the wine people who came upstairs to enter the room.

Guest officer, after hearing this, you also shouted "Hello".

Zhao Si cupped his hands and asked from afar: "My sister's name is Yu Jinchun?"

The singer who scolded her angrily turned around with a smile on her face, "Thirteenth Lang has indeed not forgotten his sister, and he can still remember the slave's name."

It’s not me who remembers it, it’s the dead ghost Zhao Si who remembers it. Why he remembers it, I really don’t know.

There was a burst of light laughter all around.

Zhao Si also smiled and continued: "Later, I will ask my family to send five jars of 'Wuling Immortal Brew' to Sister Yu Jinchun, and thank Sister to speak for me. The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, so the relationship between me and my sister is

Friendship is as mellow as this wine."

"Okay!" Everyone roared again, and couldn't help but admire: "You are really a chivalrous and righteous little King Jian!"

Ming Zhaoxia secretly pinched Zhao Si's lower back from behind, "You're a libertine, you never thought you'd hide your old sweetheart here."

Zhao Si gritted his teeth in pain and said softly: "My good sister, the conscience of heaven and earth, since I got along with you, all the beautiful things have turned into vulgar powder."

Ming Zhaoxia snorted and then let it go.

Zhao Si came up the stairs and met numerous greetings along the way. No matter the handyman or the official, they all felt proud to greet Thirteenth Prince Jian. He also bowed his hands one by one and returned the greeting with a smile.

When they came to a private room, the guide knocked on the door, and a woman's voice came from inside.

"Please come in."

Zhao Si was slightly surprised, but without any hesitation in his steps, he stepped into the door that was pushed open.

I saw a woman sitting by the window, with blue eyes like lake water and curly red hair. After seeing her appearance clearly, Zhao Si's first thought was, how could he get into such a Nordic beauty?

Zhao Si really didn't expect that two or three hundred years later, there would still be "Hu Ji" with such obvious characteristics.

"I, Mr. Zhao Sanlang. I wonder what I call my wife?"

"My surname is Li, and my family calls me Li Shuze."

"Li Zeze, Li Zeze," Zhao Si said softly a few times, then suddenly asked, "This should be the term of the Hexi Dangxiang people, leader, commander?"

Li Shuze smiled like a flower and said, "Thirteenth Lang is really knowledgeable and knowledgeable."

This is her acknowledgment that she is the new leader of Xiandaotang.

"There! I've just been paying more attention to the situation in Hexi." Zhao Si replied meaningfully, "It's just that Li Shuze called her, and it really doesn't sound like a woman's name. It doesn't sound good. I wonder what the lady's name is?"

"This county's name is Li Qingluan."

Li Qingluan twisted his body, and Miaoman's figure looked even more thrilling.

"As soon as Thirteenth Master entered the door, he looked at the slave family with sharp eyes. Now he is asking the slave family's name. Does it mean something to the slave family?".

Her words were unrestrained, as if she was flirting. But there was less affection in her words and more hidden knives.

"When I saw the lady, I suddenly remembered the poem by Li Taibai of the former Tang Dynasty, 'Jasper shines brightly in the eyes, golden fists (rolls) and temples are red'. Doesn't this refer to the lady? I was curious and read more.

A few glances.”

"But I don't have much interest in my wife, but I am very interested in your country's Xian Dao Hall. Last night in Mawangzao Lane, the heroic souls of the twenty-five heroes in your hall have returned to Hexi."

Li Qingluan narrowed his eyes slightly and said angrily, "These people are all rebellious. Not only will their souls not be able to rest in peace, but their families will also be severely punished!"

Zhao Si laughed, "If the matter is exposed, it is treason. If the matter is accomplished, take off the head from my neck, and you will become a hero!"

Li Qingluan couldn't sit still. She deeply felt the sharpness of Zhao Si's words.

She had just heard the whole process in the private room. She found that the Thirteenth Prince Jian was beyond her expectation. He should be a determined and capable person.

But I never expected that he would be more difficult to deal with than I expected.

Li Qingluan decided to go straight to the topic.

"Prince Jian, the Xu family brothers are in our hands."

Zhao Si glanced at her and did not follow her topic. Instead, he asked bluntly: "What about Xu Ergui's wife and only son?"

Li Qingluan was speechless for a moment.

1. Anthropologists have verified that the white race originated from the Caucasus and migrated around. The Aryans in Tianzhu and the Tocharian race in the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty are their branches that migrated to the east. The Sogdians in the Western Regions are typical examples.

His blue eyes and blond hair are very similar to those of the Germanic people who migrated westward.

The female mummy in the Loulan Ancient Tomb, the famous "Loulan Girl", was restored using the latest scientific and technological means, and her appearance is similar to that of the Nordic people. Therefore, in the Tang Dynasty poems, "jasper eyes are bright, gold fists are red on the temples", "curly hair and beard"

The blue-eyed and blond Hu Ji in "Green Eyes, High-rise Buildings Quietly Blowing Bamboos at Night" is well-founded.
This chapter has been completed!
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