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Chapter 93: Bangyuan Cave (2)

Lying in the grass on the hillside, Han Shizhong and Wu Jie looked at Fang La and his group on the mountain road.

There were a total of five hundred people, most of them were green scarf warriors with strong bodies. Among them, the one closest to Fang La was wearing standard armor. His head was covered with sweat in the winter, and his tongue was sticking out like a bird in the hot summer.

A fainting dog.

"Why did a fool sneak in here? He's wearing standard armor when walking on mountain roads. He's pretty good even if he's not exhausted." Wu Jie saw Fang Tianbao at a glance.

"There are no real fools in this world." Han Shizhong also saw Fang Tianbao. He was closest to Fang La, like the closest person.

The portraits of Fang La and his subordinates, the Four Heavenly Kings and the Eight Great Vajras, have long been circulated among the troops participating in the war.

"Look," Han Shizhong pointed to the crowd who were sitting down to rest, "it was the boy who handed Fang La the water. Fang La took it and drank it without hesitation, which shows that he has great trust in him. Wearing a set of standard armor, he followed closely

Maybe it’s the basis of this trust.”

Wu Jie understood somewhat, and then turned his attention to the entire bandit team.

"Fifth brother, there are five hundred of them, and they all seem to be good players. It may not be appropriate to take action now."

"That's right. When we start now, these five hundred people will run all over the mountains and fields. Fang La will most likely escape among them. It will be difficult to find him at that time. The mountains are high here and the forests are dense. If you are not careful, you can escape with him.

Like the earth, it disappeared."

"Fifth brother, let's wait until they come in to help the source cave. We have already explored the place thoroughly, and we are familiar with the big and small paths. As soon as they enter, we can close the door and beat the dogs."

"I'm still a little worried. We didn't go into Bangyuan Cave to take a look, and we don't know much about what's inside. There isn't much information from the internal affairs department. Apart from the specific location, approximate troop strength and equipment, there is no more detailed information.

Is there a secret passage? Or is there a secret passage in Bangyuan Cave leading to other places? We don’t know at all.”

"It's possible." Wu Jie nodded, "I heard from the old people in the mountains that Bangyuan Cave is said to be dozens of miles deep, and there may be an underground river in it, leading directly to Shezhou in Jiangdong County."

"Yes, if there is no mystery, how could Fang La manage Bangyuan Cave as the secret place for him to escape and save his life."

"Fifth brother, what should we do?"

Han Shizhong thought for a while, "Wait for them to enter the hole, and then take advantage of them and attack quickly. As long as you are fast enough, you should be able to grab Fang La's tail. As long as you can bite his tail, you can catch him even if he runs to the ends of the earth."


Wu Jie thought about it and realized that this was indeed the best way at the moment.

Under the gaze of hundreds of pairs of eyes, Fang La and his party entered Bangyuan Cave.

This is actually a small basin in a mountain col. A cottage was built according to the natural dangers of the mountain. Behind the cottage is Bangyuan Cave.

Thousands of people were stationed in the stronghold. When they saw Fang La coming, they all came to pay their respects.

Fang La said a few words of encouragement and ordered him to be rewarded with wine and meat - now is the time to employ people, and he must win over people's hearts.

After all the tribesmen were comforted, Fang La led Fang Tianbao and several other confidants into the heavily guarded Bangyuan Cave. He first gave detailed instructions and arranged the affairs of several confidants, and then called Fang Tianbao alone.

Step aside and let him prepare quietly.

After everything was arranged, Fang La sat there and thought about it for a while to see if there was anything he had overlooked. His wife, Shao Shi, pulled Fang Hao, who was six or seven years old, in.

"Sir, you look so sad, what happened?"

"Oh, the government suddenly mobilized and sent troops to attack us. It was so sudden, I was not prepared at all." Fang La said with a bitter face.

"Why does the government say that it changes its attitude when it changes its attitude? Didn't the officials spend a lot of money to manage the affairs of Donghai County well?" Shao asked in surprise, pouring Fang La a cup of hot tea.

"My lord, have a cup of hot tea."

Fang La picked up the hot tea, blew the hot air from the teacup gently with his mouth, and said thoughtfully: "Old man Liu Ji has always disliked me. I tried my best to win him over, but I couldn't find the right way.

It must have been that he reported to Tokyo and persuaded the Hunjun to send these officers and soldiers. It’s just..."

"Guanren, just what?"

"Among these tens of thousands of officers and soldiers, there are those from Jiangdong County, those from Zuoweiwei, and even some from the navy who came ashore.

.How can this be done in a short time?"

"Officials, there are rumors that the officials are descended from the purple emperor's star in the sky. They are excellent in literature, Taoism and military strategy. Especially in running the army and fighting, they are now invincible in the world..."

Fang La waved his hand and interrupted Shao's words.

"Hunjun marches and fights. He is indeed one of the best in the world. But these tens of thousands of officers and soldiers have to be mobilized from all over the place. No matter how powerful he is, it will take time and there will be movement. Such a long time, such a big movement, I

I haven’t received any news at all. This is suspicious!”

"Guanren, what's so strange about this? Guanren failed to bribe Liu Ji, and he knew Guanren's connections and power in Donghai County, so he specifically reminded the court to avoid the eyes and ears of Donghai County."

"What you said makes some sense, but if you think about it further, Hunjun and the court, such a big news was actually hidden from the entire Donghai County. Or maybe it was specially hidden from the eyes and ears of me in Donghai County.


After listening to Fang La's words, Shaw also felt horrified. It was like a huge conspiracy was slowly unfolding in front of them.

"Dad, mother, I'm hungry." Fang Hao suddenly said.

"Oh, second brother is hungry. Come and have some pastries." Mr. Shao quickly stuffed his son with two pastries, "Official, second brother knew you were coming and has been waiting for you. He said he wanted to eat with you."

Fang La looked at his tiger-headed son, and felt a warm and tender feeling in his heart. He took a few breaths through his nose, and said with a sigh: "Madam, second brother, I have failed you in the past few years. Eat, let's eat together."

The meal is very simple, with meat and vegetables, and the staple food is rice.

"This rice smells different, it's very fragrant." Fang La watched Fang Hao devour it, stared blankly for a while, and then turned to Shao and said.

"This is Siam rice that the officials bought this autumn. I heard it is more delicious than Champa rice and Jiazhou (Mekong Delta region) rice. I specially asked them to cook some and give it to you."

Fang La was stunned for a moment. He asked casually, not wanting to get such an answer. The answer flashed through his mind like a bright light.

"That's it! It seems that I fell short. Is it because of this?"

"What's wrong, officer?"

"The conversion of rice to mulberry in western Zhejiang was strongly opposed by Liu Ji. He knew that western Zhejiang originally had many mountains and few fields. If the rice fields were converted into mulberry fields, too many rice fields would be taken up, and the wealthy families would have nothing to eat, and ordinary people would have no food to eat.

It's just that wealth and silk are so attractive that the wealthy families in western Zhejiang don't care whether the people have food to eat. They just want to make more silk cocoons and make more money."

"I fanned the wind and lit a fire in it, just because I wanted to take advantage of the fact that the people in western Zhejiang had no food to eat and were suffering from hunger and cold, and if I raised my arms, great things could be accomplished. But I never expected that after two or three years, rice has been replaced by mulberry.

The people in western Zhejiang can still barely survive. Now that I think about it, it is because of the influx of Champa rice, Jiazhou rice and Siam rice that the price of rice in western Zhejiang has not skyrocketed as I thought.


The more Fang La thought about it, the more he felt cold sweat break out on his back. Isn't this a game?

He is the key to the entire bureau - his objections are an open secret in the prefectures and counties in western Zhejiang and even in eastern Zhejiang.

By then, if the privately owned dragon robes and gold seals are found in several of his houses, the crime of treason will be completely confirmed. At that time, the two Zhejiang aristocratic families, local officials and celebrities that he bribed and colluded with will be like a

The grasshoppers on a rope can be pulled into a bunch of grasshoppers.

This naturally includes the Jiangnan and central officials who he sent to Suzhou, Jiangning, and Kaifeng to bribe, as well as celebrities. They will all be implicated in his conspiracy.

Fang La couldn't help but shudder - he had studied Zhao Si's political philosophy and measures, as well as the edicts and articles published openly and secretly, and knew that this official always shouted that party disputes between the DPRK and China were strictly prohibited.

However, eliminating dissidents is what the leader must do. Especially when he implemented the New Deal, he encountered a lot of resistance from the opposition groups.

Since we can't clean up the central and local areas in the name of party struggle, then is it enough to conspire against the great leader?

That's right! Wang Qing of Huaixi and Tian Hu of Taihang, these two heroes who I have always maintained secret contact with and plan to recruit as foreign aid, must be similar to my own roles.

In this way, Jiangnan, Jiangbei, and the Central Plains, the three areas with the strongest and most concentrated opposition to the New Deal, will each

Triggering a huge scandal. All those who oppose the New Deal may be connected with themselves, Wang Qing and Tian Hu.

In fact, most of the people I contacted and got on the line with were those who were very dissatisfied with the officials and the court's new policies. Presumably the same was true for Wang Qing and Tian Hu.

That's right.

The sheep are fattened and can be slaughtered. I am just one of the three sheep in the flock, the self-righteous sheep that barks the most cheerfully.

Thinking of this, Fang La felt very uncomfortable.

Chapter 93 Bangyuan Cave (2)
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