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Chapter 102 Negotiations in accordance with the etiquette (2)

"Father, my son looked at Cui Libu, and he was no longer the polite and humble gentleman he used to be. Besides, Cui Libu had been serving in the capital before, and had also served as privy envoy and judge. The Song Dynasty destroyed Xia Pingliao and made great military achievements.

He should know about Huanghuang Wuwei. Why did Zhenzhou and his party suddenly become a different person? They are headstrong, arrogant and rude."

After settling in the backyard of Zhenzhou Yamen, Jin Fushi hurriedly found his father Jin Jin and couldn't wait to express his doubts.

"Previously, I thought that his mind changed drastically after he stayed in Nanhai County for two or three years. Now that I think about it carefully, I understand that Cui Libu, who has gone through many ups and downs in the officialdom, is actually a wise, clear-hearted and determined person."

"Father, do you think Cui Libu is showing off?" Jin Fushi thought for a moment and understood what his father meant.

"Above the court, the ministers rarely speak out of their hearts. What they say is mostly out of their position and for the sake of their official position. Cui Sisu has served as an envoy to the Privy Council and has judged official affairs, military affairs and state affairs.

, he has so much experience. How could he not see Wu Yanchong’s difficulties? It’s just that his stance is different, and his words are completely different.”

Jin Jin sighed: "Cui Sixu, Yu Luchong, and Gao Lingchen belonged to the same faction. Back then, because they were serving the Liao or Song Dynasties, they had a great fight with Cui Hongsi and Jin Jingyong's faction. In the end, they lost power and were demoted to Nanhai County and other islands. Later, Li Ziqian

Joined forces with Cui Hongzheng, Wu Yanchong and other main war factions to fight Cui Hongsi and Jin Jingyong."

"Now that our country of Korea has been defeated and completely defeated, someone must take responsibility. So Li Ziqian joined forces with Cui Sisu's faction. One side wanted to get rid of the responsibility, and the other side wanted to make a comeback, so they hit it off. So from Cui Sisu's point of view, no matter how much Wu Yanchong has

He must severely criticize us for all our difficulties."

Jin Fushi understood, "Father, I understand. Cui Libu and Li Guozhang have the same position, and they must defeat the main war faction headed by Prime Minister Wu. Only in this way can Li Guozhang blame the main war faction and Cui Libu.

Only one faction has the opportunity to return to the court. Father, is personal gain greater than national affairs?"

"Why can't private interests outweigh national affairs?" Jin Jin asked rhetorically, "Our country is fighting over and over again. Are we fighting over national affairs? They are all private interests! Whether national affairs are good or bad, only the people benefit. If private interests are not prosperous,

For the two classes, it is a serious matter that destroys their families."

Jin Fushi was also silent. He lowered his head and let out a long sigh for a while. Then he suddenly raised his head and asked Jin Jin, "Father, according to what you said, Cui Libu actually knew that he was here to negotiate peace this time and would not do any better than Wu Xiang."

He may return without success. That’s why he acts so coquettishly, firstly, to delay time, and secondly, to lay the groundwork for evading guilt in the future.”

"Yes, they are all old foxes who have been in officialdom for many years. They think everything clearly. On the contrary, we scholars were almost misled." Jin Jin stroked his beard and said, "Erlang followed his second brother on a mission to the Song Dynasty.

The monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty had dealt with each other face to face, and they had some understanding in their hearts. This time when I came back and took Zheng Keyong to live in seclusion in the mountains, I must have understood many things."

"On the contrary, my second brother and your second uncle are short-sighted and jump up and down. They don't even know when they will be pushed out and used as a scapegoat."

"Father, what should we do now?"

"Peace must be negotiated after all. If the Song army wanted to destroy Goryeo, they would have advanced by land and water a long time ago and sent their troops south. I'm afraid that now we can only move the capital to avoid disaster. It's just a layout now. I think we need to slow down. We need to slow down.

, then the meeting will definitely be peaceful. It’s just that the conditions are... I’m a slave, and I’m a fish, so I won’t accept it even if I don’t agree.”

"Father," Jin Fushi said carefully, "my son heard Erlang say that the most important thing for the Song Dynasty officials to do when marching and fighting was the strategic layout. He had carefully studied the Song Dynasty's strategy to defeat the Liao Dynasty. The Liao Kingdom's treacherous ministers were rampant and civil strife was everywhere. The Song Dynasty's tactics could be seen everywhere.

Shadow. Emperor Tianzuo was extravagant and engaged in large-scale construction projects, which wasted the power of the country and the people, causing various tribes in the Northeast to rebel against the Liao Dynasty."

"Then there was the Duck River Incident, Beijing, and the confrontation between the north and the south of Nanjing... A series of chaos finally brought the extremely powerful Liao State to its deathbed. The Song State once again attacked with all its strength, and everything was ready."

Jin Jin listened quietly.

"Erlang means that the Song Dynasty wants to destroy the Koryo Kingdom, and the strategic layout must be similar. Now it seems that the development of the situation is similar to what Erlang guessed. The battle of Xishui greatly damaged the vitality of Koryo and the national power of the Song Dynasty.

The country is not in a hurry to use troops, and after negotiating peace, it must be Guo Fengxiao's plan to pacify Hebei and Liaodong in the Three Kingdoms."

Jin Jin let out a long sigh, "Erlang went to the Song Dynasty and his knowledge was greatly improved. I will be relieved from now on. With you two brothers, the Jin family can prosper. You can write a book for Erlang immediately and let him be ready. Go back first."

I went to my hometown in Gyeongsang Province, collected family records, and took advantage of the peace talks with the Song Dynasty to be completed, and transferred to Jiangdong County of the Song Dynasty. My father has a few friends there who can take care of me."

Jin Fushi was shocked, "Father, what are you doing?"

"My Kim family was originally the royal family of Silla. Silla was destroyed by Koryo. My Kim family did not die for Silla, but instead died for Koryo. Isn't it ridiculous?"

Jin Fushi nodded slowly, agreeing with his father's opinion.

The person who delivered the letter for Cui Sizhu was named Cui Sanren, and he was his nephew. He had followed Cui Sizhu for many years. When Cui Sizhu was in power, he often used his name to show off his power and seek personal gain. When Cui Sizhu fell from power two years ago, Cui Sanren voted for another party.

A relative.

The Cui family is one of the most famous families in Goryeo. If you go up the list, you can have connections. But it is not as comfortable as being a servant of Cui Sisu.

Now Cui Sisu has returned and is about to be used for rehabilitation. Cui Sanren rushed back after hearing the news, bursting with snot and tears, as if Cui Sisu had suffered half of the pain of being exiled.

Cui Sisu missed his old love and accepted him again. From Kaijing to Zhenzhou, the majestic journey made Cui Sanren's heart come alive again.

My own high-ranking official has gained power again!

After boarding the fishing boat and staggering to Ganghwa Island, Cui Sanren was about to vomit out his bile. When he got ashore, he said in a pretentious manner: "I am the envoy of the Goryeo Peace Conference. I am the personal attendant of Cui Daguan, the Hanlin bachelor and the minister of rites. I have been ordered to do so.

Come to handle the negotiations between the two countries, inform your officials quickly, and send a big ship to meet my officials. Also, prepare a clean room quickly so that I can take a rest."

Unfortunately, the Song Army soldiers here did not sell his account. After hearing the report, they just said coldly: "Wait, I want to report it to my superiors."

Cui Sanren still wanted to show off his power, but he was struck with two bayonets on his chest, and he immediately woke up - this was the border of the Song Dynasty, and his sign of being able to control the wind and rain did not work at all.

He could bend and stretch, and immediately shrank his head and hid aside.

Soon, Jianghua Island commander Zhong Yaoshi came over with Ma Zhi.

"Whose family are you a follower of?" Pharmacist Zhong asked.

"I am a member of the Korea Hanlin Bachelor's Department of Ceremonies. I am accompanied by the peace envoy Cui Sisu and Cui Daguan. I came to report and asked the Song army to send a large ship to Zhenzhou to pick up him and the deputy envoy as soon as possible, so as not to miss the negotiation between the two countries."

Cui Sanren said bravely.

"Isn't your peace envoy Wu Yanchong?"

"The Wu thief lost his power and humiliated the country. He was dismissed from his post and imprisoned by my king. His responsibilities will be determined before he is dealt with. Now my king has appointed a senior official of my family to be the envoy..."

Before Cui Sanren finished speaking, Zhong Yaoshi slapped his thigh and said, "Straight bitch, let me tell you, no one in Korea is honest. No, I'm regretting it again. What a waste of words!"

Call directly to Kaijing City!"

Cui Sanren's heart trembled when he heard this. However, after following his master for a long time, he learned some tolerance. He held his head high and said with dignity: "Song is a country of etiquette. Why didn't it abide by benevolence and righteousness? Why did you make such disgusting remarks?"

Before he could finish his article, he was interrupted by Pharmacist Zhong, "This little bird makes me angry just looking at it. Is it us who won or you who won?"

Ma Zhi said on the side: "Commander, why not cut off this guy's ears to give the Koreans a warning and let them recognize the reality!"

Pharmacist Zhong waved his hand and said, "Cut him! Then send him back!"

After that, Cui Sanren, who was kneeling on the ground crying and shouting, went straight back to arrange other matters.

Cui Sanren, who had lost one ear, returned to Zhenzhou City at night. He was led to the backyard of the state government office, knelt in front of Cui Sisu, and cried with snot and tears.

Cui Sisu murmured: "Why did the Song Dynasty become so unreasonable?"

Suddenly, explosions and panicked cries were heard all over Zhenzhou City. Then the banging sound of cannon fire was heard from a distance.

"What's going on?"

A man ran in from behind and said: "The navy of the Song Dynasty has fired on Zhenzhou City. The artillery is sharp. Please ask the imperial envoy to leave the city for temporary shelter."

Without saying a word, Cui Sisu picked up his clothes and ran out: "Quick, quick! Get out of the city quickly."

At this time, he no longer sat in a sedan chair, climbed on a horse, and, surrounded by his followers, left Zhenzhou City and fled north.

Behind him, Zhenzhou City burned like a bonfire.

Negotiations failed, Cui Sixu discussed with Jin Jin and his son, and could only return to the capital in despair.

Before he arrived in Beijing, the apology letter had already been delivered to Wang Ma's desk.

Cui Sixu complained bitterly that the Song army was unreasonable, disrespectful of etiquette, and disrespectful of the etiquette of the state. He was incompetent and could not reason with the warriors, so the negotiations failed and he asked himself to take the blame.

At the same time, the news that Zhenzhou City was burned to the ground by the Song Navy reached Kaijing City, and the city was in panic! Zhenzhou City was only fifty miles away from Beijing, and the army marched quickly and could arrive in a day and night.

So some Shangshu invited the king to go south to hunt, some Shangshu impeached the main war faction, and some Shangshu asked Xiaqin Wang to issue an edict... Wang Ma knew that there was nothing he could do, so he could only invite Wu Yanchong and Ren Yi from prison.

come out.

The official was reinstated and continued to preside over peace negotiations.

Wu Yanchong took a fishing boat and personally went to Ganghwa Island and communicated with Zhong Yaoshi and other Song generals. The Song army stopped harassing the Han River and the coastal areas of Gyeonggi.

The peace talks continued, but Goryeo had no room for bargaining. After several intense discussions, Wang Ma finally stamped his seal on the peace treaty and formally agreed.

A group of civil servants and Confucian scholars went to the gate of Shoude Palace, kowtowed and cried, begging the king to kill the traitors who had betrayed the country and sought glory. They obeyed the king's edict and mobilized all their troops to fight the Song army to the death.

Finally, Wu Yanchong, Ren Yi and others resigned and were exiled to Juji County. Yu Lu was worshiped as his servant Ping Zhangshi, Gao Lingchen was worshiped as Zhongshu Shilang Tong Ping Zhangshi, Li Ziqian was appointed as the Privy Council envoy and judge of the Ministry of Officials, and Cui Sisu was promoted to the Council of Ministers.

Political affairs and ritual affairs.

The first thing the new prime minister did after taking office was to start fulfilling the terms of the peace treaty with the Song Dynasty.
This chapter has been completed!
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