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Chapter 105: Jizhou Tianjin County

The next day, Zhao Si, accompanied by Changsun Moli, Zeng Baohua and Yu Wenxuzhong, went up the Haihe River from Tanggu Port.

"This Haihe River is very wide and has a large amount of water!"

Standing on the bow of the boat, Zhao Si looked at the river and said.

"Your Majesty, the Haihe River is formed by the convergence of many rivers, mainly the Sanggan River, Lushui River, and the Juma River, Nanyishui River and Hutuo River formed by the Liuli River, Beiyishui River, and Laishui River."

Xue Yugui, Yin of Hebei County, introduced him to the side and said that he had been in Zhang Dun's administration and was a capable official.

"No Yellow River water?"

"Your Majesty, there is no water from the Yellow River. Since the Bohai, Wudi, and Cangzhou rivers were opened, the Yellow River below Puyang has been diverted into the sea. There are no more floods, but it can still irrigate the downstream areas. After the Yellow River is diverted, there is basically no water below Qingxian County.

It flowed. But we still built a Machang River canal in Diaotai Village."

Xue Yugui introduced.

"The Machang River Canal connects the Yellow River to the west and the sea to the east. This is because when the Yellow River encounters a severe flood, several rivers cannot discharge the flood, and the river water surges down. The flood can be discharged from here into the sea without harming the Haihe River and the new canal under construction.

Hebei section.”

Zhao Si smiled, "Do you dislike the water of the Yellow River so much?"

"To answer your Majesty, the Yellow River water contains too much sand and can easily block the river channel, so it is not welcome anywhere." Xue Yugui replied with a smile.

"Indeed, flood discharge is one aspect of the Yellow River. Sand sedimentation on the river bed is also a big problem. It's quite a headache. Why were three rivers entering the sea built in the first place? The purpose was to take advantage of the drought period of the Yellow River to close the gates and excavate the river sediment in turn."

Zhao Si also knew these political affairs by heart.

"Xue Junyin, if the Yellow River encounters a once-in-a-millennium flood, and the three rivers, plus the Machang River Canal, have no time to discharge the flood, do you have any preparation plans?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Xue Yugui replied immediately.

"In Duliuzhai, we dug a single-flow canal that leads directly to the sea. It serves two purposes. When the Haihe River floods, it can divert the Nanyi River and Hutuo River into the sea through the gate and diversion, reducing the pressure on the main river channel of the Haihe River.

If the Yellow River encounters a once-in-a-millennium flood, it can assume the function of diverting the flood into the sea and prevent the Yellow River from flowing into the Haihe River as much as possible."

Speaking of this, Xue Yugui sighed, "Haihe, this river is not a good one. In the past two years, I and Zeng Fuyin have worked hard to control it."

Zhao Si heard the sound and turned to look at his uncle Zeng Baohua, "Well, even though I have worked so hard, I haven't seen you lose weight yet."

"Your Majesty, even if I drink cold water, I will gain weight." Zeng Baohua replied with a grimace.

Everyone chuckled a few times, and the topic shifted to the Haihe River.

"The biggest problem in the Haihe River is the Sangqian River. I have read the documents of the former Liao Dynasty. This river changes its course every now and then, which is very harmful."

"Yes, Your Majesty, the Haihe River Management Committee has Chen as the chairman and Xue Hebei as the deputy chairman. Beiping Prefecture and Hebei County work together to manage the committee with all their strength. The main focus is on the Sanggan River. So far, 1,770 rivers have been built.

Hundreds of kilometers of river embankments, seven water storage lakes of more than one square kilometer..."

Zeng Baohua introduced.

"The effect of governance depends on this year's flood season. It can be said that based on the experience and predictions of farmers and experts, there is a 70% probability of a Class C flood in the Haihe River Basin this year."

A Class C flood occurs once in fifty years, a Class B flood occurs once in a hundred years, a Class A flood occurs once in five hundred years, and a Class A flood occurs once in a thousand years.

This is the flood hazard level formulated by the Department of Yuheng and Gewuyuan Geography, and it has its own set of assessment methods.

"Okay, I'm just waiting to see your exam results." Zhao Si said.

The ship sailed slowly along the wide Haihe River into the south pier of Tianjin County.

"How is the construction of the Hebei section of the North Canal going?" Zhao Si saw a busy construction site in the distance on the south bank of the Haihe River, which should be the construction site of the Hebei section of the North Canal.

"Replying to Your Majesty, according to the plan of the Ministry of Transportation, the North Canal is divided into two parts. The first part is to widen the Yongji Canal. This canal connects Tianjin City in the north and Yuancheng County in Weizhou in the south. It is then divided into two parts, and the west road continues

It leads to Ji County and enters the Yellow River, and is connected to the western section of the Bianhe Canal in Rongze County."

"The other road goes from Yuancheng to the southeast, digging a new river channel, passing through Chaocheng and entering Juye Ze, and connects with Guangji Canal, Sishui, and Ji. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 105 Jizhou Tianjin County

Water is connected.”

These plans were firmly remembered in Xue Yugui's mind and blurted out.

"The second part is to re-excavate the river. The northern section of Yongji Canal, above Nanpi County, used to use the lower reaches of the Yellow River for transportation, which is very susceptible to impact. And according to the official plan, the Bohai and Wudi rivers entering the sea will be affected year by year.

It will be widened and used as the main channel of the Yellow River entering the sea, while the Cangzhou River channel will be used as a flood discharge distributary channel. The Yellow River will no longer go northward..."

"Therefore, above Nanpi, it is necessary to re-excavate a section of canal along the old Yongji Canal of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, leading directly to Tianjin City, so that the Yongji Canal can be reconnected to the north. At the same time, in Jiangling County, another river channel should be dug southward, passing through

Xiajin, Liaocheng, Tongju Yeze."

"At present, 50% of these projects have been completed, and it is expected to be navigable in the fifteenth year of Tianqi."

"Is that any difficulty?"

"Replying to Your Majesty, the biggest difficulty is the lack of manpower. Now there is a shortage of labor everywhere. Only if the wages are higher will the civilian laborers be willing to come. But the cost is also high. Fortunately, Changsun Daguan and his family have transferred more than 40,000 former Liao prisoners of war.

, solved the urgent need. At the beginning of spring, more than 100,000 Korean civilians were transferred, which can be regarded as solving a big problem."

Zeng Baohua added from the side: "Beiping City is building a large-scale construction project, which also requires manpower. One hundred thousand Korean civilians have also been allocated there. But please rest assured, officials, we have definitely not treated these Korean civilians badly. Mr. Xuanming has made it clear to us that these

People are our "united front targets", and they are paid for their work. In the future, when I return to Korea, I will be a "little rich man", which will serve as an example..."

Zhao Si nodded and signaled Xue Yugui to continue.

"The second is that the canal passes through the three rivers of Cangzhou, Wudi and Bohai. It needs to build access gates, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. There are also several highlands. The canal must follow the terrain. Some high places cannot be bypassed, so locks can only be built.

And raise the river channel, coupled with animal power operation..."

Zhao Si nodded, "The difficulties you encountered were also encountered in the construction of the middle section of the new canal in Shandong County. The Institute of Geography and Construction of the Gewuyuan, and the Surveying and Mapping Bureau of the Ministry of War have thought of many ways to adapt to local conditions..."

According to the plan, the new canal will be built south of Juyeze, using the Huangou and Nanqing River channels, and building a canal to Pengcheng, Xuzhou, where it will merge with the re-drained and navigable ancient Bian River, now renamed the Beibian Canal. Then it will continue south, using the Surabaya River

The river course was cut and straightened, and a canal was dug out, leading directly to Huaiyin County and converging with the main canal of the Bianhe River and the Li Canal leading to Yangzhou.

Zhao Si continued to ask: "Have you chosen the canal channel from Tianjin to Beiping Prefecture?"

"In response to your Majesty, I have made a decision. Based on the Lushui River, we will dig deep and widen it, leading directly to Luzhou. From there, we will pass through the Zha River, Yongding River, and Lugou River to branch directly to the east of Beiping City."

"Choose Lushui River?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. The Lushui River is stable. Although the Sanggan River is wide, it is sometimes dry and sometimes floods, making it very unstable. The Institute of Geography and the Bureau of Surveying and Mapping made this decision after several on-site surveys and research on hydrological records of the past hundreds of years.

This decision was made. First update @ ”

"Okay, let's listen to the experts on this matter." Zhao Si nodded, then pointed at Tianjin City and said: "In this case, Tianjin City has become a geomantic treasure land, with a canal inside and a connection to the sea.

The state was moved to Tianjin County, and Tanggu, Jinghai and other counties were newly established."

"Your Majesty, Jizhou has always belonged to Youzhou, but now Youzhou has been changed to Beiping Prefecture. I would like to ask that Jizhou continue to be under the jurisdiction of Beiping Prefecture." Zeng Baohua said.

"That won't work. We can't let your Peking Prefecture take over all the good things. We must let Hebei County drink some soup. I have decided that Jizhou will be a Zhili Prefecture and will be under the jurisdiction of Hebei County."

"On behalf of the millions of fellow villagers in Hebei, I would like to thank Your Majesty." Xue Yugui said happily. He originally thought that he could not win over the uncle Guo, but he did not expect that the officials made a just decision and awarded Jizhou to Hebei County. This was a big deal for Hebei County.

, it is indeed a great thing..

Chapter 105 Jizhou Tianjin County
This chapter has been completed!
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