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Chapter 116 Vigorous Vitality

Other grassland competitive events are also in full swing.

Dingcheng grassland became a sea of ​​various colors. Bannermen from the Four Banners and Twenty-eight Wings, wearing various colors of clothes and speaking awkward Mandarin, gathered everywhere to watch the events of interest, and from time to time they burst out into laughter.

The cheers were like strong wind blowing through the wheat fields, causing waves.

The four-color flags of red, black, white, and blue are everywhere. Some are planted in high places, and some are held high. If you look closely, you can see that the patterns in the four-color flags are also different.

The moon swallows, the golden ox...the twenty-eight winged flags are all gathered here.

At this moment, the herdsmen on the grassland were divided into twenty-eight tribes. Its warriors competed hard on the field, and its tribesmen shouted and cheered around them.

Vibrant and full of life.

"Your Majesty, this kind of activity is great. It can unite people and boost morale." Zeng Baohua sat aside, watching the scene, and turned to Zhao Si and said.

"The place is too big and the distance is long. The Four Flags Games can only be held once every three years. However, each flag's sports meeting can be held once a year." Zhao Siye said happily.

It is impossible to break up the former tribes and reorganize them into hundreds of households in each wing. It is impossible to say that the banner people have no grievances. Therefore, various measures need to be taken to resolve the grievances, so that the centripetal force can be reunited.

Buddhism and Taoism are preached, Buddhist temples are built, schools are built widely, medical clinics are established widely, and sports games like this are all important means to appease and unite people's hearts.

"Your Majesty, the four banners are the four counties, the twenty-eight wings are the twenty-eight states, a thousand households are the counties, and a hundred households are the towns. I understand this, right?" Changsun Moli asked hesitantly.

"It can be calculated like this. It's just that the four banners are now their own system. If they want to be truly classified as prefectures and counties, they must wait until they are all integrated. It is estimated that not fifty-one hundred years will be enough."

Zhao Si shook his head, "It's early. The most urgent task now is how to incorporate the Northeast into the county system."

He looked at Changsun Moli and asked, "Xuanming, do you think the time is right?"

Zeng Baohua looked at his eldest grandson, Moli, and couldn't help but groan in his heart. This was a bit difficult to answer.

If it is said that the time is right and the officials issue an edict to change the counties, if something goes wrong, they will be held accountable; if it is said that the time is not right yet, if this word gets out, someone will take the opportunity to cause trouble and say that Changsun Moli is separatist.

, holding Hu Zizhong under duress, seems to have a disobedient heart - this charge is no joke.

As Su Che, Fan Chunchun and other ministers became official and aged, everyone inside and outside the government knew that the conservatives and the old party had no successors - no one could get into the court. Their loss of power was just around the corner. Between the courts

The only ones left in the world are the new reform party and the new ideological trend party.

Although they all have a new word, their ideas and political measures are still very different. In the past, we had a common enemy and we were considered allies. Now that the enemy is dying, the allies are beginning to draw knives on each other. The conflicts and contradictions that have accumulated before suddenly erupted.


The advantage of the new school of thought is that it has been appreciated and reused by officials, and it has the strength to have more people; its disadvantage is that its rise is too short and its foundation is not solid.

The advantage of the reformists is that they have been entrenched in the court for decades and have been fighting the conservative party for decades. Their internal fighting skills are fully equipped and they are all talented people. But the disadvantage is that the officials are inclined to new trends of thought and have no support for them.

It is not as good as its opponents. Moreover, its successors are weak, and it is obvious that the new generation of outstanding figures are withering away.

But now, the reform faction still has a certain advantage. It bites people to the core and has to guard against them.

Changsun Moli also thought of this. He considered it in his mind for more than ten seconds and replied cautiously: "Your Majesty, I think it is okay to change the county now. But it would be better if it is postponed for two years."

Zhao Si glanced at him and saw through Changsun Moli's thoughts.

"Then we'll postpone it for two years. But we have to start setting up counties." Zhao Si said slowly. His words made Changsun Moli and Zeng Baohua secretly sigh with relief.

The officials still favor us.

"In appropriate places, we can start to establish prefectures and counties, and continue to be under the jurisdiction of the Xuanfu Division in Shanbei."

"Your Majesty, I have carried out the decree. Liaoyang, Jinzhou, Luanzhou and other places have developed well and can be governed by prefectures and counties. Tieshangang Port Arthur, opposite Dengzhou, has a very important geographical location. According to the plan, it is an important place in the Northeast and Bohai Sea.

Seaports are planned to be established in Tieshan County and Jinzhou."

Zhao Si looked at the stadium in the distance, his eyes wandering, and his attention was still on Changsun Moli's conversation.

"I have read your report. Tell me what you think."

"Your Majesty, my idea is to divide the cultivated land in the northeast into two counties, Liaodong and Liaoxi, with the Liaohe River as the boundary. Liaoxi County governs the counties west of the Liaohe River, all the way to Jinzhou and Luanzhou. Liaodong County governs the counties east of the Liaohe River, all the way to Xushui River."

Zhao seemed silent and continued to stare into the distance, seemingly concentrating on a certain event, but both Changsun Moli and Zeng Baohua knew that he must be carefully considering what Changsun Moli said just now.

"It's not very appropriate. We must devote all our energy to building the cornerstone counties for the expansion and development of the Northeast. So now it is enough to set up one county in the Northeast, and two or three counties. The power is dispersed. With Liaoyang as the center, including Jinzhou, Jinzhou,

Shenzhou and Tongzhou. As for Luanzhou, together with Guihua Prefecture Zhangjiakou and Yuzhou, they will be assigned to Hebei County."

Changsun Moli thought about it in his mind and couldn't help but persuade: "Your Majesty, the Northeast is sparsely populated and vast, so it's okay to have a separate county. But this Hebei County seems to have too much jurisdiction?"

"Hebei County will be Gyeonggi and Zhili County in the future. You should know the meaning."

Changsun Moli and Zeng Baohua looked at each other and replied in unison: "Your Majesty, do you mean to make Hebei County an important place for Zhili to conquer Peiping?"

"The principle of dividing prefectures and prefectures is to alternate fertile and fertile areas, and to balance the rich and the poor. The east and south of Hebei County are covered by flat rivers, with good fertile farmland. The north and west are mountainous areas of Yanshan and Taihang Mountains, and the rugged areas are barren. Use the rich to help the poor, and use the rich to help the poor.

Means such as enrichment and infertility, wealth distribution and transfer payments can occur not only between counties, but also between counties and states."

Zhao Si looked up at the sky. The blue sky was like a piece of washed blue glass. Under the sky, the grassland was like a green sea, full of sails and waves, colorful, noisy and cheerful.

"The essence of setting up counties is to pool resources to solve and improve the livelihood of local people. Therefore, counties, prefectures, and counties must first have the ability to solve these problems independently. They must have food, money, and people. The whole country is a game of chess, but

Down to the county, state, and county, it is also a game of chess, each has its own game..."

When Zhao Si was talking, Changsun Moli and Zeng Baohua listened attentively.

During the conversation, Zhao Si was suddenly attracted by a group of people. Zhao Kuo took three princes and had a pleasant conversation with more than a dozen young people.

Not far away, Zhao Lin took the two princesses and had a lively chat with several banner girl girls. Soon, they each mounted their horses and formed two groups. They rode their horses and merged into the jubilant crowd, bathing together in the sprinkled water.


Zhao Si looked at all this and smiled happily, looking beyond the bustling crowd and looking further into the distance.
This chapter has been completed!
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