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Chapter 123 Seven Rivers Region

Otogi Ugu Castle is a simple city with low earthen walls and sparse sentry towers, standing alone on the banks of the Karatar River of the Jefon River. It is now the center of the Seven Rivers region.

The Seven Rivers Region, in a broad sense, refers to the area of ​​seven rivers flowing to Lake Balkhash, including the south of Lake Balkhash, east of Syr Darya, and the surrounding areas centered on Lake Insek and the Chu River, roughly including Kazakhstan.

Almaty Oblast, Zhambyl Oblast, Kyrgyzstan and Yinli area of ​​Xinjiang.

But in the Kara Khanate at this time, the Seven Rivers region refers to the area south of Dalinkul Lake, mainly in the Yefon River Basin and the middle and lower reaches of the Yinli River.

This area is very special in the Kara Khanate. It is actually ruled by tribes composed of the Qalu Lu people. Each Qalu Lu tribe owns about fifteen cities, that is, fifteen major tribes. They are appointed by the Great Khan of the Kara Khanate.

Yehu, the little khan, was hierarchically controlled by the chiefs, enjoyed relatively high semi-autonomous powers, paid taxes to the khanate on a regular basis, and provided labor and troops.

This was true from the time Sartuk Bogra Khan founded the Kara Khanate until the Khanate was divided into the East and West. But a scene that happened in the fourth year of the Apocalypse completely changed everything.

That year, the cavalry troops of the Song Dynasty pursued the Nianba Ge tribe and Zhier Khan all the way from Jinshan to the banks of Chuihe River, where they faced thousands of tribesmen in the Qihe area, including Dongkara Khan.

In front of the officials and troops who came after hearing the news, they beheaded Hezhier Khan, and at the same time, the heads of thousands of remnants of the Nianbage tribe were built into the Jingguan.

At that time, many people had the thought that this land might have to change in the future.

Indeed, from then on, from the Yesuli River to the Yemin River, to the Yinli River, from Yemilili to Alimari, and then to Rehai, the vast grassland became the cavalry carrying the white tiger flag.

A place where horses gallop.

They first wandered around various pastures in the name of wiping out the remaining Nianba Ge tribe. At that time, they were not popular at all.

Later, they escorted one after another Song caravans, bringing tea, silk, cotton, fine wine, porcelain and other goods to the grassland, and quickly became the most popular people. At the same time, they also used fast horses and strong bows to

The blood and heads warned all the horse thieves on the grassland not to take advantage of these caravans, otherwise, you will pay the price in blood.

Two years later, a team known as the remnants of the Xixia Kingdom, led by Brother Richard, the Taiwei of the Xixia Kingdom, quickly rose up. Like a violent wind, they swept through all the Geluolu tribes in the Qihe area, and swept away the Dongka people.

The Yehus, little khans, and chiefs appointed by the La Khanate either became loyal subordinates, or turned into withered skeletons in the wilderness.

It is strange to say that after the rise of the Xixia tribe, the cavalry with the white tiger flag came less and less. There are rumors that the Xixia tribe defeated the cavalry with the white tiger flag, so they obtained the right to occupy this land.


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This saying is very popular in the Qihe area and nearby grasslands, because people on the grasslands believe that the strong is king.

Then this Xixia tribe turned its attention to the east, where Ye Mili saw the tens of thousands of herders on the Alimari grassland.

These herdsmen were mainly reinforcements invited by King Gaochang from the Liao Kingdom in the north when the Kara Khanate, which had not yet been divided, attacked the Uighurs in Xizhou a hundred years ago. It is said that there were 30,000 tents and more than 100,000 people, mainly Khitans and Tatars.

, a small number are Turks.

They have been living on the grasslands from Yemilili to Alimari, and have become a buffer force between the Eastern Kara Khanate and the Western Uighurs. However, they believe in Buddhism and the shamanism of Changshengtian, and they get along well with the Western Uighurs, but they are separated by the Eastern Kara Khanate and the Western Uighurs.

The Khanate is called a pagan tribe.

With the support of caring people, the Western Xia tribe quickly annexed this pagan tribe, and its strength increased to a point where even the Eastern and Western Kara Khanates did not dare to despise it. Two years ago, a remnant tribe of tens of thousands of people from the Northern Liao Dynasty, led by the Khitan

, Xi people, mainly Bohai people, also fled here.

The Eastern Kara Khanate and the Xizhou Uighurs originally thought they could watch a dragon-tiger fight between the dragon crossing the river and the tiger sitting on the ground. But for some reason, they actually joined forces and took the name of a tribe in the Western Regions of the former Tang Dynasty, Tuqi


I heard that they had a common enemy, so they came together.

Five people gathered together in an adobe hall, the largest building in Yijiwugu City, to discuss matters.

They are the big leader of the Tuqi Shi Tribe, Richard Brother, who claims to be the Taiwei of Xixia; the second leader, Yelu Musician, who claims to be the military envoy of the Liao Kingdom; and the minor leaders, Li Mingzhang, who claims to be the military envoy of the Xixia Kingdom, and Gao Xianshou, the governor of the Liao Kingdom.

and Wu Cunzhong.

"Muhammad II of the Western Kara Khanate once again killed our Song Dynasty merchants. This time, he was in response to the East Kara Khanate's Ahmad Khan preparing to pay tribute to our Song Dynasty." Li Mingzhang


"Mohammed II has long been a pawn of Ahmed Sanjar, the Great Khorasan Governor of the Seljuq Khanate, and Sanjar has never forgotten the conquest of the Eastern Kara Khanate and the Western Uighur Kingdom. But he

The Khanate was not at peace either, so it was unable to march eastward with all its strength, so it had to use the weakling of Muhammad II."

Musician Yelu frowned and asked, "Why are these guys so obsessed with going eastward?"

"Sanjar, like the several Karakhan Khans who destroyed Khotan a hundred years ago and attacked the Uighurs in Xizhou, are religious fanatics. In the name of holy war, they called on believers to fight everywhere and eliminate the heretics. They could not only plunder

Wealth can also stabilize the rule. Based on various intelligence, we have analyzed..." Wu Cunzhong explained.

"Sanjar is competing with his brothers and nephews for the throne of the Great Khan of the Seljuk Khanate. He is in urgent need of prestige, wealth and troops. By conquering more land to the east, he can plunder more wealth and gain more

At the same time, it can create a huge reputation in the Christian world."

"But Sanjar's territory is not stable. To the west is his brothers and nephews who are eyeing him. To the east is Khorasan. To the north is the Khwarezm Kingdom that pops up to cause trouble from time to time. To the south is the unwilling Ghazni Khan.

country. According to the latest news, the situation around Shapur has been eased in the near future, and Sanjar has the energy to turn his attention to the east."

Brother Richard, who had been silent until now, interjected, "So, maybe it was Sanjar who ordered Muhammad II to rob and kill the Song Dynasty caravan?"

After more than ten years in the Western Regions, Brother Richard has transformed from a green young man into a middle-aged man with a full beard. His sunken eyes are like two pools of water.

Brother Richard's question made everyone stunned. After a while, Master Yelu said quietly: "What Brother Richard said makes sense. Muhammad II robbed me, a merchant of the Song Dynasty.

It is possible that he got a hint from Sanjar and then accepted the letter of nomination."

"Our mission in the Seven Rivers Basin is to protect the safety of the Song Dynasty caravan in the Western Region. The first time the Western Kara Khanate killed the Song Dynasty caravan, we were powerless at that time and could shirk our responsibility. But this time...

If we don’t do something, how can we explain it to the officials?”

Li Mingzhang said angrily.

Gao Xianshou gritted his teeth and said with a murderous look on his face: "Organize your troops and kill the Western Kara Khanate. They will kill a hundred of us, and we will kill ten thousand of them!"

Brother Richard looked at the two of them and lifted up the cloak on his shoulders to block the cool night breeze blowing in through the cracks in the doors and windows.

That's how it is in the Western Regions. It's hot during the day but a little cold at night.

"No rush!" As soon as Brother Richard said these words, everyone couldn't help but look at him.

The eyes of Yelu musicians, Gao Xianshou and Wu Cunzhong flashed with thoughts, which were a little complicated. Anxiety flashed in the corners of Li Mingzhang's eyes.

Brother Richard said calmly: "Before, I killed the merchants of the Song Dynasty because the country had something to do and Wu Xia was distracted. Since the twelfth year of the Apocalypse, the country has fought all the wars in the surrounding areas. Now the rogue bandits are making trouble again.

, do you think the officials can let it go this time?"

"Western Expedition?" Yelu Musician and others said in unison.

"Once we start the Western Expedition, our troops and horses are not enough, so we can only use them as a partial army. According to the official's strategy, he has been planning for so many years. Either he will not move, or he will have to solve the security of the Western Frontier once and for all."

"Yes, Brother Cha is right! It's time for our main force to take action. The troops and horses of the Four Flags are almost ready."

"That's right, we have to let the Turks in the Hezhong area know how powerful we are!"

While everyone was chatting, the sound of horse hooves was heard in the distance, immediately falling into silence in the room.

It's already dark, and there are still fast riders coming to report news. It must be an urgent military situation. The sound of horse hooves comes from the north, so it must be news from Jinshan.

An officer ran in and handed an urgent report.

Brother Richard took it and took a look, his eyes were flashing with flames all over the sky.

"On April 12th, His Majesty officially issued the order for the Western Expedition. The White Tiger Banner mobilized 25,000 riders, led by Hu Luxiong and Bai Chonghu, the flag guards on the left and right of the White Tiger Banner, and arrived at Onong on the Shihe River in Ye'er.

Booker, establish the front enemy headquarters of the Right Route Army. Now call me to report to the headquarters as soon as possible. First, I will introduce the situation of the Kara Khanate and Xizhou Uighur Kingdom to the forward commander, and second, I will receive the mission."

"Brother Cha, you are the designated leader, you decide who will be the leader." Master Yelu said.

"Then let me, Mingzhang and Xianshou go. Mingzhang and I have stayed here the longest and are most familiar with the situation in the Eastern and Western Kara Khanate. Xianshou has fought against the Xizhou Uighurs and knows their details. Musician,

Cunzhong, we will go to the front to report, and the team will be entrusted to you." Brother Richard said.

"Brother Cha, please don't worry!" Master Yelu and Wu Cunzhong looked at each other, relaxed, and replied in unison.
This chapter has been completed!
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