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Chapter 131 Kalavinka (2)

Everyone inside and outside the inn gathered outside, staring blankly at Yinzhou City to the east.

The red light reflected in the night sky, beating constantly, as if a huge lantern was floating in the wind in the distance.

Why did Yinzhou City catch fire!

what is going on?

Could it be people from the Song Dynasty? In the past, when people from the Song Dynasty raided from the north to the south, they would never endanger Yinzhou City or affect the smooth flow of trade routes.

Could it be horse thieves? In the past, there were indeed a large number of horse thieves hidden in Moyanhe Qili between Guazhou and Yinzhou. Among these horse thieves, there were yellow-headed Uighurs and Cao-headed Dadan disguised as horse thieves, as well as Tatars from the northern grasslands who came south to make guest appearances...Song Dynasty

After the country destroyed Xia and regained Hexi, and also dealt with the Yellow-headed Uighurs and Caotou Dadan, the order here was much better. Then the forces of the Zhuque Banner and the White Tiger Banner went deep here and sent troops to "inspect" in turns. The horse thieves were almost extinct - the remaining

They are all small groups of bandits who act on the spur of the moment.

Everyone looked at each other and made random guesses. Everyone had their own answer in mind, but they all had one thing in common - they were very frightened now. Yinzhou was only a day's journey away from here, and they could arrive in two or three hours at a fast pace.

If those people who burned Yinzhou City marched all the way westward, traveling day and night, they might end up here soon.

As a result, many businessmen packed their luggage in a panic, calling for camels and horses. In the dark night, people screamed and the horses neighed, which made them look particularly flustered. The bonfires everywhere, without the care of their owners, swayed and swayed suddenly in the night wind.

Light and dark, very strange.

A camel caravan got up in a panic. One of the stewards was riding on the camel, shouting at the companions in front and behind. Another caravan rushed out from the darkness, and one of the camels crashed into it in panic.


The steward who was caught off guard was knocked down, rolled over and fell into the bonfire nearby. Amidst the screams, he climbed up from the fire, and his clothes and ribbons were set alight. He was writhing in pain, which looked particularly special in the night.


After staying for a while, the companions got off their horses or camels in panic and scrambled to put out the fire on the steward...

There were not many people in Shijialing's group, and there were not many camels and horses. They were simple and capable. Amidst the panic of everyone, they gathered quietly and quickly disappeared into the vast night.

Taking advantage of the first quarter moon in the west, we walked for more than an hour under the clear night sky, leaving the firelight of Yinzhou City and the panic of the inn behind.

"Uncle Lai, there are two teams behind us." A follower from behind chased after us and said in panic.

"How many people are there? Is it a caravan or a cavalry?" Uncle Lai asked.

"Uncle Lai, I can't see clearly in the night. I don't dare to get too close," the attendant replied.

"You have to figure out whether it's a human or a wolf behind you," Uncle Lai said thoughtfully.

"Novice monks and I will go take a look." Shijialuluo said.

When they set out in a panic, everyone had already hung up their bows. At this time, he and Shi Shami transferred the extra luggage to the horses, carrying only scimitars, horse bows and quivers, and a pot of water.

"Uncle Lai, Third Sister, you keep going forward and pretend you don't know anything. Novice monks and I will go around in a circle and then get closer to take a closer look."

"Brother, be careful." Shi Jialing warned.

Shijialuluo smiled, mounted his mount, and Shijia Luo and Shi Jialuo quickly disappeared into the night.

Time flies, and the sky above our heads first turns dark blue, then becomes thinner and thinner, becoming translucent blue.

With the expectation of Shijialing, Shijialuluo and Shishami came back under the first ray of the morning sun.

"Brother, we've figured it all out."

"It's clear. One group is indeed a caravan, with more than 30 camels and 20 horses, fully loaded. Like us, they are traveling at night. The other group has evil intentions and is not trying to

The reason they took action against us was to take action against that caravan. As soon as the chaos started, grass grew in the hearts of these bastards!"

"The novice and I dismounted first and lurked on the roadside. When they passed by, we shot more than a dozen arrows to scare them away."

Shi Shami added with excitement: "Da Lang's archery skills have become more and more advanced. At that time, the crescent moon had set in the west. Although the stars were clear, the scenery of Momo Lake was still unclear. Da Lang listened to the sound of horse hooves and the sound of people breathing.

Twelve arrows were shot in a row. I heard the screams of nine people, and the sound of horses falling off one after another. Those horse thieves took several arrows in the dark, couldn't figure out the details, and ran away in a panic."

Shi Jialing raised his brows and turned to Shi Jialuluo, "Brother, you have been a monk for two or three years, but your Buddhist principles have not improved much, but your archery skills have improved a lot. You can shoot nine out of twelve with a blind shot, that's amazing!"

"I meditate in the Great Buddha Temple every day. I am afraid that my qi and blood will not be active and damage my body, so I practice archery when I have time. I have homework during the day, so I have to practice archery at night. Later, in order to save fire and candles, I practice blind shooting after hearing the sound."

Shi Jialing was very pleased to see her brother wake up from the chaotic state of being obsessed with Buddhism and regain his former bravery and skill under her own persuasion. But she knew that this place was not safe, and she scared away a cavalry team with evil intentions.

, there is no guarantee that another branch will not emerge from other places.

The fire in Yinzhou City last night can be seen hundreds of miles away. As the largest and most prosperous city in the eastern part of Gaochang Kingdom, its burning means chaos in this area. I believe many people will take advantage of the chaos to come out.

Robbery the merchants traveling on this trade road.

Speechless all the way, Shi Jialing and his party quickly followed Guigu Pass, passed through the mountains, and came to the north of Tianshan Mountain. There was a small town here - Tahu Town. Shi Jialing and his party took a rest here and prepared to go northeast.

There are generally three trade routes in the Western Regions.

The South Road leads from Shazhou, Hexi Province to the Yumen Pass, and goes west to Lop Nur, Puchang Sea. It then branches and goes all the way north to Yanqi City, where it merges into the middle road. It goes all the way south to the east of Ruoqiang in Datun City, and then along the Tarim Desert and the Kunlun Mountains.

In the narrow strip between them, we go through Yuechang and Kriya to reach the city of Khotan. Then we go out of Ya'er to see the city of Shache and arrive at Kashgar, the city of Shule.

The middle road and the north road both leave Guazhou, cross the Moyanhe Qi, arrive at Yinzhou City, and then go west along the southern foot of Tianshan Mountain to reach Guigukou Branch Road.

The middle road continues westward along Tianshan South Road and reaches Gaochang City. Here, you can pass through Chishan Pass, cross to the north of Tianshan Mountain, arrive at Zhangbali, and merge into the North Road again. You can also continue westward, passing Yanqi and Qiuci City.

, until Shule City.

After the middle road and the south road meet here, they go out of Congling and reach the middle of the river.

The North Road is a branch of Gaochang City heading north, passing through Zhangbali, Yangjibali, out of Alimari, passing through Yinli River, Balashagun, Talluosi, Baishui City, straight to Dieshigan, and crossing the Xihong River into the river.

Tahu Town can be said to be one of the important fulcrums for the branch of the Middle Road and the North Road, so it is very prosperous, almost like an ordinary county town.

Shi Jialing and his party found a courtyard and stayed temporarily. After dinner and running all the way, they were very tired and soon fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Tahu Town was suddenly awakened by some sound. Shi Jialing, who woke up first, listened and her face changed drastically. She got out of bed and lay on the ground with her ears pressed tightly to the floor. She felt a strong and powerful sound.

The vibration of the rhythm shocked her eardrums and heart.

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