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Chapter 133: The Mysterious Woman (2)

The sky gradually became brighter and a new day arrived. Uncle Lai took his two followers and went out from hiding to investigate.

"Sister, eat some dry food and drink some water, which is boiled water." Shi Jialing handed over a piece of naan bread and half a bag of water.

"Thank you." The mysterious woman took it over unceremoniously, tore the naan bread in half and gave half to her companion. She took a water bottle and drank two sips of water first, and then handed it to her companion as well.

The mysterious woman tore half of the naan in her hand into strips and slowly stuffed it into her mouth.

"Drinking boiled water, I didn't expect that the influence of the Song people was getting bigger and bigger."

The mysterious woman's words made Shi Jialing lower his head involuntarily, as if Gaochang State was attacked by the Song Dynasty, but he was learning its advanced features, which was a shame.

"The people of Song Dynasty and I have a grudge against genocide, but what I should study is study. It's no big deal." The mysterious woman seemed to have read through Shi Jialing's thoughts.

"Are you a Dangxiang or a Khitan?" Shi Jialing said with some hope in his tone.

"Like you, I also have the blood of the Dangxiang people. In addition, I also have the blood of the Tyuhun people." The mysterious woman spoke of herself without hesitation.

"The bloodline of the Tuyuhun people?"

"Yes. My mother is from the Yeli tribe of the Dangxiang people, and my father is the leader of the Xihaifan tribe. He always claims to be a descendant of Fushun of Tuguhun. I have heard it many times and am used to it, so I believe that I am indeed a member of the Tuguhun royal family.

One lineage.”

The mysterious woman replied with a smile, and Shi Jialing could hear self-deprecation in her words.

"I didn't expect that you are also the daughter of a noble."

"Daughter of a nobleman?" The mysterious woman ate the naan cakes in her hand slowly.

"Even if you are in trouble, you still have noble blood flowing through you." Seeing the mysterious woman's disapproval, Shi Jialing argued quickly.

"A noble bloodline in distress?" The mysterious woman smiled faintly and shook her head.

Shi Jialing didn't know what to say.

Soon, Uncle Lai came back.

"Tahu Town was burned down, with more than half of them dead and injured. It was not the Song people who did it, but two groups of caravans who had evil intentions and took the opportunity to rob and kill other caravans." Uncle Lai glanced at the mysterious woman and continued, "Those two groups of caravans

Just as we were feeling proud, we were caught by Song cavalry who came out of nowhere and captured them all."

"The Song people knew the whole story and killed all the two gangs of criminals without saying a word. Now their heads are stuck on wooden poles and stand on the roadside outside Tahu Town. We looked at it from a distance.

Don’t dare to get close.”

Having said this, the two attendants behind him turned pale instantly, and one of them bent over and couldn't help retching.

Uncle Lai glared at him, "Stop throwing up again!"

The attendant pursed his lips and endured it, standing there with his body trembling slightly.

Uncle Lai continued: "The Song people gathered the survivors together, counted and registered the seized goods and treasures in public, and also registered the names of all the robbed caravans and the losses they suffered. The caravan manager is still there.

Those who returned the goods on the spot. Only the clerks were left, and they were given receipts and told to go back to the caravan first, and then asked the steward to go to Zhangbali City to collect the lost items with this receipt and the caravan certificate."

"By the way, Dalang, Third Sister, according to the Song people's wishes, they have occupied Zhangbali and renamed it Luntai City..."

"Uncle Lai, instead of changing the name, Zhangbali was called Luntai City in the former Tang Dynasty. At that time, there was an army there called Jingsai Army." Shi Jialing interjected.

The mysterious woman glanced at her and said nothing.

Uncle Lai continued, "The people of Song Dynasty have done such a good deed, and the people of Tahu Town and the survivors of the caravan are grateful..."

Shi Jialing turned to the mysterious woman and asked curiously: "Sister, Song people are not kind people, how could they do such a good deed?"

Yes, a good person would not kill all the people who had evil intentions to rob and kill other caravans, cut off their heads, stick them on a wooden pole, and stand them on the roadside for public display.

"Most of the reason why the Song people were so powerful was because they were engaged in business and trade. Therefore, they attached great importance to trade. Guards, border troops, and local police were all responsible for protecting the safety of merchants and travelers. The people of the Song Dynasty made great efforts to conquer the West

In addition to retaliating against the Western Kara Khanate for humiliating them, more importantly, they killed Song merchants for no reason, seriously damaging the security of the trade routes. If the Song people did not punish them severely, no one would dare to rob and kill the Song caravans at will in the future.


"Logical reasoning suggests that people in the Song Dynasty would not sit back and watch the wanton robbery and killing of caravans. In the Song Dynasty, merchants from any country will be protected as long as they operate legally."

Shi Jialing nodded, "Sister knows so much. It can be seen from this that the Song people are here this time and have no plans to leave."

The mysterious woman looked at Shi Jialing with a smile in her eyes.

"Uncle Lai, let's continue on our way. Sister, it's not safe on all roads now. Why don't you follow us back to the tribe."

"Where is your department?"

"The southeastern area of ​​Puleihai is a day and a half's journey from here."

"It turned out to be the Stone Buddha Tribe. I'm so lucky. I met a noble person at a time of crisis."

"It's the Stone Buddha's Endurance Paramita Department." Shigaruda turned around and corrected him solemnly.

The mysterious woman nodded and said no more.

"Okay, let's go." Shigaruda, who was riding in front, waved his hand and said loudly.

Shi Jialing and the mysterious woman looked at each other and smiled, then rode their horses to follow.

The scenery to the north of the Tianshan Mountains is completely different from that of Yinzhou and other places south of the Tianshan Mountains.

The snow-capped mountains are just behind you, like a general wearing a white helmet. The shining glaciers are his armor. They are towering, solemn, and extremely majestic, as if a god descended from heaven.

The group of people walked on the gently descending hillside, and pine forests could be seen everywhere. The greenery in the summer had begun to turn yellow, bringing with it the richness of autumn. The dazzling clouds and mist floated on the tops of the pine trees, like layers of tulle, like

Smoke billows.

Spring water can be seen everywhere, flowing down from the top of the mountain. Some flow straight down and merge into the grassland in the distance; some get into the cracks in the mountains and disappear for a moment, and then in the distance, a pool of water emerges.

The next day, I saw Puleihai and Pulei grassland from a distance. The green grassland looked like an endless sea, but Puleihai became a small island above it.

"This is the former land of Yinwu's army in the former Tang Dynasty. It has abundant water and beautiful grass. You, the Stone Buddha Department, have really found a good place." The mysterious woman looked at the grassland in the distance and said with a smile.

"The "Old Tang Book. Geography" contains, 'Yin Wu's army is in Ganlu River, three hundred miles northwest of Yinzhou (Hami), with three thousand soldiers, five thousand acres of land, and three hundred horses.' It's half a day's journey further.

, it is the Ganlu River mentioned in history books, and it is also the main pasture of our Stone Buddha Patience Paramita tribe."

Shi Jialing raised his riding whip, pointed forward and said with a smug look on his face.

A follower who was scouting the road in front ran back and said a few words to Uncle Lai. He turned around quickly and found the brother and sister Shi Jialuluo and Shi Jialing, with extremely panic on their faces.

"Dalang, Third Sister, something bad is going on."

"What's wrong?"

"Our men are missing!"

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