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Chapter 142: Sanjar's Response

When Sanjar learned the news about the Eastern Kara Khanate and the Gaochang Kingdom, it was already the winter month of the 16th year of the Apocalypse. At that time, he was inspecting the Kerman area in the south of Khorasan - it was said that he was inspecting, but in fact he was going to settle the place.

Strength, resolve conflicts between parties, and consolidate one's rule.

Kerman is a key passage from Tianzhu, Hezhong and the Western Regions to Persia, Two Rivers and Byzantium. It is an important transit station for land-based east-west trade.

Maritime access is developed, but pirates are also developed. In addition to the powerful and well-backed Da Shi merchant group, and the recently emerged Song Dynasty caravans, which have the ability to protect themselves and have unimpeded access, the rest of Da Shi, Persia, Tianzhu and other large and small caravans,

It was easy to get robbed, so taking the land route became a helpless choice.

You can also find the real owner on land to pay the protection fee to avoid being robbed. Who can you pay the protection fee to at sea? Those pirates are mobile operations.

As a result, Kerman became a very prosperous place and an important source of wealth for Sanjar. It exerted pressure on all sides, and soldiers and money were both indispensable.

But Kerman is in trouble. First of all, it is one of the few centers of Manichaeism. It is very powerful and is incompatible with the green surrounding environment of the mountains.

Secondly, it nominally surrendered to the Seljuk Khanate, but in fact it maintained semi-autonomy - if you have money, you can do whatever you want. Besides, the Seljuk Khanate was reluctant to kill them. Where would they collect taxes if they were destroyed?

The fearless Kerman sometimes likes to play tricks and have a bad temper.

Finally, the surrounding forces, such as the Governor of Fars appointed by the second brother in the west and the Ghaznavid Khanate in the east, all covet Kerman, the rich and arrogant little princess.

Sanjar not only has to coax Kerman into contributing more gold coins to his treasury, but also has to wipe his butt everywhere - the trade center will definitely involve a lot of commercial disputes. The forces surrounding the east and west are just right.

Use this as an excuse to cause trouble for the little Princess Kerman.

Sanjar was running around here and there, trying to mediate between various parties, and he was very tired.

Fortunately, his Khorasan cavalry were brave and good at fighting, and they controlled large areas of Persia such as Semnan, Sistan, and Yazd. They were powerful, so everyone gave him a bit of a thumbs-down.

He took the elite Gulam and Inkta cavalry into the city of Kerman, where he summoned representatives of all forces and held meetings for more than three months. During this period, all parties took turns to perform various dramas.

, just didn’t do it in public.

Sanjar was very resourceful, patient, compromised, negotiated, threatened, and intimidated, and finally balanced the demands of all parties, and once again resolved a huge crisis that might have been imminent.

The proud Sanjar asked the nobles of Kerman City to hold a feast to entertain himself and representatives of all forces.

Amid the praise and adulation, Sanjar was still sober at first.

Twenty years ago, his father died suddenly, and the Seljuk Khanate, which was once powerful, suddenly became in danger, and Sanjar began to feel a sense of crisis.

The Caliph, who originally kept calling the Seljuk Khanate the savior of the Nazis, turned his back and disowned him; his uncle Tutush established himself in Damascus, donated Jerusalem to the Caliphate, and colluded to split the western part of the Seljuk Khanate.

The eldest brother Balkyaruk came to the throne and conquered east and west. First, he defeated Tutush and hung his head on the wall of Baghdad.

However, the uncle's two sons quickly ascended the throne in Damascus and Aleppo and continued the division and confrontation.

Then came the Crusades. Taking advantage of the civil strife among the Seljuks, after several hard battles, they defeated the Roman Seljuks and snatched Konya, Edessa, and Antioch from the Seljuks.

Tripoli and Jerusalem.

His elder brother Balkyaruk, who was physically and mentally exhausted, died at the age of twenty-five. His youngest son succeeded to the throne and was soon killed by his second brother Muhan Mude.

The position of sultan of the Seljuk Khanate fell into the hands of the second brother.

However, the Seljuk Khanate declined even more, and the powerful factions in various places felt like weeds were growing in their hearts. The second brother, who was far away in Baghdad, tried his best to reward and win over, and just barely maintained the superficial unity.

For a local faction like him who is strong and beyond the reach of the central government, his brother will naturally try to win over him. But only he knows his own difficulties - he is also a group of wolves who are not well-raised!

Sanjar has been reflecting over the years on why the Seljuk Khanate rose and fell so quickly. He discovered that his ancestors and tribe were so lucky that they happened to encounter the collapse of the Samanid dynasty of Persia and took advantage of the chaos to rise quickly.

Then he marched east and west and conquered Persia.

The Caliphate in the west was also in chaos, so his ancestors and tribes marched westward and were invincible.

Because of its rapid rise, its tribe only had military talents but no administrative talents, so it could only appoint a large number of Persian officials to govern the country and local areas. In the end, the people who really controlled the Seljuk Khanate became Persians.

As a result, various conflicts emerged one after another between Turks and Persians, military upstarts and administrative officials, religions and aristocratic families, central and local governments.

In my father's time, these contradictions became more acute. He and Vizier (Prime Minister) Nizam Mulek tried to resolve these contradictions, but they were backlashed.

Mulek was assassinated by the radical Assassins, and his father also died the next year. The cause of death was very suspicious.

After Sanjar became the governor of Great Khorassan, he also wanted to work hard to solve these problems, but found that this was a deadlock - he did not have enough trustworthy and capable officials to help him govern the place and obtain stable financial and military resources -

—And these two are important foundations for solving other problems.

Perhaps the Seljuks did not have enough time to digest what they learned and turn it into their own heritage - alas, this is fate!

I really envy the Song Dynasty, which is far away in the east. I heard that they had millions of educated people and could elect enough officials to govern a huge country.

Full of thoughts, Sanjar and the others made excuses. Before they had finished their wine and had their fun, they suddenly received bad news from the east.

Unlike Muhammad II, who complained about the insecurity of his territory in the emergency report, and the representatives of various forces who had different expressions after hearing the news, Sanjar thought further.

I had just thought about the Song Dynasty, and they came. And they came so quickly. In just over a month, they destroyed the Gaochang Kingdom and the Eastern Kara Khanate - Ahmed

Khan was trapped in the isolated city, and Sanjar thought he was dead. Anyway, he would not go to that dangerous place to save him.

Sanjar calculated in his mind and found a very funny and sad thing - because he left Neshapur and there was no effective administrative system. Muhan Mode II of the Western Kara Khanate

The envoys of the world were scurrying around like headless flies, and the time it took to find them was actually longer than the time it took for the Song army to conquer the Eastern Kara Khanate and Gaochang Kingdom.

How did the people of Song Dynasty do it, sweeping across thousands of miles of territory in more than a month? Sanjar thought about the situation, gave full play to his imagination, and found that he should, maybe, maybe, probably, could do it.

But Sanjar knew that in order to do this, in addition to rich imagination, firm will and decisive courage, several necessary external conditions are also needed: there are enough troops; these troops must be well-trained

; There is a huge amount of money, food and materials, as well as a huge and effective management system for the transportation and deployment of these materials.

Sanjar found that except for having more soldiers, he seemed to be unable to achieve anything else.

But he warned himself not to be discouraged and to deal with it well.

The Song people's westward advance was completely different from the attacks of other forces.

When others come, it may be like a gust of wind, which comes and retreats quickly. Song people are different. They have enough foundation. They occupy a certain place, have the perseverance and the ability to digest it.

If you don't plan well and respond with a comprehensive strategy, the consequences may be a chain reaction - the Seljuks and Green Religion forces will collapse in an avalanche in the river, Khorasan, Persia and other areas.

"Everyone," Sanjar cleared his throat and said, "the Song people are here, holding countless Buddhist flags. They have vowed to take us, the most devout believers of the true God, from the Western Regions, from the rivers, from Tochara,

Drive them away from Khorasan, Kerman, and our homes to rebuild the Buddhist kingdom on earth."

Seeing that the representatives of all forces were listening very carefully, Sanjar raised his voice.

"This is no longer a war between the Karakhanids and the Seljuks. This is a holy war between the Communists and the infidels! We must defend our homeland and our faith to the death. If we fail,

We will lose everything, our honor, our land, our cattle and sheep. Our descendants will become slaves of the infidels, and our mosques will become Buddhist temples..."

"Everyone, the most devout and brave warriors of the True God, wave your sabers and move forward bravely under the guidance of the only greatest True God!"

"The only true God is the greatest!" The feast quickly turned into a swearing-in meeting, with hundreds of people raising their steel knives and shouting hysterically.

But in the other corner, a group of people, the Kerman nobles and Manichaean believers who have lasted for thousands of years, seemed particularly unharmonious.
This chapter has been completed!
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