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Chapter 159 Bad habits need to be changed

Puhua City, formerly known as Puhualuo City (Bukhara), is very lively.

The advance troops of the Western Expedition returned here, and the countless trophies they carried attracted a strong onlooker from the nearby garrison. It is said that the garrison as far away as Gumo City (formerly Termez) heard the news and specially sent representatives.

In the name of a business trip, I came here to watch the excitement.

More than 30,000 large horses, Anatolian horses, Armenian horses and Persian horses caused many onlookers to drool wildly. Cavalry, who is not a horse lover? These horses brought back by the advance army are all

After defeating countless enemies along the way and capturing many fine war horses, the advance army selected them again - there were too many to bring back all of them.

The best are selected from the best, so every one of them is extremely handsome, making horse lovers salivate.

"Brother, I used three of the best West Sea horses to exchange for this one. Yes, yes, it is this one, a black horse with shiny black hair and hair like silk."

A Qianhu pulled a familiar officer from the advance army and begged.

"I want to eat shit!" the officer rejected him unceremoniously.

"You have to understand that these captured horses are first selected by people from the horse administration bureau, and the best stallions and mares are selected to breed thoroughbred horses. The rest are then selected for auction.

The highest bidder gets it, and everyone gets a share of the auction money. Only the remaining horses will be divided into everyone's hands."

When Qianhu heard this, he knew that he had no chance. This big black horse of Armenian breeding would definitely be selected to be sent to the military horse farm to be bred to a better breed.

He looked so sad that others thought his wife had run away with all the family property.

Yan Wanshi walked by him and felt very strange, but soon he saw his friends waving not far away, Bo Ji Changkong, Bulutai and Tu Suli, his three best friends, and he greeted him with a smile.

The four of them found a tavern run by Manichaeans and sat down to drink and eat.

"Wan Shi, you are so lucky. Why did the officials select your Yueyan Division as the advance army?" Boji Changkong, who was already a member of the Thousand Households, sighed, "It's a pity that we can only fight in the Western Region, Hezhong and

It’s very boring to wander around Khorasan and other places, clearing out the remnants.”

"Your brother-in-law Xu Wanhu personally led the Yueyan Division on the expedition. Why don't you ask a favor and second him to the Yueyan Division?" Broutai asked.

"The incident happened suddenly. When I heard the news, I was following the southward detachment to suppress the remnants of the Seljuqs in the Luolan City area. Then the advance army set off quickly, and there was no time."

"Luolan City? Where is it?"

"It is the city of Baharan (Baghlan), in the northeast of the Ghaznavid Khanate. The Seljuks stationed an army there to monitor the Tocharian and Qigasi tribes such as Gudou and others west of Congling.

Sanjar was defeated and fled westward. The generals there ceded territory to become independent and had the intention of surrendering to the Assene Khanate, so I ordered an attack on them."

"Luolan City, Baharan City, it seems that places like the Western Region and Henan Province have changed a lot of cities and place names?"

"Yes. Officials issued an edict that the names of many cities and places in Hezhong in the Western Regions will no longer be transliterated according to the names of the Turks or locals. They will all be changed. Either the names of the former Tang Dynasty will be restored, such as Luolan and Gumo;

Just change it again to make it sound better, for example, Puhualuo was renamed Puhuacheng."

"Oh, that's it. What about Samadang? I remember it is Samadang City, the capital of the Hezhong region. We thought we were going to hand over there."

Boji Changkong chuckled, pointed at Tusuli, "Ask him."

Tusuli grinned, unable to tell whether he was smiling or yawning, "The city of Samadha has been burned to the ground, and it happened to be our troops who did it."

"Destroyed?" Yan Wanshi was startled. It was a first-class and prosperous metropolis in the Western Region. Would it be destroyed at the drop of a hat?

"Of course it will be destroyed!" Bo Ji Changkong curled his lips disapprovingly, "The imperial edict for the Western Expedition issued by the government mentioned that this sinful city stained with the blood of the Song people should be destroyed. We, the Song Dynasty, will do what we say.

, if it is said to be destroyed, it must be destroyed. Also buried were the tyrant Muhan Mode II of the Western Kara Khanate, as well as the ministers of civil and military affairs, and more than 4,700 bodyguards. They were beheaded together, and their heads were piled up in Beijing.

On the ruins of Samadan.”

Brutaire spent some time in the former General Staff Bureau and knew some inside information.

"Don't worry, the Song Dynasty will definitely not give up the Hezhong area. I heard that the above means Puhua City, Dawan City... Dawan City is the previous Dieshukan (Tashkent) city, plus the new city near Samadang

Kangju City will be built as a key town for the development of the Hezhong area, and Puhua, Dayuan, and Kangju counties will also be established as pilot projects..."

"Destroy Samadan City and rebuild Kangju City?"

"Yes, completely destroy the city of Samudan of the Turks and the Green Sect, and build a new city of Kangju in the Song Dynasty." Brutaire replied.

Yan Wanshi nodded thoughtfully.

Tu Suli suddenly smiled and asked: "I heard that this advance army brought back tens of thousands of young women. Wan Shi, do you have any of them?"

For people who grew up on the grasslands, going to war meant killing enemies and plundering wealth. Pastures, cattle, sheep, horses, and women were all wealth to them.

Yan Wanshi showed two tiger teeth and smiled: "I have two women. One was captured in Yinsfahan and is the daughter of Yinsfahan Atabeg. The other was captured in Mosul and is the youngest daughter of the Sultan of Mosul.

Beloved concubine."

The three companions looked envious and gloating at the same time.

"Haha, Wan Shi, if you want to enjoy the blessings of being together, you should first appease the rouge horse at home that loves to poke its hooves."

How can a man give up on his dignity?

Yan Wanshi straightened his neck and said: "It's a joke, in our family, I am a perfect rider!"

The companions all chuckled. Brothers, who doesn’t know who is who? What big talk are you talking about here?

Yan Wanshi was born as a horse slave and developed his riding and shooting skills since he was a child. He started working as a personal attendant for officials with Boji Changkong and grew up along the way. However, in terms of cultural studies, the teacher Yelu Yanqing who inspired and helped him the most was the teacher Yelu Yanqing.

Yelu Yanqing was a Khitan. He was eager to learn since he was a child. He was well-read and proficient in Chinese, Khitan and Tatar languages. His talents were well-known among the Khitan nobles. However, his father was framed by a traitor, and he himself was sent to Zhenzhou, Shangjing Road.

On the northwest road, the envoy Yelu Helu Saugu's men were recruited as officials.

In the seventh year of Yuanyou, the leader of the Kelie tribe, Mogusi, known as "Buyilu Black Khan", rebelled against the Liao Dynasty, defeated the Liao army in succession, and trapped Zhao, Zhen, Fang and other prefectures. Yelu Yanqing was captured and became the head of the Kelie tribe.

A man slave.

Because he was literate and eloquent, the grasslands changed rapidly and changed several owners, but he remained safe. He also married a Tatar woman and gave birth to children.

Mobei was occupied by the troops led by Zhao Si, and Yelu Yanqing was also owned by the Song army and classified as an ordinary deputy household. One day, Yan Wanshi met Yelu Yanqing accidentally and was impressed by his knowledge and worshiped him as his teacher.

Then Yan Wanshi married Yelu Yanqing's daughter Yelu Zhalahua, and was promoted from teacher and student to son-in-law. Yan Wanshi respected this teacher very much and loved his wife very much. His wife had the knowledge of his father and the fierceness of his mother.

, controlled Yan Wanshi to death.

This time Yan Wanshi actually took advantage of the opportunity to go on an expedition with the army and wanted to add more people to the felt bag. This was tantamount to shaking things up. So the three friends waited to watch the excitement.

"This is a rule on the grassland, a tradition that has been passed down for thousands of years. You can't break the rule by making flowers." Yan Wanshi used the truth to encourage himself.

"This is the truth." Bo Ji Changkong said on the side: "On our grassland, for thousands of years, if we want to be rich and have a prosperous population, we rely on robbing. Robbing cattle and sheep, robbing pastures,

Stealing women. However, now that we are a new generation of prairie people, we must get rid of such bad habits! This is also the truth!"

"This...this, bad habits need to be changed, but the customs have been engraved in our bones and cannot be changed even if we want to. If you want to change, let's change it from my son's generation!"

Boji Changkong and the others laughed loudly, "You are such a good father to your son!"
This chapter has been completed!
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