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Chapter 181 Disputes in the Cabinet (1)

After coming out of Qionglin Garden, Zhao Si and four others rushed back to the East Pavilion without stopping, where a cabinet meeting was being held.

When he arrived in front of the East Pavilion, Zhao Si stopped, turned around and looked at the four sons, thought about it in his mind, and then said: "You four, go and look for some documents in the document library next to it. Shutong

, you take them there, find some summary reports from the three departments in each county last year, and show them to them."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Seeing the four princes and Yu Wenxuzhong walking away, Zhao Si turned around and continued walking towards the east pavilion.

He originally wanted to take the four princes to sit in on the cabinet meeting, but after thinking about it, if the four princes went to sit in on the cabinet meeting together, it would send incorrect information to the outside world, which would make some people who are ready to take action can't help but jump out and get angry.


It is better to wait until they are older, mainly Lao Ba, then let him take the lead and take the brothers to observe the cabinet meeting, so that unnecessary misunderstandings can be reduced to a minimum.

The East Pavilion Hall is not large, with a large circular table. There are five people sitting on the table.

The Grand Master of Wenhua Palace, Ping Zhangjun and State Affairs, Zhang Shuye, the Grand Prime Minister of Shangshu Province, sat at the top.

Duanmingdian Grand Bachelor, Tongping Zhangjun State Affairs, Zhongshu Province Situ Fan Zhixu, Duanmingdian Grand Bachelor, Tongping Zhangjun State Affairs, Menxia Provincial Secretary Kou Zongze, Wuyingdian Grand Bachelor, Tongping Zhangjun State Affairs, Privy Council

Liu Fa and the great scholar of Guanwen Palace, Tong Ping Zhangjun and Guo Shi, and Sun Moli, the chief minister of Zuopushe in Shangshu Province, sat on the seats on his left and right respectively.

Next are the bachelor of Chongzhengdian, who is in charge of the military and state affairs, and Xie Kejia, the Zuocheng of the Zhongshu Province. Also added is the bachelor of Chongzhengdian, who is the minister of the military and state affairs. Guo Yong, the censor of the left capital of the provincial capital procuratorate, and the right servant of the Shangshu Province.

Lu Yihao, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, Zeng Baohua, the Minister of Planning, Zhang Yi, the Minister of Rites, Cao Duo, the Minister of War, Liu Ji, the Minister of the Interior, Li Gang, the governor of Kaifeng, Gao Yongnian, the chief of the Privy Council Staff Headquarters, and the Duke of Yu, the military and political headquarters, ten people, plus

The secretary, provincial attendant, Yu Wenxuzhong, who came up, was exactly eleven people.

Sit on both sides of the long circular table.

There are also Zhao Ding, the governor of Shanbei, Huo Anguo, the governor of Congling, Tan Shiji, the governor of Peiping, Xue Tao, the governor of Jiangning, Yesun, the Yin of Lingnan County, Zhu Shengfei, the governor of Jiangdong County, and Li Guang, the governor of Xi'an, who were awarded the title of Bachelor of Chongzhengdian.

, the cabinet members involved in military and state affairs were unable to attend the meeting because they were in far away places, so they had to be absent.

Zhao seemed to have known in advance that this imperial cabinet meeting would be very controversial, but he did not expect that it would be so controversial.

"The Anxi Protectorate, during the former Han Dynasty, was nothing more than a temporary station, specializing in the management of Tibetan diplomatic affairs. It had only a few thousand soldiers and few cities. The countries in the Western Regions, including Qiuci, Cheshi and other countries, were among the former Han and Xiongnu.

Between the two ends of the rat's head..."

"During the former Tang Dynasty, the Anxi Protectorate and the Anbei Protectorate were at their peak. They set up four towns in Anxi, stationed troops in the fields, and gave orders to all countries. It was just a military, political and economic organization. However, the great food marched eastward, and the Battle of Talos

Gao Xianzhi was defeated, all the countries in the Western Regions left the Tang Dynasty and surrendered, and the four towns of Anxi were sunk..."

A red-robed official said angrily. His face was slightly red and he looked very excited.

The speaker was Xie Kejia, Zuocheng of Zhongshu Province.

This man is related to Zhao Tingzhi, so he should be called Zhao Tingzhi's biological uncle.

Zhao Tingzhi was in the wrong team in the last years of Yuan Fu, and the official family was the first to be purged after he came to the throne. The Xie Ke family was not too implicated during this period, but rose to prominence because of his talents.

"The Protectorate of Anxi is just a tribute to the prosperous times of the Han and Tang Dynasties by historians. Did it really rule the Western Regions? No, according to current theory, it was just a council stationed in the Western Regions by the Han and Tang Dynasties to monitor the countries in the Western Regions.

...There are people who use this as a basis to encourage officials to surpass the Han and Tang Dynasties, launch wars, and resort to violence..."

Seeing the extremely angry expressions of the Xie Ke family, as well as the expressions of similar hatred on the part of Zongze, Guo Yong, and Liu Ji, Zhao seemed to know that there was considerable opposition to the Western Expedition in the cabinet.

No, even Li Guang and Wang Zhen looked a little hesitant. Although they supported the Western Expedition, they also had their own opinions and views.

Although Prime Minister Zhang Shuye is as silent as water, it can be seen from his eyes that he also has some tendencies.

Sima Liu Fa looked a little embarrassed. He was the person present who supported the Western Expedition the most.

As for Situ Fan Zhixu, like Changsun Moli, he was the calmest among everyone present.

It's good to have different opinions.

"Confusing different opinions" is actually a kind of check and balance of power, and check and balance is a very common method in politics. However, as an official, you need to have certain political wisdom and skills to allow ministers with different opinions to fight without breaking through.

Divide without splitting, and maintain a situation where the general direction is the same, but the implementation details are slightly different.

My father just lacked means and courage. He failed to tame Wang Anshi's stubborn donkey, and failed to deal with the eldest mother and those conservatives who were full of economics and occupied the moral high ground. As a result, the court patronized each other and stabbed each other, and the reform was completely ruined.

, the national government is in ruins.

After Xie Kejia finished speaking, Zongze also echoed a few words.

As one of the five bachelors and a veteran of the official family, his words carried much more weight than those of the Xie Ke family. When he spoke, Zhang Shuye, who had always remained calm, couldn't help but move his body.

Move your butt.

Then Guo Yong and Liu Ji spoke one after another, making the atmosphere at the venue more solemn.

Especially Guo Yong, he was also a veteran of Qiandi. He and Zongze were the right-hand men of the official family, and they defeated the Western Army together. This was a real achievement of support. Later, he served as the military governor of Yuhou, similar to the Song Dynasty.

The General Committee of the Navy and Army. Now he has been transferred to the Menxia Province as a deputy, in charge of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and his reputation and prestige have reached a higher level.

His speech made Zhang Shuye stop moving. He sat in his seat and listened quietly.

In fact, in Zhang Shuye's heart, the Western Expedition was okay. He could just send a general, lead the army to march westward, recover the Western Regions, and rebuild the Anxi Protectorate. There was no need to let the officials personally conduct the expedition.

And judging from the words and deeds of the officials, he would continue to drive and conquer personally in the future. This made Zhang Shuye a little bit intolerable. Moreover, he also heard the opinions of Guo Yong, Zongze and others, which were mostly aimed at this point.

After listening to the speeches of the ministers, Zhao Si glanced at everyone and asked: "Which minister can answer the questions of these gentlemen for me?"

Liu Fa was a little eager to try, but he opened his mouth and remained silent.

Sitting in the position of Grand Sima, he was already walking on thin ice and did not want to cause any more disputes - he was worried that if he opened his mouth, the ministers would transfer the conflict to himself, and then the official family would be even more embarrassed.

Zhao Si saw this and sighed secretly in his heart.

The centuries-old inertia of culture worshiping military inferiority cannot be reversed in a short time. Just like the ideas and thoughts in the minds of these ministers, no matter how they instill them or organize their studies, they cannot be completely changed from the root.

Fortunately, since he came to the throne, he has been cultivating a new generation of officials who share his philosophy.

Changsun Moli said: "As the person in charge of cooperation and cooperation in the Western Expedition, I have a deep understanding of it, so I will answer the questions of several gentlemen for Your Majesty."

"Okay, Mr. Xuanming, please speak." Zhao Si nodded tacitly and said kindly.

This chapter has been completed!
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