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Chapter 195 The Significance of the Agricultural Association (1)

"Well, well, these tea cakes are delicious. The tea cakes in your cabinet are more delicious than those in other places. Who chose them?"

Zhao Si pointed at the empty plate on the table and said.

"The officials are hungry, so I asked them to bring over two more plates. This refreshment was chosen by our chief steward, Xu Yanyou, who is in charge of the administration."

Changsun Moli replied.

"It's delicious, but too delicate. One plate is not enough, I can eat two more. Huatian, Huatian!" Zhao Si called out twice, and Yu Huatian opened the door and walked in.

"The official calls me?"

"I'm going to see Xu Huiyan, who works in Zhizhong, and I want two more plates of refreshments. Well, one plate of mung beans and one plate of red beans."

"Yes, the little one will be picked up right away."

Yu Huatian turned around and left, and the eldest grandson, Moli, didn't say much. Food and drink for officials are not something that can be provided casually.

After a while, Yu Huatian appeared at the door with a plate of tea, and attendant Liu Qi accompanied him.

Changsun Moli, who had been a chamberlain, knew that this meant that the plate of tea served by Yu Huatian had been supervised by the chamberlain and bodyguards throughout the process, and was only served after the poison was tested and found to be correct.

Yu Huatian placed the refreshments on the table, turned around and left the room with Liu Qi, and closed the door.

"The more I eat, the hungrier I get. When I get hungry, I feel panicked, sweating all over my body, and my head is buzzing. Xuanming, please sit down for a while and wait until I have taken care of the ancestors of the Five Zang Temple."

After Zhao Si said that, he grabbed a piece of pastry and started eating it.

Changsun Moli smiled and said nothing.

Seeing the officials eating with gusto, the eldest grandson Moli couldn't help but be in a daze, his thoughts wandering.

The official is burly in stature, but attentive as hair; he is heroic in demeanor, but cautious and profound; he is regarded as a living Buddha and Bodhisattva by soldiers and civilians from all over the world, but he ordered the construction of hundreds of temples and skeleton forests - wooden poles like forests.

The head above was exposed to wind and rain, and soon turned into a skeleton.

Such a contradictory person may be called the unpredictable power of God.

The sound of Zhao Si smashing his mouth woke up the eldest son Moli. He felt that it was not polite to stare at the official family eating like this. So he picked up the teacup, lowered his head and drank.

The warm tea flowed down his throat, and a faint aftertaste accompanied by sweetness swirled in his mouth, but the thoughts in his mind wandered away again.

A smart and resourceful person like him is thinking all the time.

Why do officials support their own efforts to implement agricultural associations?

Yes, Guan Jia trusts him very much, but this trust only makes him willing to listen to his opinions and fully communicate and communicate. It does not mean that he will obey his words.

The officials are very independent people. As the most intimate minister, Changsun Moli knows this very well. So, the officials should have seen the benefits of the agricultural association to benefit the country and the people, so they decided to support themselves.

It's just that the official seemed to have something hidden in what he said just now. He had other thoughts about the Agricultural Association that he didn't say out loud.

Changsun Moli thought further along with the seats of Tong Yilang and Pingjian Lang mentioned by Zhao Si just now.

As an important assistant who helped Zhao Si draft most of the New Deal, Changsun Moli knew the official system after the Year of Apocalypse by heart.

At present, most laws are reviewed and approved by the Zizheng Yuan composed of senior officials, but the Jia Yi Yuan composed of senior officials is higher than the Zizheng Yuan in terms of authority. According to the official plan, when the time is right, the Zizheng Yuan will

Merger of Yuan Hui and Jia Yi Yuan...

Since the Shimen Qingyuan Authentic Conference was held, the imperial court has formed a practice of regularly convening local sages and representatives from all walks of life to Beijing for meetings to listen to their opinions and suggestions on various national policies.

Later, the officials simply established the Zhongshu Provincial Tongyiyuan, and the Zhongshu Provincial Department and the Secretariat Department confirmed these sages and representatives as Tongyilang, which became a custom.

At the same time, the officials issued an edict to allow each county to establish a review bureau, select and convene reviewers, and review county affairs on a regular basis.

Then some adjustments were made to the Tongyilang. Half of the Tongyilang were selected by the county councilors, and the other half continued to be selected by the Secretariat and Zhongshu Provinces, and all were reviewed by the Menxia Province - mainly because they could not

Have a criminal record.

It would be ridiculous if the representatives who came to the DPRK to discuss politics were accompanied by eucalyptus.

Others may not see it yet, but Changsun Moli can see clearly. In the future, the authority of Jia Yiyuan, Tongyi Yuan and Review Bureau will be gradually increased.

There was silence in the room, only the sounds of Zhao Si eating and Changsun Moli drinking tea were heard.

Changsun Moli looked at the flickering light of the setting sun in the window, and his thoughts became clearer.

That's right, the Jia Yiyuan, composed of distinguished officials, senior officials, and elites from all walks of life, may eventually assume the power and responsibility of drafting, reviewing and passing laws - after the merger of the Jia Yiyuan and the Zizhengyuan.

The senior official is the head of the Jia Yi doctors and is responsible for leading them to draft and discuss the corresponding draft laws according to the six subjects. They are initially reviewed and approved, and then reviewed and approved by the Jia Yi Council.

In addition, Changsun Moli also speculated that Zhongshu Province Jiayiyuan may take on another important responsibility in the future, responsible for the Shangshu Province and the chief officials of the subordinate provinces, such as the ministers of various ministries, the chief minister of Dali Temple, and the Metropolitan Inspectorate.

The examination results of both the left and right censors were reviewed.

To be honest, Changsun Moli was not very clear about the powers and responsibilities of Tongyiyuan and Tongyilang.

Now I understand that the General Council composed of elite representatives from local and agricultural, industrial and commercial areas, coupled with Zeng Baohua's perfect budget and auditing system, is here to supervise the fiscal budget and revenue.

Each county review bureau will naturally supervise the fiscal budget and revenue of the county just like the General Assembly. It should be under the jurisdiction of the Zhongshu Province - just like the Chief Secretary is under the jurisdiction of the Shangshu Province, the Yincha Division is under the jurisdiction of the Menxia Province, and the Military Preparation Department is under the jurisdiction of the Shangshu Province.

Under the jurisdiction of the Privy Council.

As one of the three provinces and one academy, how could the Zhongshu Provincial Government not have subordinate departments at the local level? With the Appraisal Bureau, this piece has been put together.

Based on his own speculation about the Jia Yiyuan, Chang Sun Moli felt that maybe the Review Bureau would also be responsible for reviewing the examination results of officials such as the Chief Envoy and the Inspection Envoy - the Zhongshu Province could be divided into the Jia Yiyuan and the Tongyi Yuan, and each local government

There is no need to subdivide the counties. It would be better to have one review bureau take care of them all.

From the outside, the officials have made the official system of Tianqi extremely complicated.

Changsun Moli felt that in fact, the official system was not complicated, but the responsibilities and powers were very clear, especially the checks and balances on power. If you look at the previous official system of the Song Dynasty, it was called complicated.

Zhongshu, Privy Council, and the three divisions are responsible for the three major affairs of government, military, and finance. Official positions are divided into dispatch, official rank, casual official rank, honorary officer, title, and post, etc. There are many categories. Then the levels of government at all levels are repeated and stacked.

frame house.

Changsun Moli's mind was buzzing as he thought about the previous central and local government agencies and officials.

Yuanfeng restructured the system, abolished the Zhongshu family, restored the three-province system of the early Tang Dynasty, and installed three high-ranking officials, but they were only empty posts.

The ministers Zuopushe and Youpushe were appointed to act as ministers' ministers; the ministers Zuopushe was also the minister's minister, and he acted as the minister's minister; the minister's right minister was also the minister of the minister, and he acted as the minister of the minister, and together he became the prime minister.

Participation in political affairs was cancelled, and four deputy prime ministers were added, namely, the Minister of Menxia, ​​the Minister of Zhongshu, the Minister Zuocheng, and the Minister Youcheng.

Let’s look at the restructuring of the official family. The Grand Chancellor of the Shangshu Province is the prime minister, who is in charge of military and state affairs, the Shangshu Province is Zuopushe, the Zhongshu Province is Situ, the Menxia Province Sikou and the Privy Council Sima are the deputy prime ministers - they just changed their names.

In the restructuring of the official family, the biggest change was the promotion of bachelor's degree, the weight of the additional titles of bachelor's degree and direct bachelor's degree, and the cabinet system. These two points centralized and balanced the power of the military state.

After twenty years of implementation, people really have to marvel at this genius idea of ​​the official family.

Thinking of this, Changsun Moli couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Zhao Si.

This chapter has been completed!
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