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Chapter 218 Mynah's Doubts

"Third brother, shall we go back to the camp together?" Zhao Ting asked.

"Bago, you go back first. I want to talk to the leaders of the Persian and Turkic armies." Zhao Geng replied.

Zhao Ting knew that he was preparing to take over Persia, so he nodded: "Third brother, go ahead and do your work. I will go back to the camp by myself."

"Okay, we will meet at the Chinese army's tent later."

Zhao Genggong handed over his hand and took the Duke of Chu Shi Fuyu, the attendant Li Yanxian, and Wang De on horseback to leave.

Zhao Ting watched silently, and Han Shizhong, the chief attendant of Duke Qin beside him, stepped forward and asked: "Your Highness, shall we return to the camp?"


Han Shizhong immediately issued an order: "Yue Fei, Yang Zheng, organize the guards and escort His Highness back to the camp."


Returning to his camp, Zhao Ting was a little uneasy. He asked Han Shizhong, Yue Fei and other attendants: "Good minister, why do you think my father spent all his energy to capture the city of Tabriz in this way?"

Han Shizhong said carelessly: "Your Majesty is the master of military affairs in this world, and his military use has always been unpredictable. This time he used such means to capture the city of Tabriz. Naturally, he has his own reasons. We just obey orders."

Zhao Ting knew that his attendant was both thick and thin, so this was the most appropriate statement. But he was still confused in his heart and wanted to find out.

"Pengju, Zhifu, please tell me."

Zhao Ting continued to ask unwillingly.

Yue Fei and Yang Zheng looked at each other, and finally Yue Fei gritted his teeth and said: "Your Highness, I suggest you go and have a look for yourself. Seeing is believing. Maybe you will understand."

Zhao Ting rolled his eyes and said to Han Shizhong: "Good minister, let's go take a look, okay?"

Han Shizhong smiled and replied: "Your Highness, as long as Mr. Chenggong agrees, I will take on the responsibility of being a follower."

"Okay, Pengju, go and invite Mr. Chenggong here."

After a while, Qin Duke Shi Hu Shijiang arrived. After hearing Zhao Ting's request, he hesitated. He was a school scholar and was sent to Zhao Ting as a long history. He has a bright future - everyone in the world knows it.

The Duke of Qin must be the crown prince and crown prince.

Qian Di is an old minister, a position that many people dream of.

However, Hu Shijiang has been working hard and does not dare to slack off in the slightest.

He considered Duke Qin's request in his mind. He knew that His Majesty the Emperor had a pragmatic approach to cultivating several princes. He was pragmatic and practical. As the default crown prince, Qin Guogong did the same.

"Your Highness, I have no objection. I just suggest that we summon two masters, Chen Guang and Luan Tingyu, to accompany us. Although the outside of Tabriz is controlled by our army, it is hard to predict whether there will be remnant soldiers hiding in the dark.

. Masters Chen and Zhou are old, stable, and highly skilled in martial arts. With them accompanying His Highness, you will be protected when you go out."

"Hu Changshi is right, a gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall. Zhihu, please invite the two masters Chen Guang and Luan Tingyu."

After a while, Zhao Ting, escorted by gun and stick masters Chen Guang and Luan Tingyu, attendant Han Shizhong, attendants Yue Fei, Yang Zheng, Wu Lin and a group of guards, left the camp, turned around a mountain ridge, and came to a

In the valley.

The place is crowded with people, as if ants are working all over the mountains and plains. Judging from their clothing, these people are all young and strong local people. They are divided into groups of ten and teams of one hundred, led by sergeants and officers of the Song Dynasty, who supervise and

When driven, they may wield a hoe or shovel to dig earth; or they may push a wheelbarrow to transport soil.

A huge earth channel is being quickly dug into shape.

Seeing Zhao Ting's team, the officer in charge of supervising the work ran over on horseback. He was startled when he saw Han Shizhong, Wu Lin and others at the head.

"Han Powu, Wu Erlang, what are you doing here?" It was Wu Jie who asked.

"We escorted His Highness the Duke of Qin to come and view the project."

"His Royal Highness the Duke of Qin." Wu Jie hurriedly clapped his horse and stepped forward, cupping his hands and saying: "I have seen His Highness the Duke of Qin. He is busy with military affairs. Please forgive me for being rude."

Thirteen-year-old Zhao Ting raised his hand maturely and said politely: "Colonel Wu Zuo, you're welcome. You both know Colonel Han Zuo and Lieutenant Wu. These two are my master's gun and stick martial arts masters, Master Chen Guangchen and Master Luan Tingyu Luan."


"I have heard about the names of Master Chen and Master Luan. I was also the apprentice of Master Chen and Master Zhou when I was in the sergeant school. I heard that Master Luan is the master disciple of Master Zhou, so I have learned the truth."

Luan Tingyu quickly said humbly: "College Wu Zuo has received the award."

Zhao Ting continued to introduce: "These two are also my servants, Yue Fei and Yue Zuowei, Yang Zheng and Yang Zuowei."

"Your Highness, I have also heard of Yue Pengju's famous name. Not only is he a close disciple of Master Zhou, he also graduated with the first place in Dingxiang Military Academy that year. Yang Zhifu is a fellow countryman of my family, and we have known each other for generations."

"That's it." Zhao Ting nodded, and then bluntly stated his purpose.

"I want to see this project so that I can understand the mysterious and profound meaning of my father's plan."

Wu Jie pulled his horse aside and said respectfully: "Your Highness, please! I am in charge of supervising this project, and I am very familiar with it. Please allow me to be your guide."

"Your Highness, this canal is twenty meters wide, ten meters deep, and thirteen kilometers long. It was excavated on the basis of a valley. The amount of work is not very large. Our army recruited more than 30,000 local young men and dug 20

Days, it will be completed in four days."

"College Wu Zuo, the river dam in front has been built?"

"Your Highness, the river dam was repaired twelve days ago. This river is called the Talhai River. It is formed by melting snow from the mountains in the north and east. It originally flowed westward into Lake Rezaye. Now it has been blocked.

The water was cut off and stored for nearly ten days, and the valley ten kilometers upstream has been filled."

Zhao Ting asked hesitantly: "I know that storing water into a lake, digging canals to divert the water, and then breaking the embankments to fill it with water is a water attack strategy. But there is a mountain ridge between the canal and the city of Tabriz."

As Zhao Ting spoke, he pointed at a mountain ridge not far away with his riding whip.

"In a few days, after the embankment bursts, no matter how big the water is, it will not be able to enter the basin of Tabriz. It will only be blocked by the mountains and flow eastward, returning to the river and then entering Lake Rezaye.


Wu Jie smiled and said, "Your Highness, this is a matter of military secrets. Without receiving orders, please forgive me for not being able to answer your Highness's questions."

Han Shizhong glared at him and then smiled. Yue Fei, Yang Zheng and Wu Lin, who were riding behind Zhao Ting, were also used to it.

On the contrary, Luan Tingyu was a little weird, thinking that Wu Jie was being too wild. Even the Duke of Qin, the crown prince recognized by the world, was unwilling to tell him any military secrets.

Chen Guang on the side saw what he was thinking and quietly tugged at the corner of his clothes. While Zhao Ting and Wu Jie continued to talk, he whispered a warning.

"Strictly keeping secrets is a military law, and military law is like a mountain. There is only one person in the Song army who has no reservations and obeys absolutely, and that is His Majesty. You will know after you stay in the army for a few more years."

When Luan Tingyu heard this, his heart trembled, and he immediately put aside his small thoughts.

Zhao Ting, accompanied by Wu Jie, watched for more than an hour. Full of questions, he returned to the Chinese army's tent to attend the military meeting.

This chapter has been completed!
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