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Chapter 67 Can't you be reasonable?

"Salary payment is coming!"

Another voice came, and the camp was filled with silence at first, and then a roar, like a bunch of flies frightened and taking off.

"Where are the stipends distributed?" the sergeants almost said in unison.

"The large transshipment warehouse at Dailoumen."

"Really or not?"

"The troops in the East Wing received it at the transfer warehouse at Chenqiao Gate, and many of them had their stipends sent home."

Hearing this, even some of the sergeants, who were lying or sitting on the bunks and had been indifferent, couldn't hold back anymore and jumped up.

The sergeants' minds were completely filled with the word "pay and grain", and they couldn't think about anything else.

A rush of water poured out of the camp. Throughout the camp, hundreds of soldiers rushed out of the camp gate and ran to the large transshipment warehouse not far away, as if their buttocks were on fire.

The large transshipment warehouse near Dailoumen was indeed full of people, and they were shouted at and lined up.

Dozens of petty officials walked through it, asking the sergeants to report their names and affiliations, then check their waistbands and register them in the register.

In the open space in front, there is a wooden platform with dozens or hundreds of baskets on it, filled with golden copper coins.

I really have money to make.

The sergeants who came in felt relieved and followed the crowd honestly, forming a line.

This won't work.

The few people who were fanning the flames in the camp just now saw something was wrong when they saw this situation. If everyone was so honest about receiving their salary and accepting training, wouldn't they be unable to get the reward promised by Prince Mu's palace?

There must be trouble!

"Are you going to get rid of us after giving us money?"

"We don't know anything. We can only work as errands for the officials and be the top soldiers. If we are dismissed, our whole family will starve to death."

"Ugh, I have an old man above me and a young man below me. They were deported and all I had to do was starve to death. What's the use of me holding this money? Can I buy a few thin coffins?"

These people cooperated tacitly. Some stirred up the topic, some supported it, and some exaggerated their emotions. They immediately turned the atmosphere around.

Sadness and worry appeared on the faces of many sergeants.

"I received the replacement salary, took the assessment, and was elected to the police department." The clerks answered this question.

Accepted, just right!

I just want you to pick up the conversation, so that we can interact with each other.

The people who fanned the flames were delighted and quickly attacked in groups.

"No! We won't go into the police station! Our salary will be halved, and all the fabrics on our clothes will be reduced. You are trying different ways to reduce our salary!"

"That's right! We're not going anywhere, we're just staying in the Xiang army! You officials are working so hard to harm us, haven't you suffered enough before?"

"That's it! The police department is not allowed to trick us into going to the Taihang Mountains to fight bandits, and then use us to fill holes and bury them in pits! We don't have enough to eat or wear, and they want to send us to death! No!"

This round of incitement had an effect, and many sergeants shouted angrily: "I won't go! I won't go!"

The scribes had nothing to say.

These things are not for them to know and decide, so what should I say?

Seeing that the situation was looking great, several of the leaders who stirred up trouble exchanged glances with each other, preparing to gather all their strength, launch a general attack, and directly provoke a riot here.

"I'll answer your questions!" came a loud voice.

Everyone turned around and saw a man as majestic as an iron tower standing on a wooden platform, holding a large iron trumpet and speaking loudly.

"Who are you! Why should we believe you?"

One of the people who was instigating the trouble quickly retorted!

"I am Zhao Shisan, King of Jian Dynasty, a member of the Privy Council of Tongzhi, General Zuo Yiwei, Lieutenant of the School Inspector, and Military Envoy of Henghai Zhenhai Xiongwu Army! Under the order of the official family, I am responsible for the establishment of the police department and the Xiangjunpu army.

Organize and organize matters."

"To trust me is to trust the imperial court and the official family!"

Zhao Si's voice was like the bronze bell in the Daxiangguo Temple. It was strong and powerful, and the sound penetrated directly into people's hearts, leaving the scene in silence.

The group of people who fanned the flames were also suppressed by this momentum, muttering in their hearts, let me listen to you first, and then I will show you the loopholes when I find them!

Seeing that the momentum was building up, Zhao Si held up a loudspeaker and continued to speak.

"You are incorporated into the police department, and your salary is divided into three classes. The third-class salary is 300 cash, and the monthly ration is one stone and six buckets; the second-class salary is 350 cash, and the monthly ration is one stone and eight buckets; the first-class salary is 400 cash

, a monthly salary of two dan. Clothes are not included, at least four sets a year. After that, the position will be increased year by year based on merit, length of service."

As soon as Zhao Si finished his words, a sergeant couldn't wait to ask: "Is it true or false? It's not just to trick us, right?"

It's true that the pay is much better. The first-class salary is the same as the treatment of a forbidden soldier.

"These rules and treatment have been posted and made public to the world. From now on, if anyone is short of a penny or a grain of grain, go to Prince An Jian's Mansion and I will take you there to get it back. If you don't come back, I will pay to make up for it!


The people who fanned the flames looked at it and thought, no, this situation has a tendency to be brought back, so we must take action to muddy the water.

"Your Highness King Jian, it's hard to get this money. Please tell me the rules! It's a good idea. Only some people can get it, and most of them will be laid off!"

That’s a good question!

The remuneration was so good, but during the reorganization, most of the people were eliminated by just cutting the redundant and eliminating the weak, but it was all in vain.

"Of course there are regulations. When Xiangjunpujun is transferred to the police department, he must pass an assessment, be assigned to different positions according to the situation, and then receive on-the-job training in rotation."

The people who fanned the flames have found a loophole, "Assessment, what kind of assessment method?"

"Running to test physical strength, test business ability..." After saying a few words, Zhao Si immediately picked up the conversation without giving others a chance to interrupt.

"Those who are in good health and are young and strong can work as patrol officers and patrol the streets on time; those who are in good health and are familiar with the streets can work as road police and direct vehicles and boats; those who are in average health and are familiar with the streets and alleys can work as criminal policemen.

, investigate and handle cases; those who are in good health and can wield knives and guns can become special police officers; those who are in poor health or old and frail, it doesn't matter, they can become internal police officers..."

"Our principle is to benefit the general public, take care of the key points, pay for hard work, and reward for merit! As much as possible, every Xiangjunpujun can be smoothly transformed into a police officer in the police department, and they can be trained smoothly to serve as a police officer.

The peace and harmony of the people of Kaifeng Prefecture are greatly contributed to."

After Zhao Si finished speaking, everyone present felt that it was untrue!

Is it possible? Is it realistic?

When have officials and powerful people been so reasonable? So considerate?

Are we still lying on the bunk bed without waking up?

Still dreaming!

Seeing everyone's expressions, Zhao Si smiled faintly.

I knew you wouldn't believe it!

"These are reporters from the Tokyo Times and Gale. They will follow up on the entire process of the National Police Agency's rectification and reorganization. They have also recorded what I just said on paper and will publish it.

If I break my promise, not only will you scold me, they will scold me in the newspapers, the whole city will be closed, and everyone in the world will scold me!"

"So you say, do I dare to break my promise?"

This seems possible!

The "Tokyo Times" and "The Gale", two recent "newspapers" that have popped up, are said to be the holders of the No. 1 and No. 2 "newsprint" licenses from the Publishing House.

The Tokyo Times has a lot of content and is relatively orthodox.

Important events in the imperial court, grand events in the literary world, good harvests and natural disasters are all reported. There are also wonderful "chapter novels" written by scribes, and pungent "comments on current affairs" written by celebrities... which are very popular among literati.

On the 72nd floor, large and small yamen and high-ranking households are selling very well.

"Da Feng Bao" is more down-to-earth.

The trivial details of the market, the romantic anecdotes of the Zhumen Courtyard. The top names of Baifanlou and Panlou were jealous of Zhou Bangyan, and they quarreled in the distance. The wife of the scholar of the Li family flirted with Zhang Butcher; the daughter of the carpenter of Wang Jiamen wanted to be Lin

Filling a house with a lot of people...

It is most loved by traffickers and common people.

The "guarantee" of these two newspapers seems to be credible. And His Royal Highness King Jian, the brother of the official family, is full of food and is here to tease everyone today?

Seeing that the sergeants present were convinced and looked resigned to obey, those who fanned the flames became anxious.

"It's empty talk! We have to put it in writing!" The leader was quick to think and came up with a trick.

Zhao Si sneered, "I am a dignified king, and I have a series of prominent official positions behind me. You asked me to sign a document in public."

I don’t want to lose face!

"If we don't establish written evidence, we just don't believe it!" the leader shouted.

I feel like I am the most beautiful kid in this venue. If I jump a few more times, I can jump into the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun!

With a "swish" sound, an arrow shot over and hit the leader's throat.

It's very powerful and penetrates right through.

Gao Shixuan stood on the top of the warehouse in the distance, holding a strong bow and looking at everyone coldly.

The thousands of Imperial Guards on duty around them took a step forward silently as if they had heard the order.

The atmosphere suddenly solidified.

"What a bastard! I'm trying to reason with you so nicely, but some monkeys and monkeys jump out and make trouble for me! You really think that military law is just a bamboo stick to wipe your ass! No matter how you reorganize it, you're still a soldier!"

Zhao Si raised a loudspeaker and shouted: "Catch those dozen guys who were jumping up and down just now!"

"I have explained the truth clearly to you. The court and officials will never treat you badly. Hurry up and obey the order, register to receive the money, and then gather to the Forbidden Army camp for testing! Whoever keeps nagging, military law will be engaged!"

"Did you hear that clearly?"

"Listen clearly!" The voice was broken.


"Listen clearly!"

"I can't hear it!"

"Listen clearly!"

The sound was huge and echoed in the sky above Kaifeng City.

Zhao Si put down the loudspeaker and turned to the reporters and said: "The part about shooting people with arrows and arresting them can't be written."

Several reporters nodded hurriedly.
This chapter has been completed!
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