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Chapter 74: King Jian Fights the Flood

The rain kept falling.

"Thirteenth Master, it has been raining heavily for four days. Xijing, Mengzhou, and Zhengzhou have been in emergency. Yangwu and Suanzao counties have also sent out several emergency letters."

Zeng Baohua said with a frown, his frown looked like a shriveled and wrinkled tomato.

"The day before yesterday, I visited two counties. The situation was not good. Yangwu, the magistrate of Yangwu County, only knew how to hide in the county office and cry. If anything happened, he would write emergency reports and submit them. I didn't care about how to arrange and prepare. The river embankment was a mess.

. Cai Dongping, the river patrol envoy of Gyeonggi Province, was so anxious that he jumped up and down. "

"The magistrate of Suanzaolin went to the river embankment himself, but he was young and inexperienced, and his ears were soft. If he said it was effective, he ordered it to be done; if he said it was feasible, he arranged to do it. The young and strong people were driven around by him, and they were tired.

Half dead and nothing accomplished."

Zhao Si's brows also frowned.

"This won't work. Once the Yangwu and Jujube River embankments are breached and floods surge down, Kaifeng City will be in danger. I have read documents that show that the bed of the Yellow River is higher than the walls of Kaifeng City. If this floods down, it will be very dangerous for Kaifeng City.

The people inside and outside the city are in danger of being destroyed."

After thinking for a while, Zhao Si ordered everyone.

"Master Wang, Master Gao, pass the order. The four battalions of Zuo Yiwei will gather immediately. Count the number of people and make preparations. There is no need to bring weapons. I will enter the palace now and ask the emperor for a handwriting edict. Maoming, you are ready to raise money immediately.

Supplies, in addition to food and grass, mainly include ropes, shovels and other supplies."


The officials were also very anxious when they saw the heavy rains and the river embankments in various places were in emergency.

Seeing that Zhao Si took the initiative to ask for a job, he was immediately granted the post of patrol envoy of the Gyeonggi and Jingxi Water Control Capital. The prefectures and counties along the Jingxi Road and Gyeonggi Road followed his deployment and arrangements.

He also mobilized the middle and middle generals of the Zhongshi division to lead more than 20,000 troops in front of the palace, guarding the imperial army, and together with Zuo Yi's guards of nearly 10,000 people, under the command of Zhao Si, they set up defenses on the river embankment.

Military orders were issued one after another, and the flood situation was as good as the military situation. All ministries quickly gathered and headed north.

Zhao Si first went to the Ministry of Industry and invited Pan Xun and Wang Dezhi, veteran river officials who had been managing the river for more than 20 years, as consultants to go to the flood fighting front line together.

The heavy rain no longer falls day and night, but now and then.

The entire northern part of Gyeonggi Province has become a huge quagmire.

Tens of thousands of people struggled in this quagmire. They fell down and got up again. After walking for a while, they fell down again.

On the border of Yangwu County, Cai Dongping, the river patrol envoy of Gyeonggi Province, the magistrate of Yangwu County, and the magistrate of Suanzaolin County came to greet His Highness King Jian.

At a glance, they saw all yellow people. From head to toe, almost everyone was covered in a layer of yellow mud soup. They couldn't see their appearance clearly, and they couldn't tell whether they were wearing green robes, green robes or red robes.


The three of them were dumbfounded and at a loss.

At this time, a group of people walked out of the crowd.

The figure at the head is majestic, like a bear that rolled around in the yellow mud for more than ten times and then got back up. There are yellow mud beads hanging on the eyebrows and ears, and the whole face is also yellow, making it difficult to see clearly.

"Are you local officials?" The visitor wiped his face and revealed his mouth.

"I am Cai Dongping, the envoy of the Gyeonggi River Patrol. These two are..." Cai Dongping introduced the three of himself and asked tentatively: "Are you the royal guard? Where is Your Highness now?"

"I am King Jian Zhao Shisan."

Zhao Si's words shocked the three of them. Is this mud bear the famous King Jian?

When Cai Dongping, Magistrate Yang, and Magistrate Lin wanted to introduce their respective entourages as usual, Zhao Si waved his hand to stop them.

"Okay, my flood control headquarters is located in Heiyang Mountain. We'll talk about it when we get there."

After Zhao Si finished speaking, he turned around and left, got on a big horse that was also yellow and greasy, and pointed at Cai Dongping and others with the whip.

"Follow up quickly!"

Then he rode quickly.

At this time, Cai Dongping and others saw that behind Zhao Si and his party, there were countless streams of people coming from south to north.

Everyone did not dare to neglect, and quickly got into the sedan chair and carriage, urging the sedan bearers and coachmen to follow them quickly.

Heiyang Mountain is a rare mountain within a hundred miles, with a height of thirty to forty feet. If placed in other places, it would be just a small mountain. But placed here in the vast plain, it stands out.

When Cai Dongping and others arrived, Heiyang Mountain had turned into a large military camp. Thousands of soldiers were working hard in the rain and mud.

Rows of tents and simple wooden houses are being set up. Drainage ditches and roads are also being excavated and constructed.

When we passed by just now, it was just a barren mountain. How come it changed in the blink of an eye?

Cai Dongping and others were stunned.

Under the leadership of Xue Fanzi, they walked towards the headquarters tent on the mountainside.

You can see wooden signs one after another from time to time along the way.

It has words like "Materials Area", "Living Area", "Treatment Area"... etc. written on it.

Entering a large tent, Cai Dongping and others met Zhao Si.

He still looked the same as before, but his face was hastily washed and his face could finally be seen clearly.

While explaining things to a few people who looked like civil servants, when he saw Cai Dongping and others coming in, Zhao Si pointed to the side and motioned for them to sit down together.

It's a meeting now. Don't we need to meet and introduce each other first?

But in front of Zhao Si, no one dared to murmur, and they all sat down honestly.

"On the logistics side, there are two important things. One is personnel, and the other is materials. Personnel, Magistrate Yang and Magistrate Lin."

When Zhao Si called his name, the two quickly stood up and answered.

"You follow the arrangements of Changsun Moli! He is now in charge of the personnel management of the headquarters, and all personnel transfers are under his control. All the young men and garrison troops in the two counties should be mobilized for me and follow the command arrangements."


Cai Dongping and others listened quietly, feeling that the words were a bit awkward, but for a moment they didn't think there was anything wrong.

"Chang Sun Moli, currently participating in the flood relief work are the four battalions of Zuoyi Guards, the guards in front of the palace, the Qingzhuang and Xiang troops of Kaifeng Prefecture, and the Qingzhuang and Xiang troops of the counties along the river. There are almost 50,000 people.

People must be put to their best use and dispatched in an orderly manner. Don't just follow a bunch of headless flies in a haphazard manner, and don't act recklessly and end up using it to your death."

"All positions are divided into three shifts, each shift lasts four hours, and the work takes turns. Unless there is an emergency, this shift is not allowed to be interrupted. After three shifts, retreat to Heiyang Mountain, take a shower, go to bed, and take a long rest!...

.My soldiers are not animals, they are warriors. They can be tired, injured, or swept away by floods, but they cannot be exhausted to death in our hands."


"Zeng Baohua! You are the material dispatcher. Your responsibility is to collect, transfer, and distribute all materials. Special flood-fighting materials. Shovel and other tools, stones, wood, nets, ropes, baskets... You can't miss one thing. Food, boiled water, bedding.

..Zeng Baohua, remember, you must ensure that my soldiers can drink hot boiled water and eat hot steamed buns on time."


After Cai Dongping and others heard this, they were as anxious as an ant in the pot.

These things sound complicated and cumbersome, and they are usually difficult to accomplish. How can we do them now when the situation is urgent and everything is in chaos?

What should we do if we are busy doing these unimportant chores and delay the serious work of flood fighting and disaster relief?

But Zhao Si didn't give them any questions at all.

"Zhang Shuye, Liu Kai!" Zhao Si shouted.

It turned out that this was the awkward part! Cai Dongping and others finally understood that when King Jian issued orders, he always addressed everyone by their first names, without addressing them by name or official title.

Seems a little rude.

"I am the first conductor, Zhang Shuye is the second conductor, and Liu Kai, you are his assistant. Changsun Moli is the third conductor, and Zeng Baohua is the assistant. Anything can be done by any of the three conductors.

Decision. Once an accident occurs, command will be handed over in sequence."


Cai Dongping and others were horrified when they heard this. What kind of accident could happen? On this Black Sun Mountain, even if Kaifeng City was flooded, nothing would happen here. What kind of accident could happen?

Your Highness King Jian, what you said made us so panicked!
This chapter has been completed!
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