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Chapter 76 This moment will be remembered forever

At midnight, it started to rain again.

The raindrops were hitting people, and the night wind was blowing, making them look a little chilly.

The exhausted sergeants sat on the muddy river embankment, listening to the sound of the roaring and rushing river in the night. They were so sleepy that they could fall asleep immediately, but they kept their eyes wide open with fear.

"Your Highness, everything is blocked. This is the 21st dangerous situation. It has been completely reinforced." Master Zhong wiped a handful of muddy water on his face and reported.

"Thank you for your hard work."

"Report! There is an emergency on the Baliushu River embankment! It is said that six piping surges have been discovered. Two commanders, Yang Weizhong and Liu Fa, are mobilizing reserve teams on top and requesting support from the headquarters."

Zhao Si couldn't help but become anxious after hearing this, "Assemble the reserve team to help me! Mengzi, Fanzi, hurry up, follow me to Baliu Shu."

"Your Highness, it's dangerous out there!" Master Zhong quickly stopped him.

"Where is it safe?" Zhao Si asked bluntly, "The eight willow trees have burst the embankment. Nowhere is safe! Let's go!"

After walking a few steps, Zhao Si suddenly stopped, pointed to the middle of the field and said: "At the critical moment, I will dispatch elite soldiers and generals from all over the place to support the Baliu tree. You have arranged this place and dispatched manpower.

Be a reserve team and be ready for orders at any time!"


When we arrived at Baliu Shu, the situation was already very critical.

There were more than a dozen piping surges in the river embankment that was more than three miles long. In four or five places, small-scale collapses even began.

Thousands of people are busy here.

They frantically drove stakes, stacked straw bags, and filled them with rocks.

No one cares about whether the embankment will collapse. They only care about the small area in front of their feet. They try every means and use all means to keep the embankment firmly anchored to the shore.

Block the raging flood.

Zhao Si looked around and found that there was no place where he could help.

There are enough people and supplies seem to be abundant at the moment. The problem is that the foundation of this section of the river embankment is too poor and is crumbling under the impact of floods.

People need to fix leaks everywhere.

"After the flood is over, I will dig out the bastards who built this embankment and throw them directly into the river!"

Zhao Sifa cursed fiercely, then held up a big loudspeaker and shouted loudly at the river embankment.

"I am King Jian Zhao Shisan! I am right behind you! If you don't retreat, I won't retreat either! Because behind us is Kaifeng City! There are officials and millions of people there! There are us.


Zhao's voice echoed on the river embankment and reached everyone's ears clearly. The roar of the river below could not be covered up.

"People are here on the embankment! Today, we work together to live and die together! We must keep this bitch's flood in the river! Does it want to break down the embankment? No! We won't agree!


Amidst Zhao's roar, the eyes of thousands of officers and soldiers became brighter and their movements became more agile.

His Majesty King Jian, the younger brother of the official family, was soaked in the rain and mud with the others.

He was right behind me! No flinching, no hiding!

Yes! Behind us is the city of Kaifeng, millions of fellow villagers, wives, children, and children!

There were repeated tug-of-wars and piles of rocks and straw bags on the precarious river embankment. Reinforcements and supplies continued to arrive.

After fighting for more than an hour, the sky began to get bright and the dangers everywhere were suppressed.

Zhao Si straightened up and let out a long sigh of relief.

Turning around, I saw Zhang Shuye, Wei Baoqing, Bai Chonghu, Wang Zhen, Gao Shixuan, Hu Luxiong, Zhong Shizhong, Yao Xiong, Liu Fa, Yang Weizhong, Gao Yongnian, Liu Kai, Zhao Long, Yang Keshi, Zhe Yanzhi,

Yang Zongmin and others all arrived.

They received the order for emergency reinforcements, quickly handed over the defense area to their deputies, and rushed over with the reserve team.

You look at me, I look at you.

Everyone is the same, they all seem to have rolled hundreds of times out of the quagmire and then crawled out.

If they weren't familiar with each other, they would hardly recognize who the clay figurines around them were.

"The embankment is broken!" a voice screamed heartbreakingly.

A river embankment collapsed without warning. One foot, two feet, three feet, and I saw it collapse into a gap more than ten feet long.

The flood rushed in along the gap and swept away more than a dozen officers and soldiers.

Yang Keshi, who was closest, kicked the panicked man down into the mud.

"Ask someone to seal the gap. If someone comes, throw a stone."

The planters and others led a team and rushed forward, throwing stones and straw bags into the gap constantly. As soon as they fell into the water, they were washed away without a trace by the rushing flood.

One foot, two feet, three feet, and after a while, the gap actually became nearly four feet, and the flood that rushed in actually made a shrieking sound.

Seeing such power, many people's legs trembled and they wanted to turn around and run away.

Zhao Si rushed forward and shouted loudly: "Tie the rocks together with a mesh rope and connect them all together. Add more straw bags inside!"

Everyone hurriedly connected the stones and straw bags into a giant thing that was about one foot in diameter.

"Push! Push it into the gap!" Zhao Si directed his hands, and dozens of people worked together to push it into the gap in one breath.

With a pop, the big stone fell into the water without moving. The flood was suddenly blocked by a small section, and the water became smaller.

"Oh!" The crowd burst into cheers and quickly began to connect the stones and straw bags.

After pushing in more than a dozen large rocks in succession, the gap was stabilized and no longer spread to both sides. However, more large rocks were needed to block the gap.

But at this time, the stones and straw bags were gone.

The rescue operation lasted half a night, and a huge amount of straw bags of stones were used. Just now, I was busy plugging the gap and pushing in a lot more.

"Where are the rocks and straw bags?" Zhao Si roared.

"Still transporting it here! It will take two-quarters of an hour to get there!" Zhang Shuye shouted loudly.

"Can the gap hold up for two quarters of an hour? If there is nothing to slow down the impact of the flood, it will not be able to withstand even half a quarter of an hour!"

In the middle of the night, while Zhao Si was encouraging the conductors, he learned a lot of experience in flood fighting and river management from Pan Xun and others.

Everyone was speechless and could only watch the flood raging through the gap again. The two sides of the gap that had been reinforced and stabilized began to collapse again.

If it collapses again, it will cause a chain reaction and cause a large-scale breach of the embankment.

Do you want to just watch your efforts fall short and sit back and watch the floods destroy everything?

Zhao Si grabbed a rope.

One end of this rope is tied to the big tree at the bottom of the river embankment. It is a safety rope to prevent people on the far edge of the river embankment from being swept away by the flood.

Zhao Si tied the rope around his waist, turned around and said loudly to everyone.

At this time, there was strong wind and rain, and the floods crashed onto the shore, making the sound deafening.

But Zhao Si's voice was so loud and powerful that it passed through the wind and rain and reached everyone's ears clearly.

Zhang Shuye, Wei Baoqing, Bai Chonghu, Wang Zhen, Gao Shixuan, Hu Luxiong, Zhong Shizhong, Yao Xiong, Liu Fa, Yang Weizhong, Gao Yongnian, Liu Kai, Zhao Long, Yang Keshi, Zhe Yanzhi, Yang Zongmin, Cen Meng,

Xue Fanzi...

Each of them heard clearly.

"Do you know what the most powerful weapon in the world is? Faith! My faith is to defend these mountains and rivers to the death, so that they remain beautiful, and that the people living in these mountains and rivers can be peaceful and happy."

"If I am swept away by a flood, don't look for my body. Let it rot in these mountains and rivers and stay with it forever."

After saying that, Zhao Si smiled at everyone, turned around and ran in the wind and rain, then jumped into the gap and plunged into the rolling flood.

"What a thief, I'm going to fuck your mother!" Yang Keshi raised his head and yelled at the gloomy sky.

His voice was so loud that even the thunder in the sky couldn't cover it up.

His eyes were red, he opened his mouth and roared wildly, running in the mud and jumping into the gap after him.

Zhang Shuye, Wei Baoqing, Bai Chonghu, Wang Zhen, Gao Shixuan, Hu Luxiong, Zhong Shizhong, Yao Xiong, Liu Fa, Yang Weizhong, Gao Yongnian, Liu Kai, Zhao Long, Zhe Yanzhi, Yang Zongmin, Cen Meng, Xue Fanzi.


They roared loudly, like a roar that showed no weakness when facing a strong enemy, and then jumped into the flood in the gap without hesitation.

The raindrops hit their faces, but you could clearly see the tears streaming down their faces.

Behind them, Zuo Yiwei, the teaching team, the front army, the bodyguard army, and hundreds of officers and soldiers jumped into the gap without hesitation.

They held hands and formed walls and embankments.

The flood was so powerful that it seemed to sweep away everything in its path.

They ferociously attacked the people in the gap again and again. The waves swallowed up these people, and then spit them out helplessly.

These people rise and fall with the waves, like duckweeds and dead leaves. But no matter how big the waves are or how ferocious the floods are, they can't be dispersed and defeated.

The heads and figures looming in the wind and waves are like Mount Tai stones, forever engraved in the hearts of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians who came for reinforcements.
This chapter has been completed!
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