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Chapter 81: Justice from Heaven

In the private room on the second floor of Xue Tower opposite Zhang's eighth floor, Li Furen was having a secret conversation with the two of them.

The two men wore Confucian robes and Dongpo scarves on their heads, trying their best to look like scholars and officials. But as soon as they opened their mouths or raised their hands, the shrewdness of the businessmen could not help but be revealed.

"Wang Yuan and Fan Fan are all brothers. Don't say that I haven't given you a chance to make a fortune."

Li Furen said with a smile.

Wang Yuanwai is very fat, so fat that the fat on both sides of his face trembles when he talks.

He tried hard to open the mung bean eyes sunk in his fat face, and they were full of greedy light.

"I would also like to ask Li Dalang to give me some advice."

"The price of grain in the Hexi family is 10 guan per stone for rice, 8 guan for wheat, and 11 guan for corn. One hand of grain and one hand of money will never be in arrears."

Wang Yuanwai made some calculations in his mind.

The recent grain prices in Xijing are 920 fen per shi for rice, 710 fen per shi for wheat, and zero per shi for corn.

Ten times. If you transport it to Hexi's house, you can still earn six or seven times after excluding the losses on the road.

It was as if he could see the bright yellow copper coins pouring into his cash cabinet, filling it up quickly and overflowing out.

Wang Yuanwai happily smiled with every piece of fat on his face.

Fan Wai has an average figure, but sitting next to Wang Wai, he is made to look thin.

He said very worriedly: "The price of food is indeed good and very fair. I just don't know if there is so much money over there?"

Before Li Furen could speak, Wang Yuanwai laughed.

"Brother Fan, you are too lazy to worry about it. The Hexi side has been robbing Shaanxi Sixth Road for hundreds of years, and they have robbed so much gold, silver and jewelry. Also, they control the Hexi main road, and all caravans coming from the Western Regions have to be killed.

They pay taxes. How much money have they made over the past hundred years? You’re still afraid they won’t have any money to give!”

Having said this, Wang Yuanwai smiled sincerely at Li Furen and said, "Li Dalang, please comment on whether I am right or not."

A light flashed in Li Furen's eyes, and then his face was filled with a smile of approval.

"Other than Mr. Wang, is there anything in the contemporary Tao Zhugong that would make you miscalculate?"

Wang Yuanwai smiled even more happily, and the fat on his face was like the waves of the Yellow River, one wave after another.

He pinched the chin in several layers. It was obviously just a simple action of holding the chin, but it was like rummaging for some treasure in a pile of meat.

"Are you just worried that there won't be enough food?"

Fan Yuanwai glanced at him and said, "Neihuang breach, Hebei flood, the imperial court is mobilizing grain from various places to provide relief to the victims, and at the same time, it is necessary to clear out the grain stores in several Changping warehouses. Brother Wang showed his magical power, opened up all the key points, and let

They put five buckets of old grain and three buckets of sand and gravel into the grain storehouse, and then it came out, right?"

"As for the victims of the disaster, they can just hang on for their lives if they have something to drink. Why are you demanding so much?"

Wang Yuanwai was so happy that the fat all over his body was shaking, stirring up thousands of piles of snow.

He pointed at Mr. Fan and laughed so hard that he was out of breath. "This straight girl is really bad as a naughty girl! She has so many clever ideas, and she gave me another good idea."

At this point, Wang Yuanwai sighed again, "What kind of breach did Zhao Shisan jump at the Baliu tree? If he didn't jump, the breach would break out there, and the capital would suffer a disaster, and I would be able to get a share of its grain store."

, there is no need to go to Hedong and other places to adjust grains. Alas!"

When Li Furen heard Zhao Si's name, the muscles on his face couldn't help but jump a few times, but he finally stabilized and did not change his expression.

Fan Yuanwai put his face in front of Wang Yuanwai and said, "Brother Wang, you know it was me who came up with the idea. When the time comes, the grain will be produced from Hebei and I will share 50% of it."

"Fifty percent? Haha, do you want me to give you the wife at home and the little ladies you raise outside?" Wang Yuanwai continued to laugh, but his smile became a little superficial.

"I don't mind it either."

"Rolling ball! I'll give you 10% at most."

"Forty percent, it must be 40%! I just don't have the way to the Hebei Transport Department. Otherwise, why would I need to give you this idea?"

"Do you know I have this way? These connections are worth a thousand pieces of gold! 10%, only 10%. Do you want love?"

Seeing the two of them arguing over the food they were about to receive, Li Furen kindly reminded him, "Except the two members, food is easy to get, but how can it be transported to Hexi?"

"You don't need to worry about this?" Wang Yuanwai said proudly, "I also have a way with the Shaanxi Transport Envoy. I mix it with the military rations for the border army and transport them together. I pay 500 shi and transport 1,000 shi. When I get to the border village, I get 500 shi of military rations.

Mix another 20% of sand and gravel into it and earn back the cost of transshipment."

At this time, Wang Yuanwai seemed to be the transfer envoy of the Shaanxi capital who kept his promise.

"Those thieves and assassins in the border village honestly eat the gravel and old rice from outside their own ranks, and then let my grain out of the customs. If they dare to say a word, not only will there be no benefit, I will also cut off their grain and live."

Starve these bastards to death!"

"The king is very domineering!" Li Furen said with a thumbs up.

"What a domineering person! I earn hard-earned money, but it is comparable to that bastard Zhang Yong." Wang Yuanwai said discouragedly.

It's like making a fortune of tens of thousands, and being so proud of it, you find that your wealth is only a fraction of others. In front of others, you are still poor.

"Yes, that bastard Zhang Yong used his classmates, old friends and other connections to sell grain, salt, tea, iron ingots from Hebei to the north, and then to the south to sell horses and furs. Not only did he not pay taxes, but he also sold them all

Fucking contraband.”

Fan Yuanwai also sighed.

"Contraband is good, but would it be possible to sell it at such a high price if it were not prohibited?"

Wang Yuanwai couldn't help but sigh, and the fat on his face also fell into deep regret.

In another spacious elegant room in Xue Tower, a group of elegant scholars also saw the scene of Zhao Si's angry horse taking Zhao Si away. Everyone's eyes were focused on Suining King Zhao Ji.

In addition to Li Gonglin, these people also included Zhao Tingzhi, who was responsible for the affairs, Wu Cai, the Zuo Sijian, Liu Zhengfu, the doctor of Taichang, Bai Shizhong, the official recorder of Taixue, and Li Bangyan, the famous scholar.

"Prince Jian is so overbearing. It's just that he is so reckless, does not know the consequences, and blindly takes risks. It is not a blessing for the court." Zhao Tingzhi said loudly.

Today, in order to curry favor with Zhao Ji, Bai Shizhong used Li Gonglin's connections and favors to invite Zhao Tingzhi, Wu Cai and others.

After seeing Zhao Ji witnessing the scene on the street just now, he felt a little depressed and regretted that he shouldn't have chosen this unlucky place.

After Bai Shizhong made some calculations, he began to save the situation.

"King Jian didn't know the dangers of war, so he asked himself to lead troops to suppress the bandits in Jingshan Mountain. He is so stubborn that he can't hold on for long." Bai Shizhong's eyes rolled around like glass balls rolling in a bowl.

He first secretly stepped on Zhao Si a few times.

Seeing that Zhao Ji's face softened slightly, he felt reassured and winked at Wu Cai.

However, Liu Zhengfu spoke first, "I have heard that the Jingshan bandits gathered more than ten thousand people and were very brave. The imperial troops from the four surrounding states could not contain them. We are worried that if they attack the canal and disrupt the water transportation, it will be a big deal."

Zhao Ji drooped his eyebrows and said with a complicated expression: "Brother Huang heard what Thirteenth Brother said and decided to let him lead the troops to suppress it. My Thirteenth Brother is going to make meritorious deeds again!"

Listening to these sour words, Wu Cai rolled his eyes and said, "Your Majesty, why don't we take advantage of this?"

"How to use the trick?" Zhao Tingzhi asked curiously.

"Isn't Li Shimei the editor-in-chief of the "Kyoto Academy News"? We can publish the details of His Royal Highness King Jian's military deployment in the newspaper, including which troops and horses are deployed? Where to assemble, how many days to go out, and where along the way. This is fair and just

How can something not be published? A gentleman is magnanimous, but a villain is always worried!"

Wu Cai said with an upright face.

Bai Shizhong's nose is like a dog's nose that smells delicious food, it keeps moving up and down.

He rubbed his nose and said in a low voice: "The Jingshan thieves don't know how to read newspapers, do they?"

"There must always be literate people. A large part of the "Kyoto Institute News" went out along the canal to the southeast of Jiangning. Some of them were bought by local people when they passed near Jingshan. How did they turn them over to the Jingshan thieves?

If it’s in your hands, then you don’t know.”

After finishing speaking, Wu Cai smiled modestly.

There was silence in the private room. Li Gonglin, who had been silent just now, suddenly stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I have a painting, but I can't figure it out. I would like to ask Your Highness to take a look at it and give you some advice."

Zhao Ji was stunned for a moment.

Liu Zhengfu then stood up and said, "Gong Li has done a great job, and I would like to see it for a moment. Your Highness, please let me accompany you to Gong Li's place to observe."

Zhao Ji reacted.

"Okay! Gao Qiu, ask someone to pay the bill. Let's go to Long Mian's office."

There was a sound from outside the door.

Zhao Ji stood up, bowed his hands to Bai Shizhong and others kindly and said: "Mr. Meng Heng, I appreciate your hospitality. I'll treat you to this. Next time you have time, I'll also invite you all to come to the palace to talk."

Having said this, Zhao Ji specially smiled at Li Bangyan and said, "The "Kyoto Institute Newspaper" you run is very good. I like to read it very much. For any subsequent expenses, just ask the palace manager to pay it."

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Li Bangyan said excitedly.

Zhao Tingzhi, Bai Shizhong, and Wu Cai also stood up and sent Zhao Ji, Li Gonglin, and Liu Zhengfu off respectfully.

After sitting down again, Wu Cai sneered, "Li Longmian is a cunning old man. Liu Dechu is even more clever. Mr. Zhao, what do you think we should do?"

Zhao Tingzhi stroked his beard and said righteously: "Let King Jian learn a lesson and learn from it. It will be a good thing for him personally and for the court and the country. Let's do it."

Li Bangyan's face showed joy, he quickly stood up and held his hands in his hands: "Young man, I will do my best to handle this matter for you!"
This chapter has been completed!
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