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Chapter 86: The Destruction of the Jingshan Bandits

Hearing the cry, a group of bandits rushed out of the house in a chaotic manner.

Some were yawning uncontrollably, some were still wearing clothes randomly, and some were shouting from behind: "What happened?"

But as soon as they went out, they bumped into Yang Keshi.

He charged at the front waving his mace, as if he was hitting randomly, but all the muscles and bones were broken wherever he went. The dull sound of the mace hitting the flesh was echoed by the incomparable screams.

, showing no weakness.

Yang Keshi looked rough, and his movements were also arrogant and cruel, beating him randomly like a crazy demon.

But if you observe carefully, you will see that his moves are actually very methodical and accurate.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, those who dodge to one side would only end up with broken arms and legs. So those who dared to resist stubbornly, Yang Keshi would become more ruthless. In mild cases, hands and feet would be broken, bones would be broken, and organs would be injured; in severe cases, the spine would be broken, and the bones would be broken.

The head is either mutilated or dead, very cruel.

Yang Keshi beat them wildly and sent dozens of bandits rushing up to scatter in all directions. The three hundred people behind him immediately chased and killed them.

They were still a team of eleven people, forming a mandarin duck formation and charging forward.

When the space is narrow, it immediately becomes a small formation on the left and right, that is, there is a shield bearer, two spearmen, and a crossbowman on the left and right, commanded by a non-commissioned officer holding a long-handled Miao sword.

Or it can become three three-talented formations, two of which are a shield bearer, a spearman and a crossbowman.

There is a shield hand at close range, and he also serves as the fulcrum of the attack.

There are spearmen in the middle distance. With a gun in hand, you can have them all in the world.

There are crossbowmen in the distance. Whoever pokes his head in the distance will shoot an arrow without saying a word.

The third three-talent formation consists of a spearman and two sergeants holding Miao knives.

The three of them are the strongest and most experienced in the team. As the third point of the team's offense, they are also the most important support point. They are also the reserve team of the team.

Coordinate from left to right and launch an attack.

The elites of these brave cavalry battalions were selected from tens of thousands of acquaintances, and each of them was a brave man who had survived a hundred battles. If they were to fight alone, one of them could defeat two or three young bandits.

However, they are so well-trained and their advance and retreat are orderly. When these soldiers of the Cavalry Battalion are combined together, they can exert ten or twenty times more power.

Fighting against these bandits is really bullying them.

Yang Keshi is like a murderous god who is clearing the way in front, and anyone who stands in his way will die! The three hundred soldiers and more than twenty teams behind him are like more than twenty sharp knives, and the knives can kill people.

Gao Shixuan led the good archery team behind and was unwilling to be left alone. Relying on his long shooting range and good archery skills, he often competed with the infantry in front for heads.

The southern commandos led by Liu Fa, Yang Weizhong and Zhao Long followed a similar process.

The two teams soon met in the center of the town.

The former enemy commander Liu Fa quickly assessed the battle situation, as well as the enemy's strength and current situation, and made a prompt decision, ordering Yang Weizhong to lead the southern commando to clear out the entire town. Yang Keshi led the northern commando to storm the last and largest two strongholds of the bandits.


Gao Shixuan and Zhao Long led the good shooting team, all went to the roof, occupied the commanding heights, and supported Yang Weizhong and Yang Keshi respectively.

At the same time, a signal was sent, requiring Hu Luxiong's detachment to immediately kill the defeated bandits who were escaping from the town.

The sounding arrow was shot, and soon the response from Hu Luxiong's detachment came.

They had already cleared away the bandits in the Wishui Pier and turned around to pursue the bandits who were fleeing outside the town.

The reserve team led by Zhong Shizhong also sent a signal. They have blocked the road to Jingshan Mountain in the west. The bandits must survive, or surrender, or jump into the Huaihe River to the east and south and the Guoshui River to the north.

Through Zhao Si's monocular telescope, the situation in the town was not very clear. He could only see Yang Keshi leading his men and horses, storming the last stronghold of the bandits as if they were demolishing a house.

Yang Weizhong led his men to clean up the houses one by one in the courtyard. From time to time, he would take out the prisoners, whose hands and feet were tied, and squat in the street. Occasionally, he would bring out a few corpses and pile them in one place.

Gao Shixuan's good archery team stood on the roof behind Yang Keshi's team. They stretched their bows and nocked arrows, but only occasionally shot an arrow.

Zhao Long's good archery team stood scattered on rooftops throughout the town, following the movement of Yang Weizhong's search team. They had fewer opportunities to shoot arrows.

Outside the town, Zhao Si's telescope could see very clearly.

Hu Luxiong's rangers were also composed of teams of ten and five people. They chased bandits who fled like a group of rats through the fields and forest roads.

They shouted loudly, and aimed at those who did not listen to the greetings and just ran away for their lives, they would shoot arrows from far away and hit them with sticks from close by.

When a group of people are gathered, throw down the ropes and ask them to tie them together, and then separate hands to escort them together.

Li Furen was watching all this from a hidden place in Jingshan Mountain, with his mouth wide open. In addition to being shocked, he was also filled with panic.

He was once a powerful general in Xixia's capture army. He had fought on the border between Song and Xia for more than ten years, but he had never seen the Song army like this.

In Li Furen's memory, the Song army only relied on weapons and more people to fight with favorable conditions.

The tactics are rigid and there is no coordination. The morale is low and the resilience is extremely poor. It is easy to collapse when encountering setbacks.

But in the Song army in front of him, Li Furen saw a very tacit and effective tactical coordination. This kind of tactics and coordination were in line with the Song army's advantages.

Individual bravery may not be as good as the Xixia Army, but when two or three are organized, individual bravery is greatly restricted.

But what frightened Li Furen was the orderliness and calmness with which this army fought!

A real elite soldier, in the face of any danger, is "dumb as a chicken" and just does his job.

Now Li Furen saw a similar scene on this army.

The soldiers of this army are calm when facing all different enemies. If they cannot handle one tactic, they will immediately switch to another tactic. There will always be one suitable for the enemy on the opposite side.

Their tactical switching and formation adjustment flowed like running water without any stagnation. It was as if they had been trained countless times and had been engraved in their bones, and they could do it with their eyes closed.

Seeing all this unfolding in front of him made Li Furen feel very bad, and he couldn't help but think of what the princess said when she left Kaifeng.

"This King Jian will be our most dangerous enemy in Daxia in the future."

Leave immediately and report this information back to your country as quickly as possible!

Li Furen left Jingshan without looking back and rushed towards Kaifeng.

When the sky was completely bright, the war in Jingshan Town came to an end.

A large number of prisoners were escorted to the open space to the north of the town and gathered together. Non-commissioned officers and officers walked through them, asking the prisoners to testify against each other and identify the leaders and others.

On the other side, a large number of old, weak, women and children who had been imprisoned by the bandits were released and gathered in courtyards to distribute clothes and food while investigating the situation.

"Your Highness, Jingshan Town has been cleared. 315 people have been killed, 2,270 people have been captured, 283 people have been wounded, and 49 people including the leader Chen Laoliu and below have been captured.

Rescued 4,100 people."

Liu Fa reported the results of the battle.

"Okay, let's go to town."

When Zhao Si and his party entered the town, Li Jian arrived panting.

He jumped off the horse and sat on the ground, breathing heavily. His hair and the mane of the horse were dripping with sweat on the ground.

"What a thief, this Zhao Shisan is so good at running away. I followed behind him and chased him all the way. He ran away from me!"

Li Jian managed to catch his breath, cursed angrily, then walked up to a high ground and looked towards Jingshan Town.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, but when you look at Li Jian, you can't help but scold him.

"Why did these hozens move so fast and finish the fight? I was a step too slow."
This chapter has been completed!
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