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Chapter 88 Returning in Victory

Zhao Si returned to Kaifeng City on the fifteenth day after he left Kaifeng City.

With a thousand elite troops, he spent six days traveling nearly a thousand miles, and another half day to kill three thousand bandits.

The aftermath took three days, mainly waiting for officials from nearby prefectures and counties such as Mengcheng.

After the local officials arrived, Zhao Si transferred the aftermath matters to the local officials, hired boats and carts, and sent capable personnel to escort the 360 ​​women of Ming Zhaoxia's Zhaoxia Guards from the canal back to Kaifeng Mansion.

Leaving several officials from Zuo Yiwei behind to assist in the aftermath, Zhao Si led his troops back to Kaifeng City along the original road.

The return trip still took six days because Zhao Si treated it as a training exercise.

Fifteen days, only half a month.

"Brother Thirteen is back? When did it happen?" Zhao Ji looked tired and his eyes were slightly swollen.

It was obvious that he had not recovered from the night of singing and dancing, drunkenness and dreams.

He stared blankly at Gao Qiu who came to report the news and ask for credit. It took him a long time to come back to his senses and pat his forehead.

"You're back so soon? Didn't it just last three, four... or five days? Brother Thirteen is back so soon? Did he really just go to Suzhou to suppress bandits? Or did he go to Chenliu to transport food?"

"I heard that Prince Jian went to the Privy Council to deliver five or six hundred heads."

Zhao Ji's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a light of distrust.

"Isn't it possible that the neighboring states and counties are killing good people and taking credit for their crimes?"

"Your Highness, I heard that King Jian also submitted the handover documents from the local officials of Suzhou, Mengcheng and other prefectures and counties. Along with him to go to the suppression, there were also two Privy Council Chengzhi and Deputy Chengzhi, and two

The Minister of Finance recorded the matter. I heard that these four people were carried back to Tokyo. After entering the city, they were taken directly to the hospital. They drank two or three bowls of ginseng soup before they came back to their senses. The journey was bumpy and almost killed them.


"Are they sure they went to Suzhou? Are they all real bandits?"

"It's confirmed. I heard that it was confirmed in front of Vice Prime Minister Huang, Vice Prime Minister Lu and Prime Minister An Shu."

Gao Qiu's words made Zhao Ji a little embarrassed, and he didn't know what to say. "Brother Thirteen, this is really unexpected."

After being silent for a while, Zhao Ji couldn't help but speak again.

"Brother Thirteen, why are you doing this? There are so many generals in the imperial court, so there is no need for him to take such risks and gain such limelight."

Gao Qiu didn't answer aloud, maybe he couldn't understand why Zhao Si did this.

In the silence, Zhao Ji couldn't help but speak out what was in his heart.

"Brother Thirteen, you really worked hard for that position."

Gao Qiu felt a shiver in his heart, and his face looked a little unnatural, but soon it appeared that he should have the same hatred at this time.

"Your Highness is right! Prince Jian is too eager for quick success."

The next morning, in the Chui Gong Hall, Zhao Si described the process of suppressing the bandits to the officials and ministers.

"A few Dipu soldiers who were familiar with the road conditions led the way, and we had an unobstructed journey... When we arrived at Jingshan Town, the bandits were just a ragtag group of people who were not on guard. We took advantage of the fifth watch to attack from two directions..."

In Zhao Si's words, he just took a thousand people on an errand. Everything was done by Liu Fa and others among the masters.

They chose the route, they led the team, they controlled the troops, they investigated the intelligence, they drew up the battle plan, and they personally led the people to fight the war.

Zhao Si just followed him for a while, and the biggest effect was to nod his head and say, "Okay! Let's do it!"

If ordinary people heard what Zhao Si said, they would definitely be muttering in their hearts.

Then why do you have to lick your face and follow along? It’s the same with or without you!

But Zhang Dun, Li Qingchen, Zeng Bu, Fan Chunren, Lu Huiqing, Huang Fu, An Tao, Cai Jing and others standing in the Chuigong Hall are all outstanding figures. How can they think like ordinary people?

They were all silent, with complex expressions on their faces.

The hardest thing of all is making a decision! Because you have to take responsibility.

Zhao Si followed him in person, partly so that he could shoulder all the responsibilities in case of defeat.

They knew this, and so did Liu Fa and others.

Also, others are trying their best to take credit for themselves, but you, King Jian Zhao Shisan, are trying your best to pass the credit on to your subordinates.

Hello, Sanlang Zhao!

Zhang Dun, Fan Chunren and An Tao had expressions of admiration on their faces, but Zhang Dun hid it more deeply, unlike Fan Chunren and An Tao who did not conceal it.

Lu Huiqing and Cai Jing have similar expressions, with slight smiles.

Zeng Bu's expression showed a little panic.

Li Qingchen's expression was more complicated, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and his eyes were full of fear and disgust.

He glanced at Zhang Dun, who was standing in front of him, and waited for a long time. He didn't hear any refutation, and secretly made up his mind.

When Zhao Si finished his statement, Li Qingchen took the lead and spoke loudly.

"His Royal Highness King Jian, all the leaders below Chen Laoliu, the leader of the thieves, have been killed?"

"Kill!" Zhao Si replied without hesitation, "They wanted to run away, and some were still resisting, so I had to order them to be killed without mercy. Not all of them were killed on the spot, and a dozen of them were seriously injured."

"We didn't bring any military doctors with us. Several doctors in Jingshan Town had already run away with the people. We couldn't treat them, so we had to watch them scream and wail. I couldn't stand it any longer, so I had to act with compassion.

, ask the soldiers to give them a few more blows to help them escape and put an end to their pain as soon as possible."

Li Qingchen was so angry that he laughed.

"Your Majesty King Jian said it well! He wanted to run away, but he resisted at all costs! He was also pitiful and merciful! The leaders of the thieves had already been captured, so why did they suddenly want to escape and struggle?"

"Mr. Li, I guess I should have exposed these bastard crimes in front of the people one by one, and from time to time, people and bandits came out to testify. I feel that under the strict national laws, it is impossible to escape death. So.

Before you are escorted to prison, let's fight to the death."

Li Qingchen asked unceremoniously: "Those bandits were unarmed and surrounded by the Xiaoqi camp. How could they do something so unwise and unreasonable?"

"Unreasonable? Prime Minister Li, now that the world is at peace and the people are living and working in peace and contentment, it is unreasonable for them to gather troops to rebel. They dare to kill officials and harm the people. They are all brave and cruel people. They originally thought that if they surrendered, the imperial court would give them preferential treatment and let bygones be bygones.


"I just didn't expect that the country's laws are so strict that it's impossible to escape. When death is imminent, of course I dare to fight to the death."

Li Qingchen pressed forward step by step, "What King Jian said is too ridiculous. These bandits have already surrendered to the law and should be tried and convicted by the judicial department. According to human nature, they should keep to themselves and obey the punishment of national law. How could Jian do such a risky thing?

King, you are monopolizing power and easy to kill!"

"Those who have power are easy to kill! Mr. Li is a good hater!" Zhao Si sneered and became less polite.

"As prime minister, Prime Minister Li doesn't ask why the bandits gathered to start an uprising, or how to eradicate hidden dangers to avoid imitating others; he doesn't ask how many people near Jingshan Town have been killed by bandits, and how to comfort them; he doesn't ask how many casualties there are among the officers and soldiers who suppressed the bandits.

How to reward."

"First of all, I am busy fighting against the dozens of bandits who gathered troops to cause chaos, harmed the people, committed all kinds of evil, and deserved to die! Prime Minister Li, are you the prime minister of all the people in the world, or the prime minister of the bandits? Or, these bandits have something to do with Prime Minister Li

What kind of relationship makes you regret and care about me so much!"

Li Qingchen's face turned livid with anger, and he pointed at Zhao Si. His whole body was trembling, letting others see him, for fear that he would fall down in the next breath.

At this time, Li Qingchen finally realized Zhang Dun's pain that time.

The King Jian in front of him looks majestic and heroic, but he is as careful as his hair and his words are as sharp as a knife. He can always keenly seize the opponent's loopholes, and then concentrate his firepower to attack.

You can always deduce powerful arguments. These arguments are like sharp arrows and spears, stabbing you with holes. Then they weave a hat that is so big and scary that it will crush you to death.

"Okay! No need to quarrel in the court over a group of bandits who deserved to die."

The official spoke, seeming to accuse Zhao Si. But everyone could clearly hear the dissatisfaction with Li Qingchen in his words.

Alas, why are we civil servants unable to quarrel with a rough guy? Is it true that he is sincere and therefore has his own justice?

"Thirteenth brother has completed his mission as the four governors, so let's hand it over. You will also take care of the follow-up efforts to appease the local area and the people who suffered the disaster. I will reward you for your merits, I..."

The official thought for a while and said to Zhang Dunzengbu: "How to reward him? The Political Affairs Hall and the Privy Council will draft a draft."

Before Zhang Dun and Zeng Bu could answer, Zhao Si stepped forward and reported: "I don't ask for rewards from the officials. Doing such a thing is my duty and I don't need rewards. I also ask the officials, a few of them."

The prime minister should distribute the rewards to the officers and soldiers who worked hard and shed blood and dedicated their lives to fulfill the king's duties."

The official looked at Zhao Si and nodded.


The next morning, Zhao Si had breakfast and was going to go to the Political Hall and the Privy Council to ask how to reward the officers and soldiers. Cao Duo hurriedly came to report.

"Thirteenth Lang, something big happened last night!"

"What's the big deal?"

"Ding Shiyou, the first commander of the Fengjie Army of the Infantry Division of the Guards, had to be relocated because the Forbidden Army could not be screened out. Unexpectedly, eight members of his family hanged themselves. In the morning, he was discovered. In front of the palace, there was a raging crowd among the guards. Hundreds of officers were

Tanlian, I want to come to Prince Jian’s Mansion to seek justice!”

Zhao Si's face became extremely ugly.
This chapter has been completed!
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