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Chapter 9 Subduing Cao Jun's 30,000 Elite Soldiers

The messenger worked non-stop and sent Guan Suo's reply back to the front line overnight.

Guan Yu, Guan Ping and others read the letter together.

Zhou Cang only listened but did not read because he was illiterate...

Guan Suo wrote three things concisely in his letter:

First, express your attitude: 30,000 surrendered soldiers cannot be discarded.

Second, don’t worry about food. I have a way to provide it, but it’s not convenient to go into details in the letter. Please rest assured, father, I can’t make fun of such a big thing.

Third, only the able-bodied should be demoted, and the sick and disabled should be returned to the Cao family, with tattoos on their faces: Help the Han Dynasty, and kill Cao's thieves.

Guan Yu stroked his long beard and laughed.

Liao Hua read it to Zhou Cang, and they both laughed.

Guan Yu looked at Guan Ping: "Lao San said that he can solve the military ration problem, but I always feel that this is unreliable..."

Guan Ping said: "My father doesn't know that my third brother has learned different skills..."

Guan Yu's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "How can my old son have such abilities? It's really a shame for his father!"

In the eyes of many people in this world, magic is a skill only possessed by extremely talented people. For example, back then, the alliance between Sun and Liu, thanks to Zhuge Military Advisor's Seven-Star Altar Sacrifice to the Wind, enabled Zhou Lang to wield heavenly fire in Chibi and achieve unparalleled feats.

Of course, some people say that Zhuge Liang only calculated in advance that there would be a strong southeast wind, so he deliberately disheveled his hair, pretended to be a ghost, and used the name of fake magic to frighten Soochow, so that they would not dare to annex their master.

But anyway, when Zhuge Liang got off the Seven Star Altar, the wind came.

Fan Nian stepped forward and admonished: "Your Majesty, no matter whether the young master has this magical power or not, since these 30,000 surrendered soldiers cannot be killed or released, they must be sent back to Nanjun first."

Chen Feng interrupted: "It would be great if the young master can solve the food problem. Even if we can't solve it, then let's slowly collect food from the people."

Zhan Yan also had the same idea and admonished Guan Yu: "Before the Cao thief was defeated in Hanzhong, he moved away 100,000 people and emptied Hanzhong. He could not recover in 20 years. Today, the king will definitely recruit these 30,000 elite soldiers."


The plan was decided.

Guan Yu sent Fan Nian and his troops to take custody of the surrendered soldiers who had been disarmed and had their weapons confiscated. Together with Yu Jin, they were escorted to Nanjun.

Yu Jin was afraid of death and surrendered when he was captured.

At that time, Guan Yu asked him arrogantly: "Since you know that I, Guan Yu, am here, how dare you come to die!"

Yu Jin knelt down and kowtowed and begged for mercy: "The young general didn't dare to come, but the prime minister insisted on forcing me! I beg General Guan to spare his life!"

After Guan Yu laughed, he said with contempt on his face: "You have ruled the world for many years. Today, I, Guan Yu, have been surrendered. It is not embarrassing!"

The three heads of the Cao, Sun, and Liu families were all good at recruiting surrenders and rebels, and they did so without revealing anything. They would not hurt the prisoner's face, but could also give the other party a chance to step up.

Even a reckless man like Zhang Fei, who respected the scholar-bureaucrats but often whipped his soldiers, had a reason to explain Yan Yan's behavior.

But Guan Yu is completely opposite to Zhang Fei. He loves his soldiers very much, but he also despises the scholar-bureaucrats and noble families.

Therefore, most of the soldiers respected him as a father, while most of the scholar-bureaucrat class regarded him as an enemy.

After Yu Jin surrendered, Guan Yu never looked at him again, nor did he give him an official position or make him his arm. Instead, he took him to Nanjun Prison.

Yu Jin not only could not continue to be a general, but also had to become a public demonstration. On this day, his heart was particularly desolate.

Fan Miao escorted the captives back to Jingzhou. Ma Liang and other powerful officials were required to attend the prisoner presentation ceremony as usual. Even Mi Fang, an unemployed man, came with a cane.

My leg is a little injured and I haven't recovered yet.

Of the more than 30,000 prisoners, after excluding several thousand sick and disabled, there were still just over 30,000 prisoners left. They all walked dejectedly through the fields where the wind blew the waves of wheat.

This is the military storage field of Nanjun, which is used to supply rations to the army.

If there is not enough, food will be collected from the people.

Guan Yu was an upright man and loved his people like a son. He would never take a grain of food from the people as long as he had enough.

Almost every household in Jingzhou placed a memorial tablet for him and provided him with three sticks of incense in the morning and evening.

Those whose families were poorer would buy a portrait of Guan Yu and hang it in the middle. They would pray devoutly in the morning and evening, asking Mr. Guan to bless the people with good weather.

Those who set up stalls on the roadside and do small business are die-hard fans of Guan Yu: "I am a child without any bully! I will never be short of weight! Learn the style of our master Guan back then! Come and buy!"

Guan Yu is a person with very obvious advantages and disadvantages.

Arrogance is real.

It is also true to make a promise worth a thousand pieces of gold, to have unparalleled benevolence and righteousness, to hoe the strong and support the weak, and to make decisions for the people.

Along the way, these Cao Jun soldiers were demoted. Almost everyone they met, from all walks of life, were proud of Mr. Guan, and they all rushed to recognize him as their ancestor.

Even two young men said when they were sworn to each other on the roadside: "We must be as righteous as Mr. Guan!"

Yu Jin sighed: "Guan Yu cherishes the people so much, but insults the scholars so much! Alas, how did I end up in this situation!"

He looked up at the Jingzhou garrison who greeted them in front. Their soldiers were all arrogant in front of the prisoners.

Fan Miao saluted loudly: "See you, General Ma! I have sent the prisoners to you under my humble command! General Ma, please take stock!"

Others had their hands tied behind their backs with ropes, and those who were banned were given higher treatment and wore large shackles.

Ma Liang bowed his hands and returned the greeting: "Your Majesty, your Majesty! All the generals are at your service! General Fan, thank you for your hard work!"

Mi Fang stood aside and said nothing.

Guan Suo followed Ma Liang on horseback and whispered: "A scholar can be killed but not humiliated. Uncle, please give the order to unshackle Yu Jin."

Ma Liang nodded and whispered: "We both thought of getting together again."

Ma Liang dismounted and said to Fan Min: "General Fan, please unshackle General Yu Jin."

On the way to escort, the messenger had already reported the matter in advance, and Yu Jin had already surrendered and said so.

Now that he has surrendered, even if he is not reused, he should no longer be treated as a prisoner.

Fan Nian dismounted and said: "Yes!"

After untying the shackles, Yu Jin was at a loss. General Guan didn't understand how to treat virtuous corporals, so why did his subordinates...

Ma Liang said gently: "General Yu, I'm scared."

Yu Jin turned his head to the side, held up his hands in shame and said: "Those who are captured will die easily! I don't dare to be treated with such courtesy by General Ma!"

"Serious words." Since Guan Yu treated Yu Jin like that, it was not convenient for Ma Liang to directly ask him to serve in the army at this moment. He could only say: "General Yu will rest in Guanyi first."

The meaning is obvious. We do not treat you as a prisoner, but as a distinguished guest.

As a result, the surrendered soldiers exploded.

"General, now that he has a good place to go, he won't have to worry about food and accommodation. What will we do?"

"Do we only deserve to starve to death?"

"Is General Guan going to put us in prison? I'm afraid there isn't such a big prison in Jingzhou!"

Panic spread in the hearts of all the soldiers, and two people were trembling with anger, and expressed the worries of more people:

"Look at the food in this field. It's enough to feed your family at most. What will we do with our 30,000 mouths?"

"Yes, Guan Yu doesn't want to trap us all, does he?"

As soon as these two words were spoken, the soldiers collapsed!

Some squatted on the ground and cried bitterly, and some made a fuss and howled loudly.

Fan Nian quickly sent troops to surround them, with archers on standby. If anyone dared to rebel, he would be shot on the spot.

A sturdy soldier with an injured forehead sneered: "The people are not afraid of death, so why should they be afraid of death? Come on! Kill! The name of the king of Hanzhong will be killed and surrendered, and soon it will spread throughout the world, hahaha!"

The scene got out of control again.

The cries of the surrendered soldiers shook the sky.

Ma Liang and others were helpless and could only explain patiently: "The King of Hanzhong and General Guan both love the people like their own children, and they will not harm you!"

"What's the point of just talking nonsense! Where's the food?"

Someone in the crowd yelled, and no one believed Ma Liang's words.

Ma Liang was filled with sorrow and didn't know how to deal with the aftermath, when suddenly a figure of a knight flashed in front of his eyes.

I saw Guan Suo coming forward on his horse and raising his right hand to signal everyone to stop.

The soldiers looked at him with wide eyes, their expressions showed dissatisfaction, despair, and sorrow...

Guan Suo said in front of Yu Jin and other enemy surrendered soldiers, Mi Fang and other potential rebels, Pan Jun who hated Guan Yu's arrogance and was at odds with him, and all the Jingzhou soldiers present: "Uncles, Dear soldiers, I am Guan Suo, the third son of General Guan."

No one spoke.

Guan Suo went on to tell the story: "In my early years, I wandered around the world, met strangers, and taught him some Taoism."

Pan Jun and others all pricked up their ears and listened.

"Brothers of the army surrendered to my father. Now they are all thinking that Jingzhou suddenly has more than 30,000 soldiers. Will the food be enough? Right?"

Everyone's eyes were fixed on him, looking at him like a savior.

"Let me tell you, the food currently waiting to be harvested in the fields is not enough to eat!" Guan Suo said loudly.

"You are quite cheerful." When Yu Jin said this, his mood was extremely complicated.

"However, killing and subduing soldiers, slaughtering cities at every turn, such unethical and unethical things, are what Cao Cao likes to do! The King of Hanzhong conducts the world with benevolence and righteousness..." Guan Suo will never miss a good opportunity to scold Cao Cao.

"Don't just say nice things. There's not enough food. Are you going to make us starve?"

"Yes, we are new here, you will definitely not starve your own people."

"Without food, what's the use of breaking the sky!"

Guan Suo did not interrupt them and allowed them to speak.

Seeing that Guan Suo was so calm and calm, they stopped talking and just looked at him quietly.

"There's not enough food in the fields, so how about I double it for everyone!"

As soon as he said this, the strengthening talisman was thrown out.

Thousands of golden lights flashed across the field, and everyone was stunned!

The food in the fields is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

New ears of grain grow from the original crop, and the grain yield triples in an instant!

Countless soldiers who were demoted felt that they were dazzled.

Ma Liang blinked desperately, fearing it was an hallucination.

Mi Fang looked at Guan Suo in shock. She sat down on the ground in shock and threw her crutches aside. She never dared to have any dissent in her life.

Mi Fang kept saying in her heart: "His father is great, and he is even more powerful!"

Fan Min was so shocked that he dropped his riding whip.

"Brother Bing, Guan Yu's third son, didn't lie!" Guan Suo's tone was calm, without any arrogance.

Invisible pretense is the highest state.

The soldiers were calm for a while.

Suddenly, they kowtowed to Guan Suo.

"I am waiting for you, General, to surrender!"

Yu Jin also knelt down, he was completely shocked. With his status and experience, he would not easily make a fuss about trivial things. But today's incident shocked him so much!

Yu Jin couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice: "Old Immortal Zuo Ci, if you are very powerful in Taoism, then when you meet Guan Suo, you have to call me grandpa... Alas, the King of Hanzhong has such an expert under his command, who can compete with him?"


Guan Suo suppressed his laughter, personally helped Yu Jin up, and said to the others: "We are destined to meet together. This is God's arrangement! Now we are a family, and of course we eat the food together. No matter what is yours or mine!"

"I am a hero and a good man!"

"Third Young Master, what a trick! I'm convinced!"

"We are willing to serve the King of Hanzhong!"

"Young Master is truly a god. We sincerely surrender and don't dare to have any dissent!"

Guan Suo originally wanted to issue an order directly and ask Fan Min's people to untie the captives.

But this matter must be given by Ma Liang.

He had no previous experience in military affairs. Even as Guan Yu's son, he could not convince the public and could not occupy a prominent position right away, so he could only walk around Jingzhou as Ma Liang's deputy.

He glanced at Ma Liang. Seeing that the atmosphere had been heightened by Guan Suo, Ma Liang immediately struck while the iron was hot: "General Fan, untie them!"

Pan Jun's heart was like turbulent waves, with mixed feelings. He secretly felt sorry for Guan Yu, but also happy for him: "General Guan! You have first-class character and peerless talent! But you are too arrogant! I don't know how many people you will offend all day long.

! People like you are always used to using force to defeat all setbacks, but if one day you encounter a big setback that cannot be solved by force, it will be a life-and-death situation!"

He looked at Guan Suo's back intently and sighed in his heart: "General Guan! It would be good if you had one percent of your son's humility! That's all. If you don't change, I will help you in the future.

Your son, you will have to retire one day anyway."
This chapter has been completed!
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