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Chapter 32 Tell Guan Suo to bring me back this place!

Before Guan Suo left, Liu Bei, Adou, Zhuge Liang and others sent him back twenty miles away.

A skilled craftsman in Shu once made a spear out of meteorite iron. The Shu people regarded it as a treasure, and Liu Bei rewarded it to Guan Suo.

This spear is extremely sharp and can penetrate iron as well as mud.

Holding it in your hand, it adds a bit of power and domineering, making enemies frightened when they see it.

This time Guansuo not only had a short weapon for self-defense, such as the snake-cutting sword, but also a newly issued meteorite iron spear tempered by Yu Xing and Ling Jin.

Guan Suo took his wife back to Jingzhou. Along the way, the guards put up flags with the word "Guan". The people in Sichuan knew it was Guan Suo's motorcade, so they all helped the old and young to come out to watch, and everyone praised him full of praise.

The three monarchs of Wei, Shu and Wu had a lot to do. Liu Bei had to send people to appease the barbarians and maintain good relations with Meng Huo and the chiefs of Nanzhong at all times.

We also need to accumulate food and fodder to consolidate the front line.

So in Shuzhong and Jingzhou, they all prepared their troops vigorously and actively prepared for war.

Sun Quan was even busier. Shanyue rebelled year after year and sent troops to fight, so they hid in the mountains without being able to catch anyone. After Sun Quan's army left, they came out again to kill and set fire to people.

He gave the new governor Lu Xun a fatal order to recapture Jiangxia and Lujiang no matter what means were used. Lu Xun replied that he had to first save enough food, grass and weapons, and also train a new batch of navy troops.

Sun Quan gritted his teeth and waited alone!

Wei Emperor Cao Pi was even busier.

First, he wanted to execute the general Cao Hong in public. Who told you, you bastard, not to lend me money back then... Fortunately, Empress Dowager Bian interceded, and Cao Pi was willing to deal with it generously: deprived of all military merits for decades, and demoted to a commoner.

Cao Hong still had to thank Tian En.

When Cao Pi first came to the throne, he had already dealt with his brother Cao Zhi. Now that he has dealt with his cousin Cao Hong, it is time to deal with his brother Cao Zhang.

He didn't dare to poison him directly, so he poisoned him chronically so that he could die after a while without having anything to do with him.

When he appointed officials, he also used villains who were close to him but had low moral character.

In the Cao Wei regime, those who were dissatisfied with Cao Pi secretly formed a force and were ready to move.

The monarchs of the three kingdoms are busy with their own affairs and do not raise troops from each other. However, it is inevitable that each of them will send spies to gather information.

Among the previous monarchs of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao had the strongest overall ability, while Sun Quan and Liu Bei were evenly matched.

Now the situation has changed, and Cao Pi has the worst overall ability.

When Cao Cao was here, the Qiang, Xianbei, and Wuhuan people did not dare to make trouble. Now they rebel at will and plunder the borders of Cao's family unscrupulously.

This information was detected by spies from Wu and Shu, which made the monarchs of the two countries extremely happy, and they were all ready to find the right opportunity to attack Cao Pi.

What's even more outrageous is that the Qingzhou soldiers under Cao Cao only obeyed Cao Cao. These people cried bitterly in front of Cao Pi: "The old Wei King is dead, and no one can stabilize the world anymore."

These people don't even recognize Cao Cao's heir!

This also shows how poor Cao Pi's leadership is compared to his father.

Cao Pi was so angry that he wanted to kill them all. Sima Yi, an old and cunning man, suggested giving them enough travel expenses to let them go home, so as not to cause a radical change and only increase internal hatred, which made them laugh at the two kingdoms of Wu and Shu.

Cao Pi listened to Sima Yi's advice and resolved the sudden change.

This Cao Pi is a person who never wants to reflect on himself. In fact, compared with his father, his ability is far behind. His father was the most powerful person in the Three Kingdoms era.

With so many internal rebel forces dissatisfied with his rule, he felt weak and anxious every day when he went to court.

Unexpectedly, some ministers would make noises about the establishment of a queen.

He did not make his first wife Zhen his queen, but instead made Guo his queen. The reason was that he felt that Zhen was originally the wife of Yuan Shao's second son Yuan Xi, and he suspected that his son Cao Rui with Zhen might be Yuan Xi's.


He is extremely unsure of himself!

A group of ministers were quarreling with him all day long, saying how could you play like this? Cao Rui is the prince. If you don't make his mother the queen, you will make someone else. Isn't this deliberately hoping for chaos in the world?

The more loyal the old minister was to the Cao family, the more he relied on his elders and showed no mercy to Cao Pi, which made Cao Pi extremely irritable.

This group of old ministers always said "What happened to the late Emperor?" and "I received great kindness from the late Emperor, and I want to repay it to Your Majesty." Cao Pi couldn't get angry when he was sprayed, so he had to endure it.

There is another annoying thing. It would have been a great thing to conquer Lujiang and Jiangxia, but there was a shortage of food there. The guards sent out documents like snowflakes to urge food, but Cao Pi had no extra food and grass to supply.

It's really frustrating.

I originally thought that becoming an emperor was just for showing off my prestige and enjoying all the blessings in the world, but I didn't expect to have so many endless worries when I wanted to be an emperor.

These worries are nothing to his father, but they are nothing to him.

He wanted to find his most trusted minister, Taiwei Jia Xu, for a while. More than a dozen doctors were busy there. When they saw him coming, they said with sweat on their faces: "Your Majesty, Taiwei is critically ill..."

It’s still hard to live. I finally tried my best to become the emperor, but there is nothing happy about it!

Depressed, Cao Pi drank some wine and went to the Tongque Terrace to have fun.

It was full of beauties that his father had collected over the years. These women were versatile and graceful. He hugged these beauties and drank, trying to forget all his troubles.

After a while, two beauties served him wine. They were so beautiful that they didn't dare to raise their heads, but they still couldn't hide their natural beauty.

Cao Pi asked: "How old are you two this year?"

They answered respectively, thirty-two, thirty.

"You are still so beautiful in your thirties?" Cao Pi exclaimed that they are such natural beauties.

At this time, the eunuch on duty at the Tongque Tower said: "Your Majesty, they are the daughters of the false emperor Liu Bei."

The three countries all praise themselves and belittle others.

From Cao Pi's point of view, Guan Yu attacked Xiangyang, which was called a Shu bandit invasion.

From Liu Bei's point of view, this is called recovering the Han Dynasty's homeland.

Sun Quan and Liu Bei called the Cao family Cao thieves.

The Cao family calls Liu Bei the false emperor or a shoemaker and shoemaker, and calls Sun Quan Wu Dog.

After hearing the words of the eunuch on duty, Cao Pi suddenly remembered the past. Liu Bei was chased by Cao Cao and defeated. In order to ensure that he could escape with his life, he threw away his two daughters, and his followers also didn't want them.

Later, these two beautiful girls were captured by Cao Cao's general Cao Chun.

Cao Chun died of illness not long after marrying them. Later, Cao Cao put these two beauties on the Bronze Bird Platform.

Now Cao Pi suddenly had a plan in mind!

A clever trick that can insult and disgust Liu Bei!

He solemnly sent an envoy to Chengdu to discuss with Liu Bei: I have a benevolent heart and will return your two daughters. Please give me the land of Hanzhong in exchange!

While the three kingdoms were resting and recuperating, Cao Pi wanted to use a conspiracy to force Liu Bei to submit!

The envoy selected Cao Pi's close confidant and Empress Guo's nephew to lead the delegation, and marched to Shu via Shangyong.

Although they are enemy countries, it is common for them to send envoys to each other to formally discuss major matters.

Master Guo was also a clever person. Along the way, he promoted Cao Pi's "virtue" everywhere and made everyone aware of the exchange of Hanzhong for Liu Bei's daughter.

He also said everywhere that the emperor of your country conducts the world in the name of benevolence and righteousness, and he will definitely get his daughter back.

After all, no matter how precious land is, it cannot be compared with one's own flesh and blood, right?

By the time they arrived in Chengdu, the incident had already made everyone in Shu know about it.

Everyone wants to know how this will turn out.

When meeting His Majesty at the palace, the envoy Guo deliberately did not call Liu Bei the Emperor of Han, but the Lord of Shu, intending to criticize him for his improper throne: "This envoy is paying homage to the Lord of Shu on the order of His Majesty the Emperor of Wei. The Emperor of Wei wants to send him back."

The two daughters of the Lord of Shu, reunite your father and daughter and share a family relationship. Emperor Wei ordered the Lord of Shu to exchange the land in Hanzhong. Your Majesty has long heard that Lord Shu's reputation for benevolence and righteousness spread throughout the world, so he ordered my envoy to discuss this matter with Lord Shu."

This tone, this face, this tone.

It's absolutely amazing.

The Hanzhong Basin is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is also the first-class grain-producing area in Shuzhong. The gateway to Hanzhong is not lost. Coupled with the mountains as a barrier, the enemy cannot reach Shuzhong at all.

Hanzhong was bought with the lives of countless soldiers and must never be returned.

But listening to Wei Shi's tone, aren't you a benevolent and righteous king? Are you willing to give up your own daughter for such extraneous things as land?

Are you being hypocritical?

Liu Bei was so angry that he almost lost his temper.

If you don't change, you will be ridiculed.

If the land of Hanzhong is given away like this, the land of Shu will be lost!

Jingzhou and Shu are enclaves with too many mountains. If he attacks Shu from Hanzhong, with Wei in the middle, Guan Yu will be unable to rescue him.

And if Shu is lost, Wei and Wu will definitely form an alliance to attack Jingzhou, and the eight Guan Yus will have to die.

All the kings and ministers in Shu were gnashing their teeth with hatred, Cao Pi's move was too vicious!

Not to mention the two daughters, even if Liu Adou was taken as a hostage and threatened to exchange for a land thousands of miles away from Hanzhong, Liu Bei would not agree!

Liu Bei sneered and said: "Come here, take it down and behead it in public!"

When Master Guo heard this, he was shocked and said: "The two armies are fighting, so I won't kill the envoy! Your Majesty, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, please tell me what you have to say!"

Two warriors who looked like tigers and wolves had already picked him up and dragged him out. It was useless to call him Emperor of Han this time. Liu Bei just sneered at him and ignored him.

In despair, Mr. Guo yelled: "You beast selling straw sandals! You are hypocritical and righteous. You don't even want your own daughter for a little territory. You are an inhuman animal! Look at everyone! How can a person who doesn't even love his own flesh and blood be able to do it?"

Do you love everyone in the world?"

He speaks very fast, for fear that if he slows down, he won't have time to finish.

These words really hit Liu Bei's weakness.


The two warriors received the emperor's order and stopped where they were.

Liu Bei stood up, stepped down from the dragon chair, came to him, and said coldly: "I will tell you the flaws in your master's plan and teach you to die without resentment! My daughter died on the battlefield long ago, and I buried it with my own hands.

How can there be lies? Cao Pi, a thief, is despicable, ruthless and ruthless, usurping the Han Dynasty to establish itself, and fabricating such lies to slander me! How could I be fooled by this thief?"

Envoy Guo cursed loudly: "Liu Bei! You are such a cruel and heartless rat! You don't even give up your flesh and blood for the sake of your territory. I hate that I have to surrender to your death!"

"Behead this man, tattoo the word 'Cao Thief' on all the envoys' faces, and return them all." Liu Bei turned around and said in a low voice, "Retreat from the court."

No one saw two lines of thick tears streaming down Liu Bei's face.

Cao Pi originally thought that the Cao family was so powerful that Liu Bei might not dare to touch his people.

But Liu Bei just killed his envoy.

A few days later, an urgent envoy from Shu came to see Guan Yu, the pastor of Jingzhou. Liu Bei wrote a handwritten letter saying this, and the core meaning was just one sentence:

"Second brother! This matter has spread like wildfire, and I am extremely angry! Let Guan Suo find this place for me!"
This chapter has been completed!
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