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Chapter 1,064 The incomplete witchs reverberation

Feeling his own mood, Shade lowered his head slightly, and then covered his face with his hands. As the curled stone wings appeared behind him, Shade turned into an angel statue covering his face.

Miss Chloe looked at him worriedly from the entrance of the tent, and it took a long time before she closed the tent again, leaving Shade alone in the blizzard outside the tent.

Although Shade in the "Calm Stance" state could not move, his perceptions other than vision were still normal. He knew that he had not waited long before he heard the sound of shoes stepping on the snow.

The voice was getting closer and closer, and Shade also sensed traces of malicious profanity and whispering elements.

He couldn't see the entity of the thing, but "she" could observe:

[A black shadow that looks like the witch Chloe is made up of thick black. It can be determined that it is a monster formed by the accumulation of strong death power. Of course, this kind of death is far less than the power in real death.

"That's good."

The Shadow of Death did not pay attention to the angel statue that stood suddenly outside the tent and was mostly covered with snow. It approached the tent just like before. The main body looked like the black Miss Chloe, but the disguised image was no longer

The witch Wanda is Mrs. Marquez’s master, the lost witch of Provence.

Without Shade in the tent, Miss Chloe's voice trembled again. She tried to drive away the monster with words and threats like before, but without Shade by her side, this action was not smooth.

The young witch was in a very strange state, and her trembling voice seemed to have encountered a fear that she could not face. Shade even thought that he had not lost his composure like this when facing the fear itself in the Dreadfort in the autumn.

“Is the effect of absorbing positive emotions so strong?”

Shade, who was in the statue state, had confirmed the posture and location of the enemy through communication with "her". When Miss Chloe asked the black shadow to leave for the last time in an almost pleading tone, Shade put down his covering.

Cheek Arms:

"Moonlight Slash!"

Without any hesitation, Shade directly used his strongest posture and turned into a silver moonlight, penetrating the black shadow whose appearance he could not clearly see.

He passed through the center of the black shadow, but the coordinated attack he expected from Miss Chloe in the tent did not appear.

The black shadow of death immediately entangled the panting Sha De. The power of death eroded his body and soul, but it failed to have any effect. Sha De, who had returned from death twice, was not afraid of this power at all.


"Miss Chloe!"

He was tightly entangled by Miss Chloe, who looked like a shadow of death. She was clinging to Shade like a spider. The two fell into the snow together. Although it looked like the black shadow controlled Shade in the snowstorm.

Germany, but it can be regarded as Shade controlling the other party.

"Come and help!"

Shade shouted Miss Chloe's name loudly, hoping that the witch in the tent would come out as soon as possible. Because he opened his mouth too wide, he even took a mouthful of flying snow.

The sound passed through the blizzard and entered the tent. It was obvious that she was not in a normal mood. The trembling witch looked at the tent exit in front of her, her body so stiff that she could not move.


It wasn't until she heard Shade's cat meowing urgently that her body, which was stiff due to fear of death, seemed to have regained some warmth. The fire of the sun given by Shade warmed her soul, and she finally reached out and opened the tent.

Carrying the cat in my arms, I arrived in a snowstorm in the Silver Mountains.

Facing the blizzard, the dim golden eleven steps appeared behind her. But they were different from any golden steps of any witch that Shade had seen before. The steps were not only dim in color, but also transparent and almost fragile.


At a glance, the witch saw Shade lying on the snow, "fighting" with a black figure that looked exactly like her. Holding the cat in one hand, using little Mia as the casting medium, Shade had never seen the witch's secret technique.

was displayed:

"Thousand Cat Curse!"

"Meow~" "Meow~" "Meow~" "Meow~"...

Thousands of cats meowed at the same time in the cold snowstorm, and then white, black, colorful, orange and other different types of cats rushed towards the black shadow.

Shade finally broke free with the help of the cats, and the witch shouted:

"Quick, attack now!"

"Those cats..."

"They are all virtual summons!"

"Thunder Gun!"

As the silver thunder exploded in his hand, with the palm of his hand as the center, the thunderbolt light extended to both ends. Shade threw the silver-white thunder gun at the group of cats that were still biting. At the same time, Miss Chloe also fired

Snapped his fingers:


The sound fell, and with a boom~ a loud noise, the group of cats actually exploded.


The frightened little Mia broke away from Miss Chloe's arms, but she did not sink deeply into the snow. Instead, she lightly stepped on the snow and ran to Shade's feet. She didn't even use Shade to hold her, but held her with her claws.

His pants climbed directly to his chest, and then he got into his coat very actively.

"It looks like it's been resolved... That's why I won't let you come with me this time."

Shade smiled and patted his chest, and little Mia actually squirmed.

As the sound of the exploding cats continued to spread, a dull sound came from the snowy mountains. Miss Chloe pulled Shade's arm, and then pointed to the peak of the mountain in the distance.

The mountain at the peak seemed to be collapsing. It was peeling off layer by layer amidst the muffled sound. Only then did Shade realize what was happening:


The power of nature cannot be stopped by a four-ring warlock like him. But fortunately, before he even had time to feel the sense of impending disaster, the avalanche was stopped.

A few hundred steps away from them, high on the ridge, the god with bare feet and a staff appeared again. The ancient god of winter held his long staff high, so the avalanche disappeared, and the fallen snow and ice returned as if they were traveling back in time.

to its original position.

Just like last time, God just helped them. After a certain snowflake covered Shade's eyes and flew away, God disappeared.

"Oh, I'm so crazy that I dare to use this secret technique."

Miss Chloe covered her forehead and moaned softly. Shade breathed a sigh of relief. He was also frightened by the avalanche just now:

"As long as it's okay, let's go see if the black shadow has really been eliminated."

A deep crater was created in the snow by the thunder guns and the exploding cats, and there were even puffs of blue smoke rising from the deep layer of snow.

Miss Chloe and Shade went down to the deep pit after the explosion to check the situation. In the snow pit exposed on the ground, almost nothing was left. But after searching carefully, Miss Chloe still found some black granular substance.

While she was inspecting and collecting the black granular substances, Shade, who was very interested in the heating of the snow layer, reached out and touched the smoky snow.

"She" whispered softly in Shade's ear:

【Outlander, you have obtained "Witch Reverberation Chloe". 】


For a moment, Shade felt that "she" was joking. But the reverberation was collected by the [Echo] spirit rune, and the unique knowledge and power contained in the reverberation indeed poured into Shade's soul.

"But, unless the witch left it behind intentionally, wouldn't it be possible to find the witch's reverberation only at the place where the witch with the right to vote died?"

He straightened up and looked at Miss Chloe beside him with wide eyes. The latter noticed Shade's gaze and said sheepishly:

"Do you want to return to the tent now? I have almost collected them here. These black particles are very interesting."

"Okay, let's go back now."

Shade nodded, and then took the initiative to hold the hand of this short young witch with long silver hair, red eyes, and the latter's face was slightly red, but she did not break away.

[She is indeed a living, normal witch, and the one you just defeated is definitely not a living person.]

"Then, why did you touch the reverberation at the place where the black shadow died... Moreover, Miss Chloe is only eleventh level, how can she have the right to vote?"

The latter issue is the key. Both Miss Feliana and Miss Violet have proven that as long as the witch is strong enough, the "reverberation" does not have to be left after death. But the point of "having the right to vote in the Witch Council" is It cannot be avoided in any case, otherwise the reverberation that Shade obtained would not have the ability to increase his voting rights.

Miss Carina once mentioned very clearly that even if history is lost in the changes of eras, she is very sure that all the official members of the Witch Council in the Fifth Age are of the Thirteenth Order. Even in a certain period, the Thirteenth There are not enough witches of thirteen levels, so the council would rather leave the seats empty than allow witches of insufficient level to increase their qualifications.

Therefore, it is wrong to think that the eleventh-level Miss Chloe is actually qualified to leave a reverberation.

With huge doubts, the two returned to the tent again. Mrs. Marquez welcomed them softly, while the timid man remained silent.

"So, what on earth is going on..."

"You guys have a little rest, we will set off again soon."

The witch, who was held by Shade, ordered her two companions. Shade also began to carry out the supplies he had prepared. Mrs. Marquez was making vegetable soup again.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, everything seems to be wrong with this time adventure. Not to mention the god who has always refused to approach, even among the three human companions, Miss Chloe's mental state was obviously not right when she faced the black figure just now.

, and the remaining two people have a very low sense of presence.

In past adventures, even ordinary people had the same status as witches in Shade's memory and perception. But this time, he actually subconsciously forgot and ignored Mrs. Marquez and that man, and returned to himself

After the time and space, these two people were not even mentioned to anyone.

If you think about it more carefully, it is quite incredible that these two ordinary people can make it this far in such an extremely cold environment without food. They have achieved the ultimate in taciturnity.

His impression was only of "making soup and a woman" and "a silent man". He did not remember that the two of them had done any other actions.

[Compared with the 'Witch Reverberation: Academy Founder Feliana' and 'Witch Reverberation: Witch Emperor Violet' that you once obtained, this reverberation is incomplete. Witch Reverberation itself is

After your echoing spirit runes oscillated with time and space, they absorbed traces of the powerful witch's existence or traces left behind by her initiative. But this time, you only gained partial knowledge.】

"There are more and more questions about this journey."


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