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Chapter 1,076 The Princesss Thousand Pounds

Miss Pavo said this, and Shade remembered that the [Truth Society] was originally connected with Margaret because the [Truth Society] wanted to seek something in the princess's hands. But after coming to Tobesk, because

The fourth chosen person appeared, and the protection around the princess became increasingly tight, so no one from the [Truth Society] appeared around the princess again after the night banquet at Lakeview Manor.

Now that Princess Margaret and her party are about to leave Tobesk, Miss Paavo appears again.

"Ma'am, what do you want to talk to me about? There is no need to avoid Mr. Hamilton."

Margaret asked in a serious tone, and Miss Paavo smiled:

"The pursuit from Huntington to Tobesk was actually just for a very ordinary thing. Your Highness, our friends, some friends who like blood, gave us a page of scripts used by circus puppeteers. We

I learned from the script that you have a very strange book in your hand."

"Book? What book?"

Princess Margaret frowned slightly.

"Books borrowed from your school library."

Miss Pavo said, and then Princess Margaret understood:

""Secret of Youth...But I lost that book."

She explained:

"I lost it on the night I attended the wedding banquet at Lakeview Manor. I didn't take it with me, but put it in my luggage at Canary Manor. After I came back from Lakeview Manor, the book disappeared. For this, I paid compensation.

A fortune in gold for the college library.”

In fact, Miss Sylvia asked her to leave, and the Witch Council repaid the princess's compensation. The book is now in the hands of Miss Carina. During this period, Shade often saw the duchess holding the book and reading it.

On the way to Huntington, Miss Carina still took the book with her.

"As expected, the Society of Truth is looking for the "Secret of Agelessness" and wants to see the fragments of the poems in it... The contents of the fragments indicate that the number of pyroxenes required for the ceremony of the chosen one is five.

Speaking of which, no one else seems to know this except the Council, the Priory of the Light Guide and us."

Shade was thinking silently in his heart, while pretending to be confused about what the two ladies were talking about.

"Oh, ma'am, you don't think I have that book, do you?"

Princess Margaret showed a sarcastic smile:

"As long as you do a little research, you will know that I recently spent a large amount of money to solve the college's compensation problem."

Because it is necessary to explain the origin of the money, the compensation is indeed the princess's savings, but then the parliament will use Miss Aurora to compensate for the money in the form of trade instead of throwing the money directly to the princess. In the tax system

Today, as the banking industry matures, witches will not do such imprudent things.

Miss Paavo in the snow stopped turning her umbrella and pursed her lips:


"Yes, the college library tracked it down later and later told me that there was no need to look for it. The book was taken away by a group of crazy women. If you want to look for it, you can go find them."

"Crazy woman..."

It can be seen that Miss Pavo almost immediately realized who this was referring to. Although the Witch Council is not a very famous organization, it is quite important to a specific group of people.

The sorceress opened her silver book, checked a few pages and closed the book:

"She is indeed a witch... Well, I will interrupt your date, Your Highness."

She held her umbrella and bowed slightly, politely expressing her apology:

"I still stick to my point of view. Sometimes, ladies also need to be more proactive."

He chuckled lightly and backed away slowly. After retreating into the darkness that could not be illuminated by gas lights, he completely disappeared on this street.


"She" whispered softly into Shade's ear.

Princess Margaret looked at Shade and said with some disappointment:

"The atmosphere changed all of a sudden...I mean the atmosphere of storytelling."

"Keep moving forward, the destination is not far away."

Shade said, Margaret also nodded and moved forward with the knight. The two of them tacitly agreed not to talk about the story just now, but the princess would glance at Shade from time to time, and huddled his white hands in his sleeves.

Occasionally, I would move closer to Shade, but I never had the courage to hold him.

"I am the princess of the United Kingdom of Kasenlik, and I will become the witch's apprentice."

She told herself in her heart, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt that the snow was really extremely cold and heartbreaking.

Turn right from Smith Pedestrian Street, and after crossing the famous Queen Mary Avenue in Tobesk South District, the two people in the snow finally arrived at their destination, which was the peaceful Raven Alley.

Although it is an alley, it is much better than the narrow, dirty and chaotic blocks in the slums. On both sides of the alley are three-story apartment buildings of similar specifications. The towering buildings stand quietly in the snow.

The two of them welcomed the arrival of night.

"Margaret, let's put on our cloaks and continue walking."

Shade signaled, and he and the princess put on their cloaks, and then put on their hoods. Margaret didn't know the neighborhood nearby, and she couldn't know the name of the current alley simply from memory.

Therefore, while continuing to move forward with Shade, she asked in a low voice:

"here it is......"

"Raven Alley."

Shade replied. The princess suddenly frowned slightly, and then looked at the back of the man in front of her suspiciously:

"Raven Alley, isn't this..."

Most of the windows on both sides of Raven Alley have turned off the lights at this time, and only a few windows still have the light of gas lamps. No. 7, located in the eastern section of Raven Alley, is one of the few buildings that still has lights on in the snowy night.

, of course, this is also related to the fact that this place is not just a residence, but has been transformed into a grocery store.

When Shade, who was wearing a hood, opened the door and prepared to enter, the princess raised her head and saw the sign of "Smith's Store". She was finally sure that this was the place she thought of.

"But how could..."

The two of them entered the store. The person who was looking after the store at night was a middle-aged man with slightly bald hair wearing brown-rimmed round glasses. He was holding a book and reading it idly. If Shade hadn't read it,

Wrong, that is "Hamilton's Detective Stories", and judging from the printing specifications and book jacket, it is even a pirated print.

"What do you want to buy?"

Although the guy in a cloak and hood looked suspicious, the shop owner didn't panic. He put one hand under the counter and still held the pirated copy that infringed on Miss Writer's copyright interests in the other hand.

Shade guessed that his hand under the counter was holding a pistol:

"I'm from the south and want to buy a Candle match."

The middle-aged man and Margaret frowned slightly at the same time. The former put down the book and looked up at the two people who entered the door:

"Hello, guests from the south. Why don't you buy a Gaslight brand kerosene lamp?"

"Because I don't have Charcoal brand kerosene to light the lamp."

Shade said, then knocked on the counter table:

"For Candlestick matches, not a whole box, but a box with two missing."

"Okay, sir. Please wait a moment, I'll go pick up the goods."

With that said, he opened the counter and walked out, then walked up the side stairs to the second floor.

Shade turned to look at the princess wearing boots behind her. The latter lowered her head and hid her face under her cloak, preventing Shade from seeing her expression.

The shop owner soon came back from upstairs carrying a black suitcase. He did not hand it to Shade directly, but returned to the counter first:

"The matches you asked for are two missing from the box. They cost 5 pence in total."

Shade grabbed the matchbox with one hand and took out a one-shilling note with the other hand:

"Please change."

"Here is a total of 1,000 pounds in change. They are all unnumbered 10-pound notes."

The shop owner pushed the suitcase to Shade, then looked at him with a little awe, hesitated and then said:

"I really didn't expect that I could actually see you with my own eyes. You are indeed a trump card. I have been waiting for your arrival since autumn, but you didn't show up until late winter."

After saying that, he smiled and shook his head:

"Of course, you may not be who you are now. Please keep these, thank you for your contribution, and I wish you a good night."

Shade nodded, picked up the suitcase, and said in standard Kassenric:

"Eternal loyalty."

"Yes, everlasting loyalty."

The shopkeeper bowed slightly to show respect to Shade.

He turned around to leave, but found that Princess Margaret behind him was motionless. So, he took the initiative to reach out his free left hand and hold the princess's right hand. Margaret's body visibly trembled slightly, and then let Shade hold her.

holding hands, the two returned to the heavy snow in Raven Alley together.


The princess hesitated to speak, and followed Shade toward the alley. She saw Shade taking off his hood, then let go of her hand, and raised his hand to take off her hood.

The distance between the two of them was very close at this time. The girl with long pale blond hair bit her lips and turned her head slightly as if she was angry, not looking into Shade's eyes.

Then, she felt Shade's hand holding hers again.

The steps were unexpectedly much lighter, and the two people holding hands arrived at the alley in silence. Shade took the initiative and said:

"Next, we will take a carriage and go to the Tobesk Public Cemetery to visit an elder."


Margaret didn't know why she answered so obediently. She followed Shade into the light of the gas lamp on the street again, but stopped abruptly:

"How...how old are you?"

【I knew she would ask this question first.】

"She" said in Shade's ear with a smile, and Shade also stopped:

"Twenty-two years old. Miss Carina and Princess Lesia both know this very well. Speaking of which, you all seem to be older than me."

The princess pursed her lips, which was an expression of displeasure. But she knew that her displeasure was not due to what happened just now, but because the young gentleman in front of her mentioned his age:

"Are you his informant?"

Who the "he" here refers to is clear to both of them.


This chapter has been completed!
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