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Chapter 1098: Riding in the Snow (please vote for more updates)

"It's bad."

Miss Carina, standing in front of Shade, looked down at her boots in the mud on the snow, and then asked Miss Sylvia:

"What is your current position?"

The seven people gathered together. Shade, who was carrying a suitcase and a sword on his back, saw Miss Sylvia letting the map of the Pantanal region float in the air and pointing to the southeastern part of the map with her finger:

"It's three miles away from the expected location, but it's still planned. Thaumaturgy [spatial perception] tells me that we are now outside the ruins of Gurus."

Miss Aurora tilted her head and glanced:

"There are still 6.5 miles (about 10.5km) to the central lake? We need to move faster."

If it were in a plain area, the seven people present could complete the 6.5-mile road in no more than two hours even if they walked on their own feet. However, the terrain in the Everglades is extremely complex, and dangers are everywhere, so Wu

The Poison Society must have deployed blocking measures around it, so 6.5 miles is indeed a long distance.

"We can go this way."

Miss Sylvia, wrapped in a brown scarf, pointed to the light gray lines on the map. Although the wind in the swamp area was cold but not strong, the snowflakes in the sky were particularly shocking:

"Langma Ancient Road. The supply channel used by Kasenlik's army when they stationed troops on the island in the middle of the lake. Although this road is a little longer, it at least does not need to pass through dangerous areas."

The Pantanal is one of the few places in the Old World that still has a "dangerous area" recognized by the church. The people living here are not necessarily ordinary animals. According to legend, there are even hybrid dragons living deep in the great swamp.

"Can I fly over?"

Shade asked, and Miss Carina shook her head:

"Probably due to the influence of the seal, long-distance space movement is prohibited in the area that continues forward. Although flying is not prohibited, flying can easily attract dangerous things. We still have enough time, there is no need to take risks."

"Then let's go quickly."

Miss Aurora waved her hand, took out some bone powder and poured it into the snow. As the sorceress cast the spell, the flowing bone powder multiplied and plasticized until four undead skeleton horses were formed.

The horse's hooves trampled on the snow, and the unfrozen mud under the snow made a strange sound. Blue firelight was lit in the eye sockets of the skeletal horse head, and at the same time, rose vines wrapped around the black skeleton.

, growing from the eye sockets to the four hooves, and cleverly avoiding the position of the saddle, making these summoned undead appear even more magical.

"Xiwei, when did you improve your ability to summon the undead?"

Miss Carina looked at the rose vines curiously, but the lady with long wavy hair who had her hair tied up today frowned slightly:

"I'm not improving this thaumaturgy, this area is affecting my spellcasting."

"There are also anomalies in space, otherwise we wouldn't be 3 miles off."

Miss Sylvia added, and Miss Carina nodded slightly, understanding that this was a characteristic of the deep swamp. This land has long been polluted by evil things, and you must be extremely careful when casting spells here.

After confirming that the appearance of the undead skeleton horses had only changed, the horse gear prepared in advance was placed on them.

Among the seven people, Miss Sylvia, who needed to lead the way at the front, rode on a horse alone, while the other witches rode together. Shade finally sat behind Miss Carina.

This is not because Miss Aurora is "generous", but because she is the highest-level witch in the team and has to face more dangers, so she does not want Shade to follow her.

The time at this time is Wednesday, 1:03 pm on the 24th of the Sleeping Moon in the year 1853 of the Universal Calendar. The story of the fourth chosen one is coming to an end.

The blizzards in the Everglades are much greater than those in Huntington, which is located outside the swamp. After Miss Sylvia led a group of people to find the ancient road, even though the skeleton horses were more suitable for sports in complex terrain than real horses, the blizzard inside the swamp was

The environment still greatly hindered the progress of the group.

This wind and snow even had to ask Miss Avril, one of the three nine-ring sorceresses, to cast a spell to summon a temporary shield to block the wind and snow for everyone. And even if they were forced to carry the low temperature forward, in the blizzard swamp, the things that were extremely sensitive to space were

Miss Sylvia, she still almost lost her way.

"This is definitely not right. Previous reports did not mention the characteristics of lost roads in the Everglades. It seems that we have entered the area affected by the Voodoo Society."

At the end of the ancient road that was almost disappearing into the swamp, there was actually a frozen wetland. Miss Sylvia held the reins tightly and stopped at the front. After discussing with Miss Aurora, she borrowed Shade's [Vigil]

Man], after smearing his own blood on it, he swung forward suddenly.

The wetland was split open by a silver sword like a canvas and blown away by strong winds, revealing the way forward.

"It's not a thaumaturgy or a relic, it's some kind of more terrifying power."

The witch whispered, and then the four skeleton horses continued to move forward, leaving only a series of hoof prints under the snow that were quickly covered.

At 1:47 p.m., a group of people who continued to walk along the ancient road felt the ground shaking at the same time. The earthquake lasted for half a minute and ended, but then the sound of an explosion was heard from far away.

Miss Sylvia calculated the location and believed that the church team did not know who they were fighting, and the intensity of the battle was not low. At least one thirteen-ring warlock was attacking with all his strength, so the enemy was probably not human at all.

At 2:35 in the afternoon, the advancing group was attacked by scarlet vines hidden under the snow. The vines were densely packed and sprang up together, which was really scary.

But the battle only lasted less than half a minute and ended. The six ladies called for fireballs together. The fireballs bombarded the ground like steam cannons washing the ground. After the battle, after Miss Carina's inspection, these vines were classified into two categories.

The dangerous plant-like "man-eating corpse vine" is extremely rare in the Old World and is generally distributed on small overseas islands. Even the Pantanal region should not have such things. They obviously do not grow naturally near ancient roads.

It is a settlement, but it is like a hunter's trap, specially arranged here.

"The Society for Truth has studied this sort of thing."

Miss Aurora added with a solemn expression, there will be more and more similar things in the future.

At 3:40 in the afternoon, the group of people who continued to move forward encountered an abandoned village without any markings on the map. After investigating together, Miss Carina and Miss Aurora believed that this village was most likely to be the home of Xian.

After discussing the Zerg-level relic [Udyr Ghost Village], everyone could only temporarily shift their direction, at the cost of wasting more time, and completely bypassed the location-based relic that appeared here for unknown reasons.

But even if the direction was changed, the group of people still entered the abandoned village without realizing it. The terrifying evil spirits gradually surrounded everyone in the snowstorm, and the inevitable battle began in Xia.

It started after De summoned the first huge snowball to hit the undead group.

The three great witches and the three high-level sorceresses relentlessly attacked any foreign object that dared to stop them, but the ghost village in the snow was not suppressed by humans in a head-on confrontation.

Fortunately, the purpose of a group of people was not to defeat this relic, but to escape from here. In the end, Shade relied on his characteristic of not being actively attacked by the undead to lead the way, and the rotating life ring swept across the ground like a light cannon.

Miss Aurora from the army of undead and ghouls ensured the safety of everyone in the end.

After confirming that the seven people could not be left behind, this deserted village that seemed to have given birth to consciousness finally opened the way for them to leave. However, when the group of people on horseback left, Shade turned back to look at the village.

But they clearly saw those evil spirits still standing in the snow looking at them.

At six o'clock in the evening, there was no sunlight in the Everglades. Shade and six ladies were surrounded by a crackling bonfire, and the skeleton horses were tied to a tree nearby, waiting to be used again.

The witch's follower, Miss Avril, is leading her companions, the brown-haired Miss Scarlett, to arrange a peripheral defense ceremony. They will rest here for half an hour, and then go directly to the destination in one breath. The last sorceress, Miss Catherine, is

Boiling hot soup and adding some magic potions to expel negative states from everyone, her job is similar to Mrs. Marquez in Silver Mountain.

Miss Aurora found a sufficient open space nearby, entered the parliament amidst the sound of songs, and reported the situation to the members who were waiting for news. Miss Sylvia was observing the starry sky from a high tree to determine their location.

No errors.

"Your body temperature is so high."

A translucent shield covered her head, blocking the wind and snow. The red-haired duchess was covered with a blanket enchanted with thermostat. She leaned against Shade and whispered softly. The two were now sitting on the bonfire.

Waiting to eat, even if the environment is so bad, the big witches are still unwilling to just chew bread.

The long-haired Duchess also tied her head up today to facilitate movement. Shade could smell the scent of her red hair:

"Probably because of the first fire and the flames of the sun."

The bonfire in front of him was lit by Shade. Although the flames were not as good as the bonfires he had seen used by the witches at any point in the Fifth Era, it was at least enough to resist the ordinary cold.

Miss Carina tilted her head and leaned on his shoulder, feeling that although the conditions were a little more difficult, at least she was satisfied with the current situation:

"What happens next?"

"We have encountered relics, traps, a crazy dragon beast..."

That is, an unintelligent dragon creature whose blood purity is less than 5%. That thing was thrown away by the group because the meat was poisonous.


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