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Chapter 1153 The end of the year 1853 (Part 2)

The pale golden princess dress was extremely cumbersome because it was a winter dress, with five layers of high and low skirts. When she pressed her whole body against Sha De who was leaning on the back of the sofa, Sha De could feel

Layers of skirts and decorations on the skirts:

"In short, enjoy the end of the year in 1853, my knight. I hope that we can celebrate the end of the year in this way every year in the future."

She bit her lip and leaned very close to Shade. The light in her eyes seemed to be able to penetrate Shade's soul.

Lecia Cavendish said softly:

"I love you, Shade."

For a moment, Shade felt as if his heart had been pierced by the "Arrow of the Chosen One", and he felt as if his whole soul had been soaked in warm water in the cold winter. The lonely stranger found his way into this world.

He felt so much attachment that Xia De could not use any words to describe his mood at this moment.

Lesia smiled and looked at Shad's face, as if he had been punched by Mia:

"It's very good. Although the knight is sentimental, he is at least very dedicated to everyone. It's strange to say, but I am very satisfied with your current expression."

She put her arms around Shade's neck and kissed Shade. Shade was very worried that Lesia's valuable dress would be crushed, but Her Royal Highness the Princess had a rich fortune, so she shouldn't care about this.

"Remember to remind me to give Margaret's letter to Lesia."

He whispered in his heart.

【Now, is this the time to talk about this?】

"She" asked with a smile, Lecia also let go of Shade and complained rather angrily:

"Xia De, can you be more serious?"

Then she smiled and kissed him again.

After a passionate kiss, Lesia temporarily let go of Shade and asked him what he had done today and what he had for dinner. It was not that Shade had never spoken to the princess in full dress, but at the age of

Now at the end of the day, this feeling is so special and charming.

But as we talked, the topic became a little strange:

"I will probably spend my whole life remembering 1853, the year my sister Dorothy reunited with me, and I also met you, the romantic knight who clearly had a fiancée but was still looking for a lover."

She smiled and pointed her finger at Shade's chest. Shade expressed doubts about the words "sister" and "fiancée", but Lesia continued smoothly:

"Fortunately, the knight's fiancée can't come here tonight because she has something to do. Otherwise, how would we have the chance to steal the sun?"

Shade opened his mouth, and Lecia looked particularly excited when she said the word "stealing the sun":

"Xia De, we must cherish this night. Do you have your fiancée's pajamas at home on New Year's Day night? I forgot to bring my pajamas."

"Can I ask what my fiancée's last name is?"

Shade asked, and Lesia kissed her angrily:

"Even if you want to show in front of me that you will forget her tonight and only have me in your eyes and heart, there is no need to say such things. Well, I am very happy."

She moved her body and got off the sofa, straightening her messy skirt and saying:

"That Miss Anat is indeed very nice, but tonight you belong to me."

She waved to Shade and went to lie on her side:

"I'll find a nightgown, knight, you can"

He grabbed the doorframe and looked back at Shade with a smile:

"Go and prepare first."

The bedroom door was closed. Shade pursed his lips and turned to look at the cat who was forced to lie on the back of the sofa because Lesia squeezed him away. He asked in his heart:

"I shouldn't have suddenly traveled to a parallel world, right?"

[Although the ancient god - the father of the infinite tree and the ancient god - the original rift have left, their power is still stabilizing the flow of time and space. The concept of parallel worlds is not applicable to this world. ]

"She"'s answer at this time was unexpectedly serious.

"So is it possible for the entire material world to go back in time?"

He asked another question that was completely unrelated to this moment.

[Don’t you yourself already have an idea? 】

While talking, Shade had already stood up. First he looked at the bathroom, where the sound of water was still there. Then he looked at his bedroom, and he really heard the sound of Her Royal Highness changing out of her dress. After all, that dress was too cumbersome.

"What on earth did they plan?"

There was a knock on the door downstairs at this time. Shade hesitated for a moment, then carried little Mia downstairs and opened the door. There were no monsters or ghosts who would come to visit Shade without opening their eyes on such an important festival.

Outside the door was a writer lady wearing a scarf and her face was red from the cold.

"The weather is really cold."

She complained while patting the snowflakes on her shoulders. Shade took the change from the biscuit box from the shoe cabinet, went out, paid the fare and tip to the coachman, and said Happy New Year, then turned around and went in with Miss Writer.


Dorothy untied her scarf and coat, smiled and said to Shade:

"It's great to see you on the night of the New Year's Day. I hope I didn't come very late. You weren't too anxious waiting at home alone, right?"

Shade walked beside her holding the cat and tilted his head to look at her. The blonde girl then smiled and said:

"Oh, Shade, okay, I apologize for that. On this hot night, we should have met earlier. I obviously arranged for my sister Lesia to go out of town to deal with things, but I couldn't come to accompany you in time."

She kissed Sha De gently on the side of his face and said to him with a blushing face:

"How about a glass of red wine later? I need to warm myself up, and I'm also curious about what you did today."

The two came to the second floor. Dorothy seemed not to notice the sound in the bathroom or the unusually closed door of the side bedroom. She and Shade came to the living room and opened a bottle of Shade for today.

The red wine was prepared for dinner, and then she clinked glasses with Shade with a smile:

"The year 1853 is finally coming to an end. I'm glad that my sister and I can get to know you, Shade. I hope she won't mind that I stole her lover in the future."

Shade sipped the red wine and thought about the "new relationship" between the four of them.

After finishing the wine, the two returned to the living room. Compared to Lesia, Dorothy was obviously still a little shy, but she still kissed Shade and enjoyed the last holiday of the year.

Fireworks exploded above Saint Teresa Square, and while someone was lighting the fireworks, Dorothy ended the kiss, then took the initiative to pick up little Mia, and took Shad into the master bedroom.

The gas light in the master bedroom was not turned on. The blonde girl sat beside the bed holding a small orange cat. The fireworks exploding outside the window intermittently illuminated her movement of reaching out to tuck the loose hair behind her ears.

The twenty-four or five-year-old girl was in the best time of her life. She looked at Sha De in the fireworks. After Sha De also sat down, she hugged Sha De and whispered love words to him. When the atmosphere was just right,

, then bit her lip and looked at him. But just when Shade was about to reach out his hand, the sound of opening the door suddenly sounded as Shade was lying on his side, and Lecia walked out of the bedroom:

"Shad, do you think this pajamas looks good?"

"Oh, it's Sister Lesia!"

Dorothy immediately stood up in "panic":

"Why is she here? We can't let her discover our relationship."

The blonde girl made a silent gesture to Shade, then quickly walked to the closet with little Mia in her arms, winked at Shade and hid inside.


Shade watched the closet door being closed, and then saw that Lesia had entered the bedroom. Her Royal Highness the Princess did not actually put on Luvia's clothes. She leaned against the door frame and asked with a smile:

"Oh, you seem to be ready, are you so impatient? My fiancée won't be back tonight, we have a lot of time."

Although her clothes had been changed, she still wore the small white and silver diamond crown on her head, and her fiery red hair was completely spread out. She turned on the gas lamp in the bedroom at the door, and then sat where Dorothy was sitting just now.

, hugging him and talking about love again:

"Cherish this night, Shade. There will be countless nights in our lives, but I will remember every long night I spent with you. This is a gift from God."

She lightly bit Shade's neck, and was about to reach out to Shade's clothes when suddenly both of them heard the bathroom door being opened, and the purple-eyed girl walked into the living room on slippers:

"Shad? Where have you been?"

The sound is unusually crisp.

"Oh, why is she here? Isn't there something that can't come today?"

The "panicked" Princess immediately stood up and arranged her skirt in a panic:

"It's really unlucky. You can't let your fiancée see me as a lover. Knight, don't say I'm here!"

As he spoke, he quickly kissed the side of Shade's face, then quickly walked to the closet, opened it and hid in it.

"She" chuckled in Shade's ear. The confused Luvia walked into the bedroom and saw Shade already sitting on the bed, so she laughed:

"Are you so impatient? My knight, the night is still long."

She sat beside the bed where Dorothy and Lesia were sitting just now. Her body smelled of freshly sprayed perfume, and her hair was still wet even though it had been dried.

The blushing girl looked at Shade:

"Knight, you can be more free tonight. After all, it is the end of the year. Maybe we can play some bold games."

While Shade looked at her, she took out a black lace belt from the pocket of her nightgown and waved it at Shade.

Shade blinked, reached out and held her raised wrist, and looked at her face quite seriously:

"Are you really sure you want to do this? In fact, no matter how you spend the New Year's Day, I can accept it. As long as I can see you, I will be satisfied."

"Iluna said that you forced to use the language of sublimation because you didn't want to see me cry."

She stretched her head slightly and whispered in Shade's ear. Then she raised her hand and covered Shade's eyes with the warm black lace belt:

"Enjoy this night, knight."

He pushed Shade gently, and when he fell, Shade also heard the sound of the wardrobe being opened. However, little Mia must not be able to come out tonight:

"We only get this chance once a year, so don't think we are unruly girls."

Shade was blindfolded, and could only hear the door being closed and locked, the curtains being drawn, and aware that the gas lamp was turned to the dimmest brightness.

He smelled three different scents of perfume approaching him, and he felt his heart beating very powerfully.

【Do I need to describe it for you?】

A whisper asked in my ear.

"This black cloth belt is actually translucent."

The curtains of the four-poster bed fell, and after the rustling of clothes, pieces of clothes were thrown from the gaps in the curtains onto the bedroom floor.

The hair rubbed against Shade's shoulders, and someone didn't know who said with a smile:

"Shade, let us see what you are capable of. This time, there are three sorceresses."

"Happy New Year's Day."

Shade said softly, and then he never had a chance to speak. Although they were all shy, the girls were really enthusiastic. After all, the New Year's Day is here, and this is an event that only happens once a year. After tonight,

The girls will not admit anything that happened, and this night will probably be quite long.

This chapter has been completed!
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