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Chapter 1178 Butterfly, Witch and Nun

The position where Sha De appeared was on the side of the three-person round table, so the three of them only needed to turn their heads slightly to see Sha De.

They didn't speak, obviously waiting for Shade who came out of the butterfly to speak first, but Shade was not sure what language was used in this era.

"Well how are you?"

So in the end, Dralion was used, but unfortunately [Worm Cave] did not have the venue effect to allow everyone to communicate normally. But fortunately, the middle-aged witch understood it after a brief doubt, and she lightly

He tapped the table in front of him lightly, and with a soft sound, a small drawer popped out from the side of the table, with a wooden test tube in it.

The test tube was thrown to Shade. After opening the stopper, Shade took a sniff and smelled the stench he had just smelled in the corridor. He was almost certain that the potion must be made with insects as raw materials.

After confirming that it was not poisonous, he endured nausea and drank the potion in one gulp. Then he was able to temporarily speak words that could be understood by people living in the fifth era.

"Excuse me, are you a descendant of the great God of Butterflies?"

The witch who appeared to be in her forties asked softly and hesitantly. Shade shook his head and walked towards the three of them:

"Although I'm not sure what the current situation is, I'm pretty sure I'm not a descendant of the gods. Why do you think so?"

"Because I can't understand why a man has the ability to cast spells. And we all came here to gain the favor of the [Thousand-Eyed Fantasy Butterfly]'s dependent, the Butterfly Girl. Didn't you just transform into a group of butterflies?"

The arrangement of the three people was such that the witch sat on the far left, the middle-aged lady on the right, and the man sat on the far right, with some distance between him and the two ladies.

Shade then sat on the round stool to the right of the witch, folded his hands and placed them on the table. The sky was bright enough to illuminate everyone at the table:

"No, no, although I can transform into a butterfly, I really don't have the honor to become a dependent of the gods."

"So what are you?"

The witch frowned slightly and asked.

"Before I introduce myself, could you introduce yourselves?"

Shade answered the question with a question, but the witch was not angry, but nodded, thinking it was reasonable:

"Maggie Bratchett came here to gain new powers."

The thirty-year-old lady on her left wearing a clerical robe looked at Shade with some seriousness:

"Ollie Perry. She came here in order to win the favor of the retinue of the Butterfly God and gain the power of the witch."

Finally, there is the man in his thirties:

"Fred Lyman. In order to marry the descendant of the God of Butterflies. That's why."

"So who are you, sir? Are you a competitor too?"

The witch asked this question again, and Shade pointed at himself:

"I can't explain my origins very accurately, but I definitely don't come here to win anyone's favor. Speaking of which, do you know how to leave here? All I want is to leave here."

The witch frowned slightly:

"After the festival, one of us will be honored to win the favor of Butterfly Girl. At that time, the God's Favorite will lead us away from this terrible place that does not even have the concept of time and space."

Only then did Xia De realize that the three people sitting here now were actually in a competitive relationship.

"I just want to get out of here."

Shade repeated again that since he had no acquaintance, he did not rashly suggest that he was here to help them.

He looked at each person in turn:

"I dare to swear on my soul that I am not your competitor. On the contrary, I am happy to help you hold that so-called festival, and then let the God's Favorite lead us out of here. I have never experienced bugs falling like raindrops.

It was a terrible scene and I don’t want to experience it again.”

Shade's description seemed to remind the witch of bad memories. The corner of her mouth twitched, and the cleric Miss Ollie Perry also showed a slightly frightened expression. Mr. Lyman's expression was even more exaggerated.

, his face immediately turned pale, and his whole body could not help but tremble.

The witch quickly adjusted her mood, but suddenly asked again:

"Yes, we all came here like this. But you still haven't explained clearly why, as a man, you can use extraordinary power."

Shade hesitated for a moment and said softly amidst "her" laughter:

"Actually, I'm not necessarily a man."

The witch Miss Bretchet stared at him for a long time before nodding slightly. Ms. Perry was still looking at him up and down. The middle-aged lady's eyes were very powerful. Mr. Lyman was a little afraid to look at the witch, so he also

He didn't dare to look past the witch to look at Shade.

"I see there is only one table here and you. How will the so-called Butterfly God Festival be held? Do you need to prepare anything?"

Shade took the initiative to bring up this topic, and the clergyman Ms. Perry nodded slightly:

"Coming here is the last step of the festival. I don't know if you know this cave, but the dependents of the Butterfly God have lived here since ancient times. If you want to see them, you must first please them.

God, so he held a ceremony. According to legend, the butterfly god once used this table to hold a grand banquet with his relatives, so this table has very magical power. Knock it, and it will

It will be able to provide us with the food, water and even magic potions we need. Of course, these are all insect products. And what we need to do is hold a banquet again, which is an ancient ritual to call the earth gods."

"Earth god?"

Shade frowned slightly, he understood the hidden meaning of this sentence:

"The butterfly god is related to the ancient god [Mother Earth Goddess]?"

"Do you know the Ancient God?"

The witch raised her eyebrows, while the two ordinary people had already consciously covered their ears:

"Please remember - trees belong to the tree father, flowers, grass and butterflies belong to the earth."

From this point of view, [Father of the Infinite Tree] and [Earth Mother Goddess] also have some overlap in their priesthoods regarding the power of nature, just like [Silver Moon Sage] and [Secret Mentor]. And Helen and Gray

The source of Si's power seems to be related to the "Mother of the Earth" in addition to the "Primordial Crack". But Shade has never seen them use the power of the earth. Maybe the appearance of the red butterfly is just a coincidence.

"So what needs to be done to hold a god-summoning ceremony? Are there any necessary conditions missing?"

Shade asked again, thinking that maybe this time he would go back to his own time to find missing materials for the God-Calling Ceremony. This was very similar to his experience in the Forest of Thousand Trees, but he liked this aspect very much.

It’s not fancy, just looking for things.

"There is nothing missing. Since the three of us have gone through all kinds of hardships to get here, how can we be missing the ritual materials?"

The middle-aged witch said with a smile, and Shade thought it was right.

Although he could not stay at this point for long, he did not urge the three of them to call the gods immediately, but said again:

"I am happy to help you perform the ceremony. I think you also need another person with extraordinary power and occult knowledge to participate in this ceremony."

The three of them nodded slightly, and Shade stretched out a finger:

"But before the ceremony begins, I need to ask each of you a question. I have experienced many adventures, and in those adventures, companions may be more than just companions. Therefore, I want to confirm that each of you is a normal person.

.You know how weird this place is. You have doubts about me, and I have doubts about you."

This kind of caution is very necessary in the eyes of the witch, and her power is suppressed in this insect cave, so there is no need to conflict with unrelated people, so she nodded in agreement. And Miss Maggie Blechette and

Mr. Fred Lyman obviously cannot refute the choice made by the witch.

This middle-aged witch is not a thirteenth-level witch, nor a demigod, but she is a twelfth-level witch that is very close to the thirteenth level. If Shade guessed correctly, her so-called seeking breakthrough is to seek a breakthrough from the twelfth to the thirteenth level.


"First of all, Ms. Maggie Bletchett, you came here to seek power. This is a normal purpose. But, since you are competitors with other people, why didn't you eliminate your opponents first?"

Shade pointed at himself:

"I don't like to speculate on others with malice, but this is indeed questionable."

The middle-aged witch smiled:

"This question is very interesting, but I can answer it. Entering this worm cave is equivalent to stepping into the church of gods. Sir, have you ever heard of someone killing people casually in the church of gods? Besides, I'm not sure either.

I can successfully hold the festival, but if I don’t succeed and no one else exists, how can I go back?”

"Yes, you have the right idea."

Shade blinked:

"Okay. Next up is Ms. Ollie Perry."

The middle-aged lady looked at him as if she were looking at some exotic animal.

"Excuse me, as an ordinary person, how did you get here? When you introduced yourselves just now, you didn't mention that you and this witch are already familiar with each other."

"I am a nun of the [Church of the Sun and Earth]. In order to seek the power of the witch, the church gave me a chance to come and seek power myself."

Ms. Perry said, closing her eyes and drawing on her chest the holy symbol of the righteous god [Old Man with the Lamp] that Shade was very familiar with. Now in the fifth era, the Church of the Five Gods has not yet obtained the absolute dominion of faith in the sixth era.

Therefore, today's Church of the Sun should only be regarded as a slightly more powerful Church of the Good God.

However, this should be regarded as the first time that Shade met the clergy of the Church of the Five Gods in the Fifth Age. Although Miss Perry is not a witch, perhaps Shade can rely on her identity information to make Yilu from the Sixth Age

Na, go find the relevant records of this incident. As long as Miss Perry can walk out of the Worm Cave alive, even if the memory has changed, at least Shade will be able to find some relevant clues.

This chapter has been completed!
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