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Chapter 1285 Magic Potion

Just relying on Shade's description, Miss Bernanis was not enough to imagine what the statue looked like.

It happened that the toy Shade that the statue turned into was still with him, so he restored it and let it stand in the director's office on the third floor of the Wilde Opera House.

Vanessa Benenice didn't take it seriously at first, but when she saw the statue, she immediately stood up.

She surrounded the statue, carefully observed its details, and finally gave the most honest evaluation

"Now I understand why no one has been able to obtain the stonemason's inheritance for hundreds of years, but you solved the problem overnight. This is really... an absolute work of art. Although I don't understand why you don't let the statue have arms.

, but in conjunction with your old-fashioned style, it creates a harmonious beauty that I can’t describe in words.”

This blonde witch not only knows opera and singing, but also knows a lot about literature and sculpture.

Shade is not proud of this. He just copied the statue in his memory. This is not his work, at least not entirely his work:

"I think this should be enough as a birthday present for the princess."

"When I was seventeen, no one gave me this kind of gift."

The blonde witch said half-complainingly, reaching out to touch the face of the statue, but gave up after remembering that she didn't wear gloves.

She turned to look at Shade:

"You often tell me that you have not received any artistic training and have only a superficial understanding of art. It seems that you still haven't told me the truth."

This was a joke, not really blaming Shade, but Shade still explained:

"I didn't lie. I even thought that I would never lie unless I had to. Honesty and trustworthiness are probably the few qualities I think I have that will never change."

"This is the first time I heard someone commenting on myself like this."

"A small example can prove this. You have seen my cat, right? It is not actually my cat, it is just a cat that the client entrusted me to take care of. No matter how much I like Mia, no matter how much I hope to be able to let her

Mia has been living in my house, and I have to get the consent of her owner, Miss Mia Gold, before I can do this. This is keeping my promise."

"Her" laughter came to my ears, and Miss Benanis asked with great interest:

"Since you think you are a relatively honest person, then answer me, do you think I am beautiful or Carina is beautiful?"

"Beauty is a relative concept, just like it is impossible to say whether an apple is beautiful or a banana is beautiful. I cannot give an answer. But in my opinion, you are both beautiful ladies who can never appear second in this world.


On the corners of the blonde witch's raised mouth, the subtle lip lines become more obvious:

"You are really good at talking. So answer me a question honestly. What did you do after you met Carina yesterday?"

Shade looked up at her in surprise:

"Is this considered personal privacy?"

There was a shy smile in those red-gold eyes:

"How about satisfying my curiosity?"

"No, no, this is not only my own personal privacy, but also Miss Carina's. I am not the kind of person who would show off my affairs with the ladies everywhere... Besides, there is nothing worth showing off."

Those eyes were getting closer and closer, and the distance between Miss Benanis and Shade had reached a dangerous level:

"Is it this way?"

Shade could even smell the perfume as she spoke. It was still the "Witch's Smell" perfume, but the smell on Miss Benanis was closer to the smell of orange.

She came closer to her face and kissed Shade gently on the lips, and then her face turned red.

Shade was a little surprised, but also felt that this feeling was very familiar. This was not the first time that he had been forcefully kissed by a witch.

"This is to thank you for this."

She shook the figurine in her hand, then sat down again

I went back to the single sofa, but my eyes were averted, but I didn't look into Shade's eyes.

Shade leaned back slightly, letting his center of gravity rest on the back of the sofa, and shifted his gaze from the witch's face to the sunlight outside the window.

[This is probably the most innocent witch you will ever come into contact with.]

"She" said softly, while Xia De did not give any reply, and his thoughts had already drifted back to the day when he first came to this world more than half a year ago:

"How on earth did I become such a person?"

On Saturday afternoon, Dr. Schneider's clinic held a group meeting for this week as usual. However, this time only Shade and the doctor attended the meeting. Priest August was sent to preach in the countryside of Tobesk and would not be back until tomorrow morning.

Dorothy was called away by her father, Professor Louisa. The respected professor of literature planned to hold a kingdom-level literary forum salon in Tobesk in the name of the college in the spring, which needed Dorothy's help.


However, even if there were only two people, the study meeting was held as usual. Shade, who was holding a cat, and the middle-aged doctor who had been very leisurely recently told each other about the troubles of their lives, complaining about the recent increase in vegetable prices and the mention in the news that they should tell everyone

News about citizens levying a "clean air tax". The money is used to rectify the increasingly serious air pollution problem in Tobesk this winter.

"What have you been up to in Randall Valley lately?"

The doctor asked about Xia De's recent itinerary, and Xia De sighed slightly:

"Doctor, I just need your help," he rummaged through his pocket and found the medal he and Luvia found at the Masons' Guild on Thursday:

"Do you think there is demonic power in this? I recently met a very strange person in the Randall Valley."

"Although I am sensitive to the power of demons, my nose is not omnipotent. Moreover, are the negative effects of [Night Watch] and [Demon Hunting Seal] so powerful? Why did you encounter the demon again? In the second half of last year, you

I encountered human pus, the ancient flame demon and the demon of multiplication desire. This year, this is only the beginning of the second month."

Even though he said this, the doctor still held the teacup in one hand and took the medal in the other and looked at it:

"At least it doesn't seem to be a problem on the surface, but you're lucky. I've recently learned new potions from the knowledge of those demons. Wait a minute, I'll go get some things."

So Shade sat on the sofa, broke up the biscuits and fed them to the cat. Mia despised these biscuits, but for the sake of Shade's feeding, she still ate them happily.

After the cat licked all the biscuit crumbs in Shade's hand, so that Shade had to go to the bathroom to wash his hands, the doctor came back with a black iron box.

Inside the box is a soft pad with grooves dug out, and four oak-stoppered glass test tubes of the same volume are placed inside. The test tubes contain a mercury-colored liquid:

"[Magic Potion] is very sensitive to demonic power and is used to detect whether mortals are contaminated with demonic power. You also know that the corruption of demons is usually very hidden. As for why in demonic knowledge, there are demons who specialize in detecting demonic power.

Medicine formula, because the devil is the natural enemy of the devil."

"I understand, people say that peers are the biggest enemies.

Hearing Shade's words, the doctor laughed:

"Don't talk nonsense."

He pressed his finger directly on one of the test tubes, and the mercury-colored liquid in the test tube boiled as if it was about to explode. If the doctor hadn't just touched it and took away his hand, Shade believed that the test tube would not be saved.

"This [magic potion] is very sensitive. Not only can it be dropped on items or skin, it can also be drunk. It is said to be cherry-flavored, but unfortunately I dare not drink it, otherwise I will get a stomachache."

The doctor said regretfully, motioning to Shade to stretch out his hand, then put on gloves and opened the cork, sucked a drop of liquid with a dropper and dropped it on Shade's hand. After the liquid came into contact with Shade's skin, it actually emitted a very weak light.


"In addition to the power of the devil, this potion can also detect the possibility of the soul being corrupted by the devil. Of course, you cannot make a judgment based on the potion alone. It needs to be demonstrated from many aspects. This can only be a preliminary

Judgment. The glow of the magic potion means that your mind is strong, full of energy, strong willpower, and the possibility of being corrupted by demons is low."

The doctor explained, seeing Shade holding the cat's right front paw, he sucked in another drop of liquid. Mia is an orange and white cat, and the four little paws of this cat are completely snow white. At this time

He was hugged by Shade's left hand and his small paw was grasped by his right hand. He was still very uncomfortable and wanted to break free. Unfortunately, the cat's strength was not as strong as Shade's.

The liquid also dripped on the cat's paw, and then emitted an even brighter light than before:

"Look, your cat is even less likely to be corrupted by demons than you. Based on my knowledge, this cat can be called a "Holy Spirit Cat"."

the doctor joked.

"So, Mia's soul strength is higher than mine?"

Shade looked at the cat licking its paws suspiciously. His big amber eyes also looked at Shade angrily, dissatisfied that his hair was wet.

"Of course not. Your cat has a peaceful and simple personality, and has far fewer distracting thoughts than you. In addition, you also said that it seems to have low extraordinary abilities, so the possibility of being corrupted by demons is extremely low. To sum up,

Usually we should calm down our mentality, not pursue too much material enjoyment, and learn to look at the world peacefully..."

The doctor said casually, and sucked out another drop of liquid, this time dropping it on the medal placed on the coffee table.

The mercury-colored liquid fell, and there was no reaction for the first two seconds. Then the mercury-colored liquid droplets turned slightly black on the metal surface, and the color was no longer so bright.

The doctor was stunned:

"What? Is he really a devil?"

"Didn't I say from the beginning that it might be a demon?"

"But how could I believe that you have such bad luck?"

Only being told by the doctor that he was "bad luck" would make Shade feel weird.


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