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Chapter 1325 Plague Merchant

Iluna and Shade, who was holding Mia, immediately chased towards the door. Because the distance between the stairs and the hotel door was a little far, so although the businessman started running one step ahead, the three of them arrived almost one after the other.

In the Anthem Square outside the hotel.

It was already morning, and the square was very busy with people coming and going. The businessman did not show his extraordinary strength, nor did he plunge into the crowd. Instead, he turned around and ran into the alley on the side of the hotel.

Iluna also chased Shade into the alley, but as soon as she turned in, she saw the businessman holding the opened suitcase and showing her the goods in the box:

"Ma'am, do you want to buy medicine?"

Between the lid of the suitcase and the box itself, simple pulleys and levers are used to form three-layer open metal brackets. On each bracket, there are small grids welded from metal, and colorful pills of various shapes are placed there.

Iluna's eyes widened suddenly, and for a moment she felt a bone-chilling cold wind passing through the alley. Then she felt that her body seemed to have become much weaker. Countless cold hands grasped it in the void.

Her arm was touched, and then those cold feelings spread throughout her body. Influenza, enteritis, bronchitis, dragon poison, many diseases appeared at the same time, but they were exempted one by one because of her strong physical fitness.

Some kind of malice was staring at her as the suitcase opened. Iluna didn't want to answer at first, but she said uncontrollably:

"My body is healthy and I don't need pills."

The counterfeit medicine dealer continued to ask:

"Are you really not sick? If you think about it carefully, if you take two more steps toward me, you might actually be sick."

After he finished speaking, Iluna actually wanted to take two steps, and the nameless malice became stronger. She was really thinking about whether she had any disease, and then thought that she was worried about her weight recently, so

Pay attention to your diet at every meal, and often go to the church's underground venue and the Carina Manor outside the city to practice thaumaturgy to consume the body's stored fat:

"I may have had some lately."

At this time, Shade had also arrived. Because he didn't know the characteristics of the other party's relic, he reached out and covered Iluna's mouth to prevent her from continuing to speak.

Iluna is one level higher than Shade. Although her physical quality is not as exaggerated as Shade, if she really wrestles with Shade, the time wasted is enough for the counterfeit medicine dealer to escape. Fortunately, Iluna is not controlled.

Shen himself had no intention of moving, so his hands were easily bound by the silver halo flying out of Shade's hand, and then he remained motionless.

So the counterfeit medicine dealer, half of his face covered with bandages, pointed the open suitcase at Shade:

"Sir, do you want to buy medicine?"


Mia revealed her little cat head from between the buttons of Shad's windbreaker, and was then forcefully pushed back by Shad. The cat's gender was different from Shad's, so the relic was not asking about her.

Like Iluna just now, Shade also felt the bone-chilling wind blowing. While his body felt extremely weak, invisible malice in the void grabbed him with one hand after another.

"Do I have a disease?"

Xia De also asked himself in his heart.

【I don’t think so.】

"I'm in good health."

Shade said in a relaxed tone. As he spoke, he touched his pocket. When the counterfeit medicine merchant wanted to suggest that he should take a few steps, Shade had already removed the [Epidemic Doctor Ring] that he had taken off Mia's tail this morning.

] took it out and put it on his finger:

"I think even if I have physical problems, this ring can help me."

He shook the ring on his finger. The businessman seemed stunned for a moment, and then closed the box dejectedly. Then all illusions and malice disappeared. The curse words on the wall and the smell of garbage under the alley wall

, it became so real and clear at this moment that Shade hated this kind of alley.

There was only a small abnormal black shadow at the feet of the "counterfeit medicine dealer", and something was moving in the black shadow:

"That damn plague doctor, even if he dies, he still wants to keep his ring and steal my business."

"Do you know the original owner of [Epidemic Doctor Ring]?"

"We know each other. We met in the Fourth Era, but that was a long time ago."

The businessman stepped back as he spoke:

"Since you have this ring, I won't sell you pills. Goodbye~"

As she spoke, she was about to retreat into the inexplicable darkness that appeared behind her, but Iluna, who was a little annoyed, refused to agree:

"You can't leave!"

Holding a dark golden scale in his hand, the scale, which symbolized the power of the ancient gods, radiated light and directly dispersed the shadow behind the businessman. At the same time, Shade stretched out his hand and a silver thorn bush emerged from the soil under the alley. In an instant,

They were densely packed and blocked the exit at the other end of the alley.

"Really, this kind of thing happened so early in the morning."

Iluna threw down a charm to prevent ordinary people passing by outside the alley from seeing what was happening in the alley:

"Tell us what you are. If you can't explain clearly, we two wouldn't mind having a fight with you."

"Oh, I'm just a businessman, you don't need this."

The businessman with a bandage on his face said, as if he was afraid of the scale in Iluna's hand, he took a step towards the wall:

"I have rarely been discovered by church forces. Currently, only the Seversse Medical College has recorded my affairs at the beginning of this era. I remember it is a secret-keeper-level relic."

For humanoid relics, the lowest danger level is the Keeper level.

"Are you spreading diseases and curses, or are you selling pills?"

Iluna asked again, Shade stood aside and said nothing, but was ready to take action at any time.

"What a strange question. How can you sell pills if you don't spread the disease?"

The businessman felt strange about this and explained his business model:

"Mortals are always full of hatred and hatred, so someone came to me and asked me to give the disease to his or her enemy. And the disease, regardless of whether it was contagious before, or whether it is highly contagious under normal circumstances

, once sold by me, they will become extremely contagious. In this way, people will come to me to cure the disease, but I will only cure one person. Other infected people will come after hearing about my skills.

Seek me for treatment. Therefore, I can earn more than double the reward."

He said and nodded:

"So the Sussex School of Medicine calls me the 'Plague Merchant' and believes that as long as I appear, a large-scale epidemic will definitely break out. This is not accurate. I only occasionally cause large-scale plagues."

Then he was speechless. A spear with golden thunder appeared in Iluna's hand, and a crackling sun gun made Shade feel that the surrounding temperature was rising:

"Leave this city and don't show up again for ten years!"

It is extremely difficult to contain humanoid relics, and they are usually sealed or exiled. Although they threatened the other party to fight just now, this is the Song Square in the Beicheng District of the Royal Capital with a lot of people after all. Shade and Iluna definitely cannot fight each other.

.In addition, once the opponent releases the plague indiscriminately during the fight, it will be difficult to end the matter.

That's why Iluna made such a request.

"Of course there is no problem. Heir to the Ancient God, since you have caught me, and your companion still has that damn ring, then you have the final say."

The businessman said, Iluna didn't give up:

"It's illegal for us to let you go. You should give us some compensation."

In fact, this is not illegal, it is a special treatment under special circumstances.

"What do you want?"

The businessman hesitated and asked.

"If this ring is used by non-human creatures, the side effect will be shortened life span. Is there a way to overcome it?"

Shade shook the [Epidemic Doctor Ring] again.

"This is a relic characteristic, not a disease or curse."

The businessman immediately shook his head.

"So do you know how to heal the earth?"

"You're not talking about that thing in the south of the Old World, are you? Oh, sir, do you think too highly of me?"

The businessman was taken aback.

"So do you have a pill similar to the relic [Universal Elixir]? It can cure all diseases and curses."

Iluna also asked, and the businessman shook his head again:

"You two probably have some misunderstanding about me. If I am really so powerful, why would I be blocked in this alley by you? Although I am a humanoid relic, I am better like this. The inheritor of the ancient gods, I will treat you.

If you want to save others, please do it yourself."

After saying that, she opened her suitcase again and threw to Iluna a glass Erlenmeyer bottle containing white pills. Iluna took out the pills, sniffed them suspiciously, and ate them after Shade checked to make sure they were safe.

"Thumbacary - Sunlight Healing. When my hands touch the naturally occurring sunlight, I can spread this light to those, including myself, who are suffering from diseases or curses, thus curing them. The effect on ordinary injuries is not strong.

This is very similar to the church’s magic [Sunlight Healing Technique]. Although the church’s magic can only heal oneself, its effect is stronger than this, and it can also cure diseases, curses and ordinary injuries.”

Iluna said, but Shade knew that she was very satisfied with this harvest.

Shade then also looked at the businessman, who nodded:

"I feel the glow of the moon in you. The moon has a lot of healing powers, and you still have that ring. So, I'll give this to you."

He also threw a glass conical vial to Shade, but the bottle was not a pill, but a black stone with golden carvings on the surface. The carvings were the very ancient rune "Earth". Shad felt extremely

Strong miracle factor.

"This is not my thing, I picked it up. Although I can't heal the earth, I have thought about how to deal with the problem. This is a treasure I found in an ancient earth shrine in the last era.' The earth

Runestones' can enhance the holder's power related to the earth, and are immune to some effects of the earth's curse. Don't be too greedy, I know this is probably not suitable for you, but I can only take out this."

This chapter has been completed!
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