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Chapter 1382 Eavesdropper


Mr. Enriquez looked at Shade with some surprise, and Shade nodded. He had heard Dr. Schneider introduce his work content:

"Because an unsatisfactory marriage will cause some psychological problems. Of course, these are just minor problems, not real diseases, such as depression, loss of appetite, fear of sharing the same bed at night, and after work, they like to stay in the alley next to the house to smoke instead of

Go home immediately. If you have such symptoms, a psychiatrist can correct your problem."

After Shade finished speaking, he added:

"Don't take medicine from a psychiatrist. Those are just placebos. Just talk to them."

In this era, there are no effective drugs for treating psychological problems.

Mr. Enriquez nodded, obviously moved by Shade's suggestion:

"Yeah, maybe it would be better to talk to a professional. I have a friend."

Having said this, he looked at Xia De cautiously, but found that Xia De had no expression, so he relaxed:

"He knew something about his wife's past, a not-so-glorious past, so he was always depressed. I thought we could go see a doctor together."

Shade smiled:

"Is your friend still in love with his wife?"


Mr. Henriquez said without thinking.

"Then his wife still loves your friend?"

"Yes, on the night of the wedding banquet, she even knelt down and begged him to forgive her for her past infidelity."

After Mr. Henriquez finished speaking, he immediately added:

"This is what I heard too. He is a very good friend and tells me everything."

"I will not forgive another person casually for others, but since we both love each other and are separated only because of one thing, it means that this marriage can still be saved."

What he said was not that Shade thought it was wrong to break up a marriage casually, but that he saw that Mr. Enriquez had no intention of leaving the marriage at all, and was only concerned about it because of that incident:

"Now in front of you, ahem, I mean your friends, there are only two ways. One is to solve the matter, and the other is to let the emotions ferment until the marriage is broken. You and I are not parties and cannot represent others.

He made a decision, but he made sure he had an idea and he knew exactly what he wanted."

"But what if he doesn't know himself clearly? Oh, Mr. Watson, people can't always see themselves clearly."

Mr. Henriquez continued to ask for advice.

Shade took out a small copper coin from his pocket. This is a copper pfennig, which is approximately equal to 1.4 pence:

"Then flip a coin."

"Let luck decide?"

"of course not."

Shade put the small coin into Mr. Enriquez's hand:

"When you throw this coin, the moment the coin flies to the highest point and starts to fall, you actually already have an answer in your heart that you want to get."

He encouraged:

"Try it, I mean, try it for your friend."

So Mr. Henriquez put down the wine glass again, and then flicked the small coin away with his thumb. The two of them looked up and saw the coin flying into the air, and finally Mr. Henriquez pinned it on the back of his hand.

"Any answers?"

Shade asked.

Mr. Henriquez looked at the covered coins blankly and suddenly laughed:

"There is an answer, there is an answer. Yes, he still loves her, and she loves him deeply; he knows that she loves him deeply, and she also knows how to love him. Although she still has doubts about that matter


He sighed softly, but there was no longer the melancholy and melancholy in his tone.

Mr. Enriquez and Shade looked out the window again. The two gentlemen in formal suits and white shirts were clearly reflected on the glass. They also reflected the lively banquet behind them, and the faces of the ladies talking in the dim garden.

The figure is a little blurry.

"Thank you, Mr. Watson, I already know what to do."

"Why should you thank me? I didn't make any decisions for your friend, I just gave some unrealistic suggestions. After all, I have never been married myself."

Xia De picked up the wine glass, Mr. Enriquez clinked it with him, and handed Xia De his business card:

"Welcome to my place as a guest. The manor outside the city is only used for weddings. I also have a house in the city. Maggie's father bought it."

Both Mr. and Mrs. Enriquez come from baronial families, but the former’s family is relatively poor, while the latter’s family is prominent locally.

"I will go when I have time, so I look forward to meeting you next time."

Shade said politely, watching Mr. Enriquez walk towards the door, apparently wanting to talk to his wife again.

【Do you think they can reconcile as before? 】

"She" asked suddenly.

"What a strange question."

Shade looked at Mr. Enriquez’s back with a smile:

"What does this have to do with me? It is the most stupid behavior to meddle in other people's housework. So, I didn't give him any judgment."

Earl Granger is the general manager of the soon-to-be-completed shipyard, and he must have attended the banquet. Seeing that Margaret was still busy for the time being, Shade thought of talking to the Earl, maybe he could get some gems.

Clues for such items.

But he walked around the banquet hall and didn't see the Earl. So he asked Margaret's maid to help inquire, and found out that Earl Granger was meeting with the prince.

Margaret often complained that her brother didn't do much, but it would definitely be wrong to say that Prince William didn't do much at all. Seeing that spring was coming and the construction period was coming to an end, Prince William was busy with himself and Oxenfurt.

In addition to his business, he also gradually became interested in shipyard matters.

Of course, this may also be because Stone Oxenfurt's scam has reached its final stages.

The conversation between the two was in the reception room on the second floor. In order to prevent the count from being called to another place after he left there, Shade came to the second floor to wait. After entering the corridor, he thought that he would come,

If you don't listen to what they say, then you won't be able to climb the stairs.

So, while no one was paying attention, he used the illusion to cover up from the window of the corridor, turned into a swarm of red butterflies and flew outside, then flew to the left along the outer wall, and soon arrived at the window of the reception room.

Fortunately, the curtains of the window were not closed. Earl Granger was sitting on the sofa, while Prince William, dressed in a red dress coat, stood in front of the window. He turned his back to the window and looked indoors, holding a

Wine glass.

So Shade showed up and squatted directly on the window sill, listening to the conversation inside through the glass.

The last time I saw Prince William at Mr. Enriquez's wedding banquet, he was accompanied by a low-level warlock, but this time the low-level warlock was at the door, so Shade didn't have to worry about anyone discovering him from inside the room.

There was still a person squatting.

"Then we wish the shipyard a smooth opening and prepare for negotiations with the Delarian people in the coming year."

Prince William raised his glass and touched it with Earl Granger in the air. He seemed to be in a good mood. Earl Granger also raised his glass respectfully and took a sip from the glass with a sharp look in his eyes:

"Your Highness, can the last payment for the project be allocated before the end of this month as planned?"

The glass goblet was gently put down:

"Since the start of the project, every planned allocation will be one or two days later than the last one. Now the last project payment involves the wages of local workers and more than half of the final payment from the project material merchants. This money must be

The payment must be received before the unveiling.”

Shade could only see the back of the prince's head, so he couldn't see his expression:

"Project money."

Prince William's tone was rather frivolous, while the Earl's expression was extremely serious.

"Count Granger, you should know that this money is under the control of the Kingdom's Treasury. We all know who the Minister of Finance, Count Grandet, is. The money will definitely arrive, don't be so anxious."

"Many people are counting on this money to make a living in the spring. Last time I talked about this matter with Her Royal Highness Margaret, she said she would find a way."

The earl mentioned Margaret, and Prince William seemed a little unhappy:

"Don't discuss everything with Margaret. She is the princess and I am the prince. Besides, what's the use of Margaret's promise? Isn't she busy meeting with the rubes from the Stonemasons Association recently? Where else can I go?

You have time to take care of this."

Lord Granger hesitated to speak:

"But if the money doesn't arrive as soon as possible, I'm worried that someone will cause trouble during the opening ceremony of the shipyard. You also know that the local people don't trust the money from the Stonemasons Association more than ten years ago."

"Making trouble at the opening ceremony? This is not allowed!"

Prince William's voice suddenly became louder:

"What did Margaret tell you? No, no, I mean, although Margaret is a girl, she still has some abilities. What did she say?"

He paced back and forth in front of the window, but the count did not show surprise on his expression at the prince's attitude changing so quickly:

"Her Royal Highness Margaret said that she would write to His Majesty to inform him of this matter. At the same time, she also told me that during the review at the end of last year, the Kingdom's Treasury Department was found to have a large amount of loopholes."

"I heard that too."

The prince nodded, and Earl Granger looked at him:

"Her Royal Highness Margaret said that the money was probably embezzled by someone to participate in the gambling game played by players in the big city last autumn. But who would have thought that the winner this time was actually the lover of the Grand Duke of the North? So in 1854,

Since 2007, every allocation from the Ministry of Finance has been delayed to deal with the review. This is a procedural matter and it is difficult to shake. However, she said that if it doesn't work, the local nobles and His Highness can raise the money themselves.

, settle the most critical payment first, it’s actually not much.”

The Earl's speech slowed down, probably because he saw something wrong on Prince William's face, but he still continued speaking:

"I have discussed it with the local nobles a few days ago. Everyone agrees with this suggestion in principle. We are just waiting for Her Majesty Margaret to get a reply from His Majesty to confirm Willendale's attitude."

This chapter has been completed!
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