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Chapter 141 The Price of Growth

"Weather Vane Blue Grass" is both a learning material for thaumaturgy and a spell-casting material, but each spell cast only requires some diluent of plant extract.

"This plant in the Old World became extinct hundreds of years ago. The School of Chemistry has artificially planted nurseries, but the next harvest will not be until two years later. You are in luck."

Professor Garcia said.

"Good luck? So, a whole season to..."

Shade's thoughts were brought back from the doctor's affairs, and he looked at the professor.

"About thirty years, you just happened to hit the twenty-eighth year. You are really lucky. The growth cycle of this strange plant is not very long. You may not know much about it. Generally speaking, the plants used by ring magicians

Materials don’t bloom and bear fruit every year.”

Shade somehow thought of the story of the monkey and the peach. He shook his head to refocus his scattered thoughts. The professor smiled and said:

"No kidding, although the plants in the Old World are extinct, there is this strange plant in the New World. The college has already gone through channels to get it, and it will be delivered to you probably next month."

"Oh well."

Although Shade was a little disappointed, he accepted the fact that he could still wait for a month.

Now that he had chosen thaumaturgy, he wanted to return the library catalog, but the professor asked him to read it by himself for a week and return with Miss Anat, so that he would not have to think for too long the next time he chose.

The above are the rewards given to Shade by the academy. As the teacher who guides Shade in his courses, Professor Garcia is very satisfied with the young detective and thinks he has a bright future.

Therefore, Professor Garcia is personally willing to help him with his studies:

"In August, I will start an elective course "Folding Space", which will mainly teach about large-scale ritual mystery locks and rare thaumaturgy mystery locks. Although this kind of ritual is very complicated and cannot be used under ten rings, but it will be helpful to you in the future.

The study will be very helpful. The specific time for the start of the class has not yet been determined, and will be notified then."

This is equivalent to opening an elective course to Shade for free. Shade immediately wanted to say thank you, but was stopped by Professor Garcia:

"What I am interested in is your talent, Mr. Hamilton. You have just started on the path of a ring warlock. I hope to see you in the academy one day. I believe there will be such a day."

"Now that we're talking about this, Professor Garcia, can I apply to view the academy's "Book of Ascension" in advance?"

Shade asked cautiously. Professor Garcia was not surprised, but touched his chin and asked:

"What's the reason? Why should I apply in advance?"

"Because I think my progress may be faster."

"Well... ok, you can write an application report when you go back and submit it directly from your poem manuscript page. If the application is approved, the result will be given to you next Saturday. Although the general level of ring warlocks is very slow

, but some people are talented, but be aware that promotion does not mean you have mastered power. The research of thaumaturgy takes time."

Professor Garcia gave the warning, and Shade immediately said he understood.

In addition to these things, Professor Garcia also asked Dr. Schneider's performance in the Lakeview Manor incident on behalf of the Student Management Office.

The doctor did not distort his experience in the report, so Shade had nothing to say. As for the smell he smelled that was suspected of sulfur, he did not say anything about it.

In fact, even Professor Garcia didn't care about this matter. He was not from the Student Management Office. He even quietly told Shade that he did not need to carry out this task so seriously. He should still focus on his studies as a ring warlock.

Just run away when there is danger. Professor Sanchez's task can be fooled by writing a regular report that everything is safe.

It seems that St. Barrons Comprehensive College, both students and professors, are very good at writing reports and dealing with things.

Before Professor Garcia left, Shade didn't forget to ask about the three wishes. The story had been solved, and he now still needed to solve the problem of growth and strength:

"Professor, is there a way to allow an ordinary person, probably a child, to suddenly have power without having to pay a price...a huge price?"

"Did something strange happen to you?"

Professor Garcia asked, but didn't ask much. Correspondence ring magicians have always encountered many things. This is part of growing up:

"No, power comes at a price. The price a Ring Warlock pays is the 'other self' that will accompany him throughout his life and the risk of losing control at any time. If you really encounter something strange, let the Ring Warlock in the same group handle it.

Maybe it’s a strange relic that’s gone out of control.”

Shade nodded and asked again:

"So, is there a way to make a child grow up suddenly?"

"Of course there is, but if there are no side effects, then physical growth can only be achieved for a short period of time. Many medicines can achieve similar effects."

The professor thought for a moment:

"Take a pen and write it down. This is the recipe for the potion."

Shade took out the notebook he carried with him from his pocket, and the pointy-eared professor dictated:

"5 ounces of the stamens of the nine-star coniferous flower, nine drops of the genetic material of the bare-footed fire ape, 2 ounces each of the feces and saliva of the adult fire-tongued sheep, two living star springtails squeezed juice and stored at a constant temperature, three of different genders and different ages

Any amount of earwax, eyewax, hair, and blood of ordinary people, and 3 grams of green mucus from a horse-donkey hybrid. Use spoiled and sour milk to prepare the potion, and add it in the order I told you, clockwise after each addition.

Stir for 3 weeks, more or less. Do not prepare it in an environment where the temperature is below freezing point, otherwise it will explode... Oh, don't forget to add some honey."


Shade, who lowered his head to record, asked in surprise, feeling very uncomfortable in his stomach.

"Yes, the name of the potion is the price of growth. According to the dosage I mentioned, it will take effect in about ten minutes. If you don't add honey, think about the ingredients, and then think about the taste..."

Professor Garcia shrugged:

"You don't want to know. These materials are relatively common. You can ask the August priest to help make them. Isn't he from the School of Chemistry?"

"Yes. In fact, I feel like adding honey will make the taste even weirder."

Shade nodded, but he didn't know whether potions or the raw materials for potions could be brought into the past time and space. It was actually difficult to define whether these things were "extraordinary items". But he asked Priest August to help configure and prepare additional items.

The materials are quite simple. He can try to bring raw materials and finished medicines. Even if that doesn't work, maybe the saint can provide the materials.

"I'm very optimistic about you, Mr. Hamilton. If you want to conduct the next time exploration, remember to report to the academy first."

Professor Garcia was about to leave, but his warning reminded Shade that although the key to the fifth era - 1068 in his hand was not completed yet, there might be other ways to get the time key.

He can take the opportunity to go to another point in time in the past to test the mission of the ancient god he encountered. Whether he encountered a small probability event, or he was really watched by the ancient god of time every time.

It's just that the frequency of time exploration recommended by the History Institute should not exceed once a month, so currently Shade cannot get a new key from the institute.

After sending Professor Garcia off thoughtfully, Shade went to the second floor reception room to continue the conversation.

While Shade was talking with Professor Garcia, Dr. Schneider, who was originally wearing pajamas, had also changed his clothes. He looked quite good now, and he did not look like he was dying just a few hours ago.

As soon as Shade opened the door, he heard the doctor loudly and enthusiastically deliver his "speech" about the use of the 1,000 pounds of funds. I don't know if the effect of the college's potion is too strong or the effect of the 1,000 pounds is too strong. The doctor's current spirit

It’s simply exciting:

"Xia De, are you finished? Sit down quickly."

The blue-eyed psychiatrist asked Shade to sit down with a smile, and then asked Shade if he had any items or knowledge that he needed to buy from the St. Byrons Library recently. After getting a negative answer, the doctor patted his thigh:

"You see, no one has anything to buy at the moment, and this money is valid until the end of this year, and no one will have to pay tuition, so we have to withdraw all this money."

"Can it be done?"

Shade asked curiously as he sat next to Priest August.


Priest Augustus touched his chin and said, narrowing his eyes slightly:

"But it requires some skills."

"There will also be some losses."

Miss Louisa also said that it seemed like this was not the first time they had done this.

"How much can I withdraw from 1,000 pounds?"

Shade asked again, planning his expenses in his mind.

This time it was Miss Anat who gave the answer. The sorceress is good at predicting the future, but she is also short of money:

"Different methods have different speeds and reliability. We prefer to be more prudent and withdraw about 200 pounds per month over half a year. In this way, 1,000 pounds can probably get a figure of 910 pounds."

Although the loss is one-tenth, this number is still quite significant. Compared with the high consumption at the college, even if there is a loss in withdrawing it, it is still worth it.

"You guys really have a way."

Shade couldn't help but admire him. The old priest patted Shade on the shoulder with a sigh of relief:

"Young man, sooner or later you will have your own way."

The withdrawal of 1,000 pounds was specifically carried out by the doctor, and was completed in about four times. Correspondingly, after each time the money was obtained, Shade, Miss Anat, Dr. Schneider, Miss Louisa, and Priest Augustus followed the instructions.

The ratio is 2.5:2.5:2:1.5:1.5.

Shade and Miss Anat got more because the former killed Mrs. Lasoya and the latter destroyed the ritual node of the evil god's coming. The doctor got 0.5 more because he operated the money.

Everyone has no objection to this way of distributing money, and the doctor said that he will probably be able to get the first payment later this month.

Thinking about it this way, Shade can probably gain about 220 pounds from the 1,000 pounds. Including the reward from Miss Carina and Detective Sparrow's wallet, in just two weeks, Shade has gone from just arriving.

In this world, you need to receive relief food and steadily move towards the middle class... The prerequisite is to win the card game on Sunday and get a job that does not require work as recommended by Miss Carina.

This chapter has been completed!
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