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Chapter 1,603 Recognition, Agreement and Escape

Shade wanted to explore more possibilities through dialogue, but the blacksmith's soul, which used language to trigger dialogue, had been silently floating above the tombstone except for responding to the "key".

"My knowledge can explain this situation."

Sha De's abrupt words prevented the pharmacist lady from immediately noticing that Sha De was talking to her. After understanding who Sha De was talking to, she looked at him in surprise:

"Stop joking, do you think this is the first time I have encountered this situation? Why do you think I collect adamantine, mithril and orichalcum? I have checked a lot of information, but I don't have any exact knowledge to explain it.

The cause of these weird souls is not an ordinary method. These souls are very natural, and there is no trace of being modified or manipulated. Even if you are born in St. Byrons, I can be sure that even St. Byrons

The Thirteen Rings Red Moon Witch in the novel can’t explain the origin of these souls.”

She is very confident:

"As for wisdom and knowledge, although I will not be arrogant and think that I am better than everyone else, there are not many people in this era who can compare with me."

Shade withdrew his eyes from the blacksmith's soul and turned to look at her:

"Three possibilities."


"First, the ancient messenger of death manipulates and even transforms souls on a large scale here. He is the most devout believer of the ancient god, helping the ancient god of death to bid farewell to the souls that refuse to leave in the material world."

"But in our era, there should be no such life form that approximates the rules themselves. Even if it exists, it cannot easily appear here."

The pharmacist lady is obviously well-informed and knows what Shade is talking about. But she is wrong about one thing. Qiao Yin Barton and Ms. Marilyn Handel are definitely the messengers of death. And the chosen one of death is Dave.

Sister Lin, if you are willing to put in the effort and time, you might not be able to transform such a soul.

Of course, the situation here cannot be related to them.

"Wait, you actually know this?"

She asked Xia De suspiciously, and Xia De continued:

"The second possibility is the evil spirit demon of the third era - Bishop the Soul Stealer. This is a soul-stealing demon, and he likes to use the souls he stole to build a story stage, and then never-endingly lets those who

The soul performs one tragedy after another. This is very similar to the situation here."

Moon 9's [Demon·Soul Stealer Bishop] was a card that Shade won from the demonologist Mr. Sean Asmon when he first met him at the Pink Rose Inn in Coldwater Port. Later.

Shade and Dr. Schneider discussed various demons, and the doctor mentioned this one.

"Are they evil spirits from the third era? It is indeed possible. If the Edwards family prayed to the devil for the elixir of life and then ended up like this, it would be consistent with my understanding of those evil monsters."

The sorceress murmured to herself, but Shade thought this possibility was very small.

First of all, he could not detect any demonic power, and there was no trace of the thaumaturgy [seeing demons]. Moreover, the "demon expert" Dr. Schneider told Shade many demonic stories. If this was really a story stage set up by demons,

What they saw would not be an abandoned town in the white mist, but a strange, shabby and dirty night place in the black mist.

"Your knowledge is indeed very profound. You understand even the beings of the third era."

The pharmacist lady praised again:

"This is the first time I have seen a man as powerful as you. Keep talking, you have won my friendship. What is the last possibility?"

The sorceress asked again. Shade narrowed his eyes slightly, touched the tombstone in front of him and said:

"The last possibility, angel-level relic ["Soul Storybook"]."

This is the knowledge that Shade gained from [Witch Reverberation Luvia]. Although this memory is not complete, because it is part of the information of a level 1 relic, he is very impressed:

"I don't know much about this. I only know that the relic itself is a book. By demarcating a certain area, you can specify the behavior of the souls by writing stories, and even give them powers related to the stories. The reason why I

I guess this is because this place satisfies the characteristics of a strange environment, gathering of souls, and souls performing stories.”

"What kind of relic is this? Why haven't I heard of it? What force took it in?"

The pharmacist asked hesitantly. Shade glanced at her and did not answer directly. Because this book has not been recorded at all. This book was collected and recorded by Luvia Anat. Because ["Soul Story"

"Book" is also related to "destiny", so it is one of the main relics of Long-haired Luvia, similar to Shade's "Night Watch" and "Twenty-sided Dice of Destiny".

"Ma'am, be humble, no one can know everything."

"But I am... the most outstanding sorceress."

The lady with short light brown hair raised her head slightly, and Shade laughed:

"These are my guesses, and maybe none of the three guesses are right. I'm not interested in the key, I just want to find all the Edwards. If you want the key, I can give it up and not fight with you, but

You need to tell more about Edwards."

The pharmacist lady just thought about it for two seconds and nodded:

"Okay, but after I collect the materials, you have to go to the island with me and see this soul again. You just made a mistake. Regarding the memory of the newborn, it is not to retrieve the memory, but to take out one piece with Edward

There are symbolic items related to the birth of a new baby in this family, such as blood-stained cloth, umbilical cord, etc."

She stared at Shade one meter away:

"I admit that you are a strange man. Originally, I only helped you because of your relationship with Mother-in-law Natalie. Now I know that your skills are outstanding. With your help, what I have to do can be better.

All goes well. When my affairs make progress, I can give you the information you want, or even give you wealth, relics, knowledge and power. The sorceress of the eleventh ring has this confidence. But you still have to guarantee that you cannot

Come within 1 meter of me in any way."

"Okay, when you are ready to leave, send a letter to the Green Lake Hotel, and I will go to the island with you again. After all, I had planned to go to the island again, but don't forget your promise."

This is a very good cooperation. Xia De naturally agreed, but he added another sentence:

"But why are you so wary of me? Madam, although it is offensive to say this, I have a woman I like, and she is much more beautiful than you."

【Are you deliberately irritating her? 】

The voice in my ear asked with a chuckle, and the pharmacist lady showed a dismissive expression:

"My current face and your current face are both fake. Can you guess my real beauty? Mr. Watson, please don't be too confident in your female companion. If one day in the future, you have the honor to see

My real face, I hope you won’t be too surprised.”

Shade laughed secretly in his heart, as his guess about the identity of the pharmacist in front of him was further confirmed. He wanted to say something more for further testing, but a strange buzzing sound in the distance interrupted him.

The two of them stood up from the tablecloth together and looked into the white mist. Unfortunately, due to the limitation of their field of vision, they could not see anything.

[Something comes to the normal material world through the fragile space. Be careful, it’s a big guy.]

While they were wondering, the mist suddenly faded away, allowing their originally restricted vision to return to the way it was when they landed on the island. They saw more tombstones in the town cemetery, and the tombstones that stood there were not arranged in any order.

, even the styles of tombstones are different, as if whenever someone dies, the location and style of tombstone are chosen at random.

"The time for losing your sense of direction has passed? So quickly? It's only been less than twenty minutes?"

Shade asked the pharmacist in surprise, but the latter was not very clear either;

"Whenever I have experienced this kind of thing before, I have to wait at least an hour... to be careful!"

Dark tentacles covered with abscesses and black mucus silently shot towards the two of them from the woods on the side of the cemetery. The tentacles were as thick as Shade's two waists.

Shade was already wary of the attack. After being reminded, he immediately turned back and swung his right leg back like a whip. The dazzling silver moonlight clung to his leg and collided head-on with the thick tentacle, kicking it along its original path.

Back in the forest:

"The power is smaller than mine, but if the tentacles are so big, it's hard to imagine the size of the main body. What is this? Isn't this island safe except for the fog?"

"I don't know either, what is this?"

The pharmacist lady was equally surprised, even more surprised than Shade:

"Never encountered this before."

"Come on, something is starting to look wrong here! Which direction leads to the dock?"

Shade looked at the mist in the direction where the tentacles disappeared and asked. The sorceress hurriedly pointed the way. They walked quickly among the tombstones in the cemetery. But before they had taken a few steps, Shade suddenly threw a thunderbolt at the sorceress in front of him.

The gun, and then the thunder gun passed over the side of her face and penetrated the fog in front of her.

There was obviously nothing, but the sharp screams showed that there were indeed invisible enemies around.

"Madam, since you are the eleventh ring, cast a spell to protect us. The situation here is very wrong. This is not an invisible enemy. The enemy is hidden in other spaces, but it can interfere with our space. The space on the island has become

It’s even more unstable!”

"I didn't lie just now, I can't cast spells at will now!"

The pharmacist lady wanted to retreat to Sha De as she spoke, but after thinking of her own situation, she did not come over. Instead, she took out a few bottles of potions from the small bag, drank them, and threw two bottles of completely transparent potions to Sha De:

"A potion that enhances perception and restores spirit. Save it, you know the value of the latter."


"She" reminded softly in his ear, so Shade flew out the shadow ball with his right hand. The light-absorbing black ball touched the air, and then the petrified outline appeared in the air. It looked like a four-handed creature.


This chapter has been completed!
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