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Chapter 1,644 Seeking help

Xia De asked Yin Luna who was sitting outside the desk seriously:

"What happened on the central island of Green Lake was a bit unexpected. Not only did the thirteen-ring warlock appear, but the fog hindered the use of most long-distance thaumaturgy. You also know that the thaumaturgy I most commonly use is long-range attack type.

Silver Moon Slash. But if you can attack in a wide range like your thaumaturgy, then even if you can't see it in the fog, it can still form an effective deterrent, and you don't even need to aim. My promotion speed

It’s too fast. It has always lacked the ability to attack in a large area and the means to deal with giant enemies.”

While talking, he also gestured.

Yin Luna sat across the desk and listened to Xia De's request. She was very happy that Xia De came to her for help:

"For you, it's actually very simple. The entire spell casting process I summarized contains three key points:

First, we must be able to accurately control the release of spirit and energy. Otherwise, if the huge energy is not restrained, it will lead to serious consequences. In the first few months of this year, I used the empty bottle fruit to continuously practice controlling the power of the sun.

In your hands, you have improved your precise control skills. You should have no problem. Since you can develop so many forms of the basic 'Moonlight Slash', it means that your control of moonlight energy is stronger than most people.


Shade nodded:

"Then what are the other two points?"

"Second, you must have a large enough spirit to support casting spells. There is no need to explain this point. Huge energy attacks mean more consumption. But you and I are both born with the upper limit of the spirit being higher than that of ordinary people.

There are many people with ring magicians, so there is no need to consider this at all.”

Shade nodded. Now that he has been promoted to the sixth ring, although his spiritual capacity is not as exaggerated as his physical strength, it is not necessarily less than Yin Luna of the seventh ring.

"Last point, whether it's fireballs, wind blades, beams or energy balls, ring magicians have more or less ways to release energy. But if you want to make it huge, you have to use various methods. My way

It was when I felt the majestic power of the earth, and when I stood upside down on the ground, as if I was lifting the earth, I understood how to use my own hands to bear more powerful force."

She stretched out her hand, and Sha De shook it naturally. Yin Luna's face turned red, and then she controlled her hand to glow. In fact, it was useless. She just wanted Sha De to think that she could feel it when holding her hand.


"You have also experienced those greater powers, and your understanding of the earth is no weaker than mine. What you lack is just an attempt and a moment of understanding, just like you have developed new forms of 'Moonlight Slash' several times.


Of course, she also did not forget to remind:

"If you want to practice, don't do it at home. It's okay if you fail, but if you succeed, the roof of your house will be gone."

"I understand this."

Shade smiled and nodded:

"Are you aware of the majestic power of the earth... Lift the earth after standing on your head... Maybe you can ask the guardian for help."

"This is just my method and may not be suitable for everyone."

Yin Luna reminded, and then gave her own suggestions:

"Why don't you look at the moon more at night and feel the heaviness of the moon in the night sky. The power of the sun and the earth are opposed to each other but can transform each other, so it is suitable for me. Shade, you should look at the moon more."

This is indeed very useful advice, but it also means that it takes a long time to learn and understand.

Seeing Xia De's thoughtful look, Yin Luna did not immediately let go of the hands held by Xia De, but continued to ask:

"Today is Wednesday, how are you going to spend it?"

"Originally, I wanted to go to the Green Lake area to investigate the proceedings of the meeting, and track down the whereabouts of a group of tomb robbers. But yesterday I met the [Mirror Hidden Man] and got new information about the pharmacist lady. I want to talk to Carina

Let’s talk, miss.”

"go together."

Yin Luna said with a smile:

"It just so happens that I took the whole morning off, and I also want to give her the book report Miss Carina asked me to write. Do you know where she is now? Yodel Palace? Or in her manor?"

"I don't know, but I can ask."

After tidying up at home, Xiao Mia, who was too full and unwilling to move, was left to look after the house. Shade and Yin Luna went to the flower shop on Silver Cross Avenue. He asked Agelina's maid in the flower shop to help look after it.

Was Miss Carina at Yodel Palace this morning? Then at about ten o'clock, Shade and Yin Luna boarded an unmarked carriage at the door of the flower shop and saw Carina in the carriage.

Miss and Tifa.

"It's rare to see you two together."

The red-haired duchess joked as the carriage moved forward slowly. Yin Luna handed over her reading report first. Miss Carina flipped through a few pages and handed it to Tifa to put away first.

"I just happened to have something important to say about the Green Lake area. Yesterday, I landed on the Central Island with the pharmacist lady, and then encountered some accidents."

Shade recounted all his experiences on the island yesterday. When she heard the news about the two thirteen-ring warlocks, the witch's expression became serious. After Shade finished speaking, she asked with concern:

"Are you okay? I didn't expect that you would directly encounter the person hiding the mirror. If I had known earlier, I would..."

"No, you should go to the Green Lake area as originally planned. There is no need to go in advance. I will take care of these things."

Shade shook his head to stop her:

"The key now is that the Edwards family's affairs have only been revealed, and it has already involved two Thirteen Rings, and one of them is even a Thirteen Ring Fortune Teller. I bet that the other party will most likely respond in kind.

This method exists. This shows that the degree of danger this time will not be weaker than every previous time."

"The more you say this, the more worried I am. How about letting Tifa take people to Green Lake first? She can hold a ceremony to advance to the eighth level this week, and with the blessing from Miss Feliana, let

She can be promoted to the next level at any time, and her power is much stronger than that of your pharmacist lady."

Even when it comes to serious matters, she never forgets to step on her colleagues in the parliament.

"In that case, why not apply to go to Green Lake now?"

Yin Luna also said that although Xia De spoke lightly, they all knew how dangerous Xia De was when facing the "Mirror Hidden Man".

"Tifa is reaching level eight? Oh, congratulations."

Shade smiled and said to Tifa. The black-haired maid nodded reservedly and smiled at him.

"But it's not necessary, Yin Luna, Carina, you don't have to worry about me. It's really dangerous, I can actually use the mystery lock to come back directly. Although that island hinders the power of space, it can't hinder me. Carina, I hope you can tell

Parliament, the danger in the Green Lake area, just like Yin Luna will inform the church. Since the guy who is hiding wants to act secretly, he should let everyone know his existence."

The witch nodded:

"Although this will allow people to focus their attention on Green Lake in advance, it will be more dangerous to the hidden guys. No problem, the Thirteen Rings Soothsayer from two hundred years ago is indeed worthy of our vigilance."

"Also, I have another question. The pharmacist lady told me that her name is Megan, not Audrey."

Shade said again, and this time it was Tifa who answered:

"The great witch of knowledge and wisdom often uses the pseudonym Megan. The few letters and some packages she sends to young ladies also use Megan Edwards as her name."

"But judging from the situation at the time, it doesn't look like she was speaking under a pseudonym... I have some guesses about this witch, but it still needs to be verified."

"You can put the witch thing aside for now, we are more worried about you. The Thirteen Rings are no joke. Unless you show the strength you have in every final battle, you will not be able to defeat any of the Thirteen Rings now."

Yin Luna was still worried, while the witch took Sha De's hand and put it on his knee:

"Yin Luna, Xia De knows what he is going to do. Since he reassures us, we can rest assured."

"We can't just leave the matter of the Hidden Mirror Man alone. Let the local church entangle him first. It would be better if the church can drive him away or even catch him. If not... half of the members of the Witch Council, plus

Come on, Yin Luna and Sister Devlin, I don't believe that even if he has thirteen rings, he can still gain the upper hand without opening the word of sublimation. I can't leave him until the final battle, although I don't even know at the moment.

We are going to be an enemy of something this time, but we cannot allow a thirteen-ring warlock to get too involved."

The witch and the seventeen-year-old girl both nodded:

"Well, let's wait until we gather at Green Lake. Before that, you have to be careful."

In fact, Shade was still thinking about whether to call Dr. Schneider, but then he felt that it was unnecessary. However, he could call Miss Danister. The "Red Moon Witch" would not be stingy about participating in this matter.

De just has to think about how to explain his relationship with so many sorceresses.

In the past, his own strength was not enough, so he could only act secretly in every big event. But now that he has reached the sixth ring, there are more and more trustworthy people around him, so he can consider being a little more high-profile.

"Also, where will the [Impermanent Space] of this era be... the Travelers Association? Or the Winter Chorus?"

After all, the uncertainty of everything is still a bit far away, but there are still many things in Sha De's hands.

Yin Luna was left behind by Miss Carina to talk to her about her studies. Shade was sent back to Saint Teresa Square by carriage, and then he went to the Randall Valley.

Since bidding farewell to Dr. Schneider in the Randall Valley and returning home to fall ill, Shade has not set foot on this land again. He has not been here for more than a month, and now that he thinks about it, he still misses him.

When he walked out of the basement of the Forgotten Church, he found that the building behind the collapsed church had been almost repaired, and most of the rooms had signs of use.

When they arrived at the main hall of the church, they saw oil paintings hanging on the walls, bouquets of flowers on the pulpit, and even the rows of long seats decorated with ribbons. The holy emblem of [The Forgotten Old Man] was on the wall.

The church door was gleaming with gold, and the rust on the church door had been cleaned away. The windows that were originally boarded up were all opened, allowing the warm spring breeze to blow in. A red carpet was spread between the benches, and even the original windows were covered with wood.

The stained ceiling has been repainted with religious oil paintings.

Of course, the hole in the roof still exists, but it has been perfectly integrated with the atmosphere of the church:

"Looks pretty good."

He originally thought there would be no one in the church, but when he walked out of the church door, he saw two girls cleaning the church yard. Shade recognized them as the two girls in charge of stage management of the Golden Dawn Opera Troupe, and

Greet them with a smile.

Of course, the sorceresses also knew Shade, and then informed Shade that the [Golden Dawn Opera Troupe] had left the local area to perform in other places.

As the director and deputy director of the opera troupe, Miss Benenice and Hillis, of course, also left the local area with the troupe. The opera troupe also left a small number of people to run the Wilde Opera House and maintain the church.

When Shade asked where the Golden Dawn Opera Company was now, the two young girls smiled and said to him:

"Originally Miss Lassers planned to go to Tobesk, and we haven't performed at the Pearl of the North in Delrayon for many years. But then Willondale sent an invitation, so the opera company accepted the payment and went

The Green Lake area is ready to show our cultural and artistic standards to northerners."

In this way, Shade will soon be able to reunite with the Witch of the Earth and Siris.

In the courtyard of the Forgotten Church, under the oak tree that had grown green leaves, Shade called out the name of the guardian. After waiting for a moment, the soil in front of him squirmed and rose, and then the soil molded into the shape of a human being.

, the chosen one of the earth came to him.

After not seeing each other for a month, the Guardian naturally didn't change much. This time he appeared in the image of Mr. Lassus. After listening silently to Shade's explanation about Green Lake, the Mirror Association and the Thirteen Rings Diviner, he nodded:

"No problem, I will tell the Zhengshen Church about this tomorrow morning. The earth has given me a revelation, and the crisis in Green Lake must be prevented."

"One more thing, do you remember Yin Luna Bayas? She is the girl who uses the power of the earth and the earth energy cannon. I intend to learn and master the ability to release huge energy, but I don't have much ideas yet."

Regarding the second help that Shade sought, the guardian under the tree thought silently for a moment:

"You are different from the balanced chosen ones. It is certainly possible for you to listen and sense the earth, but the best way is still to sense the moon. Especially... the lunar eclipse around the end of this month."

The guardian controls the power of the earth and can predict all natural phenomena on the ground in advance. As for the starry sky, although he cannot know all the changes very keenly, of course he cannot not understand such an important thing as the lunar eclipse. After all, even if

Without the status of guardian or chosen one, he is still a thirteen-ring warlock close to a demigod:

"Shad Hamilton, this lunar eclipse is very important to you."

This chapter has been completed!
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