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Chapter 166 Blackstone Security Company

Old John observed Shade's expression:

"This is a really good thing. If it weren't for the fact that you were introduced by Louisa and the others, I wouldn't have proposed this deal."

Shade was very emotional in his heart, but remained calm on the surface:

"So what's the cost? Or what about the side effects? Isn't it just that the ash water tastes bad?"

"Side effects? Oh, it's nothing actually."

Old John said it lightly:

"It's just a strong mental pollution. The stronger the brand's extraordinary ability, the stronger the pollution encountered when drinking water, but if you get over it at that time, there won't be any big problem. Detective, how about it, do you want to change it?


What Shade is not afraid of most is mental pollution. In the afterglow state of divinity, he can even face the saint directly. The pollution characteristics of relics are definitely not as good as those of real gods.

"Although [Witch's Carbon Paper] is very good, mine is obviously more valuable. Immortality comes with a price, but it is also immortality."

Shade knocked on the counter table.

"Of course it's not a one-for-one exchange. Two pieces of carbon paper are exchanged for one of your finger bones."

The old man had a smile on his face, and he believed that Shade would not refuse.

"Okay, I'll think about it again."

"What else are you thinking about? Do you still want to add more money? Oh, young man, I really won't make money from you this time."

"No no no."

Shade shook his head:

"This thing is not my own. If I choose to exchange it, but the other party doesn't want [Witch's carbon paper], where can I pay the four-digit gold pound compensation?"

He took out the wallet in his pocket, paid for the time key first, and put the exquisite wooden box back into his pocket.

"Then please reply to me as soon as possible. My business here is very good and I can't keep you for too long."

"I'll be back in an hour."

Shade said, Old John waved to him and picked up the newspaper beside him in boredom:

"As soon as possible. If you want to get commission, you can introduce me to your friends. Old John's Pawn Shop has everything!"

He still doesn't forget to promote his business.

"Do you also do business with the Orthodox Church?"

"If I don't do this, I won't do any business related to the Zhengshen Church."

"That would be a pity."

Shade's original plan was to report directly to MI6 after leaving the pawn shop. But it was still early and the reporting time did not stipulate that it had to be in the morning, so he spent money to take a carriage again to go to where Miss Bayas left last night.

the address of.

Then as expected, on Monday morning, Miss Bayas, who had a legitimate job, was not at home. After Shade knocked on the door, the landlady who opened the door looked at him with a thief-proof eye and refused to reveal where Miss Bayas had gone.


But think about it and you know that if there is no mission, Miss Bayas must be at the base of the Blackstone Security Company. Shade knows the address of the security company. What he is worried about is that as a correspondence magician, he can break into Zhengshen directly.

Is the church’s stronghold suitable?

"But since I will definitely be involved in a deeper relationship with Miss Bayas in the future, it is impossible not to get close to that security company. Anyway, it is only a matter of sooner or later..."

He checked what he was carrying and hid the [Gun of Kindness], [Twenty-sided Dice of Destiny] and [Remains of the Inferi] in places where they could not be directly seen, and then walked towards the Blackstone Security Company.

...It's only half an hour's walk from Miss Bayas's rented apartment, and Shade won't spend any money on a carriage ride.

The location of Blackstone Security Company is in the area between the North City District and the West City District of Tobesk. The security company occupies an entire three-story building with a signboard outside.

The business carried out here overlaps with Shade's detective agency, but the security company is just used by the ring warlock team to hide their identities, so they generally won't accept commissions from ordinary people unless they don't have any tasks at the time.

Shade walked to this street called Neuschwanstein Street. Looking at the towering buildings and the hurried pedestrians, he knew that this street was a famous business street in the West District of Tobesk, home to the offices and operations of large factories.

Businessmen from multinational businesses gather here.

The small building of Blackstone Security Company is not conspicuous on this busy street, because on one side is the Tobesk City Taxation Bureau, and on the other side is the Tobesk headquarters of the "Good Taste Aquatic Products United Company" in Lengshuigang City.


Both buildings are very impressive, but the small building in between is a bit inconspicuous.

After Xia De raised his head to confirm that the house number was correct, he walked into the slightly narrow door on the first floor.

Opposite the door on the first floor is the reception desk. A middle-aged woman in uniform was knitting in front of a magazine. There was a white cat lying next to the knitting basket. At least at first glance, this place is a very ordinary security company.

Seeing someone coming, the lying white cat looked at Shade curiously, while the middle-aged woman hurriedly put down her work:

"Sir, what's the matter? Do you need to entrust me?"

"Circle Warlock?"

he asked in his mind.

【Yes, but not strong.】

"No, I'm looking for Miss Iluna Bayas."

He said simply, not feeling nervous at all, but his footsteps stopped at the door, not intending to continue walking inside:

"I am a detective at St. Teresa Square. She went to my place last week to investigate some matters. Before she left, she said that if she needed to add details, she could come here to see her."

The middle-aged woman looked him up and down:

"Okay sir, please wait a moment."

Then he hurriedly walked inside the building and heard the sound of going upstairs. The white cat, which had been eyeing the ball of wool, stood up, jumped to Shade's footsteps, circled around his feet, and rubbed his body against it.

His trousers.

"Huh? It seems that since I came to this world, I have always been so popular with cats. What is the reason for this?"

Thinking in his mind, he squatted down and patted the white cat on the back, and the latter made a pleasant "meow" sound.

"It's really rare. The cats we raise here are usually very aggressive towards strangers."

Hearing Miss Bayas's voice, Shade stood up. Unexpectedly, the white cat stood up straight on its hind legs, as if it wanted Shade to hold it.

Miss Bayas and the middle-aged female receptionist both laughed, and Shade could only pick up the cat, which was at least twice the size of Mia. It seemed to like Shade quite a bit.

Probably because Shade was welcomed by the "domestic cat" of the security company, and because of Miss Bayas's familiar attitude, the middle-aged female receptionist did not doubt Shade's identity.

Shade hinted that he had something to talk about, and the understanding Miss Bayas led him to the temporarily unused lounge on the first floor. This is where the ring warlocks of the security company rest. The normal office area is on the second floor.


"Detective, why did you come to me all of a sudden? We just parted ways ten hours ago. Do you need help with something?"

This chapter has been completed!
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