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Chapter 1,738 The Witch’s Dream

 "Don't say these useless words, I gave you the materials, you have to tell me what you really know."

Audrey urged, and the man in the painting shook his head:

"Your temper is much worse than that of your ancestors."

"Say it!"

"[Green Crest Ore]. This island itself is a space unstable zone, so this unique ore is produced. I was hired by Lord Edwards at the time to come to the local area to find and mine minerals for him. Every year, Green Lake has

For a period of time, the lake water turned green, which was related to this ore. Although I did not find it, I believe that there must be the largest green crest ore vein in the material world at the bottom of the lake.

You must not know that before each generation of descendants of the Edwards family is born, their mothers will be injected with a large amount of special potion containing [Green Crest Ore]."

"But space talent cannot be artificially created."

Shade reminded.

"Yes, but space talent can be artificially enhanced."

said the man in the painting.

This is indeed possible, just like if the core spiritual rune of the ring warlock is the whisper element, then it is affected by the power of the relic during the awakening process. This can be considered as artificial interference and enhancement of some talents of the ring warlock.

However, if a potion containing special minerals is directly injected into the mother's body, it will definitely have an impact on the mother's body. A shortened life span should be considered the mildest side effect, and the appearance of green crystals in the body may not be the most serious consequence.

"A part of the human body."

The corner of Audrey's mouth trembled. The great witch of wisdom and knowledge knew more than Shade.

"What else do you know?"

She asked again, and the man in the painting closed his eyes:

"All of you will return here. No matter how you resist, you will all return."

The key was thrown by the man in the painting, and then it really flew out of the oil painting and landed on the desk. Looking at the oil painting again, the man in the painting no longer made any movements. This was just an ordinary oil painting.


"After taking so much precious metal, I just said this...the fourth key."

Audrey picked up the key and said, carefully putting it into her satchel. She looked up at Shade, hesitated and asked again:

"What do you think of life formed by artificial interference?"

"Your father and your grandfather are not artificial beings. They were born from their respective mothers, but they were just affected by certain influences at the beginning of their birth."

Shade knew what she was worried about:

"You are still a human being. You don't need to doubt this. Although what counts as a human being is currently only divided based on blood composition, but even if it involves the part made from the human body, I think you are still a human being."

Audrey forced a smile. The impact of this incident on her was not something that Shade could erase with just a few words.

So Shade took the initiative to hold her hand:

"I shouldn't have told you about my origins, right?"

The witch nodded:

"You only said that you don't have any relatives."

"Other than that, I actually don't even have any memories from before last summer."

Shade looked into her beautiful golden eyes:

"I rarely mention this matter to strangers, and even the girls who are close to me rarely take the initiative to talk to me about it. But in fact, I only remembered it after I officially awakened my talent last summer. "

"Wait a minute, you got the sixth ring in less than a year?"

Audrey was greatly surprised:

"Who is your teacher anyway? Can I talk to her about education?"

"This is not the point. Please listen to me. Before last summer, I had always been a fool with a low IQ. Well, it's not particularly stupid. It can only be regarded as low intelligence. I can still take care of myself in basic life. I am a homeless person. Han was picked up by my uncle, and for some reason, he adopted and trained him."

The witch's golden eyes seemed to be able to see his strong soul.

"Shortly after I woke up, about five or six minutes later, my uncle passed away. I was born like this, without any memory, without any common sense of life, without any worries or any relatives. 'In this world. Can you imagine this?"

"Perhaps the fact that your uncle is about to die has given you tremendous mental pressure and prompted you to awaken your talent."

She whispered her analysis, and Shade smiled and shook his head:

"You believe these stories?"

"You mean you made this up?"

Her eyes widened slightly, and then she saw Shade shaking his head again:

"No, this is all the information I found after I woke up. But I can't find anyone who can provide information about my past. All the information about me comes from indirect channels. You know that I was born in St. Byron Si, but even St. Byrons can’t detect my parentage... How could there be no problem?”

The witch pursed her lips slightly:

"Yes, hearing you describe it like this, there must be big problems in your past."

Shade continued to look directly into Audrey's eyes. That slightly oppressive but melancholy look made the witch's heart beat faster again:

"I can't find all the past of this body. It's like I was fabricated out of thin air and came into this world. Miss Pharmacist, even so, I still think that I am a human being, and I actively integrate into this world and explore Your own origin and origin. Then you have your own father, your own family to accompany you, and you have made so many friends while growing up, why do you have to worry about such a trivial matter?"

There was a smile in the outsider's eyes:

"Compared to you, am I not more pitiful? But you see, I have never been troubled by these problems."

As expected, the hesitation in the witch's eyes disappeared. She looked at Shade with some pity, then opened her arms and hugged him:

"Have you always been lonely? That's why that indifferent heart affects you so much?"

Sure enough, she no longer worried about her problems, and only by comparison did she realize how lucky she was.

"At least I'm not alone now."

Shade patted the witch's back gently. She let go of Shade as if she was shocked. She took a deep breath to adjust her emotions, and then assured Shade:

"When we finish dealing with the Green Lake matter, I will help you investigate your past. I know some very powerful people."

"I came to this island just to investigate my past. Do you still remember my purpose? The picture of the sun, moon and stars that appeared on your family's letters, the origin of that picture, is closely related to my past.


Audrey nodded heavily:

"I will help you. Look, it's already noon. Let's leave by boat first, have lunch and then come back to sleep together."

They left here together. When walking out of the house, the witch whispered again:

"The girl who met you first was really lucky."

"Why do you say that?"

"I met you when you were the loneliest...if you have time, please introduce us to each other."


They returned to the dock together, and then took the small boat out of the foggy area. During this period, Audrey was replaced by Megan, and the sorceress controlled the boat to stop at the lake, and then the two had lunch on the boat.

The last time Shade used rubies to use [Fiona's Housekeeping Servant], he still had a few kitchen services left, so he still asked the dragon maid at the other end of the time to prepare lunch at noon. Megan saw the reason for this thaumaturgy.

Unusual, I even jokingly thought that maybe a certain space-time dragon who could travel through time fell in love with Shade.

After lunch, the boat took the two of them to the island pier in the fog again. Because the two of them needed to sleep together, for the sake of safety, they definitely couldn't just set up the tent and lie down to sleep.

The closer to the center of the island, the greater the possibility of seeing the "door" after falling into a dream, so Megan finally chose the house in Green Lake Town. They carefully inspected the selected building, and then used words such as "Moon"

Thorns" and other thaumaturgy and rituals used to ensure the safety of internal spaces have repeatedly strengthened and ensured safety.

They were busy until 2:30 in the afternoon, and after making sure that everything was ready, they walked to the bedroom together. Seeing the big bed in the room, Megan's heart jumped. She followed Shade hesitantly, and then saw Shade very

Lying down naturally.

"Do you often do this kind of thing?"

she asked pretending to be casual.

"Do you mean dreaming? The person who dreams with me is usually my psychiatrist. He is very professional. Okay, don't talk so much. Let's hurry up. There is something else to do tonight during the lunar eclipse."

Shade patted the position next to him, and Megan lay down on it. The moment Shade reached out to hold her hand - they fell into a dream together and asked for physical connection, the sorceress visibly trembled.

She pursed her lips and used her free hand to draw ritual symbols on their clasped hands. But before lying down, she said to Shade:

"Please don't be too surprised when you see my spiritual body in your dream later... I decided to confess some things to you first, and we'll talk about the rest at the banquet on Friday."

"If we are in a deep dream, don't be too surprised when you see my image in the dream."

Shade replaced the pillows and bedsheets with new ones. Megan smoothed her hair and lay down. The two held hands and closed their eyes. Even if Shade didn't actively turn on [Heart of Stone], he could clearly feel it.

Megan's heartbeat.

So, he listened to the reassuring heartbeat and fell asleep little by little.

The body seemed to be falling in endless darkness, and the consciousness faded a little bit, but it became clear again.

After realizing that he was in a dream, Shade opened his eyes and suddenly sat up, then held his chest and took a deep breath. Just now, he felt as if he suddenly popped his head out from the bottom of the sea. The small buildings in the town were no longer around him.

In the bedroom scene of the house, he was lying on the pier in the fog, but Megan's boat was not docked next to the pier.

This chapter has been completed!
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