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Chapter 1,790 The Earl and the Mushroom

Although the contents of the Witch's task list are all kinds of strange, it is worth mentioning that even if you use the power of time and fate to peek into the future, you cannot see everything that will definitely happen at once. Therefore, the descriptions of most of the tasks on the list are To be honest, if you want to complete the mission, you probably have to figure out what the mission actually says first.

When Shade had breakfast at home this morning, he had already decided what he wanted to do. The simple tasks were left to the followers of the witch. The most difficult ones were probably the big witch. They took action themselves.

Shade took a fancy to a task that dealt with unknown materials, and the task that Shade took a fancy to was called the "Calm Ascetic."

The mission description is relatively simple. A Delray nobleman came to a local meeting to attend a meeting. He indulged in orgies when he was young, but in middle age he lost his wife, children and most of his family members due to accidents. So the middle-aged nobleman repented and decided to Strictly ask yourself to live a pure and simple life, and imitate the ascetic monks of the church, hoping to achieve dual peace of mind and body in the next life.

After arriving in Green Lake City, the nobleman was suspected of being exposed to some kind of hallucinogenic drugs, and was gradually separating his life form from flesh and blood. The mission requirement was to save the nobleman and recycle those hallucinogenic drugs. thing.

Shade had a hunch that he would encounter interesting stories this time.

The witch's message did not make it clear who the noble from Delarion was. But because it was limited to "coming from Tobesk," Shade just went to the city hall to find him and was preparing for this morning's meeting. Miss Carina knew that the person in the negotiating delegation who had "ascetic" hobbies was Count Petrarch.

He himself is one of the representatives of the negotiating team and usually lives in Tobesk. His residence in Tobesk is also in the city center, not far from Saint Teresa Square.

But although the count is a member of the delegation, he only comes as a follower and does not often attend meetings, so he cannot be found in the Green Lake City Hall.

After asking for his address, Shade wanted to leave, but since Shade was here, the duchess naturally wanted to keep Shade for a meeting with her. Fortunately, with Tifa's help, Shade was able to run out.

Count Petrarch was a member of the first delegation, and the Green Lake City Hall arranged appropriate accommodation for these distinguished guests from Tobesk. However, the stoic Count did not like such extravagance and waste, so although he did not I was able to refuse the accommodation arrangement, but in fact I moved to a hotel on the second day after arriving in Green Lake City.

As for the hotel where he lives, it is naturally the Green Lake Hotel which is closest to the Green Lake City Hall and offers good quality, low price and good service.

Even Miss Carina didn't find out the house number of the room the Earl rented in his hurry. Fortunately, Shade could directly ask Helena Green, the female shopkeeper behind the counter.

"Oh, that gentleman. He lives on the third floor like you, but his room is on both sides of the stairs with yours, so you've probably never seen him."

Ms. Helena Green said with a smile.

So Shade counted the house number and came to the door of Room 308. He closed his eyes and made sure there was a heartbeat inside the door, and then knocked on the door.


After a moment, the door opened a crack, and half of the face of a middle-aged man with extremely powerful eyes, who was taller than Shade and who looked like he could kill a lion with one punch, appeared behind the door:

"Who are you?"

Shade introduced himself:

"I'm sorry to say that, count, not only do you not know me, but I don't know you either."

The door was about to close immediately, but Shade had already blocked the crack with his feet:

"Please listen to me. I have heard from a long time ago that Count Petrarch of Tobesk likes meditation, meditation and asceticism, and he is a philanthropic person. I have the same hobbies as you and have always wanted to visit you.

I wonder if you have time to communicate and learn from you?"

Shade asked, and the earl inside the door stared and asked:

"Do you think I'm a fool? Would I believe this reason?"

"Well, I'm here to play Rhodes with you. Can you open the door?"

"Of course not. I don't like playing cards. How did you come up with such an excuse?"

Shade smiled:

"Okay, I won't joke with you anymore. I really want to talk to you about meditation and asceticism. I heard about you from the Umbilical Cord Club in Tobesk, and I'm a member there too, you see."

As he spoke, he opened his palms with nothing in them. As for the "Umbilical Cord Club", it is a club set up for gatherings of occult enthusiasts in the city of Tobesk. It is monitored 24 hours a day by the church.

The managers at the front desk are all church sorcerers.

The illusion confuses this ordinary person. The Earl looked at the medal in Shade's hand with confusion, and then nodded:

"People from the club? You look like a young nobleman from Tobesk. However, I won't trust you easily. Let me answer one of my common sense questions in the club first - Meditation enters the third chapter.

What are the characteristics of the three stages?”

In the orthodox ring sorcerer's meditation, meditation is not divided into stages, so Shade doesn't know what these ordinary people's theories are:

"I don't know, I've never heard of it."

He decided to tell the truth. Since the count lived alone, he would force his way in at worst.

The count nodded and finally took off the anti-theft chain:

"That's right, meditation is only divided into shallow and deep levels, there is no third stage at all."

The layout of this room is similar to that of the room that Shade rented. Although the Earl did not let a servant live with him, the room was still very clean and tidy. He did not have much luggage, and there were almost no personal belongings in the room.

Shade looked around after entering the door, and easily found traces of elements. It was a plate of colorful mushrooms that had been dried and dehydrated on the coffee table. The colors were so bright that they seemed to be glowing, even if they were greedy.

The little Mia probably wouldn't eat it. In addition to the mushrooms, there are scissors, a quartz bowl for grinding and a small hammer on the coffee table.

"There is no whispering element, and it seems to have nothing to do with the relic."

Seeing Shade looking at the mushrooms, the earl took the initiative to introduce:

"With the help of drugs and plants, meditation effects can be better achieved, and it can even stimulate the legendary 'pineal gland' and open the originally closed 'spiritual vision'."

"Um...illegal drugs?"

Shade asked hesitantly, and sat down with the earl. The earl shook his head indifferently;

"I have friends at Ridwich Field. Let's not talk about this. Since you are here, I will share with you my new harvest. Have you seen these mushrooms? I accidentally discovered this special species in Green Lake.

, and found that dry grinding these mushrooms into powder and then absorbing them can better help us enter a deep state of meditation and then see the reality of the world."

He spoke with high spirits and even gestured with his hand, as if he had really made a major discovery.

But Shade was even more hesitant:

"What you see after eating mushrooms is not a series of dancing elves, right?"

"Of course not, I saw a series of dark cracks opening in the air. Look there, there is even a huge gap big enough for me to pass through. Through there, I can reach the paradise of bliss!"

The earl said happily, reaching out and continuing to deal with the mushrooms:

"You may not believe it now, but I'll show you."

Shade looked in surprise at the wall pointed at by the count, but there was nothing on the wall. If it weren't for the fact that he was sure that the mushrooms were a special material, he even suspected that the count had gone crazy from eating poisonous mushrooms.

The earl quickly made mushroom powder from the dried colorful mushrooms, and then divided the powder into two small handfuls. One handful was kept for himself, and the other was placed in front of Shade:

"Try it with me and you will know what deep meditation is."

He extended the invitation with great expectation, and started adding his own powder to the tobacco, and then rolled it up with cigarette paper:

"You can also take it directly, but it will take effect too quickly, and it will easily lead to head pain, memory loss, and drowsiness after waking up, so rolling it into cigarettes is suitable. Come on, young man, you are the first person to have this honor.

Deep meditation tastes really good.”

Of course, Shade couldn't accept this kind of thing. Seeing his hesitation, the earl said again:

"Don't worry, although this looks like an illegal drug, haven't you seen it? This is a purely natural plant. Not to mention me, even the aborigines of the islands and the primitive tribes deep in the rainforest still maintain their

Is there a similar tradition of picking and utilizing mushrooms? Moreover, our medical development originally originated from the exploration of plant diversity. Otherwise, how do you think plant anesthetics appeared?"

"This thing really has no side effects?"

Shade asked suspiciously, and Count Petrarch thought for a moment:

"As long as you keep your mind clear of distracting thoughts, abandon all desires, and don't have random thoughts, you will be absolutely safe."

He said with considerable certainty:

"In a deep state of meditation, many scary scenes and sounds will appear, and the world will appear different to us. But as long as we have firm beliefs and are not disturbed by external forces, we will not be affected."


Although Shade believed that he had a firm belief, he knew himself well and knew that he was definitely not the kind of person who was very pure and stoic.

"This is a good thing. Since you don't believe it, I will come here first. If you want to follow later, you will find me. Paradise of Bliss, here I come."

"Wait, wait first!"

But before Shade could finish speaking, Count Petrarch put the hand-rolled cigarette in his mouth and lit it with a match.

Shade was sitting opposite the count, so if he wanted to stop him, he could just reach out. But Shade wanted to find out what was going on with these mushrooms, and he thought he could handle the situation after the count went crazy, so he looked at

The count puffed away, and soon his head drooped, as if he fell asleep.

This chapter has been completed!
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