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Chapter 18 The Forged Philosopher’s Stone

 The piece of paper that attracted Shade's attention was made of something like parchment. One corner was covered by the book "Psychology and Abnormal Psychology", but it only blocked the signature and did not affect the main content:

[College Reward Order

The illegal organization [Blood of Mercury] appears in Tobesk City and surrounding areas carrying a secret-keeper-level relic [The Forged Philosopher's Stone]. Rewards are offered to all the correspondence magicians of all colleges in the area, and pay close attention to the situation of [Blood of Mercury]

According to the trend, if you submit the [Forged Philosopher's Stone] to the college, you can deduct 5 practical credits for this academic year. The academic assessment rating for this semester will be automatically upgraded to 'Excellent'. The remaining rewards will be discussed with Rutgers Professor of the School of Mechanical Engineering.

Note 1: This task is extremely dangerous. It is not recommended that students below level 3 (inclusive) have direct contact with the [Mercury Blood] organization in any form.

Note 2: For specific information about the relic [Forged Philosopher’s Stone], please contact the academy for detailed consultation.

Note 3: The Zhengshen Church has obtained this information. If you intend to complete the task, please be careful not to reveal your identity to the church.】

Below is the blocked inscription, which seems to be an announcement jointly issued by the Public Affairs Office of St. Barons Comprehensive College and the School of Mechanical Engineering.

"What if I'm exposed to the Zhengshen Church? I forgot to ask the doctor just now."

Shade thought to himself, then put the document bag on the table and sat back on the sofa.

So far, no one knows the secret of his understanding of various strange languages, so it is not very likely that this thing was forged by a doctor. On the contrary, the appearance of this academy reward order proves what the doctor said.

The probability is true.

"However, credits, academic assessment... are really scary words. I didn't expect that in the era of steam civilization, we could encounter such things."

Shade thought silently, recalling his life in his hometown. This made him more determined to get in touch with the mystery and find a way to go back.

I just didn't expect that I would still have to study and take exams in a different world. What's more, I might even have to write a paper.

"There are always more solutions than difficulties."

He thought to himself and waited patiently for the doctor to come back.

Although the doctor had just treated him to lunch at a goose restaurant not long ago, Shade didn't actually take a few bites because the horrific scene he saw in the morning was so impressive.

At this time, I had plans for the future, I felt better, and I felt hungry. So before the doctor came back, I asked Mrs. Carla for some snacks, saying that I wanted to have afternoon tea.

The doctor probably told Shade that he was an honored guest, so when the maid in a floral apron knocked on the door and entered, Shade saw that she was actually carrying a porcelain plate.

"This is Mr. Schneider's collection."

The middle-aged maid smiled and said that she looked to be in her forties, a little older than the blue-eyed doctor. She was plump and in line with Shade's imagination of middle-aged women from ordinary families in this era.

Although the great Eastern countries do not exist in this world, there is still porcelain, and porcelain is still precious. Only the special soil and technology in special areas can produce such fine products.

Shade thanked Mrs. Kara and didn't care much about the porcelain plate. He looked at the delicate yellow fluffy cake on the plate and the red cherry on the top of the cake that seemed to be reflective, and swallowed subconsciously.

"Xia De, don't embarrass people from other worlds!"

The foreigner who came here for the first time said to himself in his heart, and then as expected, he heard the beautiful laughter of the woman in his mind again.

They agreed to meet at two o'clock, but the doctor never showed up. If Shade hadn't found that no one was stopping him from walking around when he went to the bathroom, he might have suspected that he had fallen into a trap.

Because this was someone else's place, after making sure that he could leave at any time, Shade returned to his original room and waited. He didn't have the bad habit of looking through other people's things, and he was also worried about seeing files that he shouldn't see again, so he was bored.

Sitting on the sofa, I looked at the interior decoration of the room.

I have been in this world for nearly 40 hours, and I have a higher understanding of the level of development of the country I am currently in. The characteristics of the steam age appear in all aspects of life, not only gas lights and steam pipes, but also the exquisite decorations that appear on various furniture.

The buckles of the mechanical structure, the lifting platform controlled by large gears and pulleys and ropes on the side of the bookshelf, these are things that Shade has never seen in his own world.

He never thought that he would be able to come to this kind of world. While hesitating, he also tried to exchange his knowledge for money. But he really didn't know much, and he didn't have an extremely good photographic memory. For the rest of his life,

In fact, it is still full of uneasiness.

Dr. Schneider showed up at half past two. He had changed into a black coat.

When he opened the door and came in, he started to apologize:

"I'm really sorry. Something completely unexpected happened. I ordered a batch of sensitive drugs on the black market. No, don't show that expression. It's not for the patients in the clinic. I don't do that kind of thing.

I wanted to use my own research on thaumaturgy, but something went wrong when receiving the goods. It was really bad luck."

As he spoke, he sat down again, and the maid also walked in and provided the two men with a new pot of black tea:

"So, have you decided yet?"

The doctor asked solemnly, looking at Shade's eyes with his blue eyes. Shade had observed his body in the mirror, and the color of his eyes was still the dark brown that looked like black, which was the same as before.

"It's decided."

Shade sat up straight and nodded, and gave the answer solemnly:

"I want to try to get in touch with that poet-level relic [The Dream of St. Byrons Comprehensive College]."

The doctor had a big smile on his face:

"Although my luck is not good today, I found that, Detective Hamilton, anything related to you will always go smoothly."

St. Byrons Comprehensive Academy, as one of the three major thaumaturgy academies, has the ability to deliver [relics] remotely. But Shade is not an official ring magician yet, so naturally Dr. Schneider will not let him know what this method is.

After waiting alone in the room for more than ten minutes, the doctor opened the door and walked in holding a black cardboard box.

It was really a black carton, with nothing but black. Shade didn't even notice where the seams of the carton were at the first time.

"[The Dream of St. Byrons Comprehensive Academy] is a product of the previous era, that is, the product of the fifth era. At that time, the academy had just been established, and the legendary founder, the thirteen-ring warlock Myrna Filiana

Miss, after a summer nap, I got this [relic]. This [relic] must be stored in a black space, and it is a relatively simple [relic] to contain."

"Is the academy only established in the last century?"

Shade was a little confused. He thought this was the kind of ancient organization that had been passed down for several epochs.

"Actually, the five major righteous churches and the three major thaumaturgy academies all appeared in the last era. Remember this common sense, the fourth era is an era of darkness and chaos, where evil and distortion are rampant in the world. The fifth era is the era of witches

In our era, only women had the ability to cast spells. Powerful witch emperors divided the world, and city-states fought with each other. Civilization made no progress in the fifth era. It was a wild and primitive era, but it was equally terrifying. In the sixth era, extraordinary people

It is not obvious that human civilization can develop to the present era in the hands of ordinary people."

The doctor didn't introduce the older era, and Shade didn't ask, because the two of them were sitting on the sofa, and Dr. Schneider had already opened the box.

Looking over, the carton is covered with straw, and lying on the straw is an exquisite snuff bottle with enamel filigree, the size of a palm. The body of the pot is generally blue, with bright yellow sunflowers painted on it.

The golden lines connect it, making people can't help but think of the joyful time in summer.

This chapter has been completed!
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