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Chapter 188: Metamorphosis Ring

"You are no longer the first-level warlock who didn't understand anything when you first met me. I don't need to tell you any unnecessary warnings. You can understand it yourself. Oh, speaking of which, the relic I promised you last time,

It has been found. When you leave Yodel Palace later, let Tifa take you to get it."

said the duchess.

"That's great. Miss Carina, I wonder what you've been busy with recently? Is there anything I can do to help?"

Shade was also a little polite. Unexpectedly, Miss Carina thought about it and actually told him what she wanted to do:

"The people sent by the [Blood Spirit School] from the New World to support [Mercury Blood] are arriving soon, probably around the weekend of next week. The news is that there are eight rings and one nine rings, and they bring some pretty good relics.

The Witch Council knew that I was in Tobesk and asked me to capture them. The Council wanted to ask something...about the 'Creation Delivery Room'."

She glanced at Shade, who blinked and looked at her, as if he didn't understand anything. So the duchess continued:

"I've been busy with this recently, but I don't think you can help me. So, detective, what have you been busy with recently?"

Probably because he has nothing to do now, or because Shade saved Queen Diana today, Miss Carina didn't care to talk to him more.

"I'm looking for the relic hidden by [Mercury Blood] - the forged Philosopher's Stone. Also, I'm looking for the location of the Silver Eyed One. My friend has something to do with him."

"That second-level sorceress from the Church of the Sun?"

She joked, and then said something very unexpected:

"I don't know where the [Fake Philosopher's Stone] is, but I know the clues to the Silver Eyed One."

Shade immediately asked:

"May I ask where he is?"

He thought Miss Carina would only give clues and then need to continue the investigation, but the answer was even more surprising:

"After he was seriously injured by you, he hid in the underground ruins they discovered, personally guarding the sage-level relic, and letting the ruins protect himself. But unfortunately, I don't know where the ruins are, so you need to go there yourself.

try to find."

Shade nodded and leaned back slightly on the sofa. He knew the location of the ruins on Monday's rainy night. And now that he knew that the silver-eyed man was hidden in the ruins, it meant that he could give Bea

Miss Si provides this important information.

With such important information, Miss Bayas would no longer care about her deception and concealment.

"However, if you really catch the silver-eyed man, remember to bring the body to me. I may be able to use this guy as bait."

The maid bent down to pour tea for Miss Carina, who looked at Shade:

"Although it's unlikely, you always do all kinds of strange things, so I trust you."

"That's no problem. My friend just wants to dig out the eyes of the silver-eyed man with his own hands. Sorry, Miss Carina, there is actually something I have always wanted to ask..."

He looked at the other party hesitantly. The atmosphere of today's conversation was very good, so he could ask some questions.

"It doesn't matter, you asked."

"Sometimes I feel that your attitude towards me... may I ask, what is it about me that you like?"

Shade has thought about this issue for a long time. Maybe the first cooperation was normal, but after that it seemed to be wrong. The most important thing is that many parties have proved that "the great witches in the Witch Council hate men", so Shade believes that it is not the case.

He thinks too much.

"I'm surprised you asked directly."

Miss Carina smiled and picked up the tea cup but did not drink:

"There is indeed a reason why I am friendly to you, but I don't want to tell you now, but I can guarantee that it is not harmful to you."

The lid of the porcelain tea cup rubbed against the rim. She thought for a moment and said:

"How about this, I'll give you an almost impossible task. If you can complete it, I will not only answer your questions, but also tell you the secrets of the Witch Council. If you can't complete it, after you are promoted to a high level,

I'll answer your questions again."

"What mission?"

Shade asked, worried that the other party would let him pick the moon.

"Bring me the Keeper-level relics that were housed by the Peace Church."

"which one?"

He was a little curious. The duchess shook her finger. There was no jewelry on her finger:

"You should be familiar with [Metamorphosis Ring]."

The appearance of the pebble ring immediately appeared in front of Shade's eyes. Of course he was very familiar with this relic. Strictly speaking, it was this thing that got him involved in the major incident at Lakeview Manor.

Miss Carina put down the cup of tea she had not drunk at all, stood up and asked the black-haired maid to help straighten the folds of her skirt:

"Detective, it doesn't matter if you can't do it. You can get the answer from me when you get to the high level. However, I am really looking forward to the scene where you can surprise me. After all, this is not the first time you have surprised me.


After saying that, he said goodbye to Shade and left, leaving the maid, Miss Tifa Servit, still in the room.

"Transmutation ring?"

This could not be a relic that the other party mentioned casually. Shade even believed that the other party really wanted to obtain this relic.

The maid noticed his thoughts and said softly:

"Detective, please don't misunderstand. The Great Witch of the Council can only be a pure woman. Even if she becomes a man after becoming a Great Witch, she will lose her qualifications. None of the thirteen Great Witches can hide such a thing."

"Since you are not using it yourself, what does Miss Carina do with this ring?"

He asked, and of course the maid would not give an answer:

"Miss, I just wanted to do an experiment... an interesting experiment."

She answered hesitantly, and then she saw Shade looking at her strangely, and the black-haired girl blushed:

"Of course it's not for me, detective, that look in your eyes is so rude."

Not long after Miss Carina left, the king's attendant finally announced that he would summon Shade. Since his clothes had been changed in the afternoon, there was no need to prepare anything special.

The middle-aged valet who spoke with a somewhat feminine tone originally wanted to tell Shade some etiquette matters, but after the maid Tifa explained that she had already spoken to the detective in the afternoon, she said nothing more.

Not only Miss Carina, but also her maid seems to have an unusual status in this palace.

Maid Tifa stayed here to wait for Shad, while Shad followed the attendant and walked through the maze-like complex building corridors, stopping in front of a door guarded by two royal guards wearing metal armor. This was the king.

The study of Larus III, the "Fire Jumper", where he often receives guests.

After opening the door, the attendant bowed slightly and signaled Shade to come in. The stranger adjusted his mood before walking in, and the door closed behind him.

This study room is unusually empty. It is larger than the first floor of Shade's house, but it is pentagonal in shape. Five or six bookshelves and short cabinets are scattered around the wall. The floor of the empty room is the same red color.

There is a carpet, and there is only a desk in the center of the room. Behind the desk is a magnificent floor-to-ceiling window that takes up almost the entire wall.

Outside the window is the garden of Yodel Palace at night. The sound insulation effect of the room is quite good, and the chirping of cicadas in summer can hardly be heard.

The light from the garden shines into the room from the window, and the light in the room is not inferior to those of drunken people. Every once in a while on the wall, there is a gas lamp of different shapes, a crystal chandelier hangs from the ceiling and a candle is placed.

A bright gas lamp is placed above.

But I didn't see any pipes connected from the wall. It seemed that the bottom of the table was connected to the underground safety gas pipe.

There was only one person in the room, the 43-year-old King of the Kingdom of Delarion, "Fire-Leaper" Larus II, who put down the pen in his hand, folded the finished document, and placed the pages next to the crown on the soft cushion on the table.

He looked up at the young man who came in. Because he was sitting, he couldn't see his height. His hair was a little sparse and his hairline was very high, but his features were strong. You could tell at a glance that he was the kind of person full of determination.

The pair of eyes looked at Shade, he put his hands together on the table and said:

"Shad Hamilton, you did a great job today. MI6 and Anros will be proud of you."

His voice was low, but he probably wasn't pretending, it was simply the result of not speaking for a long time.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Shade just said this, observing the other person when the other person was observing him. The person in front of him was considered the highest-status ordinary person he could see in this world, but in comparison, the tension facing him was not enough.

Half of the tension I felt when talking to Miss Carina behind the door.

"What reward do you want?"

Shade has thought about this problem for a long time, and even asked the maid in private in the waiting room:

"Honour, that's all."

Money does not necessarily include honor, but honor must include money. This is a Delarian proverb that the black-haired maid taught Shade this afternoon.

"Okay, you can leave."

During the whole process, the other party said three sentences and Shade said two. Compared with the long time he waited, this kind of conversation seemed meaningless. But the outsider didn't care about this, as long as the other party gave him money.

When he turned and walked towards the door, he saw from the corner of his eye that the king, whose hair was red but very thin, had picked up the pen again.

Unexpectedly, when Xia De held the door handle, he heard the voice behind him again:

"How did you and Aunt Carina meet?"

He probably wanted to ask a question suddenly when Shade was most relaxed, and this question immediately reminded a foreigner who had read all kinds of vulgar novels of countless complicated palace political struggles.

Of course Shade has thought about this problem. If he didn't even have this caution, he wouldn't need to be a magician. It would be better to return the Mia cat to Miss Gold as soon as possible and go to the countryside to farm.

He held the door handle without turning around, so that the other party could not see his expression.

The sound is very clear:

"The Duchess and I are not very familiar. We just met at a club called Lucky Southern Cross. The Duke wanted to buy my Rhodes card at that time. You should have investigated the [Original Silver Moon] card.

We met at that time, and the Duke admired my talent at Rhodes."

After he finished speaking, he waited for a few seconds and didn't hear another question, so he turned the door handle and walked out.

This chapter has been completed!
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