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Chapter 1927 Saturation Attack and Star Boundary Meteorites

 There was no result after doing this in the pipeline just now. I put the cards in front of me again in the hotel, but it still had no effect. I don’t know whether it was because there was no spatial anomaly that could break him, or whether it was unique to An.

Miss Deriana's skills.

"Back then, Joey Barton was able to directly see a person's lifespan and death by relying on [All Things Are Impermanent·Death]. I've had the Death Card for so long but still can't. Could it be that I don't have the same talent as them?"

The two of them walked to the first floor together.

Starting at five o'clock, the Green Lake Hotel was officially closed. It was now the end of spring, the daylight hours were very long, and the sky was still bright at five o'clock. They waited like this from five o'clock until six-thirty in the evening.

At this time, amidst the sound of rain, the gas street lamps on the street were all shining brightly, and Green Lake City seemed to be deserted without any trace of human activity.

Shade and Luvia were on the first floor of the hotel, sitting with Miss Aurora. The witch listened to Shade retelling the story of the Edwards family, and then listened to him talk about his evaluation of the Edwards family.

Suddenly I heard the sound of tapping on the glass, and turned around to look. In the rainy night, the folded paper cranes flew outside the window and kept hitting the windows. The girl by the window opened the window and let the paper cranes fly in. The latter flew directly to Ah

In front of Miss Flora, the witch opened the letter and checked it, frowned slightly and said to Shade:

"This is already the fourth letter. The heavy fog spreading from the central island of Green Lake has officially arrived at the shore. The church has organized the villages on the shore to evacuate, and Granny Cassandra also asked the girls staying on the shore to

Guys, step back for now and don’t come into contact with the fog.”

"According to the fog's dispersing speed, it should be able to cover the city before ten o'clock tonight."

Shade said, holding several other letters in his hand.

Luvia tossed a coin for divination:

"It should be faster than you think."

Miss Aurora nodded:

"This is what I'm worried about. You know that the white mist will seriously disrupt the stability of space. Although we have made adequate preparations, once this place is also covered by the white mist, there is almost no way we can stop Laplace Klein.

·Howard robbed the members of the Edwards family. As long as he waits until after ten o'clock, even if we do nothing, it is basically equivalent to failure."

"Since family members don't want to go to the island, will the island be expanded?"

Shade sighed and handed the pen to Miss Aurora to write a reply. Now the cruise ship that Cassandra and her group were on had sailed into the upper reaches of the Duin River, which is the north of Green Lake City. Even if the white fog could swallow

The Green Lake Hotel cannot swallow up the ship that can be transferred at any time.

Therefore, the fortune teller must have other ideas.

The letter was sent out quickly, and Shade continued to wait on the first floor. However, this night, which was destined to have big events, could not remain peaceful. Less than three minutes after the letter was sent, hurried footsteps came from the stairs.

News from Miss Sylvia came upstairs:

"Something is approaching the hotel, southeast."

Miss Aurora called her niece to go to the window and take a look. She picked up the long staff on the table that had been lit by Shade with the light of the silver moon. After gently tapping it on the ground, everyone's body surface was attached to it.

A layer of light.

Shade also picked up the [Night Watch], and after signaling Luvia not to go out, he followed Miss Aurora and the two eight-ring girls, pushed open the door of the hotel and came under the protruding rain eaves at the door.

In the southeast of the street, a two-story-tall thing that was hard to describe was walking slowly. As it walked, the rain curtain appeared seriously distorted by the night rain and the light of the gas street lamp.

distortion phenomenon.

If you look at it more carefully, it is clear that the space around the monster is directly split by its own power.

The thing was getting closer and closer, and Shade could clearly see that it was a monster directly composed of horses, sheep, ostriches and kangaroo-like creatures.

"Space Chimera."

It is not certain whether it happened to appear here, or whether it was the soothsayer's test. Miss Aurora shook her head to signal everyone not to do anything, and then saw thunder, light, fireballs, and water arrows coming from the five or six windows on the east side of the hotel.

, and flew out together with Shade's indescribable magical and magical attacks.

None of the dense attacks were blocked. The rainy night and the silent barrier around the hotel covered up the sounds of spell casting and explosions. And the monster that was walking slowly was only left with space dust under this round of saturated attacks. The ground was sunken.

After descending into a large pit, even if it was raining, you could still see burning smoke rising upwards from the pit, which was enough to illustrate the effect of the attack just now.

However, everyone at the door did not relax their vigilance. It was not until Miss Sylvia on the third floor sent a safety signal that they retreated into the building.

It seemed to be a false alarm, but the hotel also showed its current strong combat power. Shade, who was worried, still asked Luvia to divine the origin of the thing just now. The purple-eyed girl then took the crystal ball, which was rare.

Shade demonstrates her crystal ball divination skills:

"It was created due to the fragmentation of space. As the white mist spreads, more and more monsters like this will appear in the city."

This is not good news, it can only mean that this turbulent night has really begun.

Luvia's judgment was correct. After everyone eliminated the monster, the sky on the rainy night cracked and cracked one after another. Then, under circumstances that no one expected, dozens of missiles that were enough to light up the night sky

The blazing orange-red fireball fell from the sky like a meteorite and fell towards the Green Lake area.

This "spectacular" scene can be seen from the window, but the well-informed Miss Aurora's expression changed:

"Oops! Star meteorite!"


Before Shade had time to search for this slightly familiar word among the complicated "witch reverberations", Miss Aurora had already rushed out, turned into a ray of light and headed towards the Green Lake Hotel that was almost heading straight.

The "fireball" of this street.

"The star realm is a huge subspace attached to the physical world. It is said that before the third era, it was also a real world. The solid barrier of the material world can resist most erosion outside the world. This refers to those subspaces

Evil things and banished monsters. But similarly, the spatial barrier of the material world can also resist inanimate entities."

Miss Hailey Aurora answered Shad's question. Seeing Shad look at her, her originally fluent words were stuck, but she insisted on finishing the introduction:

"Astral meteorites are special metals from the star realm. Because they have a unique source, their value is no less than extraordinary metals such as mithril and fine gold. However, these meteorites fell from the star realm due to the occasional rupture of the space barrier.

kind of meteorite, the destructiveness of its fall."


The huge explosion made the tables and chairs tremble twice. The explosion did not come from above the head, but from the southeast of the city.

Shade, Luvia and Miss Hayley Aurora hurried to the window and saw a dazzling huge fireball rising from the southeast, followed by a mushroom cloud in the dark night that showed an extremely terrifying appearance in the rain.

This is the first astral meteorite to fall, and more fireballs are still falling in the sky.

"This is terrible."

Shade heard Luvia's muttering, and he clearly saw the power of this strange meteorite, and also understood what those fireballs meant to the city.

The vision was extremely poor in the rainy night, but Shade still saw figures rising into the sky from the city, facing the falling meteorites. At the same time, the ever-reverberating grand bells appeared in the rain, and the bell from the Peace Church

The sound shook all the rain in the air, and then the transparent rain quickly gathered over the city, and tens of thousands of water arrows were densely shot at the still falling fireball.

This was very effective, as at least a third of the fireballs exploded in the air. But the remaining ones were still capable of destroying entire areas.

Another figure flew out of the hotel, and Miss Carina followed Miss Aurora towards the meteorite in the air. The ring warlocks who arrived in the air one step ahead had already begun to clear the meteorite, and the sound of booming explosions continued.

There was a sound in the air, and huge sparks exploded up and down the rain clouds, which was more unsettling than the thunder.

"It has never been recorded in the books that so many astral meteorites can appear at one time. Such things usually appear alone."

Luvia was still talking, her purple eyes saw more things in the dark night, and she asked Miss Hailey Avrola beside her doubtfully:

"When the astral meteorite explodes, will it produce pink smoke or black shadows?"

The latter shook his head blankly:

"Probably not, it's just ore."

As he spoke, the two meteorites closest to the Green Lake Hotel had exploded overhead. Shade heard a burst of cheers from upstairs, and the two great witches successfully eliminated the threat to the hotel.

Shade originally thought that Carina and Miss Aurora would come back after cleaning up a few more meteorites to prevent the church from locating here. But soon, Shade and the girls on the first floor saw Aurora hugging them.

He caught the unconscious Miss Carina and landed at the door of the hotel from the rain.

"Oh, what's going on?"

Shade immediately rushed out to greet the red-haired witch who seemed to be in a nightmare. After hugging the red-haired witch, he saw Miss Aurora looking quite embarrassed:

"I'm fine. There's something wrong with those astral meteorites. There's something inside them! I was attacked by an unknown monster, and Carina inhaled an unknown hallucinogenic gas."

Although she claimed that she was fine, Miss Aurora didn't look good.

They returned to the first floor of the hotel together. Miss Hayley Aurora had already asked the girls on the first floor to get the prepared potions, and Luvia came over to help support Miss Carina.

PS: Picture of this chapter "Meteorite on a Rainy Night"

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