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Chapter 1948 The savior who has failed

After saying this, the fortune teller took a deep breath and wiped the blood from the body's ears, nose, eyes and mouth.

Shade also took a deep breath, and then realized that his eyes were actually bleeding. After listening to these descriptions, when he thought, his spirit and inspiration resonated, and the veil of the world hidden in the hazy place seemed to be lifted again.

The thin layer was removed, allowing Shade to see those secret and graceful truths more clearly.

This in itself is enough to prove that there was no lie in the conversation just now.

Therefore, for Shade, the secrets of the five members of the group have all been revealed at this time: the angel of death, the mysterious demon, the origin of salvation, and the daughter of rebirth. Even if there is no stranger as the fifth person, the secrets of the group members

The experiences are enough to be called "rich and colorful".

He didn't understand why four such important people gathered together like fate. But then he thought that maybe it wasn't fate that made the choice, but that they chose their destiny together.

Shade pinched his palm with the nail of his left thumb:

"Even if this is true, I think I will kill this road with my own hands. Even if the end is coming, humans and other life forms do not need to sacrifice their own independence to survive. You just said that this will take a long time.

Time and generations?”

He immediately grasped the key point and his eyes suddenly widened:

"Do we really have such a long time?"

Even in the "past life and the sixth era" that Shade knew about the long-haired Luvia, when the end came, Luvia was only slightly more mature. Even if it was because of the delay in change due to the ring magician level and thaumaturgy.

Old, Luvia was definitely no more than forty years old at that time.

In today's era, the chosen ones appear much faster than the last time. The chosen ones in the long-haired Luvia era probably appeared in units of "years", but now it has not yet reached a year, and the "current world·th"

"The Sixth Age" has reached the story of the sixth chosen one.

If the apocalypse happens after the end of "", then their generation, not to mention several generations, will face the apocalypse. In other words, there is no chance that the phenomenon between Lesia and Dorothy will spread to all people.

On intelligent life.

The fortune teller clapped his hands gently:

"Although you have been blinded by useless love, at least you have not been completely blinded by love.

Yes, there is not enough time. But this should not be the case. Since the world has made a choice, why is there not enough time? In the world we assume, there is no independent 'world consciousness', and what we call destiny choice is just a choice.

It is an inevitable result of countless accidents. If this is the case, why would such a ridiculous mistake happen? Why is there not enough time?"

His eyes widened slightly, as if expecting Shade to tell the answer.

Shade looked at him. He felt like he hadn't blinked for a long time. The other person's eyes were calm but filled with hysterical madness. The other person did know too much:

"Because someone wasted time and someone made a mistake?"

Laplace Klein Howard smiled:

"Yes, you really understand. Just when I thought about this and the lack of time, I realized another thing: maybe it's not that it's not enough, but that the 'time' in the Sixth Era is abnormal."

Shade only felt his scalp numb. He never thought that someone would guess the truth of time through this. Shade himself knew this, or the gods of the fifth era gave him the hint, and the man in front of him was worthy of being a real person.

The divination genius.

"My grandson, Envy Edwards, who unexpectedly has the gift of time and space, was assigned by me to go to the past time and explore some truths. It's just that those things that happened have been annihilated and cannot be seen with my own eyes anyway. There is a lot to say.


He shook his head apologetically:

"Back to our topic. Lesia Cavendish and Dorothy Louisa may have been the world's chosen saviors at one time, but they are no longer because there are not so many

time. Therefore, there is one less way to save the world and defeat the doomsday. They have failed as saviors without doing anything. Maybe they can wait, but I think the world will not be left to us.

Such a long time. And the choice I made - to create a space outside the material world, to lead people who are willing to believe in me to live, and to continue civilization - has become even more necessary."

The fortune teller clenched his right fist and placed it on his chest:

"This is the contribution that I, as a person born in this world, can make to this world. Even if I fail, it proves that another possibility cannot succeed."

"Is this what you thought when you betrayed the Prophet Association, or was it what you thought after settling here? Is this related to the [Door in the Bottle]?"

Shade asked again, and the fortune teller shook his head slightly:

"I really want to talk to you about this topic, but I don't have enough time. The party is about to start and I have to prepare. However, I can remind you that Dorothy Louisa and Lesia Cavendish

, although they are no longer so important to the world, their problems will continue to develop. Some conclusions in my research that are not important to me have found ways to solve their problems."

He stopped and looked at Shade. The corners of Shade's mouth twitched and he took a deep breath again:

"Okay. What do you want to do before you are willing to tell me the method?"

"Don't do unnecessary things. Please attend my banquet on time. When tonight's things are over, we can talk in detail. Godcaller, there is no essential conflict between us. We all just want to help this world.

, to help those who could survive. So come and see what I am going to do tonight, even if you want to stop me, please do it in an upright way."

He nodded slightly to Shade, turned around and led the Fulen brothers, who could not control their bodies, towards the side door of the manor's banquet hall.


Shade stopped him:

"Besides me, there is another ring wizard on the island who is qualified to attend your banquet. Iluna Beas, the Chosen One of Balance, where is she now?"

The fortune teller laughed:

"Look at you, Godcaller, you were talking to me about princesses and writers just now, and now you're asking about the third girl. Plus my two descendants, aren't you a little too greedy?

?You desire so much, so what will fate ask of you? Think about it carefully, maybe your ending will not be better than what you imagined for me."

However, he still told Shade the answer he wanted:

"The Chosen One of Balance appeared in the south of the island. She is doing something similar to you. That lady is very dangerous to me. She is the Chosen One. The Chosen One's talent has unreasonable influence.

Therefore, please rest assured that I have not invited her yet this time. I have no reason or courage to murder the original chosen one. Although she has encountered some troubles, she is safe."

The mist came from an unknown corner and enveloped the three people:

"We'll see you later."

"hold on!"

Shade stopped him again, and the fortune teller asked suspiciously:

"Is there anything else? Maybe you can finish it all at once."

"I want to point out that you just said that I was blinded by useless love, but love is not useless. Every human inner emotion is useful, and loyal love will burst out with power, just like other subtle emotions.

Emotions are the same. Although the emotions in this world do not form something strange like an 'emotional spectrum', emotions are by no means useless. I hope you can understand this."

The fortune teller looked at him with a strange look, as if he was looking at some madman. When Shade felt that he was offended by this look, the other man disappeared into the banquet hall together with Brother Fulan.

The carpet of tree roots on the ground squirmed, and as the carpet shrank towards the center, another blood-red tree appeared in the banquet hall of this non-existent manor.

However, Shade didn't pay too much attention to this:

"In other words, Iluna is also clearing out the 'nodes' of these tree roots? If the analysis just now is correct, she should also be able to gradually adapt to the island through such behavior, and even affect Edwards' ritual of ascending the magic.


It's just that Shade has the help of a whole hotel of sorceresses, and has the Green Lake Hotel as a base. He is very worried about the situation of Iluna, who has nothing to rely on. This girl whose birthday is only a few hours away will be in this situation.

It should be very bad.

"But I don't have time to meet Iluna first."

He thought worriedly and reached out to touch the tree again. He didn't know whether it was because a drop of his blood was absorbed by the roots, or whether it was purely a psychological illusion. He felt that he was connected with the tree and the huge roots underground.

, the connection with the giant tree, which I didn’t even know was true, has become stronger again.

"She" said softly:

[Outlander, you have experienced wonder, blasphemy, enlightenment and whispers.]

[Outlander, you have come into contact with the "Edwards Den Magic", and you have extracted the power that symbolizes "family friendship". 】

【The island has generated more goodwill towards you.】

"In your opinion, is what he just said true?"

Shade asked softly in his heart.

【Do you hope it is true or false?】

"She" asked softly, Shade pursed his lips:

"Of course I hope that is false. There is no reason for them to bear such a heavy responsibility. I will not let their souls merge into one to verify some damn possibility. Even if that is the way out that the world has chosen for civilization.


"She" did not comment on Shade's words, but said softly in his ear:

[At least, in "The Sixth Era of the Past", you did not see all the souls become one. 】


Shade nodded. Regardless of whether the soothsayer was right or not, at least in those shattered time and space, Lesia and Dorothy's situation did not become a common situation in the world. I just don't know whether it was due to lack of time or the past century.

Yuan girls found a solution.

"However, I do need to find a way to permanently prevent the fusion of their souls. Laplace Howard said he has a way, but I can't rely entirely on him. Let's wait until the Battle of Green Lake is over before thinking about this matter.


He sighed softly, took out the last charm and prepared to return to Green Lake Hotel for final rest. However, he suddenly saw heavy fog coming in, surrounding everything in this non-existent manor.

Afterwards, the scene in the manor disappeared little by little into the fog, and the townspeople who attended the manor's banquet were crawling on the streets, whispering strange words.

The road to the old Edwards family home on the hill is open, and the final moment is approaching.

The disappearance of the manor allowed Shade to see farther away. Not far away in the fog, something seemed to be shining. He took a few steps towards that side and reached out to touch the warm white light suspended in the air.

.Subsequently, there was indeed another bottle of liquid in his hand. The slightly warm liquid exuding white light could be recognized by any magician:

"Is it Holy Water No. 1 this time? The church is really generous."

After bending the talisman in his hand, Shade disappeared into the mist again.

This chapter has been completed!
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