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Chapter 1969 The Lovers Locked in the Bell Tower

 Chapter 1969 Mysterious Lock-Bell Tower Lovers

"The power beyond the thirteen rings."

Even though she knew that the battle at this time would decide everything, Miss Danister's face under the tree still showed respect for both sides at the same time:

"Laplace Klein Howard is truly a genius."

"Can your association actually cultivate such talents?"

[Apna Library] Elder Higgins asked the fortune teller on the side. "Mr. Crystal" Adelaida Lenormand shook her head slightly, while Granny Natalie from the [Light-Guiding Priory] next to him looked at

Looking at the bloody light soaring into the sky, I remembered again many, many years ago, when Laplace Howard sought asylum from the Priory:

"Unfortunately, the idea he wants to test is unworkable. Escape is never a solution. May civilization last forever."

Blood covered the snowy Green Island, and the power that had just been spread to all parts of the island by the fortune teller was now all rolled back, and everything on the island seemed to be rolled back with it.

A bloody beam of light descended from the sky and enveloped him. The expression of "Edwards" in the bloody light was solemn and solemn, and even appeared to have a somewhat sacred feeling. With one finger to the sky and one to the ground, at this moment, he was the true master of this small world.

Everything on Green Island, after more than two hundred years of preparation, finally became the last step for him to climb higher.

The tree root life ring behind him finally completely melted in the blood light. The human aura on his body completely faded away. "Edwards", who was born from the blood tree on Green Island, finally became the master who can control everything here.


If it weren't for the fact that he had not been able to integrate enough family members at this moment, he had already completed the great cause of "creating space" and would have been able to use the ritual to become the chosen one.

But the current state seems to be enough, and there are less than two hours before the arrival of zero point. At this moment, he has lost his human posture, and has the three powers of "Son of Green Island", "Father of Green Island" and "Spirit of Green Island"

His identity surpassed all human ring warlocks and became the real master here.

The blood light shrank until all the light was hidden within itself. When he opened his eyes, the uncontrollable light directly pierced the golden light represented by Shade standing on the floating island below him.

The giant trees swayed with his movements, the island shook with his breathing, the wind rhythmized with his breathing, and the rewinding of the fog was the frequency of his heartbeat. "Edwards" flicked his fingertips, which seemed to erase the

All the mighty power of space turned into a gray light, hitting Shade who was standing on the floating island.

But the seven-ring life ring that suddenly rotated rapidly absorbed the wandering light. Shade, who opened the mysterious lock "Water of Wisdom", fully understood the Edwardsden magic, and then used it at this moment as well.

Edwardsden the power of magic.

The bloody figure at the top looked down, while the figure holding a sword at the bottom had already let go of the sword.

Shade originally controlled part of the power of this ritual. At this moment, the power of "Edwards Den Magic" also belongs to him. He even feels that this power of "unifying all into one" and "merging all things" is actually the power of the ritual.

Belongs to him.

The brassy aura of enlightenment assimilated the casual blow of "Edwards", and a new power was born from the crazily rotating life ring.

[When you glimpse others, flesh and blood is the container that holds the soul; when you glimpse yourself, flesh and blood is the materialized body of the soul. The fusion and devouring of flesh and blood, even in those ancient times when the afterglow of the past has not dissipated, is the most effective and cruel way of survival.


For a moment, Iluna, who was also standing on the floating island that was transformed into the remains of the banquet hall, seemed to see Shade's flesh and blood body turn into stone in the light, but blinking, she realized that it was only her own.


【You have mastered the power of flesh and blood fusion.】

The power learned from the "Water of Wisdom" also belongs to the category of "enlightenment" elements. On the rapidly rotating life ring, the brass-colored aura finally engraved the first spiritual rune of the seven rings belonging to Shade:

[Outlander, you have engraved the enlightenment-"flesh and blood" spiritual rune. 】

Ancient runes were written in an unknown language, but before Shade could experience this new power, "she" suddenly said:

[Outlander, your spell "Activated Clay" resonates with "Enlightenment-Flesh". The spell is sublimated into thaumaturgy.]

"The power of wisdom?"

The sound that was constantly oscillating with the air formed an echo-like effect. He clearly maintained a human form, but at a glance, he seemed to have seen the entire Green Island. He asked Shade from high in the sky, and the sound came from all directions.

He didn't expect Shade to give an answer. Although it was a question, it already contained an affirmative meaning:

"Amazing power, the resonance of wise men and fairy tales, can constitute this great power. Godcaller, I am not afraid that you have learned the power I have. Now that Edwards Den's magic has been completed, if you still think that I am wrong

Yes, please use the power of Edwardsden's magic to defeat me to prove that you are right."

Blood light gathered in his right hand, and the blood dyed the starry sky that became clear because Shade opened the mystery lock red. It also dyed the floating island under Shade's feet red.

Although the "Edwards Den Magic" is also activated, the enemy can absorb the power of the entire island and family members, can use the power of Green Island that has been transformed into his own mystery, and can use the giant tree to fulfill his long-cherished wish of two hundred years.

, Shade didn't have these things for him to absorb. The "Water of Wisdom" allowed him to learn powers he didn't understand, but this Mystery Lock would not create physical matter or spellcasting materials out of thin air.

The blood surged and turned into a ball in the hands of "Edwards". The bright red ball flew into the night sky, and the blood mist gathered in it, but in an instant, it turned into a waterfall flowing downward on the crown of the giant tree.

, the floating island representing Shade’s Mystery Lock also has a huge light ball.

The blood light pressed down, and the first clear crack appeared on the floating island, and then the broken soil fell apart. The floating island, which was originally like a real existence, began to slowly disappear even if it had not been hit by the attack.

Megan reached out to help Shade, but Shade turned and looked at Iluna.

He pursed his lips under the huge red light that was about to fall, and looked at Iluna, who had a nervous expression on her face where the light and shadow were intertwined.

He only asked one question:

"Am I worthy of your heart?"

The seventeen-year-old girl holding the "Spur of Love" nodded slightly, and the pink spikes were already pressed against her chest:

"Never doubt this. You didn't choose us, we chose you. We don't ask for anything in return, just loyalty."

The spikes sank into her chest little by little, and she saw the smile on Shade's face, which was already red. Amidst the loud explosion of the floating island, she saw the words made by Shade's mouth.

Type, understood his last sentence:

"Happy birthday, Iluna."


Under the astonished gazes of people from all over the island, the red ball of light released by "Edwards" destroyed the "God Caller"'s mystery lock with just one blow. The huge floating island completely disappeared from the top of the bloody giant tree, and even

Even the night sky, where normal stars could still be seen, was quickly filled with blood under this blow.

The falling earth and rocks disappeared in the light before they touched the ground. The collapse of the resisting Mystic Lock allowed Mystic Lock-Green Island to completely occupy every corner of this small world.

"Godcaller. Failed?"

"No, he hasn't failed yet. Huh? Why am I here?"

Megan and Durut Giles, who were originally on the floating island, appeared next to Luvia under the tree, but the purple-eyed girl did not talk to her, but continued to look at the sky.

The fog after the explosion of the floating island dispersed on the canopy of the giant blood-colored tree, but the smoke and dust, like the first ray of light from the rising sun, completely illuminated the night sky tonight.

Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!

The bell that shocked the world rang out from nowhere, and the streets of Green Lake Town were covered with snow. Miss Maria Ingram, the "Nightmare Witch" of the Church of Nature, and Minsk Todels, the "White Dove Messenger" of the Church of Peace

Sir, Mr. Erlin White, the "child of light" of the Church of Dawn, saw that the street below them had turned into a stone road at some point. Looking up again, the blood mist dissipated, and under the heavy snow, the illuminated street

In front of the glass showcase, the match girl looked up at the moon;

A warm bonfire was lit under the giant blood-colored tree at some point. Miss Danist turned around to look at the flames, and in a trance she actually saw the founder of the academy, Myrna Feliana, and another witch in a green dress.

The shadow of the fire seems to still have the fragrance of the ancient witch;

The old Edwards house above the hills has now turned into a towering castle in the center of the kingdom. In the highest tower of the castle, the moonlight breaks in through the window and shines on the face of the girl sleeping in the crystal coffin;

The falling lake water after the explosion of the floating island formed a silver lake in the south of Green Island. There was no one on the island in the center of the lake. A lonely long sword pierced the ground, and the silver sword body shone in the moonlight;

And in the center of the castle, a grand ball was being held. The pumpkin carriage roared out from the gate of the castle, and the running carriage drove through the small fairy tale kingdom. The streets became wide and tidy as the carriage ran, and the houses were in the carriage.

Behind them, the forest became densely packed, and small animals appeared in the light spread by the carriage. The ground covered with bloody roots also appeared green and flowers in the snow because of the running of the carriage.

When the carriage drove past the south of the island, to the top of the highest hill that Shade and Megan had climbed, Sister Devlin was about to push open the door of the lighthouse, but she looked up and saw that the lighthouse had turned into a dilapidated black stone at some point.

Bell Tower.

The kingdom of fairy tales and Green Island are intertwined and integrated. Located on the top of the bell tower at the highest point of the entire island and the entire kingdom, next to the big bell surrounded by four pillars, Iluna holds the pillars and watches the roaring bell.

In front of the clock, I looked at Sha De, who almost turned into a silver moon under the clear night sky.

She smiled and closed her eyes, and her whole body turned into crystals with the scar on her chest as the center. The expression of the pink crystal statue girl solidified under the moon, and the face illuminated by the moonlight quickly appeared again due to the roaring bells.

A crack——


The crystal statue under the moon collapsed, and Iluna Beas disappeared from this world. But the most dazzling sunlight born from the statue rose into the sky with the sound of the bell.

The dazzling sun at the top of the bell tower and the moonlight that Shade turned into at this moment echoed in the night sky. The starry sky twinkled because of them, and the wind celebrated the intersection of the sun and the moon.

On the path leading to Edwards' old house in Green Town, Miss Carina watched this scene, and somehow she felt funny for her anonymous student:

"Ha~ Iluna has been worried that Shade won't like her."


The cat was also looking at the night sky, with the sun in its left eye and the moon in its right eye. Its tail was wagging and I didn’t know what it was thinking. Agelina, who was holding the cat, looked at the moon and sun with a blank expression on the top of the giant tree.

Rub together.


She didn't pay attention to the voice in her ears. The expression on her little face illuminated by the sun and moon seemed to be a little ferocious, a little confused, a little greedy, a little charming, but in the end it turned into a more profound determination:

"Is this the power of my knight?"

PS: The audiobook version of "" is launched on Himalaya today (0829). Interested readers can support it. The first month is completely free, and VIP charges will apply thereafter.

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