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Chapter 199 Dawn Church

 It was quite a long distance from Quill Avenue, where Miss Louisa lived, to Dawn Square, where Dawn Church was located. In order to prevent missing time, Shade got on a taxi at the intersection. He first sent Mia home, and then went to the church.

Tobesk in midsummer is also smoky. Because of the high temperature, the burning smell in the air is becoming more and more unbearable. On the way to the church, Shade stuffed the leaf into the decorative pocket watch cover (

Note), while looking at the scenery of this steam age from the car window.

The fast-moving street scene, the decent gentlemen and barefoot children, the low walls covered with weeds and the magnificent aristocratic mansions, the dense steam pipes and the porters carrying sacks, all of these are explaining to Shade

Balance and imbalance in this era.

But outsiders know that this is a node in the development process of civilization. For civilization, there is never an absolute balance, but only a dynamic relative balance.

He was thinking about these things so wildly that when he got off the bus, he almost forgot to give the coachman the fare. For this reason, he was quite embarrassed and gave him an extra two pence. The hunched-backed middle-aged coachman did not dislike it but happily thanked him.

, two pennies are also valuable to the lower class poor.

It is now the second Thursday of the Thunder Moon, the Feast of Holy Prayer is getting closer, and the clergy of Dawn Church are getting busier and busier. But Priest August still took the time to welcome Shade at the door of the church and said with

I hugged him with exaggerated enthusiasm:

"Remember to pretend to be hurt."

This was the priest's quiet reminder when the two hugged each other, and then he asked in a natural and caring tone:

"Shade, is your injury okay?"


Shade didn't know what the symptoms of internal bleeding were, so he pretended to be weak and coughed a few times:

"The doctor said I'm lucky and a young man with strong health, so I'll probably be fine."

"Very good, very good. Mr. Li Ming will protect you."

With that said, he took Shade into the church.

Regardless of whether it is a world with God or a world without God, functional buildings like churches will always be built magnificently and solemnly. Even if it is not the first time to enter the Dawn Church, when you step into the building with both feet

Internally, he still couldn't help lowering his voice and slowing down his pace.

Of course, this is also related to the power of the church itself. In this world where thoughts can affect reality, the church itself has the blessing of the power of righteousness, coupled with the protective measures set up by ring warlocks, as well as the contribution of believers’ long-term thoughts.

Power. The safest place in Tobesk is actually the church of the five righteous gods, not the Yodel Palace.

One after another, the two quickly passed through the main auditorium of Dawn Church, and then entered the back of the church from the side corridor. Priest August kept greeting people along the way, and a few of the clergy seemed to know who Shad was.

, and shook hands with him enthusiastically.

It seems that what happened at noon yesterday also had an impact on the church itself.

Soon he arrived at Bishop Owen's office. After knocking on the door, Shade entered the room with Priest Augustus.

The old bishop was reading documents with his reading glasses just now. When he saw the two people coming in, he temporarily put away the things on the table. He took off his glasses and adjusted his expression, and then said to Shade very kindly:

"Good afternoon, Mr. Hamilton, please sit down. I invite you here today because I want to discuss with you the topic of...faith."

Shade raised his eyebrows, as expected this was the topic.

The conversation that afternoon went very pleasantly. Bishop Owen, on behalf of Dawn Church, asked Shade if he was willing to convert to Mr. Dawn. This was not only because Bishop Owen admired Shade, but also because of the silver coin that was hit yesterday morning.

This matter has been spread with the encouragement of the church and the acquiescence of the royal family. The church wants to use this to promote the beliefs of the Dawn Church, while the royal family wants to show that they are indeed blessed by the righteous gods.

For Dawn Church, this kind of coincidental and dramatic incident is definitely a good material for promoting the church during the Holy Prayer Festival and even in the future. The key is that Shad Hamilton, the protagonist of the story, must become a believer, so that it can be explained

Mr. Liming’s love and blessing for believers.

"Mr. Hamilton, last time you said that you were just a casual believer of [Ms. Creation], so what do you think of [Mr. Dawn]'s belief?"

"very nice."

To be precise, there is no conflict between the values ​​of the Five Gods Church and Shad. The church plays an enlightened and progressive role in this era.

"If you are willing to join us, I can baptize you myself."

This was the condition put forward by Bishop Owen.

After all, it is a church, and it involves faith. You cannot use conditions such as gold pounds to lure people into the church. Clergy have such a bottom line. But the bishop of the archdiocese personally presides over the baptism, which in itself means a lot of things. To put it simply,

He said that Xia Dewei considered him "one of his own".

For example, Room 2 on the second floor of No. 6 St. Teresa Square has been waiting in line for exorcism, but if it is "one of your own", there is no need to queue at all. For example, Mr. Li Ming's belief groups are widely distributed, and when Shade was handling the detective commission

, if it encounters something that it cannot handle, the church does not mind providing help to its own people.

Of course, the premise is that Shade really becomes a believer.

"no problem."

Bishop Owen gave Shade time to think, but Shade did not answer immediately. He had thought about this matter before coming, but he could not agree immediately, as this would make him appear unpious. He hesitated for a long time, pretending to struggle.

It took ten minutes to give the answer, and the bishop showed a pleased expression:

"I knew you would make the right choice."

Becoming a believer means a lot of conveniences, and what Shade needs is just to spend some time, learn the religious classics that need to be memorized, and then have time to come to Dawn Church, participate in some prayers, and listen to some sermons. Compared with the benefits obtained,

Compared to that, the price paid is completely acceptable.

The only thing that needs to be considered is whether a "pseudo believer" like myself will attract the attention of the righteous God if he joins the church. But if you think about it carefully, there must be more than one so-called pseudo believer in such a large church. Since it is okay for others, of course, I can also

There won't be any problem.

After all, compared with the real high-dimensional existence, everything that ordinary people like little ants think is superfluous.

Bishop Irving was probably afraid that Shade would repent, so he arranged a baptism for him that afternoon.

The so-called baptism is the initiation ceremony. The baptism ceremony used by Dawn Church is a relatively traditional baptism ceremony, that is, under the Holy Emblem, senior clergy who are qualified to serve as officiants recite scriptures orally.

, pour or sprinkle water on the forehead of the person being baptized.

The Five Gods Church often uses such rituals, but each church has its own characteristics. [Mr. Dawn] is the [God of Light and Shadow], so baptism requires that in addition to the Holy Emblem, the body of the recipient also needs to be able to be in the

In shadow and light.

This was not difficult in the era when gas lamps existed, but being surrounded by a large group of people and being illuminated by a high-power movable gas lamp at a close distance made Shade feel that this sultry afternoon was even hotter.

Of course, in the traditional sense, those who receive baptism must pass a faith test and be recommended by three clergy who are familiar with the situation before they can be baptized. But with veteran clergy like Priest Augustus here, plus the fact that yesterday’s noon ceremony

It was called a miracle, so Shade skipped this link directly.

"Fortunately, I don't have to write an application or report."

This was Shade's sigh when he wiped his face with a towel after the christening ceremony. In this era, writing reports has become a normal part of life.

"Xia De, how high do you think the literacy rate is now? How many people can write their own names?"

This was the helpless rhetorical question of Priest Augustus.

In short, outsiders have verbal beliefs in this world. Although St. Byrons in the far north is equally powerful, it cannot influence Tobesk's detectives in life. But the Dawn Church is rooted in civilized society, and joining the church means that

Life will become more convenient.

As a thank you, after the baptism, Shade gave the commemorative coin with the warhead embedded in it to Bishop Owen. Of course, Bishop Owen was not stingy and took out a stack of books from the bookshelf and gave them to him. They were all religious classics.

Now that Shade has become a believer, there is nothing he can do without these things.

In addition, Shade also got a small bottle filled with transparent liquid. When Bishop Owen handed this thing to Shade, even the August priest on the side was surprised:

"Holy Water No. 3?"

Even though the entire bottle of liquid in your hand is most likely diluted, its value is definitely not less than 100 pounds.

"Yes, Mr. Hamilton. This is a specialty of the church, a magical liquid that can heal injuries. I know you were injured, but you have to attend a banquet on Sunday night, so take this back and sprinkle it on the wound.


The old bishop winked at Shade:

"Gods really exist, and the church is not as simple as you think... You will not regret today's decision."

He made several gestures on his chest, and then silently prayed to the gods.

Shade nodded and looked at Priest August:

"Priest, I remember that Dawn Church accepts donations, right?"

"Yes, part of the donated money is used for church maintenance, and part is used directly to help the poor."

Shade has not forgotten what he said at noon yesterday:

"Okay then, I want to donate...10 pounds."

In any case, in an era where mystery and steam coexist, there is no harm in becoming a believer in the Righteous God. Sometimes, Shade would also imagine that if he had not met Dr. Schneider at first, but was recruited by the church, then in this strange world

Life in the world will probably be completely different from what it is now.

"But there is no if in this world..."

The church arranged for a carriage to take Shade back to Saint Teresa Square. Shade looked out the window. The sun was setting and the busy day was about to end.

"It's better to consider some more realistic issues."

He leaned lazily on the back of the seat.

【For example, what should I eat at night?】

Xia De was amused by her, but he shook his head:

"No, for example, what will the church's exorcist who comes to confirm the situation tomorrow morning find in Room 2 on the second floor?"

This chapter has been completed!
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