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Chapter 2057 Tsukiwan old friend

 Originally, Shade wanted to invade the house directly, but since the owner of the house was a vampire with rules, he thought it would be better to be polite.

After asking around, I found out that the autopsy room where the owner of the house, Mr. Ptolemy Albert, works is not at the Yuewan City Police Department or the hospital, but in Xiacheng District. It is generally used to deal with unclaimed cases in Xiacheng District.

Bodies and bodies fished out of the Tatton River will also be inspected and dissected if the police department receives too many bodies at once.

Speaking of the vampire soothsayer, Shade immediately thought of Mr. Orlan Wilson, whom Mr. Bernhardt brought him to find during the Pantanal incident. The latter was accused of holding a relic in his hand.

Dagger, hunted by the Voodoo Order of the Pantanal.

When Mr. Bernhardt took Shad to see him, he met the "demonologist" Mr. Sean Asmon in the tavern where he was hiding.

The predictions made by the vampire soothsayers at that time are still fresh in Shade's memory -

"I saw the angel with white wings flying in the lake, I saw the squirming vine tentacles that were thousands of years ago returning to the material world, I saw the wise man holding a book in his hand, laughing and standing high on the lighthouse

, I also saw the crying female diviner with purple eyes, watching everything go to destruction. (Chapter 1085)"

Therefore, there are still some very capable fortune-tellers in the material world, but most of them are mentally abnormal.

A place like the autopsy room is not suitable to be placed in a very conspicuous place. After all, even if the coroner rents a house, he will be discriminated against and criticized by his neighbors. The place where Mr. Ptolemy Albert works is in Spider District, Xiacheng District, Yuewan City.

The end of the alley.

The street called "Alley" is not narrow at all. In the yard surrounded by wooden fences on the left, chickens raised by residents are running around, and on the right is a two-story wooden "Spider Hotel". This kind of thing is very suitable.

There are probably a lot of spiders in the slum hotel that Shade remembers.

Spider Alley is a dead end. At the end is a high wall formed due to the topography of the city. Above the high wall is an area for middle class activities. The entrance to the high wall at the end, which is similar to the entrance to the water pipe, is the entrance to the autopsy room. The entrance

There are stone walls like corridors everywhere, and there is not even a sign hanging on it. If Shade hadn't asked around all the way, he probably wouldn't have thought that you could go inside here.

There is an iron fence blocking the entrance to the stone corridor, but although the fence is closed, it is not locked. Standing here, Shade can rely on his developed sense of smell to smell the special smell of corpses and preservatives deep in the corridor, and uses "blood"

A small amount of dried blood can also be seen in the echo.

There were no guards guarding him, so Shade didn't know how to get in. He just wanted to talk to the vampire coroner to confirm whether he was a diviner, so it seemed rude to rush in.

"Are the guards in a place like this so negligent? Or are the citizens of Yuewan simple and honest, and there are no thieves who steal corpses?"

Reaching out to push open the fence door, Shade did not cast a spell to sense the internal terrain, nor did he use the "Heart of Stone" to sense the heartbeat. Instead, he stood there politely and asked deep into the corridor lit by gas lights:

"Is Mr. Ptolemy Albert here?"

The special environment caused the sound to produce an echo effect, but at least Shade could guarantee that if there was someone inside, they would be able to hear it.

Not long after, footsteps were heard. Before Shade could see clearly what the black-haired man in a brown robe looked like, he could already see the small bloody bat symbol floating above his head.

"It seems you have found the wrong person."

The burqa is to prevent contamination with unclean things while working. The standard equipment also includes boots, goggles and gloves. The vampire with messy black hair is of medium build. He looks about forty years old and has a swollen chin.

He has a beard, but he looks smart and capable.

He came to the fence and looked at Shade doubtfully:

"I am Ptolemy Albert. Sir, who are you?"

Probably because he saw Shad's appearance as a Drarian, he deliberately used the Drarian language that he was not very proficient in.

"Good morning, Mr. Albert."

Shade greeted in Kassenric. After the other party nodded hesitantly, he smiled warmly and said:

"You can call me John Watson, a writer who traveled in the Old World. I want to ask you for advice on something. Can we go inside and talk?"

The latter hesitated for a moment:

"Yes, but you can't enter the autopsy room."

He led Shade downhill for a while toward the corridor deep enough for a carriage to enter, and then came to the intersection in the sewer pipe, but the left side and the front were completely blocked. So after turning the right-angled corner, he continued towards the intersection.

Inside, after dozens of steps, there are three iron doors on the left, right and front. On the doors are hung incense sticks to dispel odors. On the wall next to the door are some retractable iron beds and metal pipes, and there are five or six pots on the ground.

Flowers that appear wilted because they are not exposed to sunlight all year round.

They stopped between the three doors, and Shade also explained his purpose:

"I'm really sorry to bother you. I know you are a magician. Oh, please don't be so surprised. I know my visit is very unexpected, but I came here because I saw the mark on your door."

This man with about five or six rings frowned and looked at Shade again:

"But Mr. Watson, you don't look like a vampire."

He was right. Although Shade had defeated the Vampire God and absorbed the vampire Earl's divinity, he was still not a vampire:

"I have a vampire friend. I don't mean to disturb him, I just want to inquire about some things."

As he spoke, he took out his wallet:

"I am sincere in paying for information."

Mr. Albert shook his head:

"Since you know that symbol, although I don't trust you, I won't ask for your money. Just ask directly and leave immediately after asking. We will pretend that we have never met each other. But I still want to say, you are like this

It's really rude to do that, especially coming to see me where I work."

Shade didn't insist either:

"Are you a soothsayer?"

"Of course not. I'm good at alchemy and potions. Although I'm interested in divination, I don't have the talent. Otherwise, if I get a registered fortune teller license, I might be able to earn a few kronor by being affiliated with the Seer Association."

There are a total of six exams for a registered fortune teller, and you need to pass all of them within five years to get the qualification certificate. Once you pass and get the qualification certificate, no matter where you are from, you can find a job in the three major thaumaturgy academies or the Five Gods Church.

Come on, Luvia still has to take the "Registered Fortune Teller License" in this summer exam, but if she passes the exam this time, she should be able to get the license.

"Not a fortune teller. So do you know if there is a hermit fortune teller in the lower city centered on Herring Street?"

"What a strange question."

The man in the burqa still shook his head:

"Even if I did, I can't tell you casually. After all, I don't know who you are, and I don't know whether you are good or bad. You don't want to use my identity as a threat to force me to answer your questions, do you?"

"Of course not. I'm a good person. So can you tell me how to contact the black market in this city? I just came to the local area and I am not very familiar with the local situation."

"You are really a strange person. Who told you how to identify vampires?"

"I can't say that either. Who is that gentleman from Huntington?"

Shade suddenly looked at the deepest iron door facing the corridor. Just now, he felt that there seemed to be someone behind the door, but the other person did not interrupt the conversation, and Shade didn't care. But when he mentioned "Huntington City", the door

Then the man's breathing suddenly became heavier.

"There is my friend behind the door. You just interrupted our meeting."

Mr. Albert moved a step and blocked the door:

"Let's go outside to the Spider Hotel and continue talking. This is not a good place to talk."

He didn't want to expose his friend's identity. Shade nodded, but just as he was about to turn around, he hesitated and said to the closed iron door:

"Fort Midhill?"

After two seconds of hesitation, the door was pushed open from the inside. A yellow-haired gentleman wearing a black formal suit with a small bat mark floating above his head looked outside in great surprise:

"Mr. John Watson! I felt that the voice was very familiar just now. It is indeed you! I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Shade also smiled:

"Viscount Armand Bernhard! We said goodbye last winter in Huntingdon. We haven't seen each other for half a year, right?"

What appeared in front of him was the friend he met during his adventure in Middle Castle. In fact, Shade had seen the soul of this vampire in his "past life" not long ago. But seeing the real person again this time was equivalent to meeting him in a strange city.

My friends from the past were really pleasantly surprised.

The two shook hands enthusiastically. The seven-ringed vampire seemed not to have changed much after half a year. The Moon Bay area is thousands of miles away from Huntington City, and even more so from Fort Midhill, which is close to the east coast.

Across the entire Old Continent, he, like Shade, was very happy to meet friends unexpectedly:

"I really didn't expect to see you here! Come on, let me introduce you. Ptolemy, don't be so nervous. This is the great friend I mentioned last year. John Watson

, a writer traveling in the Old World.”

Shade smiled and nodded to the coroner:

"Please allow me to apologize to you again. It was really presumptuous to visit you so hastily."

The coroner was visibly relieved:

"Hello, Armand's friend, you really scared me just now."

Mr. Bernhardt then continued:

"Mr. Watson, this Mr. Ptolemy Albert is my local friend. We have been friends for almost thirty years. He has lived in Yuewan City all year round and is very familiar with the local situation."

With Mr. Bernhardt as the matchmaker, Shade and the vampire also lowered their guard.

So Mr. Bernhardt suggested that the three of them go to the Spider Hotel next door for a drink together. However, Mr. Albert wanted to tidy up the autopsy room and lock the door, so he asked Shade and Mr. Bernhardt to go first.

This chapter has been completed!
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