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Chapter 2108 Letter from the Plague Area

Although she was dissatisfied, in the end Agelina obediently carried little Mia and went downstairs. As for the cat not complaining, of course it was because it knew that if it didn't go downstairs, it would probably sleep in the closet.


Sometimes Shade also wonders whether No. 6, Saint Teresa Square, is like a bigger wardrobe for little Mia. But cats don’t like real wardrobes, but they like “home” wardrobes. This is really strange.

He expressed his doubts to the two princesses at the breakfast table on Wednesday morning. Lesia, who looked radiant, said casually:

"The home has a larger area, so little Mia can run and jump and bask in the sun. Of course, the home is better."

Agelina, who was holding the milk and didn't seem to like drinking it, said:

"The wardrobe is forced to choose, and the home is chosen by little Mia herself. People always like the things they choose, even if in fact they are not much different from the choices they are forced to make."

After she finished speaking, she keenly noticed that Shad, Lesia, and even the cat lying next to Shad who had just been licking the goat's milk were looking at her. She blinked:

"Well what's wrong?"

"Agelina, I just didn't expect you to say such things. Sometimes I feel that I have been looking down on you, or that you have been pretending to be innocent in front of everyone."

Lesia said while spreading jam on the bread. Agelina pouted and seemed a little unhappy, so Lesia said casually:

"But it doesn't matter what happens, you will always be my sister. Sometimes it's better for you to be more mature. Sooner or later you have to face the world by yourself. Neither mother nor I can stay with you forever."

Agelina's angry expression immediately disappeared, and she lowered her head as she ate her meal, seemingly a little sad. Therefore, she did not see Lesia turn her head and wink at Shade, looking very proud of herself.

Shade suspected that Lecia was using a very novel "mind control method" on his sister. Faced with Shade's suspicion, the red-haired princess threatened him "viciously":

"Don't make random guesses. I'm very good to Agelina. Shade, if you say that again, you don't want Carina to know that you praised my collarbone on the bed as being more beautiful and beautiful than hers."

Isn’t it delicious?”

After breakfast, the two princesses could not stay at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square for long. Lecia kissed Shade goodbye in the foyer downstairs, and encouraged Shade to kiss Agelina's forehead to say goodbye. Shade again

It feels like Lesia is using a very special method to discipline her sister.

The next time we meet will be this Saturday. Last week, Dorothy gave Shad a very lively moonlight "Mermaid Playing" lesson in the lake on Green Island. This week, it's Lesia's turn.

Know what she will do.

After seeing off the princess, Shade reminded himself not to think too much about the "Mermaid" and closed the door when he saw the young postman in charge of the delivery work in Saint Teresa Square rushing over:

"Mr. Hamilton, you happen to be at home, and here is your letter!"

He said breathlessly and handed the letter from Miss Gothe to Shade.

"Thank you, you don't have to run in such a hurry. Why did you deliver it at this time?"

As he spoke, he turned around and took some change from the cookie box with the key in the shoe cabinet and handed it to him as a tip. The young postman with a nose like a strawberry refused to take it, but finally collected it at Shade's request.

The Saint Teresa Square and Silver Cross Avenue area is a priority delivery area in the city, so the postman's delivery time should be around 6:30 to 7:00, but now it is 8:00 in the morning.

"This letter is sent from the plague area on the east coast. You also know what is going on there. Recently, the Kingdom's health department and the Tobesk City Hall have issued new regulations. All packages and mail sent from the plague area will

Additional inspection and disinfection must be carried out before delivery, so it is a little late.”

He patted the green satchel he was carrying across his body. There were many letters in it:

"Mr. Hamilton, if you have any letters sent from that area recently, their delivery should also be delayed. I won't tell you, but I have other letters to send here. I wish you a happy day."

"I also wish you good luck in your work. Oh, do you have any requirements for sending letters from Tobesk to plague areas?"

"That's not the case."

The young postman waved goodbye to Shade as he spoke, and then hurriedly ran to the other end of Saint Teresa Square.


A gentle cat meow came from behind his feet. When he turned his head, he saw little Mia looking up at him from behind the door frame. Her big amber eyes were clearly asking Shade why he didn't close the door and go home.


"Mia, your master, Miss Gothe, still doesn't know what's going on. It's really worrying."

He bent down and picked up the cat, which probably didn't know anything. While looking at the Saint Teresa Square in the early morning that was getting busier under the steps, he was thinking about the lady in the distance who had never been masked before.

Today is the second day of the Thunder Moon, and Miss Gothe's letter is enclosed with 10 gold pounds as usual. I don't know whether it is because the family town is facing a huge crisis, but this time the letter only has one page of stationery, which is obviously shorter than the previous one.


After the usual greetings at the beginning, Miss Gothe admitted that the situation in the town was quite bad. The spread of the plague had affected a large area on the east coast centered on Astra, the "City of the Rising Sun". In order to prevent it, it had

The plague that had been initially controlled spread again within the town, and entry and exit to the town is still under control.

In her last letter, she related the plague to the courtyard used by her family for pleasure, but now she has determined that the two have nothing to do with each other. It’s just that the courtyard also hides secrets. She sent a message in the past month.

After exploring with multiple teams of adventurers who paid money to recruit, the priests who helped in the town, and the townspeople who were willing to travel, it is said that they found some clues and traces related to the rumored "vampire".

At the end of the letter, Miss Gold also admitted that her family must be hiding some huge secrets. The strange ancient ruins outside the town, the bay full of luminous corals, the wilderness infested by bandits, the hidden beast caves in the ancient sewers,

Coupled with the courtyard that is being explored and the farm that has not yet undergone large-scale renovations, everything is weird.

She persuaded Shade not to take little Mia to visit this summer, and her words showed that she was quite worried about the safety of Shade and little Mia.

After reading the letter, Shade stood in front of the study window with his hands behind his back for a long time before writing a reply to Miss Gold. Various things are happening all over the world now, and no one can escape from this.

After writing a reply to Miss Gauthe, Shade did not forget to apply to the college to purchase the ritual materials for "Adele's Principle of Regression" through the poem manuscript pages. The price of the materials was directly informed to Shade, 98 pounds 7

Although the price of pennies is not cheap, considering the high-end level of the ceremony, the price is acceptable to today’s outsiders:

"The materials will be delivered tonight, which is really fast. I thought I would have to collect them myself."

In addition to the two letters, before leaving home this morning, Shade did not forget about the newly obtained [Disaster Card·Sand Worm] yesterday. This card can of course be used to convert "Professor Drake"

, the price is still accelerating the arrival of the doomsday.

And if you use the method taught by Sister Devlin, use the original fire to suppress the power of disaster, and only use part of the card's ability, you can use this card to use the "Earth Magic".

The effect of this spell allows the user to swim forward in the mud and sand. When he used the key yesterday, Professor Drake from the "Phase 1" had already demonstrated it for him. But the spell also requires

It is land that is thick enough to hold its own volume, so places like floors will definitely not work.

"But it doesn't seem to be of much use. [Raglai's Jump] and [Red Butterfly Incarnation] are both more convenient than this, but if combined with [Powerful Spatial Perception], they seem to have a good effect."

Because he had to deal with the above things, it was already half past nine in the morning when Shade brought the [Source of Chaos] and the "Water of Moonlight" to Belindle Manor in Yuewan City. I don't know if it was the Countess or the Water of Moonlight.

Miss Matilda arranged in advance for someone to greet him at the entrance of the manor, and then Shade saw the blond maid waiting for him at the entrance of the mansion.

"Please come with me. The lady has woken up, but she is still in the bedroom."

Miss Matilda took Shade upstairs and described Miss Belindel's current situation as she went up the stairs.

Shade's treatment last night was very good. The witch got up in the middle of the night, ate a midnight snack and washed up, then fell asleep again. Although she woke up this morning with a slight fever, the problem was not serious.

The potion formula left by Shade before leaving last night has been prepared into a semi-finished product. Next, it can be used by adding a small amount of "Moonlight Water". Therefore, before entering the witch's bedroom, the maid in charge of potion preparation

After taking away the materials that Shade brought, and when Miss Matilda took Shade into the bedroom, Miss Belindel was sitting on the bed reading a book.

The curtains around the four-poster bed hid her appearance. After receiving permission, the maid opened the curtains on the side facing the door, revealing the witch in pajamas.

"good morning."

She greeted Shade tiredly. Her hair was loose and not tied up, but she no longer looked as shy as when she was leaning on the bed alone last night.

"Good morning, Miss Belindle, I'll check first."

Shade then sat down and stretched out his hand to her. The witch then turned her back to Shade and took the initiative to take off part of her clothes to expose her white shoulders. During this period, Miss Matilda brought someone with a dining cart to use the "surgery"

After receiving the things, he left the room and left it to Shade and his master.

Although the operation was as simple as "implanting the relic into the body", it still took a whole morning to perform. Of course, Shade had no surgical experience. The main time spent was to prevent the relic from having an impact on the human body, and combined with the magic potion

and security for the ceremony.

Miss Adele Isabella said that this treatment method came from the "Truth Society", and the fusion of relics and human bodies was a project they had carried out. Shade didn't know whether the great witch of fate had come into contact with the Truth Society. The whole "

She remained awake during the operation, but did not have much conversation with Shade. She would only respond softly when Shade asked her to drink the potion or bite the towel to endure the pain.

Although the process is relatively complicated, fortunately this "treatment" was quite successful. The witch's special physique and the effect of the recovery potion did not even leave any traces on Miss Belindel's skin. Wait until the "surgery"

After the last step is completed, the smooth and white shoulders still look charming. If you don't touch it with your hands, even Shade himself won't be able to feel the yellow orb under his skin:

"Although the Truth Society's research is cruel, it is not without its merits. What am I thinking?"

Seeing Sha De staring blankly at his shoulders, the witch who exposed her shoulders didn't say anything. When Sha De came back from thinking about this "surgery", he happened to look into those golden eyes.


At that moment, those eyes that seemed to be electrified made the foreigner who had been busy all morning feel his scalp numb and his heart beating wildly.

PS: It’s the end of the month again, please vote!

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