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Chapter 2144 An unexpected gain

Chapter 2145 An unexpected gain

The Marchioness covered her face as she told her cousin's story:

"I sent people to ask around and found out that she disappeared a week after her husband's funeral, which was also the night of the full moon. I was worried about her safety, but I didn't know who to ask for help. God, why is this fate

Is it going to happen to us? Is Marika okay now? What did you do to her?"

"She is fine, but needs to rest."

Shade said with a cold face, continuing to maintain his "cold-blooded and cruel" character setting, while Miss Belindel explained with concern:

"This gentleman met her when he was helping me investigate outside the city. They had a fight, so he had a bad attitude. But don't worry, your cousin is fine now. If you want, you can follow me later.

Go see her."


The Marquise's mood became more stable. Although Ms. Malika Frost was a werewolf, she really regarded her as a relative.

However, although the female werewolf's relatives were found and her identity was known, the clues regarding the investigation of the dragon scales in the ancient tree were interrupted. While the witch was still thinking of a solution, Xia De suddenly stretched his hand to the side.

The soft starlight fell in the study room with the curtains drawn, and the eyes of both ladies were attracted by the starlight.

In the starlight was an illusory three-story low bookshelf. Shade casually took out the book with the color of translucent starlight. After opening it, he placed it in front of the Marquise:

"Do you know this person?"

The book showed the appearance of the evil spirit controlling the werewolf in the cave at the bottom of the tree. The Marquise was startled by the ugly and terrifying appearance of the evil spirit, but after taking a closer look, she immediately nodded:

"Although it doesn't look like it, I should have seen his portrait. The man Marika married, Jason Watson, was once wealthy in his ancestors, and there are some old-time portraits hanging in his house. This terrible thing

, is very similar to Jason Watson’s grandfather, but I’m not sure whether it’s really him.”

Shade smiled and looked at the witch who also had a surprised expression. In this way, it makes sense that the werewolf was controlled by the tree. The female werewolf's husband's grandfather had a wraith a long time ago, and

It is attached to the ancient tree in the Whispering Hills and survives to this day. After the death of his descendants, the resentful spirit that could not leave the tree too far came into contact with the werewolf who broke into the forest on a full moon night through some unknown method. Maybe it was

Illusion, maybe another skill, but the resentful spirit in the tree relied on the connection between the two parties to finally let the werewolf come to the cave under the tree and control her.

"What did Watson's grandfather do?"

Shade asked, and the Marquise recalled it before saying uncertainly:

"When I am the manager of a forest farm run by the Wood family, when I am most trusted, I can even be called Wood who is not Wood."

"How did he die?"

"have no idea."

"So is there anyone else in the Watson family?"

"No more. Marika's husband Jason Watson is the last descendant. Because I can't find any relatives, I still keep everything in Marika's family. Oh, my poor cousin, why does this fate have to happen to me?

On us?"

She began to sob again, and this time she could not stop, no matter how much Miss Belinder tried to comfort her.

The helpless witch had no choice but to say:

"I promise not to report you or tell anyone else about this."

"But you will keep threatening me with this and make me do this and that."

The tearful woman said again, and Bella Belindel nodded matter-of-factly:

"Yes, I will keep threatening you with this matter, so I will not report you."

The Marchioness of Ankara stopped crying after receiving the promise:

"I have all the belongings of Marika's family. You can investigate anything you want. I will help you persuade Marika to tell everything. She has always trusted me. And, and, Bella, you

Can you do something for me? Since you know the Ring Warlock, I happened to encounter something strange here, can you help me?"

"Why did you ask me to do something?"

The lady with the fat-red birthmark between her eyebrows smiled, but still nodded:

"No problem. Although this gentleman is ruthless, he is definitely good at getting things done. But in this way, if anything is really investigated, you will have to pay the fee. The Marquis of Ankara is responsible for managing the Kingdom's navy stationed in Moon Bay. I have some

I want to ask for advice after what happened."

The woman just hesitated for a moment and then nodded:


This is not a reward for Shade's investigation at all, but a reward for helping her conceal her bloodline. It's just that everyone tacitly agrees and won't say it out loud.

After getting the result she was satisfied with, Miss Belindel apologized softly:

"We were a little too rash just now, didn't we scare you? Please accept my apology, are you going to touch up your makeup? If you go back to the salon like this, they will think I bullied you."

"If you want to apologize"

The noble lady suddenly raised her head, looked at the countess with wide eyes, and grabbed her right hand with both hands:

"Can you give me the fabric you brought? I only want the black one! I can tell you the contents of the confidential document on my husband's desk, and, you know, His Majesty personally received him before he came to this place.

Do you want him to monitor the affairs of the seven major local families? Give me two, black and flesh-colored, and I will tell you both. I want a finished product of this quality on your body!"

Shade covered his mouth and leaned back slightly on the sofa, not wanting to understand the next conversation.

Outsiders are not very able to understand the thoughts of noble ladies, and sometimes they are not very able to understand the struggle and cooperation of nobles. Now it seems that the Marquise's control will fall into the hands of the Belindel family for the rest of her life. The demands she is making at this moment,

Is it a sign of strengthening cooperation, or is it because we really want those fabrics?

The next investigation needs to be conducted by Shade alone. After all, Shade is the only one who admits that he is a ring warlock.

The specific matter is not very complicated. The manor where the salon is held is one of the residences of the Marquis family in Yuewan. However, since the end of winter this year, the family has frequently felt the house shaking slightly while sleeping at night. At first, they thought it was an earthquake, but

There was no news about the earthquake in the Yuewan area, so I thought it was an illusion, but most people in the entire manor could feel the house shaking.

But the tremor was very slight, and it only lasted for a few dozen seconds, so it was not a big deal. The Marquis himself only thought that there was a structural problem during the construction of the house, so he specially asked someone to come to check, but no problem was found. So.

In order to feel at ease, the family moved to other manors in the city and only used this place as a place to hold banquets.

Facts also proved that nothing happened after that. Even after summer, the servants who stayed at the manor never felt that strange tremor at night. Originally, this incident just passed away, until today, Shade, the "ring warlock" appeared,

Only then did the Marquise wonder if this might be related to supernatural powers.

Since the ground is shaking, it is natural to investigate underground. The manor does have a lot of underground space. For example, the kitchen and dining room where the servants eat are underground. In addition, there are cellars and warehouses that are not connected to each other.

The witch really wanted to use her divination to directly help Shade find the answer, but after Shade left under the leadership of the servant, she never found the time to touch her divination card.

Soon, the servant came back in a hurry:

"The gentleman said, ma'am, you'd better go down and have a look for yourself."

The Marquise of Ankara nodded:

"Bella, come with me to the study. The servants found the book you wanted."

She went downstairs with Miss Belindle, and the two walked through the corridor to the kitchen on the first floor, and then went through the stairs to the vegetable cellar below the kitchen.

The space here is not even as big as the kitchen on the ground. Because it is summer and there is no need as much as winter, there is not much food stored in the vegetable cellar. At this moment, the wall on the east side seems to have been blown open by a huge force, and the scattered bricks and stones are paved.

There was a place where the two ladies covered their mouths and noses. Behind the wall, you could see a passage winding downwards, but the Marquise herself didn't know that there was other space underneath her manor.

Of course she and the countess would not risk entering such a dangerous place, and Shade also bent down and walked out of the hole at this time. He had taken off his expensive coat because he was worried about getting dirty, and the two sleeves of his white shirt

Rolled up, revealing strong and powerful arms.

In order to keep it secret, only the two personal maids of the Marchioness knew what was going on here, so he did not hide it:

"Just now I sensed that there was a space behind here, so I knocked the wall open. Don't worry, it's not very deep below. This passage is directly connected to the sewer of Yuewan City. Madam, did you build this house?"

"No, this house has a history of hundreds of years. It originally belonged to the Wright family, and later it changed many owners."

"It's probably a secret escape tunnel dug by an unknown owner."

He patted his hair:

"Find someone to seal this place later, or you can stay here as a secret escape route. The end of the sewer has been locked by a fence door. If you are not worried, just find some more steel pipes and completely weld the door shut, so that it can be seen from the outside.

Can't get in."

"What's the reason for the vibration?"

Miss Belindel asked, her eyes and those of the Marchioness of Ankara beside her flashed across Shade's strong arms.

Shade did not tell the truth. After all, some things are not suitable for ordinary people to hear:

"I don't know, but I found some blood stains that had dried up for a long time outside the fence gate at the end. If I guessed correctly, someone should have done something in the nearby sewer in the spring, which caused this problem connected to the pipe.

There is something unusual about this house. But now that the other party has left, if you are really worried, go to the church and ask the church to check it out."

This was only part of the truth. In fact, what he saw was a place very similar to the underground prison or underground laboratory in the memory of "Herman Wood". However, this place had been evacuated, and it seemed that at least

It was completely abandoned in the summer. Although there are no clues to be investigated through here, Shade at least knows that the secret biological experiments of the [Dragon Feast Order] in the local area are definitely not from their discovery that the local area may be related to the chosen one.

Just started.

[Dragon Feast Cult] has long been conducting illegal experiments in this port city connected to the New World, and the egg they created now that is suspected of hatching a "vampire monster" is the final result of their experiment.


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