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Chapter 2176 Farewell Cat

After listening to the story of the black cat, Mr. Shade and Mr. Bernhardt didn't speak for a long time. The outsider didn't understand why the animals in this world either didn't speak, but once they spoke, they always left such a deep impression on him.


"Then why didn't you go then?"

Mr. Bernhard asked softly under the sunset, and the cat answered naturally:

"Because I haven't said goodbye to little Janet yet! I was going to stay with her all the time, but now I have to go find my mother. Of course I have to tell her, otherwise she will be sad."

Then he licked his hair again:

"You are very good and capable human beings. Without you, it would probably take a long time for me to wait until little Janet leaves before I can see her. Don't worry, I will see little Janet later. You want to know

I'll tell you everything."

Mr. Bernhard looked at Schad again, and Schad could see that he was also in a bad mood by the story.

As the evening approached, the black fog that originally shrouded the sky dissipated, allowing people to see the increasingly charming sunset. The black cat licking its fur kept standing on Shade's shoulder, telling Shade and Mr. Bernhardt

The stories it shared with "Little Janet" during its lifetime. But at a certain moment, it stopped, grabbed Shade's shoulders, jumped up and looked towards the east side of the street, and then exclaimed:

"Oh, it's little Janet!"

After saying that, he jumped down from Shade's shoulder. Neither Shade nor Mr. Bernhardt chased it, but ordered:

"Don't scare her!"

At this time, walking from the east side of the street was a middle-aged woman holding a paper bag and followed by two children. She looked almost forty years old, looked tired, and was still coughing while walking.

.The two children behind him, the older one looks to be fifteen or sixteen years old, and the younger one looks to be eight or nine years old.

The jumping black cat ran over, but it was the two children who discovered it first. They excitedly pulled on their mother's sleeves and said something. Then the middle-aged woman who seemed to be in poor health also took the cat from her arms.

Looking forward from behind the paper bag, she saw the black cat already squatting only ten steps away from them, wagging its tail and looking at her.

The scene of sunset is always so beautiful. The dusk sunlight shines on the Moon Bay, causing the woman's shadow to be drawn diagonally towards the flowers on the side of the street. The black cat has no shadow, but squats there obediently, raising its head to meet the once familiar figure.

The girls looked at each other, and the woman opened her mouth, then froze on the spot.

Shade and Mr. Bernhardt, who were still relying on illusions to hide themselves, stood in front of someone's small garden fence and watched the woman react in panic and let her two children take the paper bag in her hand.

Go home first. After the children left, she covered her mouth and looked at the cat. Then she squatted down with red eyes and clapped her hands to the black cat, and tightly held the cat that happily jumped into her arms.

Hold on.

The cat seemed very comfortable, curling up in its owner's arms and narrowing its eyes.

"I didn't expect that more than 20 years later, that lady still knew that cat."

Shade sighed.

"So the cat's description of its past life was not an exaggeration. When it was alive, it really lived a fairy-tale-like childhood with the little girl."

Mr. Bernhard looked at the scene of the cat and its owner reuniting from a distance, his eyes flickering in the sunset, and Shade didn't know what he was thinking.

"Mr. Watson, to be honest, I was worried just now about what would happen if the lady didn't know the black cat and the black cat completely turned into an irrational monster. This kind of place is not suitable for a fight. But fortunately

None of this happened, there are still some beautiful things and beautiful stories in this world. You know, I started to like this world again."

The two of them watched the woman cry and stand up with the cat in her arms. The black cat had its eyes closed and a peaceful expression. It must have been a long time ago when the woman was just "little Janet".

When the black cats were just "black cats", they got along with each other like this.

"Have you noticed that the woman's physical condition is not right?"

Mr. Bernhardt suddenly said to Shade again, Shade did not have the ability to diagnose patients from a distance:

"I could only hear that her heartbeat was abnormally fast, but maybe it was because of excitement."

"No, her body temperature is on the high side, and she obviously almost fell when she stood up from a squatting position."

The vampire closed his eyes as if sensing something:

"Yes, she has a heart disease and a blood disease. In other words, she is terminally ill and may not survive this winter."

Both of them were silent for a while:

"Natural disease?"

"I think so. The life, old age, illness and death of ordinary people are always like this. It is a kind of comfort that the black cat can come to see her at this time. Wait, what is it going to do!?"

Only white light spots that can be seen by ring magicians escape from the black cat's body. Mr. Bernhardt almost rushes out to stop the cat's actions, but is stopped by Shade. He has experienced this scene before, but at that time

The white light rain on the top of Mount Sikal is even more shocking than now:

"It's its own choice."

Those weak light points made the black cat's body become more and more transparent, and when the light points penetrated into the woman's body, the woman obviously felt a different feeling than before. She was a little surprised, but at this time the cat came out of her arms

Jumped back to the ground quickly.

Still squatting ten steps away from her, watching her under the sunset. When the woman wanted to step forward and pick it up again, the cat stood up on all fours and spoke:

"Goodbye, little Janet! Take good care of your cubs and make them as happy as you were before you grew up."

After saying that, she shook her tail and ran towards the distance of the street. In a few breaths, she disappeared completely like melting into the sunset. The woman covered her mouth and looked at the empty street with red eyes, then squatted down and covered her face and cried.


The two children who had just gone home first ran over immediately, and behind her, a man holding more paper bags also came over in confusion, and then put down what he was holding in surprise to comfort his wife.

"Let's go."

Shade withdrew his gaze from the family of four, bent down to pick up the weak cat that could barely open its eyes, and left with Mr. Bernhardt. The ghost cat, which had spent too much strength, completely passed out.

, when I opened my eyes again, I was already facing the sea with two men in front of the pier, looking at the seascape under the sunset.

"You, you are all very good human beings."

It struggled to stand up from Shade's arms. Its weak appearance was completely different from the energetic look it had when it first appeared in the sewer a few hours ago:

"Little Janet lived a very happy life, and she lived well without me. Finally, I finally said goodbye, and I am going to see my mother."

It struggled to run up to Shade's shoulder, rubbed the side of its face against him, and gave a weak "meow~" sound.

Mr. Bernhard looked at it worriedly. Shade also wanted it to rest again, but the cat still said with difficulty:

"I know what you want to know.

The bad guys and monsters that were originally in the sewers have moved to the sewers further away, which is a place I can't reach. They are using a very strange scale to create monsters that scare me. But

What you saw today were just defective ones. The most powerful one got into a woman's body and escaped. It is really powerful. Kind-hearted humans, you should be careful."

Although the ghost cannot breathe, the weak cat still gasps for air. The light of the setting sun completely penetrates its body at this moment. Even though it was originally extremely powerful, it has reached its true end at this moment:

"I actually don't know much. Some of them were able to see me. Fortunately, fortunately, I am more familiar with the sewer environment. I, I once saw them discussing something that is said to be left by women from a very ancient era.

sentence. I know this is important, well-meaning humans, you may like this sentence: The dragon is not important, what is important is justice, and he who draws the sword will also be righteous."

This sentence, which seemed to be a "fragment of a poem," was paraphrased by the black cat, which immediately triggered more thoughts in Shade. After the black cat said this, it seemed that he had exhausted all his energy.

Turning his back to the pier and looking towards the sea, the sun was half-sinking on the distant horizon. The black cat's body was becoming transparent. The originally extremely powerful wraith had finally reached its destination because it wasted its soul power to heal its former owner.

At the end of the living world.

It lay in Shade's arms, and the cat, stranger, and vampire all looked at the half-sunken sun.

Before disappearing, the cat was still mumbling:

"In the end, I still didn't see my mother coming to pick me up."

Shade's breathing rate suddenly changed. He bent down and placed the black cat next to Mr. Bernhardt on the trestle. Then, with the vampire and the cat looking confused, he jumped off the trestle and stepped on the trestle with his feet.

On the sea.

It was still a busy time at the dock under the setting sun. Shade had not activated the illusion, but no one was looking here yet. Mr. Bernhardt and the cat didn't know what Shade wanted to do, so they just watched him walk along the sea.

After ten steps, he stopped, turned his back to the half-dark sun, looked at them, and then opened his arms.

In the horrified gaze of Mr. Bernhardt, a dark crack in the void appeared in front of Shade out of thin air. The instinct of the living creature made him take a step back, while the instinct of the dead made the weak cat move forward two steps.

Step by step, we came to the edge of the trestle.

The cracks expanded, revealing a silent beach and a calm black water surface, and at the end of the black water surface was a huge silver moon half-sunk on the water.

Somehow, the scene behind the crack seemed to resonate with the reality of the caster. Although he was clearly afraid of the scene behind the crack, Mr. Bernhardt was instinctively attracted to it.

Then, the crack seemed to be expanding, but also seemed to be shrinking. The calm black water was overlapping with the real sea surface, and the half-sunken silver moon seemed to be integrated with the half-sunken sun in reality.

PS: Additional update 4/5.

This chapter has been completed!
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