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Chapter two hundred and twenty second dance

"The question now is, when do we take action?"

Miss Bayas got to the point. In this bright lounge, just a few dozen minutes of planning and arrangement had already formed a preliminary action strategy.

Before tonight, none of them could have imagined that things would go so smoothly, but the three of them have their own specialties, and they are regular ring warlocks trained by churches and colleges. Although the silver-eyed man has nine rings, he is from an illegal organization.

And the injuries were serious. Although the sum of the levels of the three of them is equal to the level of the silver-eyed man after being injured, for the battle between ring warlocks, just looking at the levels is far from enough.

"The sooner the better, [Blood Spirit School] has sent an eighth-level and a ninth-level magician to help [Mercury Blood], and they will arrive probably next weekend. Therefore, we must take action within a week.


Shade provided another key piece of information. The information about the [Blood Spirit School] was heard from Miss Carina when they were at Yodel Palace on Wednesday.

"It is best before Thursday. The church decides to launch an operation on Thursday night to eradicate the cultists who believe in the evil god [Lord of Blood Feast]. The team will be led by the thirteen-ring warlock 'Sunshine Sword'. After that, [Mercury"

[blood] will also be more vigilant.”

Miss Bayas also provided the information she had.

"Why don't we do some divination again?"

Miss Bayas said, twisting the last blood money, but Miss Anat shook her head:

"I just listened to the news, which can be used for divination. But if you want to deliberately use fate to spy on the best future, I am afraid it will put yourself in a more dangerous situation."

The dean of the School of Astronomy once divined similar things for Shade, but it only provided a vague outline of the future. If he wanted to use divination to determine the exact future, Shade was worried that the three of them would encounter the Heart Collector and Wednesday.

The suffering and misfortune that Shade suffered after his foolish "manipulation of fate".

So he approved of Miss Annette's caution.

"Moreover, the last blood money must be left behind to find other blood money... When does the church plan to take action on Thursday?"

Miss Anat asked.

"Thursday night, exact time and location unknown."

"Then we will take action on Thursday night and let the church involve more people. It is the weekend and we have half a week to prepare, but don't involve unnecessary people in this matter. The three of us know all the contents.


This is to keep the affairs of the "chosen ones" secret.

Shade also agreed to operate at night, after all, he could still use illusions at night.

Miss Anat continued the arrangement:

"Miss Bayas, in the past half week, you should try your best to find out the church's plan of action. After the church launches its action, the people of [Mercury Blood] will definitely go to support those cultists, and we can take this opportunity to enter the ruins.


"no problem."

Miss Bayas nodded, and Miss Anat reminded:

"To become a true chosen one, you yourself must understand the meaning of [balance]. There is no hard numerical indicator for understanding. You need to think about how you can interpret this concept. This is something that Xia and I

Even Germany can't help you, please work hard on your own."

The young sorceress was a little worried, but compared to the eyes she was about to sacrifice, this was nothing worth mentioning, so she nodded:

"I see."

Miss Anat pointed to herself again:

"I will use the next four days to explore as much as possible the entrance to the ruins, that is, the situation near the printing factory, to ensure that there will not be too many surprises. As for you, Shade..."

Purple eyes looked at Sha De, as if thinking about what should be arranged for him, but Sha De had already planned:

"Miss Anat, I will probably go on a long trip."

"Where to go?"

"I don't know, maybe it's far away, maybe it's very close, but there's a high probability that there will be great gains."

This answer made Miss Anat frown, but Shade was willing to believe in Miss Danister's divination, especially after her divination, Shade encountered something that required more power:

"Don't worry, no matter what, I will be back before Thursday."

As he said that, he took out the folded Secret Keeper-level relic [Witch's Carbon Paper] from his pocket and handed it to Miss Bayas:

"We can't keep this, Miss Bayas. I want to copy the thaumaturgy 'Sunshine Sword'. Can you help?"

That is the powerful thaumaturgy that the thirteen-ring warlocks of the Church are famous for. Originally, I was still choosing between [Sunshine Great Sword] and time and space thaumaturgy. Now it is time to make a decision.

"No problem, it's easy."

The seventeen-year-old girl immediately agreed:

"When I was training in the Holy See, I had a good relationship with Mr. Hog Rendell. It's no trouble to find an excuse to let him demonstrate thaumaturgy."

In this way, once similar thaumaturgy is obtained from the "Sunshine Great Sword", Shade's "Blade of Disarrayed Time" can also be used.


Miss Anat looked at the young detective and the sorceress of the church. The former frowned as if she was thinking deeply about something, while the latter had a serious expression, realizing that half a week would determine the fate of her life.

"The action will take place on Thursday night, so we will meet at Shade's house on Wednesday night to discuss the final plan."

"No problem, I will bring the carbon paper to the detective when the time comes."

"It's okay with me, I hope everything is safe."

As he spoke, he looked out the window. The heavy curtains were drawn indoors, and outside was the quiet night of the Pearl of the North. On this seemingly ordinary night, Shade understood that perhaps the decisions made by the three of them would affect the next few days.

Ten years or even hundreds of years of history.

[Outlander, you have finally been involved in the epic of the Sixth Age.]

"Now that we are here, no one can escape. Instead of being passively involved, if you actively participate, you will probably have more initiative."

With a smile on his lips, he watched Miss Bayas and Miss Anat talking quietly for a while about getting the bell.

After Miss Bayas learned that the female diviner was going to give her a very powerful [relic], her face turned slightly red and she was a little embarrassed.

[You don’t seem nervous about what will happen in four days.]

"My companions all have their own strengths. We even divined the possible troubles we might encounter in advance and were able to prepare four days in advance. In this case, those with silver eyes need to be nervous."

[So if the most dangerous moment comes, will you use that drop of divinity? 】

Shade smiled and didn't answer.

He leaned back on the sofa relaxedly, and he could hear the melodious and soothing dance music coming from the banquet hall outside. It seemed that the dance party had begun.

Shade could hear it, and of course the two ladies could hear it. Miss Bayas, who was talking to Miss Anat, glanced at Shade and suddenly asked:

"Would anyone like to go dancing with me?"

She asked both of them at the same time.

"Who are you inviting?"

Miss Anat asked.

"Since it's so hard to attend such a banquet, it would be a shame not to dance."

Only then did the seventeen-year-old girl show the attitude of her age.

She stood up and looked at Shade and Miss Anat, her eyes flickering and her face slightly red:

"Let's go dance together. I've wanted to try dancing at such a high-level banquet for a long time. Let's just relax before the big event on Thursday."

"But I can't dance."

Shade said a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter. I can dance and we can teach you. Iluna is right. Now that we have come to the banquet, how can we do it without dancing?"

Miss Anat stood up as she spoke, and handed the last blood money on the table to Shade, asking him to keep it:

"It's also nice to relax before the final battle."

She straightened her skirt, which was wrinkled from sitting for a long time, and Miss Bayas tied up her long brown hair with the hair tie on her wrist.

Shade could only stand up. He was very worried that he would step on the girls' feet soon. He said again with some hesitation:

"I really can't dance. That's not modesty, it's that I don't know how to dance at all."

"It doesn't matter, I will. Oh, detective, the girls invited you to dance, but your current attitude is not good."

Miss Bayas said with a slightly reproachful tone, then turned around in a circle, making the hem of her skirt rotate like an open flower.

After turning around, she looked at Shade with a blushing face, and Miss Anat reminded:

"But we can only dance in the corner for a while. After all, you are the protagonist tonight. We don't want to be noticed, so..."

The female fortune teller adjusted her expression, smiled and asked in an opera-like tone:

"Knight Hamilton of Rejed, would you like to invite the two girls in front of you who sneaked into this party to dance?"

Miss Bayas covered her mouth and chuckled. The room seemed to be enveloped in a strange halo at this moment. The two ladies under the light were so shy and charming.

【You should now...】

She reminded with a chuckle.

"There's no need to remind you of this. I'm not my old friend with a slow personality."

Shade knew what he should do now. He raised his chest and raised his head, and then said in a pretentious tone:

"Yes, beautiful ladies... it is my pleasure."

He laughed himself, and then held out his hand to the girls.

It was probably strange to ask two beautiful girls to dance at the same time, but they had no other option.

The two girls did not hold his hand, but smiled and patted him respectively, and then walked out of the room side by side, seemingly going to the bathroom to touch up their makeup.

Shade slowly followed him out of the room, and then touched the small box containing the "Order of Honorary Knight of Delrayon" in his pocket. A month ago, he walked out of St. Teresa Square for the first time in a panic.

On the 6th, I never imagined that this day would come:

"I knew that life would get better day by day."

【Will it be better in the future?】

"Then it depends on myself."

He also walked out of the room. The dance was about to start. There were many people in the bright corridor leading to the bathroom. Everyone knew Shade and greeted him politely, and Shade responded one by one.

No matter what stories will happen in the following days, at least tonight at this knighthood banquet, the young foreigner will have a good time.

Of course, it would have been better if he hadn't stepped on Miss Bayas twice and Miss Anat once.

This chapter has been completed!
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