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Chapter 2254 Shade’s “disease” and murder trap

Although Shade and Priest August didn't know how Mr. Taylor got on the stage, it was obvious that he failed to convince everyone downstairs. Amidst the cheers and laughter of the audience, people from the side of the stage rushed up.

Three men - the king and two dwarves - tried to drag the hunter apprentice down.

The four people almost struggled together, and young Vincent Taylor was actually able to say loudly even when one against three:

"We don't want war, our only wish is peace, but the damn South Koreans don't deserve our pity. The ugly nature of the Kasonrik people is making them try to unify the world through force, and I, oh, don't catch me


The cries of pain, vulgar cheers and the laughter of the audience were mixed together, coupled with the costumes of the four people struggling, making this scene extremely funny. People didn't seem to care too much about it.

The speech has not yet been recited, and most people obviously think that this interesting farce alone is worth the price of admission.

After all, there are operas every day, but the scene where the king and the dwarves beat up the hunter's entourage is probably only this one.

Vincent Taylor was eventually dragged off the stage, and then Lady Marian, who hurried downstairs, came on stage in person to apologize for the farce.

But most of the people who came here to watch the show were acquaintances, so everyone said that the performance just now was very interesting, and it would be better if they could come back once or twice every now and then.

So the play was performed as normal, with a substitute actor replacing Vincent Taylor in the role that was actually not important.

As for Vincent Taylor himself, in order to prevent him from jumping on the stage again, the people of the troupe pulled him into a small two-story house backstage. Shade and the priest August volunteered to guard him, that is, to talk to him.

The place where the three met was still by the window on the second floor. After the people from the troupe left, Vincent Taylor, who seemed to be about the same age as the stranger, straightened his collar a little arrogantly, and then

He raised his head slightly and looked at Shade and Priest August.

Vincent Taylor is not very tall, at least not as tall as Shade and the August priest who claims to have become shorter because of his age. He has messy brown-black hair and a face covered with makeup.

Some freckles could still be seen on his face. Of course, all his makeup had been smeared in the scuffle just now, so looking at that arrogant face, Shade had to try hard not to laugh.

"I'm curious about what image we have in your eyes."

Priest Augustus asked with a smile and a very kind voice. Probably the best actor in the Jasmine Opera Company could not perform such a professional "grandpa" image.

The young man then said:

"You look like a poor librarian or a church clergyman. You have a happy family, children and grandchildren, and your usual job is very leisurely. So you think that because you are older, you know more truths than young people, so you like it very much.

Preaching to others, and getting a sense of satisfaction and pleasure from it, is the greatest pleasure in the few days left in your life, and you use it to fight against the uneasiness and fear of your own aging."

Shade glanced at Priest Augustus sideways and found that Priest Augustus still had a cheerful expression.

"As for you."

Vincent Taylor looked at Shade again, looked him up and down, and then continued to say unceremoniously:

"You rely on your good-looking face to hang out among a large group of girls, but refuse to give anyone an answer, so that you can take advantage of everyone at the same time. Your life must be smooth, and people will be attracted by your appearance.

You are more willing to help you, and you also think that you are the chosen one in your heart, and you are proud that most of your peers around you are not as good as you, that people younger than you are more naive than you, and that people older than you are

Because I have lived a few more years and taken advantage of society’s bad rules, I am better than you.”

Shade thought he had finished speaking, but he only paused before continuing:

"You may really have some abilities, but your abilities are not at all what you imagine. Occasionally you will think about the meaning of your life when you are alone, but you will soon indulge in sensuality again.

You are likely to suffer from kidney failure."

Shade covered his stomach, and then moved to the position of his kidneys amidst "her" laughter.

"And because of my irregular lifestyle, I suffer from insomnia and dreaminess, night sweats, and frequent wakings."

Shade covered his head again.

"And I bet you have a deep-seated mental illness that involves loneliness and self-doubt, and"

"OK OK."

Priest August interrupted him with a smile, preventing Shade from getting more diseases in vain:

"I am Rat Augustus, and you are right, I am a priest of the church."

"I'm a detective. And I don't have kidney failure."

Shade said simply, shook hands with the other party, and confirmed that there was indeed a whisper element entangled in the other party's soul and body.

"Oh, I forgot to ask, do you two want anything from me?"

Vincent Taylor asked curiously:

"Are you here to listen to me talk about the international situation? But this is not a good place to talk. Let's talk somewhere else. How about the Three Cats Hotel? Let's have a drink together."

The priest is still smiling:

"We're going somewhere else, sure, but it can't be the Three Cats Inn. I mean, would you mind coming north out of the city with us? There are MI6 spies everywhere in the city, and you know, the royal family always thinks people are going to rebel,

So spies are placed everywhere to eavesdrop on what people say. The city is not safe at all. Even if you complain a few words in the toilet, the king may find out. I think the Three Cats Hotel may be MI6 in the city.

Let’s go outside the city, I know a good place.”

The young man strongly agreed with what the priest said:

"That's it!"

Shade looked at the priest without saying anything, and the priest put his hand into his pocket again:

"Of course, we won't let you waste your time in vain. There is compensation here. In fact, we have many like-minded people who want to listen to your speech."

He took out a few 1 pound notes and stuffed them into Vincent Taylor's pocket. The latter raised his head:

"Of course, I know that there will definitely be people who support me. In such a big kingdom, there must be many people who share my views and can see current events as clearly as I do. I couldn't find them before, just because they were worried about being persecuted by the kingdom.

And hid."

With that said, he motioned to Shade and Priest August to go downstairs and leave with him.

The priest then walked in front, Shade at the end, leaving Vincent Taylor in the middle.

【You seem a little unhappy.】

"She" asked softly when they were going down the stairs. Shade said softly "Hmm" and waited until they said goodbye to Mrs. Marian and came to the street to find a carriage before continuing in his heart:

"Dr. Schneider's psychotherapy seems to have failed to completely cure the priest's problem."

For safety reasons, taxis in the city will not drive outside the city except for the route to the noble manor in the south of the city. This is especially true for the carriages in the slums in the north of the city. Therefore, the three of them got off the carriage at the edge of the city and then entered the dependence.

In the small villages outside the city, along the crooked roads, passing through the densely packed low shacks and double-storey simple houses on the outskirts of the city, you continue to move forward while stepping on the mud and smelling various weird smells.

The country dogs raised by the villagers barked at them from a distance, and the hens that made clucking sounds were in groups looking for food on the ground in the yards by the roadside. The children who ran wildly would subconsciously

Avoiding these strangers, the country woman washing clothes in the yard watched them warily.

Unlike the bad weather in Moon Bay, the weather in Tobesk on Saturday morning was not bad. Vincent Taylor originally thought that their destination was this small village, and those waiting for his speech were probably in a country tavern.

However, Priest August, who was leading the way, kept moving forward. They did not stop until the three of them passed through the village and reached the woods outside the village.

Shade was very familiar with this place. He continued walking north along the forest path, and soon he could see the cemetery where Mr. Copps was.

But Vincent Taylor didn't know this place, and no matter how stupid and confident he was, he realized something was wrong at this moment:

"Old sir, what do you mean?"

He also stopped, turned slightly and looked behind him, and saw Sha De with his head lowered, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Priest Augustus turned around in the forest, the smile on his face gradually faded, and he looked at him:

"The curse of prejudice is too deep."

"What prejudice?"

There was a forced smile on the young man's face. If only the old man in front of him, who looked old and frail, was there, he would still have the confidence to turn around and run away. But the tall detective who didn't speak much along the way was obviously not

What he can deal with, especially since the opponent is not suffering from kidney failure as imagined:

"If you don't agree with my point of view, we can actually talk about it. There is no need to do such a thing."

He took a few steps back and spoke out his thoughts:

"I think there are some things that I see very clearly. If you don't think so, you can tell me what you think. Violence is not advisable, and I am a poor man. You will get nothing by trying to kill me."

Priest August said seriously:

"Most of the conflicts between people come from the prejudices of human beings. One person can never understand another person. Once two people get along for a long time, contradictions and conflicts will inevitably occur. This is the weakness of human nature and the essence of life.

The flaws of living creatures. And contradictions and conflicts come from misunderstandings, and misunderstandings come from prejudice. I'm sorry, Mr. Taylor, the prejudice has been rooted in your heart, and I can't save you."

PS: I wish everyone a happy New Year! The new year has begun again. "", which was published in 2021, has entered its fourth year. This year, the author will complete the update with high quality and quantity, and continue to write the story of Xia De.

Two updates in the morning, asking for votes at the beginning of the month, now it’s still double!

This chapter has been completed!
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